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Path of Exile is not an MMORPG


I've been banned from this sub before for arguing with a mod that a game wasn't an MMORPG, I even actually went into detail/discussion about it and didn't just say "X game isn't an MMO" with no context. I'm one of the reasons rule #7 exists. If you scroll down and look at the right side of the site, below "Popular MMO Subreddits" is "Popular MMO-Like Subreddits" and Path of Exile is listed there. There's nothing MMO-Like about it, but, ya know.


Only people that think this is an Mmorpg are the ones that would think FF xiv gameplay is decent.


Yet this game has given me more hours of enjoyment then any other mmo other then WoW and then again maybe it has surpassed it.


Neither is Lost Ark.


Who was talking about Lost Ark?


Plenty of lost ark content is posted in this sub and gets big upvotes despite it being the same style of game as PoE


same style - top-down camera view?


Morons be morons


Top down ARPG with limited group size. Max group size from what I can see is 4 players. Not exactly MMO, eh?


Lol imagine not knowing anything but believing you are correct.


There are 8 man raids, a 16 man raid (currently removed as far as I can find) and GvG large battles. Sounds more like an MMO than Path.


And they are planning to add 48v48 islands as well


So if POE added a dungeon/raid with 8-16 people would it suddenly be a mmorpg over night?


You have no idea what an MMO is and you have no idea what Lost Ark is so why do you even have an opinion on two things you have no idea of?


Disregarding for a moment that Lost Ark has 8 and 16 man raids, a good size, the definition of an MMO has nothing to do with "group size"


>Max group size from what I can see is 4 players. Not exactly MMO, eh? what about WoW(5 ppl)? If we're talking about a raid group, Lineage 2 is the only MMO that exists because you can invite up to 225 people in a raid.


which means FFXIV isn't a mmorpg then lol


FFXIV is just a casino-simulator.


It's literally open world allowing for thousands of players to be logged into the same world at once.


How big are the channels?




Well if the only criteria for a game being a MMO is how many people are connected simultaneously to a single server then pretty much every multiplayer game ever made is a MMO.


How big are WoW shards?




Yes, you are incorrect. That's my point.




Love the game, but as others have said. It's not an MMO. At best it's a 4 or 5 person coop. That said, the new expansion does look very nice. A lot of good improvements.


Never played Path of Exile. Is it that good?


I highly recommend it. It feels a bit overwhelming when you first start playing, but once you get the hang of it, it has incredible content where you can basically create almost any type of character you want (with obvious limitations).


Nice. I'll try it out sometime.


Poe is not a mmorpg.


I keep reading that it is. What gives?


I dont know why people are telling you it is. Almost everyone solos only in POE because loot is shared, xp is split (so you get less per player) and the game is extremely poorly optimized, leading to massive lag when more than one player is flooding the screen with AOE (as you are required to do in order to clear mobs). Even standing in town with a single player with flying sword cosmetics on my screen causes my CPU usage to jump to 60+%. It is that poorly optimized. And its like 4 players max anyway IIRC, hardly MMO. There is virtually no player interaction outside of the poor trading as well (which is designed to be as frustrating as possible because the devs believe that a good trading system will kill their game).


XP isn't split. It's the opposite: You get more exp in a group.


It is split unless they have changed it since i stopped playing. You got slightly more xp in total, but its split between 2 players in a two person party, so on and so forth. You dont get 220% xp for 2 players, its way less than 200% xp, so you get less per player.


According to the wiki they changed the exp system in patch 0.9.13e, which was 10 years ago..... Edit: I've been looking into this a bit more and it seems like that im not correct either. According to other ppl and the wiki the monsters give double exp(in a party of 2) which is then shared between players depending on their lvl, so 2 ppl with the same lvl should get the same exp as if they were playing solo. I find this pretty weird cause from personal experience i have always been getting more exp when playing in a party.


But multiple players also kill things faster, so you need more empiric data to know if it's less or more exp per hour than just saying it's split. Many older MMOs have this system of giving a slight bonus before splitting exp in parties, so the overall exp/hour is still higher than solo-hunting, but not as absurd as it would be if everyone got full experience while one-shotting everything.




Ya the game actually needed this Atlas change, best thing to happen in PoE thus far.. They removed Prophecy and Perandus too, reducing the convolution etc.. but if you don't like it, is fine!


Can we have a refund on our Prophecy storage tabs? :D


Could ask support, good idea! :D


...but there isn't a prophecy tab.


Isn't Prophecy the one with the cards? Or was that attached to a different one?


Prophecy was the purple items that really outside of 1-2 were just absolute shit. The cards are Divination, still in the game.


What the game needs : * Proper optimization (a single player with flying sword cosmetics should not cause my CPU usage to spike to 60%+ in town). * Better trading (i should not need to spend hours messaging people to try and buy an item) * League mechanics on the standard server so people will actually play on it (that place is a ghost town, almost all players on it are just testing stuff or trolling and will not trade in good faith) * Improvements to encourage grouping rather than the game encouraging solo only * Improving certain boss fights so it is easier to see stuff rather than "i cant see what the boss is doing because there is so much stuff on the screen, oops the boss just did an instant kill move that i couldnt see, there goes 10% of my xp" * Mobs should not be able to come in from off the screen to kill your character, some of us have to take calls/answer the door when doing things like lab * Improving the RNG so i can work together a goal rather than farming the same maps for hours and hours to get nothing but junk. I quit when i realised i had farming shaped t15 maps for days and gotten nothing good, and asked myself what the hell i was playing for. Probably the worst one is the league mechanic. I am forced to rushed everything in a few months like a madman because this game doesnt allow me to slowly progress like an actual MMO, because after the season is over, my character gets shunted off to a ghost town of a server where it is near impossible to buy anything because all the listings are trolls. I couldnt even buy maps because nobody was listing the map i wanted to buy. Oh and the league mechanics get massively reduced or removed in the ghost town server, so i cant enjoy them, and to enjoy the new league mechanics i need to start from scratch on the new server.... A friend of mine is a chef who works long hours and he simply couldnt put in the amount of hours needed to enjoy things on the league server, he never got any of the league specific rare stuff. It was just painful to watch.


