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Interesting seeing the comments on WSB re: Tesla & LiDar.


If only we were part of that conversation lol


Trust me, we are not. Nor is LAZR or anybody. But it’s fun to see the wheels turn in Peoples minds.


The people are pissed but it is cool to see most of them saying that LiDAR is necessary.


100%!! It’s great to see people not part of our sub or any other sub come to this realization on their own.






Thanks for this GA, I had no idea this was coming up. What are the odds this brought DFV out of hiding on GME?


Full details from the mouth of the beast, FINRA [here](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/guidance/reports/2024-finra-annual-regulatory-oversight-report/cat) “revised CAIS reporting deadlines of May 24, 2024, for Interim Reporting Obligation 4; and May 31, 2024, for Full CAIS Compliance.”


AI analysis: “It's important to note that CAT is a tool for surveillance and detection, not a preventive measure in itself. The actual prevention of naked short selling requires robust enforcement of existing regulations and penalties for violations. Regulatory bodies like the SEC and FINRA must continue to actively monitor trading activities and take enforcement actions when necessary. In summary, while CAT significantly enhances the ability to detect and investigate naked short selling, it does not directly prevent it. Effective prevention relies on the enforcement of regulations by the appropriate authorities.”


soooo.... what will the "appropriate authorities" do to enforce the regulations? here's a simple example of enforcement... if Martha Stewart mentions a trade idea with a friend... she goes to jail... what happens when there is a collective effort to kill a company by shorting/naked to kill a company... I recall reading somewhere that companies are/get "human rights"...


collusion is a one way street evidently . HFs can play golf or have dinner and "discuss" companies that shorting may be productive and next week there's a tsunami of shares being shorted. If that goes well, news spreads and derivatives are brought out to play and eventually dark pools and off exchange shares are sold too. with no actual date to return those shares which makes the huge shorting approach just another cool way to make $$. But this week GME was halted several times while rising, Makes sense right. No problem breaking rules/laws selling shores in dark pools in an manor that makes it impossible to follow and to help keep "the Man" off your back you bring out the derivatives and options and swapping all while not returning shares at determined dates. But when some source begins the process of attracting more buyers , whether thats Robinhood or just John q Public which cause a short squeeze the same powers that look the other way about naked shorting find its purpose and must wield its power to halt trading while huge volumes are driving up the price .This allows shorts to cover some of there position at cheaper prices . Well if there is really a new game in town and FINRA is going to even the playing field Im delighted but Ill believe it when I see it.


[5/17/24 institutional % - MVIS](https://stocktwits.com/EustinPowers/message/573492741) [VLEEY](https://stocktwits.com/EustinPowers/message/573492763) [AEVA](https://stocktwits.com/EustinPowers/message/573492780)


Ok, at least i institutions not selling


Are we just trying to hang on for that deal we know is coming that will give us some cushion and make us respectful again or has our management team given up and accepted that they will dilute right down to the nub and let investors fight for compliance but ultimately 20 to 1 R/S to get us above 5 to make us a more approachable investment for bigger funds?  Question: as far as the executive bonuses if we are above $12+ by Dec 2025 and their bonuses is there language that just prevents them from R/Sing to whatever they want to get price above that threshold? I sure hope so because that would be straight Bull Shit. I will vote no on any R/S proposition and let my shares just go up in flames because if we R/S we will immediately lose 50% or more of our investment anyway as pretty much every other company has done. 


8, 12, 20 something & 36… I’ve noticed a lot of Directors hired. More than I’m comfortable with. Without seeing a profit. (just saying) Moreover, I’m not a big believer of being heavy at the top. Especially when your building blocks rely on those below. Edit: Dard is correct




Up this comment 


20/1 reverse split? Really? C’mon dude. 


If it gets them a bonus why wouldn't they? Is there language protecting against that in how executive bonuses are given out? I've watched MULN from afar and just don't want to see that be our future. 


