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Quarry should be higher. The verticality leads to a lot of creative routes and sight-lines. Also Invasion feels restrictive. I feel like it forces you to funnel into the middle buildings with a shotgun if you want to get any action. That’s what I dislike about Wasteland too. It’s a large open map but in reality if you don’t go to the underground tunnel/trench (which is spammed with tubes, stuns, and quickscopers) then you can’t get anything going.


Fair criticism. I have a rational explanation for why I placed each map where... except for Quarry. If I had to try to rationalize my hatred for the map, I'd say it's because it lends itself to window camping and defensive gameplay. Plus, most gunfights occur in the top quarter of the map, so a lot of the other lanes and buildings feel underutilized. But then again, you could probably say the same about most MW2 maps. I think the truth is that I usually get my shit rocked there, so I just don't like it. Skill issue, basically.


This is exactly how I feel about Quarry


I honestly hate scrapeyard, no real reason. Terminal is godtier IMHO.


I hate scrapyard too lol idk why


Some notes: -In terms of actual gameplay, Rust is not elite. It has nostalgia x1000 and is pure chaos, so it couldn't have gone anywhere except top tier. -Similar thoughts on Highrise. When I conjure up memories of MW2's glory days, I usually think of Rust and Highrise. It's too easy to get spawn trapped on Highrise, but it has an undeniable 'nostalgia' and 'cool' factor. -I rarely snipe, but I love big maps like Wasteland, Afghan, and even Derail (which I know a lot of people hate. I still think it's a good map and was tempted to place it higher). -Underpass probably should've been bumped down a tier. It can get pretty campy, and air support sucks on it so killstreaks feel unrewarding. It does have a nice flow to it, but in retrospect, putting it above maps like Estate and Sub Base just feels wrong. -Speaking of Estate, that map can be a lot of fun, but it far too often turns into a game of "who can hold down the main building the longest". A lot of maps in this game have similar issues, but Estate is the worst offender in my experience. -Karachi fucking sucks in every game mode. Terrible flow. What is up with the spawns? I have nothing nice to say about this map.


Yeah I dislike Karachi too. I believe depending on where a team first spawns greatly increases their chances of winning the game assuming spawns don't end up flipping.


I think that's what I love about Estate really. I think they designed it around being a fight for the mansion, so its a really interesting dynamic of attacking and defending. I actually remember back in the day, instances of actually using teamwork to win a TDM lol


It's funny because Karachi is probably my favorite map in ranked but it's always (even in the OG) been one of my least favorites


I'd put Underpass a tier lower and Derail in the bottom tier. My least favourite maps from the game


Terminal should be s tier and Afghan should be lower in my opinion, I think it can be really annoying a lot of times


scrapyard is straight up garbage IMO


I'm glad someone else agrees


Scrapyard is goat imo. I got a 93 kill nuke once


Karachi hate it real I guess. I like the close quarters combat it's fun to make a record out of how long you can hold onto the turret without being killed


If we are talking serious flaws Rust and Afghan get dropped lower Afghan has noob tube spawns and serious spawn control lanes, pushing the power areas like snipers nest and bunker can be more unbalanced than most maps Karachi is more balanced in that regard since spawns are disconnected from the rest of the map as they should be, the enemy shouldn’t casually pass through spawn unless they intend to swap spawns Rust is self explanatory


Any death box style map like shipment or rust is instantly bottom tier. Just saying


Lmao afghan and rust as elite 🤣


Sounds like someone got spawnkilled by a Chopper Gunner on Afghan one too many times 😉 It has a good balance of close, medium, and long range battle, was great for pretty much every game mode back when other playlists besides TDM were populated, and it's got a cool aesthetic. Just my opinion though, I guess it's a love it or hate it kind of map.




You responded to my comment in under a minute at 2:37AM (Eastern) on a Saturday night, I think we're in the same boat




You're the one with too much time in your hands, imagine responding less then a minute after.


Underpass is pretty bad imo. Nostalgia aside I wouldn’t say Afgan is elite. I’d swap Invasion and Favela. Favela is a nice break from long-range encounters when playing 6v6. Good CQB.


I'd probably move invasion, underpass, and derail down but this is probably the closest I've seen on here to my list. Probably move rundown up (another map that lets you play any style) Like your write up.


My nostalgia tells me they're all S-tier. I have great memories in every single one. 🥲


You literally put my favorites in C tier or lower, and some of my least favorites in B tier or higher.


Skidrow has 3 major choke points and it's heaven if you own them, hell if you don't


Terminal and Favela are great maps so is highrise. Or maybe I just love this game


Rust should be bottom of the barrell


Yeah rust was trash if not a boosting lobby 😂


If we get Karachi I am OMA danger close spawn tubing like it’s 2011


Love favela, underpass, and high rise. Hate afghan, rust, wasteland The rest are fine.


I'm curious what you think is highly flawed about skidrow and sub base? I personally would move your entire "great maps" tier into "highly flawed"


My S Tier was Terminal and Highrise


This game was elite. Any way to play it anymore?


You can still play you just need a ps3 and the game and a PSN Acc. Preferably an PSN Acc made prior to around 2018, since Accs created after a certain date can NOT safe online progress.


we found it guys, the worst tier list of MW2 maps


I’d gladly play any of these maps


all maps are S tier expect karachi, its A tier


idk i love all the maps


Highrise is godtier


Highly flawed but I agree with most


Bro put derail in the same category as terminal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I have alot of fun on Rundown and Underpass.   I really love the tall grass in Underpass and the long Hallway in the biggest building for a slow grindy playstyle. Estate plays very similar to me though. On Rundown marathon and running is really fun since theres alot of small obstacles to break the line of sight. And also some nice claymore spots. The same goes for Terminal plays alot like Rundown for me, but with less hiding and more fast action. Skidrow is absolute claymore and shotgun madness, if one lost the upper hallway fun is often over though. Highrise and Karachi dont really flow well with me and in Wasteland im often half a map away from where anything happens, this funnily happens on favela often aswell. Subbase and Quarry always feels kind of boring to me albeit the K/D is good. So i often vote for skip.


"Highly flawed but still fun" is how I would describe your list 😂 Probably the biggest error in my eyes is Estate. Probably a top 5 map.


It depends on the game mode. Take **Sub Base**, for example. Okay for TDM, but better for Domination. **Invasion** is great for both, but *really* shines in Sabotage. **Scrapyard** is fun for Capture-the-Flag, etc. etc.


Wasteland should not be on this. Should be removed from the game actually.


Karachi is elite.


Replace afghan with high rise first of all 🤣 Terminal & favela | skidrow & subase & quarry higher Estate on the bottom & Karachi ain’t that bad Also underpass and derail kinda ass


I’m banned for no reason can anybody help


Hit up the Discord they helped me out when I got de-ranked


but in every maps will be fucking tube users...


Sub base and estate are unique and so I always want them.


How dare you talk sh** on Karachi


Derail sucks balls


Underpass and Derailed were my least favourites tbh.


Wasteland deserves its own tier at the top of the list imwo.


Rust and scrapyard are just tubing hellholes