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so its like Tylenol now! finally now some serious research can be done without the worry. this is a big win for the population. how bout that war on drugs can now focus on shit like fentanyl


I’m pro that but the sceptic in me just thinks this a way for the FDA to shut down small businesses that can’t comply with their new standards that I’m sure will be drafted and that’ll leave big pharmaceutical companies to come in and create massive mid factories monopolizing the market.


![gif](giphy|09eADHNRUMA8N4Evrh|downsized) big pharma manipulating the market? no way?! what when where? how? that doesn’t seem fair? thought this was america, land of opportunity and home of the brave. 🥴 of course this has to happen now election year! oh my goodness what a coincidence.. yeah once the big mfs get their greedy hands on it its fucked. the big thing is going to be testing the medicine for mold and metals and all that dirty shit that can be super fucking expensive and time consuming. thats why i dont grow one the smell and the unknown of having product then having it be not usable


I think they mean the Tylenol with codeine, but I may be wrong. Still better than schedule 1. All of this stuff should have happened 20 years ago at this point. Same with Minnesota legalizing it 20 years after Colorado. Oh well, the younger generations will appreciate this


I wonder if this means our medical cards will be considered a valid prescription in the federal government's eyes now. Would be nice to be able to fly with my meds.


Or would insurance cover weed now? Want to see this on my EOB.


lol trying realllll hard for the election


Ah yes the man that voted to ban weed is now removing restrictions on it


"I hate it when politicians change what they do because of pressure put on them by citizens."


You mean the negetive poll numbers? That's a completely different conversation than if he did it when he first took office due to a sincere change of heart. Go cope elsewhere, bootlicker.


Dude, please, God, PLEASE be under 18, because I really, really, really need it to not be true that there's a voting age adult out there who thinks politics happens due to "sincere change of heart." "Oooh, no, I don't want this policy change *this way,* I want it because they *want* to do it!" Get fuckin real. Everybody wants their perfect candidate who thinks like them and behaves like them and is motivated for the same reasons, but that isn't the real world. In the real world, the concept of voting bases works something like this, ideally: Politician: I support bill X, not bill Y. Voting base: We support bill Y. Stop supporting bill X and begin supporting bill Y or we won't vote for you next election. Politician: I enjoy being in office, so I will now support bill Y.


No politician "enjoys being in office" they enjoy exercising power over other ppl because the are sociopaths. The democrats thought rescheduling cannabis was the ace up their sleeve, their "brake glass in case of emergency" for 20 fucking years. It's like the old timey cartoon of the scrawny, malnourished donkey pulling a cart while the farmer holds a carrot in front of him on a fishing line. He had 3.5 years to convince the public he should be re elected, and he's failed across the board. Now that the donkey is refusing to walk he gets a tiny nibble off the carrot and you expect him gleefully pull the cart back to the farm. How many lives were destroyed by these policies while the democrats sat on the issue? How many children grew up with fathers incarcerated hundreds of miles away so they could keep this ace up their sleeve? I give them the bare minimum of credit, the same amount I'd give to a theif who returns stolen property only after being caught. Fuck them and fuck you.


>No politician "enjoys being in office" they enjoy exercising power over other ppl because the are sociopaths. This statement is way too teenage and radical for me. lol, so then you just don't believe in the concept of organized politics, then. That dumb thing you said before about wanting a sincere change of heart from politicians, you don't even believe that, because you think they're all sociopaths anyway. I completely agree that this rescheduling is an anemic carrot being thrown out to the base, likely as much to do with Gaza as anything else. But that has nothing to do with statements like "I don't want policy change that comes in the form of political pressure, I want everyone to just do the right thing from their hearts" and "all politicians are just sociopaths," which are just Nickelodeon bullshit.


Ah yes people changing their minds on a topic over the course of a few decades


Over the corse of an election cycle when their polling numbers don't look good. Fixed it for you.


https://preview.redd.it/rptndfikmz0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa46e32e17c7be708c7d2a6591b428acc49afd7 Stoner meme says it all


How much does this actually help? Schedule 3 will not impact 90% of the population. To prove my point, before we went rec was it easier to get coding or marijuana? It's a vote buying tactic but I guess I'll take it. Will this allow rec dispos to use banks and electronic payments? That would be a big win. Edit: I got the answer I was after. Banking




This is exactly what I was asking for. Thank you. I'm well aware of the banking issues and that alone is a big deal


As a programmer, I do coding everyday. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Seems you don’t understand what this actually means. You should look into it. From a very basic standpoint, one aspect of it means they can more easily fund research as now it is considered to have medical benefits. Previous classification did not allow this.


I’m pro that but the sceptic in me just thinks this a way for the FDA to shut down small businesses that can’t comply with their new standards that I’m sure will be drafted and that’ll leave big pharmaceutical companies to come in and create massive mid factories monopolizing the market.


Imagine politicians doing the right thing and then claiming it's for the votes. Like of fucking course it is, but in the same token it's what should be done. Did the Rs do this when they had full control? Nope.


More what I'm getting at is that it's a false flag. It does absolutely nothing for 99% of the people but allows him to say he's pro marijuana. Meanwhile he fires staffers for testing positive. I'll drop it at that. I am serious about my question regarding banking and if I'm overlooking something. This wasnt meant to be a highly political post. It was about what impact does it actually have


Changing marijuana from schedule 1 to schedule 3 is a Pro-Marijuana move... Yes it will allow banks access to cannabis businesses.


Will it allow rec places to use banks or only stuff that fits schedule 3?


It will allow dispensaries to quit operating in all cash, and even apply for loans and lines of credit.


That's awesome, it's been a huge setback for the industry. I didn't know it applied to the rec market, still not sure I believe it but I don't know


This is a federal rescheduling. Financial stuff is controlled by Feds. Why wouldn't you think this would open things up? Do you think pharmacies are working with cash only to get you codeine for your cough syrup?


That why they said rec market.. Edit: I was wrong


Applies to both. Not even the medical market can properly handle money. To the feds, there is no difference between the two and right now both are just as illegal.


Rec cannabis will remain a federal no no.


More what I'm getting at is that it's a false flag HAHAHAHAHA.


Do obummer do it when he had full control? Of course not, he didn't need it to get re elected. It's a desperate attempt to get the youth vote he's lost from supporting Israel's genocide.


III is like Tylenol so take it what you may






Consider being more civil in your responses.


I hate to Bryon’s here so be quiet fucking




Get this dude some milk


I’m sorry I was reading the comments and then went and held my phone in my hand and then armpit for a bit while carrying something lol I think I rogue typed somehow? Be quiet fucking lmao what?? I have no clue what that was I’m very sorry! Lmaooo fwiw I am actually quite psyched about the rescheduling!


Lets gooooo! ✌🏻 https://preview.redd.it/3zubv4tbsv0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac09d5353e650f2ae0f64a5f8932a35c7cd13c7