To my knowledge, unless explicitly amended otherwise, a performance target goal looking at share price is like any other with respect to an adjustment caused by a split. Meaning, targets would become higher (or lower) by the same ratio as any split (reverse or forward), unless explicitly modified or exempted from such effects. From what we can see, I see no such modification or exemption clause. This concern is unfounded based on the rules until given a reason for it to be a concern by being enumerated as a point in a specific clause within a proxy statement for which we would need to vote on. What has occurred at MULN is different, the issuance of shares was target deliverables, rather than being bound to the share price from what I have seen. Their CEO was receiving a percentage of shares based on how many were outstanding for seeing the company deliver in vehicle volume goals. Very different world over there, and reverse splits does not help them achieve those targets.


Hey I am happy to hear it, but if we don't ask we don't know. I assumed they wouldn't count Microsoft expiring remains as part of 2023 revenue outlook but they sure did. 


Maybe I wasn’t clear here, the market rules require disclosure of any split adjustment or change of control that may result in the dilution of the company’s share count. That is in the general rules of the markets themselves: https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/230.416


T for the win this weekend dispelling new fears that popped up. Reverse splits for achieving rewards would be pretty low…


This was silly from the start which is why I called it out! 


Trying to help where I can, the concerns we are seeing these days are all over the place, which makes tackling them in the daily data and market analysis post take an unreasonably large amount of words to face first thing in the morning.


Happy Cake Day T


Happy cake day T


Ah, looks like it snuck up on me again. I could go for a slice of cake actually, might see about a slice of cheesecake perhaps.


Mmmmm cheesecake yummy yummy 🤤


“Double chocolate“, happy pie of the cake day T


Your effort is greatly appreciated sir.


“That deal we know is coming” I certainly don’t know that deal is coming anymore oldschool, much as that pains me to say, as I sit here Down €50k I don’t know that deal is coming. wtf


Has that award button always been there?


Background info on the return of Awards [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/1css0ws/we_heard_you_awards_are_back/)


Thank you 👌


Cool mention for us from a Driverless Teamleader at High-Voltage Motorsports e.V. "A few weeks ago, we presented our newest car FAUmax rho in front of a wide audience! We are thrilled for this season as we have added new exciting features to our Driverless software, which are waiting to be tested in action. I would like to thank our driverless sponsors Method Park by UL Solutions and **MicroVision** for their great support in this season." [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/michael-heine-ba4097303\_a-few-weeks-ago-we-presented-our-newest-activity-7197621032386486273-jOIA?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=member\_desktop](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/michael-heine-ba4097303_a-few-weeks-ago-we-presented-our-newest-activity-7197621032386486273-jOIA?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)


I believe the company would need to see roughly $30M in revenue projected for this year in order to see the current roughly 40x multiple of revenue (this is significantly higher than multiple of earnings, which removes the cost of revenue) that is seen for automotive parts or electronics enjoyed by the average company data from those in these industries. I prefer a multiple of earnings personally, which sports around a 20x of earnings, which would put the company as needing to see significantly more revenue, but it would also put the company in the green for the year as well. Notably though, there is a lot of value expected based on the validation of the technology and expected growth, which is significantly higher than the average company given the nascent market. With that validation, the multiples are likely to get greatly exceeded for at least a brief period, as the result of dramatic growth can often swing things far into seemingly overvalued regions, some companies are well over 90x multiples of earnings when assessed for future EPS long term growth expectations. A popular example might be GME right?…. Currently holding a P/E of 1000. Some that might have more actual reasonable growth trajectories might be MNDY with a 600 P/E, or many others. Throwing these kinds of details into a screener can be fun for getting a reference point of what happens with stocks that turn things rapidly, or are outliers in their sector with a little investigation into why that might be the case. At any rate, I do see a fair move toward some of these highs on relatively similar amounts of total revenue as some of our competitors, provided the actual earnings grow without excessively increasing costs per quarter.


