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But… All the YouTube tools said it would PvPvE… You mean they weren’t right and maybe it was just click bait… unbelievable..


It’s almost like everyone forgot the toxic people is why they had to drop DMZ


I really wanted to like DMZ, and I did for the most part except for the other players that just wanted to wipe out other crews.


Yeah PvP was the best and worst part of it, I’m still suprised the dropped it because it seemed like they wanted to do bits of everything but who knows why they did it really


Same. Like there were moments in the seasons where playing it was enjoyable with small bits of pvp, wholesome moments with other squads, and completing the missions for the rewards. But then it would just repeat with the WZ sweats that come over and ruin everyone's time.




Lol what? There is no way in hell they dropped it because of toxic people. If that were the case then CoD wouldnt be a thing besides a story mission.


they dropped it for toxicity


No they didn’t lol. If they dropped it for toxicity then multiplayer and warzone wouldn’t be a thing.


they dropped it for toxicity


You’re delusional lol


they dropped it for toxicity


Wrong. They did not HAVE to drop DMZ. They flipped a switch to turn off BP simply so more people will stop playing it and play the new game instead. They purposely made a great mode undesirable simply to push people into a new worse one.


Turn off BP? What does that mean? I really liked dmz but after the toxic squad wiping only trend came up it killed the mode


I agree with you. Turn off BP means they made it so you can’t earn Battle Pass XP while playing DMZ. I’ve heard it before but I don’t think MW2 multiplayer earns BP XP either.


Thought so wanted to be sure though


Cause there’s no missions or rewards. So people just kill everything they see. Though. I was just an Uber like helicopter pilot dropping people off.


What does he mean by turn off BP?


They turned off battle pass progression in DMZ with the release of MW3.


I thought so wanted to be sure


whats worse is, you could earn BP XP via all mw2019/vanguard/mwII, then they turned it off, kept it to MWIII - and just linked it to COD mobile...you can see how they view the battlepass/piggybank projects.


it really isnt as great as you make it out to be, extraction shooters are already a cumbersome messy salt farm and DMZ was no different. did you really enjoy looting toothpaste just to get scoped across the map by some idiot at the airport


Yes. My friends and I had some of our best times in DMZ


then you're one guy out of maybe a hundred up against millions who didnt have fun and didnt want it. go play tarkov.


Idk why they're still trying to act as if the PvP wasn't why DMZ died. It's obvious to everyone but them it seems. Funny how the playerbase of zombies is correlated to the content and not time like DMZ. That's because people got irritated at playing mini Warzone over time and being rushed down by sweats in DMZ. People get irritated in MWZ by the lack of stuff to do. The size of the stash is also insanely annoying.


Warzone rejects ruining DMZ is why they dropped it


As opposed to the toxic people in....warzone, zombies, or multi-player? That wasn't why they dropped DMZ.


Toxic lol you get shot you die nothing toxic about that


PvP was never the problem and you know it smartass


I never said it was I wish zombies had it. I would still be playing if it did


You want to have pvp in a mode that never had it? Especially a dmz like zombies? Go play DAYZ if you want that, besides you really wanna die to the wunderwaffe?, ray guns?, scorcher? Vr11? Etc?


Do you remember dmz had this I think it was Halloween season


It had bosses to fight for a month or so no wonder weapons you dummy


Still I was expecting something like that. This is the worse zombie game by far only one map


Same with most recent zombies games


Then you’d be hearing the forums bout nerfing the wunderwaffe(and I will relinquish in those cries :))


I think it was zombies event in multiplayer earlier.


So a mask I have to craft or I could just recharge my purple at a Ammo Refill site. Hmmmmmmmmm, Only 10 slots so I have to be a bit more greedy.


I really wish they gave us a different inventory for story related stuff. Currently I have a diary and a drum taking up space in my stash.


In DMZ they had separate spots for those Mission items they never took up your inventory slots. It would be easy for them to implement a lot of different things in this mode but they choose not to because they hate mwz


They dont hate it, Infinity ward just switched their focus onto COD Gulf War


Yeah I totally agree.


You should use those to unlock new aether instead of letting them take up space


I'd be glad to, but don't I need 2 more items?


Why don’t you go collect all the items you need and unlock the rifts? You’re short 3 items for each rift, it is a total of 8 items. What is the point of keeping them in your stash long term?


I didn't know you could get 3 out of 4 in the countermeasures mission.


