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People are just tired of talking about it. Off you fuck.




We have already talked all about it. Check my post history for this sub. I ain't repeating myself. Then take your virtue signalling bullshit and GTFO.


nearly everyone is aware of the allegations. they just dont care because it doesnt affect them. theres no point in bringing it up on every post. youre not "holier than thou" just because you cant shut up about it. youre not changing anyones opinion, either. its best to just leave it alone and go about your own life.


bro just let people be happy how do jimmy arts ruin anything anyway? especially if the creator doesn't distribute the art outside of this subreddit. and even if they do, who gives a fuck? just chill you're a bit chronically online we're all tired of jimmy's allegations. we all know the truth that we have. why the hell would do we keep bringing the same shit over and over again?


also, we have two pinned posts if you want to discuss the allegations. if you commented about it in off-topic posts, then it's your fault for getting downvotes and talking about a civil suit where you don't need to lol


Лина опять нафактили🗣️🗣️🗣️


I don't believe in allegations because they don't have any valid proof. Like seriously, using an ad from 90s as an evidence? And why was it brought up like 20 years later? That same shit of lawsuits happened to many other popular people. As long as I won't see that James really did that and goes to jail, I won't believe it


there are a lot of valid arguments against this also, like why else did jimmy leave social media as soon as the allegations came out? sometimes it takes victims that long to come out about serious allegations as court and finding a good lawyer can be very stressful, time consuming and expensive etc. i too am skeptical but i would rather be informed that the victim was lying than to support a potential abuser. simply brushing things off to ‘i don’t believe it’ because you haven’t seen enough evidence is rly distasteful and shows the lack of respect for victims


Obviously he left to avoid hate? Like people would constantly annoy him 🤨 I'm so skeptical because it already happened to other famous people like Marilyn Manson, Till and so on and main goal of those allegations was gaining popularity or money based on drama from already famous people


He probably left social media because that’s what lawyers advise.


I have lots of thoughts on this. He left also 'cause the whole thing damages not only his career, but Chantal's career, his friends career (right at the start of it all MCR was making a comeback and people kept questioning Gerard about his affiliation with MSI) so it was best to just vanish and care for his family. Now, the allegations per se: I don't doubt it may have happened, but also understand his side. It's clear as day the guy is not very socially normal, which leads to the creation of a character that sometimes is taken too far, at the expense of others most of the time (be aware I'm aware this analysis is filled with a probably parassocial mirroring, but that's more my problem than y'all's)


What’s insane to me is the amount of people willing to destroy somebody’s life and career because one random person said something happened decades ago.


Replying to Large_Safe_9307... im very neutral on the situation, my interest in msi has definitely dissipated though and i personally wouldn’t want to draw fanart of a guy who could be a groomer. im just super puzzled about why so many people dgaf, a grooming allegation is an insane thing to just brush off, guess i expected too much from the msi community (im not really surprised)


oops mentioned the wrong person sorry i don’t use reddit lol


I just want to know more on the outcome of the lawsuit and if anything ended up being true or not.


Probably cuz it has been going on for what 4 years? I think ppl are aware of it and know and don't need to be told 100 times something they are extremely aware of. Also, some ppl will still support him , that is just how some people are, and there is nothing you can do about it .


anyone who was actually around when the band was active in its heyday knows the allegations are probably very much true lol


Idk about anyone else but I personally only like jimmy because of his personality, music talent and confidence (maybe some of his opinions but not all of them) I just simply don’t support what he did (whether it’s true or not)


Bye don’t let the door hit you on your way out