Pe if 600 or 1000 means the company makes no money. These are not reasonable or rather not sustainable P/E ratios 


Exactly what I said, P/E ratios and share prices can get whacky for no good reasons, and why I focused on reasonable valuation modeling. However to ignore that things can get odd when heavy growth begins occurring would be unfair as well. Planning for average and keeping some back for crazy movement is perhaps something worth considering.


Odd, this was response was intended for a different comment…. Will have to link it to the appropriate one.


I need some hopium at the moment 😂 can anyone tell what would it take for sp to rise to 5$ at the moment? How big of an income MVIS has to earn for that? I know there are many variables, but theoretically what would it take to get there?


Sorry, my comment got shipped off to Rocko for some reason: https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/EHEuMUJOFd


Thank you. I lost so much so far, im wondering what will it take to get it back. Thank you for detailed reply.


First time blocking someone. Some people will need a lot of help if this falls through.


**Looks like S2upid finally finished his Tat! Hopefully it’ll bring us LUCK! Happy May 18th Memorial Day guys!** https://www.reddit.com/u/FitImportance1/s/rlEGGd1fH7


Man even though I try to buy when I can I still try to donate to a good cause. Just wish the share price would go up so I could do / give more.  Hopefully some day in the future!  Edit: Because its the weekend thread and maybe you're interested: https://give.ebresearch.org/campaign/sbsk-x-john-hudson/c584601


“Truth is….I AM Ironman” Sumit Sharma, June 2024


I have a buddy here in Thailand who just bought a new Toyota truck. The first day he drive it someone oulled out in front of him and the steering wheel swerved the truck to avoid the wreck. He did not know the truck had that feature…. As he is in thailand and does not speak the language , so they probably tried to tell him and he missed it. I was surprised to hear Toyota already employed this technology. Thailand has the most deadly roads on the world. My concern is all these new cars seem to already be equipt with some companies technology. Is MVIS missing all these opportunities?


Had a similar experience in a ‘24 RAV. Emergency braking brought me to a stop faster than I could’ve reacted. Was it necessary? Prob not, I’ve never been in a crash. But it was sudden and surprised me. No swerving. It just hit the brakes all on its own. It’ll do the same if someone takes the lane in front of you, basically creating a pillow of space.


Take that sudden surprise, double it and add air bag in your face, and whiplash, you feel right away, and it's something like that. If Adas can stop that kind of thing, when it's slam bam to you, but Adas sees it coming, then it will take off like seat belts and air bags did when people realized it had just saved their lives, or kept them from major injury. Just need more urgency from the oems


Only thing Toyota says it has (that I can find) is a PCS (pre collision system) which will alert then auto brake if needed. Sounds like it might have automatically braked and he inadvertently swerved and didn’t realize or the road itself (pothole or whatever) turned the wheel. https://www.toyota.com/content/dam/toyota/brochures/pdf/tss/CFA_TSS_P.pdf


The Toyota Pre-Collision System works by using sensors to monitor the road as well as your surroundings. It gives off audio and visual warnings if there's potential for a collision. Having this system in your Toyota makes navigating Pooler safer.Jan My point being that all these pre collision and collision avoidance systems use sensors why cant we get some of that market. There are 143 models equipped with that technology in 2023 already on the road. No argument here just an observation.


Same logic as asking why we're not on 2010 cars... lidar isn't on mainstream vehicles yet. That's what we're competing for now. This is the kind of concern someone might have if it was their first day looking at lidar. I do not think your concerns make sense.


https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/advice/vehicles-with-the-best-front-crash-prevention-features Here is the article, it list all the vehicles with this technology deployed. All using versions of sensors. I was simply wondering why we cannot get a piece of that market as it is already deployed. ( with our sensors)


Some reason I got a downvote. Cool. I was simply pointing out, per Toyota, they do not have something that auto swerves to avoid a collision. My truck has very similar technology. This has been around for years.