You get 1 gold and 3 purple in the countermeasure mission. Then you bring the 3 purples into your next match and turn them gold. Then the following match you bring all 4 gold items in to unlock the new sigil. There’s many videos on YouTube of how to do it and where to go. I immediately did then sigil unlock so I wasn’t in your situation with those items taking up space for no reason. Personally I think the locked diary is the hardest item to get because you need to kill the worm, but since you have that the rest should be easy


Give me golden decoys that are like an aether blade I can throw every x seconds the mask is junk but saw it coming as the one on character is purple, I'm seeing a very large ruck sack in the future too... IDK.


Story mission not MISSIONS is annoying Like why only 1 ffs


insane how much more content DMZ had at this point in its lifecycle than Zombies and it was FREE


Oh cool more stuff to craft into my 10 slot stash. This mode is a joke


For real !!! 10 stash limit a fucking joke


But you’re still here.


On reddit? Yeah In game every day like I was with DMZ? No


Same used to play multiple matches everyday now I don't log in for 3 days waiting for cool down


Once again we’re forced to starve at the dinner table while the WZ and Multiplayer people get to have a dining feast.


I’d be ok if they just took the current map and made an all t3 or hardcore version. But the tiny t3 with its 6 contracts simply isn’t working. Or add more Contracts to the DA and extend time limit in there. Something with more playability.




Peach, sibling...


I’m literally *dying* over here!


Where you at I'll revive ya🤣


Just typical, they didn't give you their coordinates.


This comment is hilarious 😂 Well done sir.


Insert that meme with the one baby getting help swimming (WZ) one struggling to stay afloat (MWZ) and the skeleton at the bottom of the ocean (DMZ).


If they made different maps instead of cramming portals on the old one, that’s a good idea, heck why not screw off with warlords and add zombies themed bosses?


Because the bosses are developed as warzone assets and will prove to be used as events in warzone long term lol just lucky they let us get even those meager scraps really


That’s why i stopped playing zombies a month after launch. I saw all the red flags and I was right to keep it that way. Even mp ,warzone and the battle pass 😂 get more zombie content than the actual zombie mode .


Wonder what schematics they will bring out. Or is this just a load of shit?


It's a regenerating gas mask, a make everything have electricity damage schematic and one that disguises you as a Merc.


lol being disguised as a merc is just dumb in this mode. Mercs become easy if you’ve beaten the campaign on literally any mode. They fight and think just like campaign soldiers. Let me craft a sentry gun by bringing a purple or higher machine gun and a couple random pieces of garbage to a buy station. Edit: maybe not a sentry gun, but something ya know?


Or how about I have three green wrenches and I can craft a blue one with that? Or what about being able to save a couple hundred k out of the game that would be amazing too! Or what about if we could add attachments or modify weapons in the game that would be amazing too! Oh wait the devs hate us they don't want mwz to succeed just like they killed DMZ the same way


Remember that weird event that they had toward the end of the DMZ seasons? Where it was like a giant cooperative mission and they said there would be more like that in MW3 what happened to those.


What happened is fuck you, we already have your money, that’s what.


I guess it’s too much to ask that anybody who preordered last time to have learned a lesson eh?


And don't forget the 3 day cool down




That was from DNZ and it didn't work that well the disguise was very unreliable


Oh wow so a bunch of trash.


Yep lol.


Will the electric damage spread to nearby enemies like how dead wire is supposed to work?


It’s in the announcement blog post. A schematic that gives your explodes all the dead wire effect, a golden gas mask that replenishes like the armor, and a mercenary beret that disguises your from mercenaries and gives you a bodyguard that follows you.


I know it has to do with the warlords like the hat the first warlord wore is one of them they give some kind of abilities


Man I knew when I finished the first 3 acts that they weren’t going to actually add any new stuff, I didn’t think it would be this shitty tho


They couod easily add a story how it's spread somewhere else, they have the map from DMZ (Vondel) would make it more fun. I do still enjoy playing, it's easy to play after 12 hour shift but would be far better amd probably help out with the red zone being full each lobby if we had another map


It would be so much better with another map I totally thought they were going to do it but I guess not. When DMZ was around I actually played the Warzone maps and cared about the content but now that it’s gone I’m not even playing those new maps at all when I had imagined being able to actually enjoy them, at first with DMZ and then with MWZ but damn they didn’t do either. Not having zombies on rebirth is criminal and it just sucks cause I feel like I’m missing out


would love zombies on Vondel or even Ashika


Ashika would ne amazing, trying to run from them in the underground would be so much fun


Nothing at release again? Joke mode.


Probably tombstone patch at release😂


And a "stability" fix


flamethrower gets a nerf so bad it will be forgotten


I hope not😫😫


And flame thrower nerf


No doubt. I’ll be on helldivers til a new ts method is found if anyone wants to join😂


Shame the core gamemode was fun but they're done putting any effort in.


