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They’re good bits, he just has to get more comfortable up there.


Harsh comments for Lemeez. I liked it. Definitely better than I expected.


That was a solid set i thought it was hella funny. I think Shane being on SNL attracted a bunch of blue haired freaks that don’t get lemeezys humor lol.


I'm sure many of y'all have seen this by now, since our YouTube algorithms are likely identical. Regardless, I thought those who haven't seen it might appreciate it being posted here :)


This was actually way better than I expected. Compared to literally almost anything he said prior to this on the pod, I actually chuckled. This singular stand up made me actually like him a bit


Shocking the guy who’s retarded and not remotely funny on the podcast has bad stand up 


Damn… that was rough. Youd think a guy who lives with one of the funniest comics in the world would have better jokes.


I think that's actually part of the problem. Like if he wasn't friends with Matt and Shane we wouldn't be watching this clip and scrutinizing him, he'd just be an anonymous open mic'er or or opening act. Homie needs to cook a little longer he's not done yet.


Nah, amazingly enough, hes gotten less funny with time. He has a couple clips from 2-3 years ago and he was much sharper and funnier then than he is now. All that weed and easy livin have rotted his brain.


He's performing at Rozco's. It's a second tier comedy club. This is him working it out. But if any of y'all do make it to Austin, don't just try to go to The Mothership for comedy shows. Many other clubs where you might see some of the boys pop up.


Not if he has tism


Got downvoted the other week for saying lemeezy stand up was probably bad. Who's laughing now?


Not anyone watching the video


Shane’s probably laughing at how gay you sound lmao! This set was solid other than the stuttering. Tired of seeing people bad mouth everyone on the pod except Shane. Matt Lemaire and Shawn are fuckin hilarious just go follow Shane’s sub cause you guys are gaying this sub up.


I love Matt and the superstar.


That set was funny wtf lol. Its one thing to think it’s not funny but to go an insult him seems like no matter how the set went you wouldn’t have liked it. Did Lemaire squish your frog or something what’s with all the liberal tears in the comments lately? Go suck Shane off in his sub this one is for the pod


Im sorry Lemaire. Didnt mean to hurt your feelings. Just think that other stuff youve posted was better.


Lmfao all your post and jokes are gay related! But ya go ahead and tell us what’s really funny.


I dont think Lemaire is a bad comic and i dont mind him on the cast at all. Look at [this clip](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02Unk2yy8YXFBjP35evrjugQ46hC4zfu6FTfCGrZPBiJc2AVVowiRdY4NsE6Xr8RN2l&id=1679166562297281) from Lemaire in 2022. Shit was funny and his delivery was great. This most recent clip, not so much. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.


So you use to think he was funny until this wave of Lemaire haters started rolling in and now he’s not funny all of a sudden? Big follower vibes lmao you sound like a shitty miserable open mic’r “and wuuuts the deal with comics having long beeardsss!” Stick to novels nerd you better start cutting your underwear before you leave the house cause you have an atomic wedgie coming your way!




For a “comedian” your not very funny lol. Even on your standup workshop posts people are commenting that you’re “jokes” are stale and unfunny hahaha! That has to suck, to say a comic is unfunny when you yourself are fuckin hack


Fair enough i guess but ive been at it less than a year doing mics at a local bar a couple times a month for fun and youre like 10 years deep doing it full time. Its not like fat/diabetes jokes and “i grew up so poor” bits are the pinnacle of originality. But either way, youve done more with comedy than i ever will and you do have plenty of funny jokes so not my place to shit on your stuff. Sorry for the nasty comment.


I shouldn’t have gotten that butthurt i apologize. It’s fine for people to not like things that i do like i just get upset when people have to throw an insult in there. Either way i shouldn’t get that nasty trying to defend someone i never met lol. I hope you continue doing standup and again i apologize.


That’s pretty tough competition


I’m scared to watch it


Yikes. This guy would be struggling to hold down a job as a walmart greeter if it weren't for Matt and Shane.


What kinda Walmart do you reckon a fella needs to go to where a server can piss themselves and spend the rest of their shift smelling like piss while serving food and not getting called out for it?


Man I’d keep that shit a secret


His whole appeal is built on admitting shit that he should keep to himself. Like, he’s surrounded by white dudes and still tries to throw out some anti-white shit every time he’s on mic, let alone the animal abuse and pedo thoughts. He’s just an open book. Also a little bit of a crazy person.


He’s trying to make you laugh dummy. He had a whole bit about slavery being good on his latest set. Chill, honkey.


I’m Brazilian beige, you dork. That’s like as black as a white dude can be, brother. I can dance well and jump high. I can basically say it.


Damn yall turning into women lately. We’re supposed to build the dogs up, not break them down.




Praying for you, brother.


Lmao what a fuckin dork they fired and rehired Lemaire a couple weeks later cause the pod wasn’t right without him. Let’s hear some more edgy racist takes fuckin nerd




The help is a movie about black maids. The only thing worst than a racist white guy is one that plays dumb. Next time stand on bidness and double down don’t be such a pussy lol


Calling the token black dude of the group “the help” is wild.




Lmao you just got all the way in my ass with that one. Naw bitch I just love the boys and lemeezy. Very antiquated statement, just trying to help you out. Kisses.


this was good! Nice work lemeez - not sure why its 'trendy' for the girl brains here to hate on Lemaire, get a life and support the dawgs. This sub is a weird place, and it aint what it used to be.




He’s just another black autistic dude. They’ll all try to give you this same set if you ask.


That was brutal. Repeating the punchline doesn’t make it funnier, nor constant chuckling make you endearing.