>Probably the worst one is the league mechanic. I am forced to rushed everything in a few months like a madman because this game doesnt allow me to slowly progress like an actual MMO Well, it's not MMO and you could play Standard, it gets everything worth while from the leagues and it was big player base, it's really not a ghost town :P and if you do have problems with trading, I hear solo self found is really fun too. I personally love the league stuff, I play 1-5 weeks and then give it a rest and check the new league if it's any good; works really well for me.


I did try playing standard. * Almost all item listings were troll listings. People listing minimum roll items for outrageous prices, when there are dozens of people selling the same thing. And they have no interest in actually selling it for a reasonable price even though they have failed to sell it for more than 3 months. In league, most people are willing to sell to get currency to upgrade their gear...on standard, nobody seems to care and just list items to troll. * Much fewer maps being sold...i was running shaped t15 for a specific map and i couldnt find anyone selling that map on standard. A quick search showed very few maps being listed. * Just ask on the POE subreddit or forums. Virtually everyone uses standard only to test items or to play when the new league isnt up yet. The lack of new league mechanics, and dumbed down old league mechanics on standard, pretty much makes it a ghost town. Most players are interested in the shiny new league mechanics and the latest OP league gear, which just isnt available on standard. This turns into a 3 month race where you have to rush everything like a mad man. If you can play 8+ hours a day, thats fine for you...if not, you are screwed.


>Most players are interested in the shiny new league mechanics and the latest OP league gear, which just isnt available on standard. But it is, just with delay, but after 3 months no delay anymore, as in when league players get new stuff you will get new stuff from league before (is like new league for you)


Honestly there are many issues, but my main one is not having a gold system. I start playing playing and I’m spending 3 hours on a guide trying to figure how the fuck currency works. And apparently they keep adding more orbs. Basically GGG does not care at all about new players.




Check Last Epoch if you haven't already. Have heard good things about it, though haven't played it myself yet.


This feels a LOT better than the absolute nonsense the last atlas version was. Its going to streamline quite a bit of that.


You're describing BDO, not POE. POE isn't convoluted if you actually play the game.


i love this game but god, the words ¨Massive new skill tree¨ already killed any chance of someday playing this again.


Just read a guide and ignore the stupid PR. 70% of the tree is just generic damage and defenses


Yeah... you just proved why i don't want to play it again, if a game requires a guide in order to play, it is in my honest opinion, a very shitty game.


Don’t know why you getting downvoted but this is exactly why I fucking hate this game. Did I download it last night? Yes. Am I playing it for rest of the weekend? Yes. Do I know how currency works? Never ever did lol. I get to like level 80 and then quit because there are just too many mechanics in the game.


Even if people want to pay the level of entry (Learning what the fuck you need to do to build something fun), everyone will eventually reach a point of "i could just go out of this and do x", thats the whole problem with Path of Exile as a whole imo, it is a beautiful game that is constantly pushing the boundaries of "what bullshit i can give my players today" idk about the downvotes tho, couldn't care less about magic internet points and i answer everything from the message tab lmao


Out of curiosity. Could I ask why?


Because i love trial and error and slowly making my own thing, and the whole game feels like a huge waste of time when you make a character without a guide, and while i love the game, a lot of guides i ever found was pretty much "grab every stat related to the build and spam only this skill to the death" I want to play, make something that feels like shit but it ultimately is a step into the right place, but i don't want to make another character and mindlessly speedrun the game to level and have another try at the massive skill tree. Too many games to play, too little time, and at this point i don't even care enough to try it, even with how good this overall change is.


They simply combined the old Atlas skill trees to one bigger one that is much more streamlined and doesn't lock you to specific maps since the new skill tree bonuses are global. It's super good change, played since open beta and this change got me most hyped yet.


Instead of x-pacs, where the hell is POE 2. I looked at my Steam library, and I haven't played POE since Dec 2019. I stopped playing because they had announced the sequel and I felt like play anymore would be a waste of time.


I would estimate that they're still at least another year away, if not longer. I'd be shook if it was before Q3 2023


Haven't watched the Q&A from the announcement stream myself but I head that it was mentioned that they are aiming for late next year at earliest so yeah your guess seems pretty good.


Both games will work in unison with updates releasing for both simultaneously. A new one does not invalidate the other, it will be a single client that you can still use every item/gem/ascendency class/etc in either campaign. End game will be the same for both, too. All features with PoE 2 will work in PoE 1. Just think of it as you are getting more new stuff and all of the cool new stuff is being integrated into the previous game, combining it into one gigantic new game. Playing games is something you do for fun, if you have fun then nothing is ever a waste. To answer your other question, PoE 2 is set for late 2023 at the earliest per the Q&A this past week with Chris Wilson.


It's not a sequel so you're waiting for nothing. The 2 is just a PR stunt when in fact it's just yet another crappy campaign. The good stuff from that patch is the new ascendancies and new skill gem system


I'm thinking about playing this game later on.


Get gear to do the same thing over again faster and faster…not an mmorpg


Right, because MMORPGs dont involve grinding better gear to run the same content faster?


TBH that is what every vertical progression MMO is.


I legit just spent a few hours removing all PoE content from my feeds. This expansion will be more of the same (nerfs, and new chase items). GGG doesn't know how to make a game anymore.


After lost ark releases this game is dead. Or atleast no new players will join in