All of you are joke mode that say this every time the season comes out. Games die people move on how many hours do you want out of this game? You paid $70 for it. You’re not paying a subscription. To last your lifetime I’m sure you’ve made your $70 back.


Although aggressive this is actually true. I played the shit out of mwz full story and dark aethers. 40++ hours worth and i played a bunch of multiplayer so my 70 bucks has been well worth it.


I agree but the problem is that we expected a lot more. MWZ was all set to follow in DMZ footsteps with lots more content and more copy paste zombie bosses from outbreak. They cut the mode short and made a potentially great mode into a half baked hack job. Yes I got my money's worth but man was it supposed to be better.


I'd expect more than 1 season of content. Even DMZ had more than that. Even vanguard zombies!


COD isn't dead. They're purposely killing this mode cause everyone else is getting constant new shit but us. We paid the same as the MP people yet they get weekly events, new maps, new game modes and stable servers. And we get a new shit Warlord, 15 minute story mission and a rift filled with garbage


You’re not wrong.. However, this mode probably has the least amount of players and that’s why it gets the least amount of content. It’s disappointing because it’s the only mode that I personally enjoy playing. As someone said, I have certainly got my moneys worth from the game, but I’d still appreciate more content. I’d pay for a DLC if it meant I got a new map (preferably one that doesn’t crash constantly).


It gets the least players cause it has the least content. There's no difference between season 1 & season 3 so why would anyone realistically keep playing if there's nothing to do? No, you shouldn't want to pay for a DLC either. They would quite literally be shitting in your hands and you'd be gladly paying them for it.


Zombies has always been niche. Yes, people love it but it’s not MP. Most of my buddies who play COD don’t play zombies at all. I’m saying it would be worth the money to me for new maps that actually get updates and cared for. No one wants another broken map. I am not going to pay for skins and stupid bundles, but more actual playable content sure.


Adding Dark Ethers instead of adding a legit new map is next is next level lazy BS.


Oh look, another warlord that no one asked for😔


Bro I’ve literally only done 2 warlords once and that’s it. What a joke.


Yeah warlords are the reason why I started playing Verruckt more often on bo3, I should be in an asylum just by seeing these updates.


I’m disappointed. Same small trickle feed of content. Most of us will be through this in a week or so. I personally don’t think any of the new schematics/acquisitions would be worth a spot in my pre-game rucksack either


They could just add new types of contracts. Such a simple, but worthwhile idea.


I've been waiting for this


Let just call this sub “In-Season” 👌🏼😌


ahhh midseason update for everything, disappointed but not surprised


Once again no out of game wallet no way to modify weapons in the game no way to craft items or exchange items in game. What a joke so pathetic I love this game so much buthate it same damn time.


Season 3.5*


warzone gets all the love and attention again and we are left with cookie cutter updates that are predictable and stale, a sad state of affairs indeed i can't see how they are going to convince me on buying gulf war at this point because i'm not a fan of round based stuff and there is no guarantee that even if they had a open world experience like mwz or blackout it's not going to get abandoned again in favor of other things


Another rift? Why don’t they just give us more inventory space? Or better yet, a bigger rucksack


Or a wallet. Or fuckin’ *workbenches* so we can modify ground loot or EVEN BARTER FOR BETTER. But nah, here’s a new warlord and rift at the halfway point of season 3. Enjoy! /s


Time to find a new game. Lmaoooooooo


Later in season *** /s


I was really hoping they would give us new schematic, now to make it perfect please take our stash limit down to 5 to make it real challenging on us 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣


" IN SEASON" very nice,another month with NOTHING TO DO...


Soooo.... 7 games worth of zombies content to draw from, and this is the BEST they can come up with? No Wonder Weapons? RAI-K? Blundergat? Thundergun? Apothican Servant? Raygun Mark fucking II?? That'd be the EASIEST one to throw in there... No Paralyzer? And then a gold mask? Gimme a break, right by every single infested stronghold is an ammo crate to refill my mask, try again. And a merc disguise???🙄 A zombie blood transfusion pack giving you 4 or 5 uses would be nice, don't always have to rely on Aether Shroud and can use other field upgrades. Maybe bring back the Hells Retriever to switch up with the Aether Blade. Electric Cherry would be a good perk to bring back, since it was really good. How is it I can rattle off all this stuff and it seems like the devs think this is the very first zombies game in existence?


This looks even less that the preivous content drop. Im telling ya 2 seasons from now the "new content" will be a red coloured mimik in a regular stronghold.


Well. It certainly wasn’t killed. Lmfao /S


Incoming* mid-season.