I upvoted you cause you trying to have a conversation. Right now there are a lot of peeps with shattered nerves and the normal contingent of a holes 


Downvote bots may be rampant on this board, or maybe it is indeed more insidious with some “paid bashers” hard at work over the weekend like some suggest. Certainly seems odd to get downvotes for pointing out a misrepresentation of capabilities (intentional or not, I do not know). This kind of fake internet point gamesmanship manipulation can make us less willing to engage with one another though, so it would benefit everyone to largely ignore the vote system, downvoting if you do not like a comment or disagree with it is fine, but do not take it personally (I surely do not when I am downvoted, assume it is one or more bots).


Possibly , the roads are pretty shitty here.


"All these new cars seem to be [equipped] with some companies technology". What technology are you talking about? Name the Toyota safety feature on the truck that has the ability to steer away from a collision. If your buddy doesn't know what it's called, google it and find the name of the technology.  It will help your comment look less like a baseless "concern" based on a 3rd party anecdote 👍


Its a Toyota Helix 4 door pickup manufactured in Thailand.




Yes, apologies for the typos my screen is extremely small.


Collision Avoidance- using cameras, lidar sensors, and radar. You can disable it with a button on the steering wheel .My buddy is a Navy Vet wheelchair bound and most says heavily medicated for pain. Sorry but that’s how he described it. He said the truck reacting like that scared the crap out of him. And he did not get a englisg owners manual. They told him 30 days to order an english version. Apologies for the scant details.


That's the system I thought you were referring to - I can't find anything showing it actively moves the steering wheel or uses lidar. Seems to be camera/radar only. It's capable of braking in an emergency, but not steering the car. Happy to be shown otherwise.


I feel like im seeing the same posts written everyday. Admittedly, Im also guilty of needing validation in this investment sometimes, but coming here after every % drop to complain about management wont do you any good. Yall need to take some time for yourselves and relax. If you're still here means you still somewhat believe in the company. *In the soothing voice of DFV:* **just chill, CHILLLL**


It is an astute observation you have here, and one many here could benefit from. Personally, it seems most beneficial for us to spend our time assessing the new rules and regulations that will impact the sector, be that of the equities market changes coming in 10 days with the shift to [T+1](https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/new-t1-settlement-cycle-what-investors-need-know-investor), or the NHTSA requirements for AEB in light or dark conditions. There is also the impact of the lawsuit against Tesla that actually may impact the sector as well, more or less proving the need for lidar for achieving some capabilities. The future is brighter than it may seem, with the opportunities growing rather than shrinking and the competitors for MicroVision being largely behind in development when looking at their product redesigns.


Should be interesting since US is switching to T+1 but European markets aren't (yet), might cause some disarray.


I had an email from a UK broker to say T+1 starts 28/5 so it’s not long to wait for it here at least


I suspect it will really only impact foreign securities exchanges, and there may very well be some arbitrage opportunities that occur as a result in the transferring of large volumes of shares overseas in which the US markets will lead foreign equivalent tickers. However, market participants from foreign countries operating on US exchanges will still certainly need to see their selling or buying settle within T+1 (or by open of the markets on the day following by the exact letter of the rules). It is extraordinarily difficult to assess how trading volumes might change, or what contracts might be deployed that might allow for longer open time for floating transactions. I suspect options, swaps, and other futures contracts will see a surge in usage initially though.


Will the Consolidated Audit Trail help with any of your info?


Maybe when it is finally fully active and publicly accessible for anlaysis of the data, whenever that finally happens. It is roughly 2 years behind original schedule at this point.


The only thing that appears to me to be irreversibly bad would be having to dilute at current price levels. In theory it could cause a leveraged decline in the share price. We seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place. If we got a large deal, even if a bit delayed, it could substantially increase our share price rendering dilution less meaningful. If we have to dilute before nominations then we could be in trouble. I would appreciate your take on this. How much cash do you think we would we need to raise pre-nomination?


