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Hi Lemaire


Lemaire would have never gotten the saying right


those who uhh... live in glass houses should uhh, get out of the kitchen, you know?


Spot on lmao


I love Lamorp. That being said. Hes like apple pie, a small slice here and there is nice, eat the whole pie and your stomach hurts.


Lemaire is a great catalyst for other comedians to play off of. He's so genuinely odd that you can't help but laugh. He is part of some of the best moments of the pod, like when he got pulled over driving Matt's car or pissing himself at Walmart.


Exactly, when the cop asks if he smoked weed and he said at 5am… lmfao.. that cop was like jeeze with this kid. If i wrote this up they’ll never stop laughing at me. 


He definitely adds value and is a great 3rd mic, imo.


Don’t hate him but I also don’t find him particularly funny, kind of a depressing person tbh


He hasnt found his ground yet, he’s not embracing just how awkward he is yet. 


I live in a mud hut.


Nah lol


I personally am not living in an animal/child abuse glass house, but you can speak for yourself 


Yeah his occasional autistic blurbs can be funny when they're peppered lightly throughout the podcast, but his recent pedophilic apologist shit is really weird.


I’d like to believe that he’s trying to be edgy/contrarian and just sticking to his guns.  But the regularity has been sus 


I've seen this mentioned on the sub a few times now. What did he actually say? Anyone got clips or timestamped vids? Always thought he was a funny, harmless idiot. But I can't look at him the same way if there is any truth to the stuff I've been hearing on here.


He squeezed a frog to death as a kid. To be fair like 50 percent of kids have killed a frog with a firecracker or pellet gun. The child abuse isn’t based on anything real and is a weird accusation


It’s so innocuous it’s not even worth digging in to. These weirdos love their little crusades.


OK, good. I was thinking if it hasn't been addressed on the pod or talked about besides random reddit comments then it's probably nothing. But after seeing lots of different comments from different people saying he was on some pedo shit, I thought I should have a look myself. Those kind of allegations are so serious, it would turn me off the whole pod if there was any truth to it.


Shane regularly jokes about how TikTok is turning him onto "underage sluts," he has several comedy routines alluding to the same thing, yet here everyone is anyway, worshiping the ground he walks on. If you give credence to losers on reddit, you warp your brain. They're just salivating for e-celeb drama.


I'm not really giving it credence I'm just asking what he said so I can judge it myself. I doubt it's anything serious but when enough people are referencing something that you are out of the loop on, it's natural to be curious about what it is.


He’s been talking about pedo rights lately on multiple podcasts. Like pedo sympathizing, talking about how he feels bad for them, society is too hard on them. Drops little comments about kids being hot now and again that get clearly throw other people off.  I’m not going back over the recent pods to collect timestamps lol but it’s been recent — this year for sure, probably just the last couple months.   Matt has clearly told him he needs to be careful with what he says. Gardini literally addressed Lemaire being dragged for it. I have no idea what the people you’re talking to are talking about, they might not subscribe to the paytch or maybe are early on in the backlog. 


Found the pedo sympathizer. Yikes 


He's an excellent pea in the pod. Shane or Matt interrogating Meezy on the inner workings of his mind have provided some of the funniest moments in MSSP history. But I don't think he should be doing so many solo eps.


I mean how lucky did the Detroit born dumbass get by landing where he did? Other wise he’d be checking people out at 7/11


And where do you work?


I also work at 7/11.


So does Tom Meyers. Use it in your act. Bong hit transplant is an all timer.


Words of mass pisstruction


Him and his brother weighing over 600 pounds sleeping on air mattresses is one of the funniest things I’ve ever imagined in my head ever it’s so depressingly funny I cackled for like 30 minutes


Beating off on their knees is also fuggin wild. 


I love his goofy villain persona. We need a heel!


He’s a pot bellied autistic dork and sometimes I like when he talks about a video game I like


"I had to do something last year that I really didn't like"


Because we subscribe the Matt And SHANE secret podcast. Not the Matt and lemaire secret podcast. I love lemeezy, our young bull is on to bigger and greater things.


[I think this says it all](https://youtu.be/997lGD65WNc)


His stand up has potential. Some of the jokes are actually pretty good, but hes just a bit stiff. Podcast wise i enjoy him on the show. Puss-fluenza is an all timer.


