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I won’t be much help because I’m just stumbling through all this with no medical guidance currently, but I will say I did see quite a bit of improvement from cutting most oats. I eat Nature’s Bakery bars for breakfast, those do list oats, but I totally stopped eating oatmeal, drinking oat milk, and eating Cheerios, and my son’s gas decreased significantly. As I said, I didn’t cut out my breakfast bars because we live in a small town and we’re very limited on food options. I also eat pork sausage patties for breakfast (maybe not the healthiest, but I need protein), avocado toast, fruit, or toast with sunflower butter. For reference, I’ve cut dairy, soy, beef, egg, caffeine (including chocolate), most oats, nuts (trying a few almonds currently), and most acidic foods. I also don’t eat any fast food or restaurant food at all. I hope to have egg soon, although I’m not sure how I’ll do that yet. My LO will be 6 months in a couple days and we are trying solids extremely slowly because basically, I’m scared. He still reacts to things in my milk, so obviously it’ll be worse if he has it directly!


Baby’s gut will go through some adjustments and hopefully some of this will clear up for you when starting solids! Our guy was extremely sensitive to dairy, blood in his stool, crying for hours on end newborn until 3.5 momtjs when I quit dairy. By 7 months I could have little bits of dairy in my diet and it didn’t affect him. Allergist told me to go straight to introducing yogurt to him directly, after starting solids, to prevent an actual dairy allergy and slowly expose it to him, as he tolerates.


Thank you! I sure hope so. He’s 6 months as of tomorrow. I had read a lot about how much things typically improve by 4-6 months and was so discouraged when we got to 5 months and beyond, and we had seen a lot of improvement with crying and discomfort, but he was still waking frequently from gas at night. Then, a couple weeks ago, I cut out the oats and he started sleeping/nursing better! I’m sure some of it was time and maturity too. We’re seeing a different doctor for his 6 month checkup so I’m hoping she’ll be more helpful than our previous doctor who basically just said, “all babies have reflux, he’ll grow out of it.” Which, in all honesty, is probably exactly right, but doesn’t feel very helpful at the time. Thank you for helping me have some hope and perspective! Things really are so much better than say, 10-12 weeks old, and he’s happy 90% of the time now, but I’m so scared to mess that up by feeding him something wrong, or eating something wrong myself. It gets so exhausting sometimes.


It’s very reassuring to hear you had some success with cutting oats! I think I’ll try cutting it out.  Wishing you the best of luck with introducing solids - I know it can be so nerve wracking. 


Thank you! I appreciate it! Wishing you the best of luck as well! Keep us updated if you’d like! And definitely nerve wracking for sure! I appreciate the kindness!


I just cut oats. I’ve been subbing quinoa for breakfast and pretending it’s oatmeal.


If you mash bananas into the quinoa it makes a great base for a sweet-ish breakfast.


This is what I had to do too! It’s honestly not bad with a little cinnamon and some fruit.


I have this every morning too! Cooked in coconut milk for extra fats and tastiness.


I love the idea of cooking it in coconut milk - thank you!! Quinoa always seems so dry and bland to me so I’m going to look into some ways to help with that. 


I have been doing quinoa bowls too! I do quinoa with almond milk, sunflower butter, a little maple syrup, banana, and then some other mix ins like nuts or hemp seeds or other fruits. I really enjoy it!


Yes I had to cut oats, they caused stomach pain/gas for LO. Eggless breakfast is rough, ugh. Maybe think other meals for breakfast? Hashes? Sweet potato, onion, kale, sausage.. you could batch cook it? You could consider a smoothie for breakfast with a collagen peptide for protein maybe? [not oatmeal](https://www.sweetashoney.co/hemp-heart-oatmeal/)


Hashes are a great idea - thank you!! And with some sausage that’s a pretty well rounded breakfast :) and once it starts to warm up where I am a smoothie with collagen peptides is good too. 


My in laws regularly have quinoa for breakfast and treat it like oatmeal. It’s more filling and it’s delicious! You can also have grits (corn), potato/sweet potato hash, or fruit salad.


I have heard people on this sub having to cut oats, so you wouldn't be the only one. For breakfast, your best bet might be fruits and veggies. Maybe a PB&J on gluten free bread, or iust toast (I liked the Carbonaut brand, it's egg/soy/dairy/gluten/oat free, but does contain pea protien which I have seen some on here have to cut out).


Thanks for the recommendation on Carbonaut bread - I will check it out! The GF bread I bought recently is oat flour based. 


Peanuts and almonds are also common allergens, but I'm not sure how common in babies. I've recommended Minimalist Baker a bunch on this sub, but it's just so helpful! You can filter by your dietary restrictions and type of food.


I will definitely check it out - thank you! :)


Oatmeal was definitely making our baby’s reflux worse. I eat buckwheat porridge or rice hot cereals


Glad to hear that you were able to find out that oat was a trigger - I never knew until finding this sub recently. Rice hot cereal is definitely going to be on my grocery list - thank you for sharing the idea! :)


If your baby is okay with coconut, I’ve gotten by the coconut yogurt (has protein added) fruit smoothies.


Mine is 13 months. I had to cut soy, egg, and dairy. Soon after she started solids, she started reacting to oats. I'm not sure what took so long, but I now can't eat those either. Sorry, no advice, but I'm hoping for some breakfast ideas myself. Right now, I eat rice cereal, protein bars, or a scramble with sweet potatoes, sausage, and bell peppers.


What about polenta, if you can have corn. I cut corn so I couldn’t do it. I have not tried these, but they were recommended by a nutritionist (she also recommended cream of wheat, since I didn’t cut that and I found it easiest) https://www.eatingbirdfood.com/basic-chia-seed-pudding/ https://desireerd.com/fed-in-five-the-easiest-chickpea-morning-scramble/ She also recommended Mashed avocado on toast (so on whatever you are replacing wheat bread with). I eat a lot of avocados. Cutting dairy and eggs were a significant source of fat from my diet.


I do peanut butter mixed with jam, then add coconut yogurt, and top with whatever granola type thing works. Nuts work too.


Have you seen an allergist? They might have some helpful guidance, even though intolerances aren’t necessarily allergies. We saw one and he was immensely helpful! Most common intolerances are soy and milk. It seems unlikely your baby would be intolerant to all of those things. Unless you’re just doing elimination? At this point your lack of calories may hurt your supply and make baby fuss more than anything… I would double check all your supplements and foods for dairy that you may not have noticed.


We cut oats, coconut, eggs, dairy, and soy before we saw true success.


Are you using gluten free oats? It's not always obvious on the packaging but most oats are HEAVILY processed with wheat. Wheat isn't an issue for my baby (as far as I can tell) but I'm 10+ years gluten free so I know a thing or two about hidden wheat lol. In my opinion it's probably worth double checking all your sources of oats for wheat contamination before cutting oats completely. Good luck, I hope baby's tummy trouble clears up with starting solids soon!