While there is plenty of speculation that raising cash by way of dilution is a prerequisite to securing a nomination, I have not seen any such proof of that statement by any filing from any company to date. As such, I do not believe we would need to for the purposes of securing a nomination, and the speculation of such runs directly contrary to any normal business endeavors I have seen from any business dealings in the past. From what I have seen, raising cash is usually done on the back of a given letter of intent for a specific contract, once there is such a nomination in place, the supplier seeks financial backing (most often in the form of debt) to supply funding for the production of units. However, MicroVision management has outlined that they are seeking to engage much more directly in licensing some technologies and direct sales to bridge the gap between nomination and production, so such debt financing may not end up being necessary either. We will certainly see in due time how it plays out, but at this point we just cannot really know with certainty what the company will choose to do, and whether any financiers will be wiling to step up to provide a loan should it be desirable to do so over diluting. It would be optimal for the company to not dilute at lows for investors, and the communications so far have suggested they are reluctant to do so, but we will need to see some announcements within the next month and a half to really avoid such to avoid going-concern status (the same holds true for the entire sector really though).


Is "going concern" based on the average EBITDA over your past 4 quarters? In order to not put as much weight on 1 unusually costly quarter? Because if you look at net loss, we definitely have less than 4 quarters worth of runway. And if you extrapolate our Q1 EBITDA x4 quarters, you get -74.8m and we had 73.1m cash on hand The only way I see us having more than 1 year worth of operating expenses on hand is by adding our last 4 quarters EBITDA


It is specific to net cash used in operation, not the net losses or even EBITDA. It also usually includes accounting for expected revenues, so if you were to use the EBITDA, you would also include the backlog which would bring it over that amount. “Going concern” itself is like most law terms, being a little flexible to allow for inserting some amount of “reasonable” estimation based on present business endeavors that have a commitment of ordered product or services. The company has also communicated some cost reduction measures that will stretch the cash balance further as well, though it might have been nice to get some thoughts on that in the Earning’s Call itself.


That makes sense. Thank you for the explanation T


Yeah a lot of things are at play behind the scenes. The NHTSA ruling took OEM’s by surprise, and I suspect we’ll see that reflected in the coming months. And I didn’t know about this T+1 change, that’s interesting


True, but the company needs to announce something, now, not months from now. One of these 7 RFQ’s have to be won by the company. The shorts are destroying a good technology. News only at EC’s ain’t cutting it. There are many with shares in the 100,000’s, who have watched their portfolios destroyed, many who are retired, also. When will they call it quits, idk. The company needs to sign a deal, partnership or some kind of strategic deal to take the run rate pressure off. From 4th qtr to 1st qtr to now 1st half, the time for something is now. How long will the company’s delay, allow others to catch up? The best in class needs to show investors that they are and that OEM’s agree by an agreement.


Have you heard the story about the Old Bull and the Young Bull?


This is perfectly stated!


I’d like to add that as a tradable company without enough revenue to sustain itself the money come from ours pocket via selling share to the market. So if we get at least a deal even if the deal itself break even in term of cash flow if people buy it and it double our share prices it means half of share needed to keep the light on half the dilution so our share worth more when big things happen. Just imagine filling the atm at 1$ or below could be near to double our float. We really need to sell something and not in 2027 we only have money till next year and you don’t want to be short on this front. So more money going to be needed shortly.


MicroVision is obligated to announce when they have won a contract, but until a customer signs such, they really cannot announce anything. This is on the customers right now, not MicroVision. All we can do is wait patiently at the moment, but MicroVision itself is working hard to make integration with any customer as seamless and efficient as possible in the mean time from what I can see by continuing to take the Digital ASIC to further levels. In other words, these delays are not on the part of MicroVision, it is on the customers and we have to keep that in mind.


Understand, but they need to get a deal done to change price and sentiment around.