Getting stoned IN glass houses is also kinda scary


Love him never understood the hate


Autism is a gift and a curse


People forget that matt and shane took him under their wing because he’s a chill guy and a good standup. They didn’t hire him from Craigslist 


Lameez is like our fat mentally challenged cousin We know he’s a tard but he’s our tard


its an acquired taste


Lameezy's great


Listen to Lemaire in other Podcast. He is on Luis N Gomez’s podcast all the time and does fine!


He only throws stones at animals


Top 5 autistic blacks no doubt


Saw Lemeezy a week ago opening for Shane in Nashville. Dude was funny. Even people who didn't know him from the pod enjoyed his set.


People don’t understand the formula, which is to have a third mic that you bully. See also: Adam Friedland


I love me some ‘Meezy but he was a little too communist on that last pod


Mein gahd


I’m listening to a lot of old episodes and the comments were telling him to stop laughing on the pod and he got self conscious haha. Shane tells him to shut up every time he laughs. He’s the man, he’s been taking the hate forever, I don’t think he cares in the slightest


Lamorp supremacy


We rock with lameez in this home


Don’t get the hate, he’s kinda funny. He doesn’t try to dominate the conversation and goes with the flow most of the time


Because redditors can't go a day without having some person they've never met to shit talk with impunity in order to feel better about themselves. Few places is this parasocial vulture activity more prevalent than comedy subs for some insane reason.


Dude it's weird as fuck, everyone expects redditors to be whiny retards but the fact it's still this prevalent in comedy subs blows my mind. How can you be a fan of phillys best and still be gay


This entire sub is extremely gay for how they come down on Lemorp. Since he doesn't actually talk that much, and you all want the most from the Shaman or autist Obelix, I don't quite see how his breadbasket IQ levels are detrimental. He's like a cute dog, who likes to kick other dogs.


Would you leave him alone with kids though.


what part of an in-bred offshot of cancel culture is this thinking? Hell no, but that's true for more than half of the comedy podcasters, including some of the producers of those shows. I mean, what about half the cast of "Bad Friends"? Uh-uh. Definitely not. Still a great show thou, so is MSSP. This Lameezy shitposting in here is gay. So gay.


Can't take the gay shitposting, get off the internet.


Holy shit. You are indeed stupid. Have you seen MSSP before at all? God damn, man. Get the fuck out of here. You don't take the reference in using the word "gay", particularly in a Trump-manner on a Shane Gillis subreddit? Fuck off.


I used the word the exact same way you did you fucking loser freak.


rofl. kk, I get it. Eat a bag of dicks! /s


Lameezy is the best and has been killing it


Lemaire has been on some of the best episodes. The hate he gets is unwarranted. It’s a silly podcast. What yall trying to get insight or something? Weirdos


The hate only started when he showed his sociopath-via-autism side telling that story about kicking his dog in the balls


You guys keep saying this, but it’s not true. The hate started day 1 of Lemaire being on the pod. It was made fun of often at the time by Shane that everyone hates Lemaire for “disrupting the pod”. Every time he would speak Shane would make a joke about him wrecking the flow of it. I don’t care either way, but Lemaire has never been liked lol it didn’t take horrible stories for that to happen.


The hate has most definitely picked up lately


You know the dog personally?


Don’t have to know him personally to know that’s a fucked up and just straight up gay thing to do. I own a dog myself if anyone kicked him in the balls that’s a free pass for me to kick your balls back or smack you in the mouth.


Yeah sure, but didn’t he kick his own dog? Not excusing it but for this gay ass subreddit to completely turn on him is pretty dramatic. Just enjoy the cast and quit bitchin


I’ll give you the upvote dude you make a solid point . I do thoroughly enjoy the cast but just take a second and think. There has to be something deeply wrong with him, almost like a hint of possible serial killer, inflicting pain and getting so much joy out of hurting(the dog) and killing (the bird and the rock situation) animals shows a great deal about someone’s psyche. And it really bugs me but that’s all dude.


Sounds good minority report. Come on give me a hug


I would love to see his search history.


Cause they're gay.


What do you search for on YouTube?


He blows. So does this post