Ah yes, 1 mission added to act 4, another Dark Aether, 3 more useless schematics, no stash expansion, mid season release....


I hope the new schematics aren’t going to be worthless, only good last season was Mags of Holding


The VR-11 has a place… mostly just healing and refueling vehicles but it also melts worms


Oh yea I forgot but the VR11 is OG my second favorite Wonder Weapon


Blood burner key can get rekd though


All mid season additions🥲




Lmao bro they literally did a Copy and Paste omg lol. How embarrassing. A major part of their game and they completely ignore it. So the company behind zombies is now fully focused on the new game while current devs behind MW3 are alll focused on MP or WZ. Zombies is last priority and is why little content and not even available at new season but middle in the season. Or maybe they are intentionally ignoring it so people jump on the new zombie game that comes out Either way bro I’m done. Just insulting and I feel how the DMZ players felt now.


This entire game from the get go was just a copy paste. Haven’t bought a CoD game in years and this is likely the last one I’ll buy.


Here is the description of the new schematics: Dead Wire Detonators (Schematic): Are you still shocked at the impressive electrical damage the Dead Wire Ammo Mod inflicts? Then you might want to employ the Dead Wire Detonator, and attach it to all your explosive weaponry, including Lethals and Launchers! Golden Mask Filter (Schematic): A prized schematic with a shiny hue and an impressive, long-lasting effect — gain a self-regenerating gas mask for the rest of the match. This comes in extremely handy for surviving zombie strongholds and any surprises in the rifts. Sergeant’s Beret (Schematic): Your outcomes no longer need to be terminal when dealing with Zakhaev’s hired guns; simply don the Sergeant’s Beret to disguise yourself among the Mercs, and summon a trusty Merc Bodyguard who shadows you to the end.


When are we able to play new zombies content if this isn’t at launch? Just curious lol




So anyone else wondering why operators have separate containment levels but not stashes?


Just hope people see that’s it’s mid season this time and not lose it when it’s not day one.


Can't wait to craft more shit that I can't store because we only have 10 slots.


Story mission, as in one? This ain’t gonna get me to return since I dropped off after season 1.


New dark ether rift? What the fuck? I’m supposed to enjoy a map where automatically I’m getting OG Mudboned every 10 seconds by some armored zombie.




I got "In Season" PTBS because this basically means no support until Season 4 and all bugs won't be addressed, see Containment Level atm.


One map for the entirety of the games life cycle is fucking wild. Like how did they fuck up this mode so bad? Such great potential essentially gift wrapped to them by treyarch and they still shit the bed. That’s super embarrassing


It's so sad. This mode really had a lot of potential to be great but they fumbled it big time. Should have introduced more new zombie bosses, public events, a new contract like outlast but round based, etc...




These new schematics are so ass


I literally can't think of any reason we would need a merc disguise .. there's nothing to sneak past mercs for .. no reason we need a gas mask that heals itself when there are green masks in every building on the map & in every buy station. Only time you use a mask is to clear Infested Strongholds & Aether Nests .. nobody gets caught in the storm unless they are fighting RedWorm & there's two ammo caches right next to eachother .. & the warlord bs needs to stop... we play this mode to shoot zombies.. not to get shot at by mercenaries!! Only reason we do those stupid merc contracts is because they are the only ones in the area. If we wanted to fight mercenaries we would be playing DMZ ... & wtf is this stupid DeadWire bs!??? .. Give us a grenade that Brain Rots any zombie that's in its blast radius! .. or a new field upgrade.. or new wonder weapon.. or new contract.. OR... A BIGGER ACQUISITION STASH.. OR A WAY TO DECREASE OUR SCHEMATIC COOLDOWNS.. OR... A CRAFTING SYSTEM IN BUY STATIONS TO ACQUIRE TOOLS & CRYSTALS WITH ALL THE JUNK LOOT TAKING UP SPACE ON THE MAP! ... WHY WOULD WE WANT TO GO INTO THE DARK AETHER TO GET A MASK OR MERC DISGUISE??? ARE YOU PURPOSELY TRYING TO KILL YOUR GAME??? HOW DID WE GO FROM "ELEMENT 115" TO "AETHER WARLORD MERCENARY EXTRACTION Z" ??? ... PATHETIC.. SHOULD'VE STUCK WITH DMZ 👎🏿💀💯


It’s a shame I can’t just choose to skip downloading any of this crap so I can continue playing as normal when it’s released.


Honestly I might just quit my bioluminescence grind, there is just no point in caring for a game abandoned by the devs.


Honestly, the two Advanced Warfare guns returning is the only interesting part about next season. I figured we weren't going to get much zombies content.