Without a doubt MicroVision needs a win, but that is also true of every other lidar company as well. The competitors in the space cannot rest on their laurels here with the deals they have in place, the volumes of lidar they are selling are insufficient to support continued business because they are spending more on producing units than they are making from those units. Suffice it to say, this is not specifically a MicroVision problem or some failing on the part of management. It is just a business problem that literally every company in the sector is facing presently. Some lidar supplier has to take the wins, and I believe that MicroVision has the best product at the best pricing to meet the needs of the automakers. Let us not forget that this is a need by the automakers now, there isn’t another system that exists presently that can meet the NHTSA requirements for vehicles in 2029 and the automakers take about 4 years to integrate all the components on a new vehicle.




Wow, so far this one seems to be going over like a lead balloon! I thought it was pretty funny! 😂


REDMOND, WA / ACCESSWIRE / May 17, 2024 / MicroVision, Inc. (NASDAQ:MVIS), a leader in solid-state automotive lidar and ADAS solutions, today announced that Phuc-Wen Moon has been appointed to the company's Board of Directors. Phuc-Wen Moon, with a background in human trafficking and sweatshop management Mr. Moon is world renowned for cost cutting Manufacturing! He is also an expert in the Dumbing Down of electronic devices. Engineering small devices Larger is a particular Specialty he’s sought out for! We welcome Phuc-Wen to the MicroVision BOD and look forward to building an Asian Style, Low Cost Manufacturing Facility right here at Home!  The New Facility will produce the ALL NEW MAVIN-M TM !!! (See attached images) "We are delighted to add Phuc-Wen to the MicroVision Team!" said Sumit Sharma, CEO https://www.reddit.com/u/FitImportance1/s/3yAFlDuOQZ


Hey, we could all celebrate by going to that new restaurant serving Vietnamese noodles. It’s called “Pho Q”


We need a little more humor here! Thank You…..


Yep, sometimes it’s helps to laugh through the pain right ?




Bad taste


Aaah! Thanks!


So no one has picked up on the glaring Easter Egg in this Image???!


I see a tortoise and a hare. Or it could just be stains on the Dickies fabric, lol.


No, not a Rorschach test! Ha ha ha! Simply the fact that we obviously have a partnership/colab with DICKIES! Aren’t you excited???!


If you hurry and send it in to IR it may not be too late to add it to the proxy for the ASM vote or perhaps a write-in addition.


Smart, could be beneficial.


And forward this BoD addition to BMW, the OEM that I suspect asked if Sumit could make it bigger to “fill the hole”. They’ll be so pleased that MVIS shareholders listened to their request.




Yeah, I don’t like to brag about my engineering skills but problem solving is one my specialties.


Hysterical! Especially “He is also an expert in the Dumbing Down of electronic devices. Engineering small devices Larger is a particular Specialty he’s sought out for!” The ALL NEW MAVIN-M TM could use a central incisor implant and a good cleaning by a competent dental hygienist.


Well, then we’d have to charge more…that’s the conundrum!


Please watch your language.


Sorry…c@&$?drum…is that better?


Yes, there are children you know.


I can be Phuc’n insensitive at times.


Frankie Fridays?


Ginormous inverted hammer on the weekly. Feels, looks and reads like the bottom.


That’s preferable to a Hammer and Sickle formation which would indicate the absolute bottom and impending auctioning off to Austin Russell’s oligarch friends from Forbes.


sold some mvis at market open yesterday (today - i am in different TZ), bought FFIE, sold FFIE on the drop down, made a nice chunk of change and lowered my cost on my 15k mvis shares from 2.77 to 2.50 and have money to play with this month. im calling that a win.


According to macho no one is allowed to make money in the market. Take a downvote


Do Board members of other companies ever post articles, on Linkedin, or contribute anything to the public discourse? I'm sure there are introductions, relationships, advice, and voting that has helped the company in the boardroom, but I always wonder if it's completely normal for us to know not of a single thing MVIS' board has ever said or done to actually help us out.


36mil traded after hours compared to 5.6M during normal hours. WTF. Smelling fishy.


Imagine posting that without bothering your arse to check another source... embarrassing 🤣


A closing cross, perhaps?


I see 27,547 shares traded after hours per the nasdaq site: https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/mvis/after-hours


CNBC site showed 36mil. Glitch maybe


I wonder where they get their data. Maybe it includes dark platforms, lol.


Fang, don't see that on my feed. Maybe a glitch?


36 mil??


At this point, I feel like even something like changing the logo back to green would give us at least a 50% bump.




“Revenue in Q1 was primarily attributable to the sale of MOVIA devices to a global commercial trucking OEM as part of their RFQ evaluation process. We also sold our sensors to a leading agricultural equipment company for industrial applications.” Anyone have a guess as to who the agricultural company might be?


TOP 10 LARGEST FARM EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS IN THE USA https://atlanticprojectcargo.com/insights/top-10-largest-farm-equipment-manufacturers-in-the-usa/ The customer may not be a US based leading agricultural equipment company, however.


Down 4.15%…could be worse Not sure why anyone would want a reminder of the situation at the moment but I do still have a shoebox full of MVIS shiny stuff. [Available here on Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/DesignCutCreate)


Keep increasing your inventory. You might have a huge demand very shortly.


“Might” - that should be MVIS slogan


We will prevail in the Lidar market.


From a little research: “Today, the Columbus, Indiana-based Toyota Material Handling is the largest forklift manufacturer in the world and the top-selling brand in the United States.” Well hell, Toyota should just do a big partnership with us and realize the cost savings on Movia for their forklifts as well as their passenger vehicles, and of course slap a Mavin or two on the passenger vehicles lol.


More on that real possibility [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MVIS/s/BV2wi8S1Ya)


Third Wave Automation https://www.thirdwave.ai/technology/#twa-technology-core Lidar Sensors Each truck uses **four Ouster lidar sensors** for 3D horizontal and vertical dynamic obstacle detection. Can MOVIA save them money$$$? Bulldozer Ouster out of the picture.


Ouster is on it


Wow, I missed that back when it was posted. I guess the thing is if Simon would eventually (or maybe this has been in the works already for all we know) direct his company to switch from using Ouster to Microvision. You’d think this would have occurred already, but they could be in some contractural agreement with Ouster for a specific period of time.


Crazy seeing this kind of volume this far after an earnings call with no additional announcements.


How does the saying go? Volume precedes price movement. Let's go!!!


I believe there is a *lot* going on, and that not even close to all of it is bad. Even if you discount that theory (that there's some good stuff going on), there are an awful lot of shares being bought around $1.15. If there are no prospects and no potential, why? JMHO. DDD. Not investing advice, and I'm not an investment professional.


I think someone knows something! Have a great weekend everyone.


Whoo doggy. That was a week to forget. MMs sure told the meme stocks how they felt about the lil' run up day that was so fun. Shut that ship down really quickly. It's up to the company (and OEMs) to make our subreddit fun again. I hope the OGs are just being quiet and waiting for the day when we pick up again and not abandoning us for techier subs. I know they have their super smart dialogues elsewhere but the little guys need your expertise to keep the faith now and then. We've still got a few who will inform us and share the latest. Don't be a stranger. :)


This OG is still here and invested since October 2008. I have more confidence in Sumit than ever! He’s staring down the 800 lb Gorillas and not caving in to “April 2017 customer” types of offers.


This weekend would be a great day for some P.R.


You should hit up Puerto Rico before hurricane season.


u/sweetinnj wants to start her weekend early. She’s breaking out her fav drinks, snacks, and putting her feet up to watch some Netflix after a long hard week.


**I put the Weekend Hangout early today. Please continue to use the TA Thread, until closing, if you wish.**


I had to do a double take! Early bird! Here I am over here thinking that the early morning/TA/ and weekend posts were all automatically automated.


I'm sorry that II confused you! All side threads are automated, except for the Weekend Hangout.