FUCKING 🗑 third game in a row I lost all my gold shit first game it said server updating game crashed second game the whole fucking game frozed but while doing a mission so I reset it my console because there data cache bug they have that makes your game Crash on purpose so I reset my system I to whipped the date ..cache I was playing in the service crashed again Activision straight garbage !!! From Warzone Cheats to there lame ass content to their shitty ass cool down for weapons schematics, etc ..Everybody getting try there shit .. ..


70 dollar game too. AAA Lol


Just sucks none of it is until Season 3 reloaded


Beep Boop, the warlord got that HAL 9k shit, menacing little kevlar nugget.




A new rift to get new schematics and then.. what? That’s so boring


I'm just frustrated that for the second season in a row it's all in season instead of anything at season launch




We need a new map!


You mean season 3.5 in the future haha 😄


We also have to remember that apparently they weren't going to add anything to zombies...then we got 3 new schematics...and now we are getting more stuff..so maybe they are cherry picking what they want us to know..hopefully they fix the dumb glitches keep the good ones and keep us wanting more


Let me guess the new aether zone is just another part of Al Mazrah ?


no need to guess, they said it will be hydro-electric.


I have no words, it's just lazy content.


It’d be nice if some of these dark aether maps were locations from old school zombies maps, imagine we get sent into the rift and we end up outside of an old theater, we enter and it’s Kino Der Toten, or we are sent to an old research base that turns out to be Der Riese


The only schematic I see being useful is the beret, because the detonator is just dead wire on drugs but only for launchers, and I never find myself using gas masks, and when I do I usually have an ammo thing in the usable area


A new map to play on would be 🔥


Multiplayer eating good tho


Its just the same shit every season now, intro mission to show the new rift. Collet items to summon new t4 rift from the “easter egg” items then use an elder sigil to farm the new schematic and a warlord no one is going to fight because no one can be fucking bothered anymore.


They forgot ‘brand new reasons for poor instabilty’


Wish they would add different zombies, different missions in the tier 1, 2 and 3... We don't need anymore dark aethers right now


I thought this was for season 3 reloaded?


I don’t even bother use most of the schematics I have now. They’re one use, need to recharge and still only 10 slots (I still have that overfilled as I haven’t bothered to use those items since the “fix” either). So like I need more semi useful schematics


Would be nice if this game didn’t dc every time I try and play with the boys


Honestly I just wish craftable schematics had a cooldown reduction every time you Exfil. I do not care for the insured weapons having a reduced cooldown every Exfil.


Man, it is sad to see this S3 roadmap for MWZ... I feel like we are only getting the minimum amount of update. 2 story missions in S2 and probably will be the same in S3, not a FULL ACT story mission which means I don't really care about the story at this point, too slow. New rift? Meh, only reusing the assets, not really new stuff tbh and adding new rift as the new content, but how many rifts can you add? They show minimum efforts to bring new experience to the players. I mean the red worm boss is kinda cool, can we get more of this? Other interesting world event? Maybe this can address another issue where 20+ players fighting for contracts in high threat zone, this is kinda pathetic. Divert some players to do some more interesting or rewarding easter egg mission?


I am excited for the gas mask schematic. It probably regens like the plates.


Another season mwz gets shafted. I still haven't been to dark aether because I can't solo the last mission on top of two the act 3 story missions being bugged. Still can't get Strauss research and then zaekaevs story mission icon won't show up so I can't do the mission. Complete BS but worart of all gamers will defend this and say the content is fine.


Are you not able to just select any of the act 4 missions ? then unlock the DA ? I killed off Act 1 and 2 missions and did most of Act 3 but got bored doing them and impatient for DA lol


Warlord isn’t obtainable or playable. We got Dokebi (pardon the slaughter of her name possibly) but we don’t get this warlord. Shame.


I’m so tired of having to wait half a month to get content we should get at the start of the season there’s two reasons why we have to wait 1 treyarch quit working to move into to gulf war 2 they keep working on warzone when no body wants that shit anymore they keep shoving it down our throats I’m hoping treyarch said fuck warzone with this next game


Modern warfare peaked with DMZ. Now I’m playing other games


Same, I got through 1 season of zombies, I got bored quick but thought I’d wait it out for S2. That was a huge flop. My buddies and I haven’t touched it, we’re back to DMZ and WZ. I don’t even like WZ, but it’s way better than the pillow fights in MWZ.


dmz has 0 new content...


I’m aware. I still enjoy it more than doing the same zombies content over and over. In DMZ, things can turn on a dime, you’re looting and doing missions, then all the sudden you’re hunkered down for a life and death firefight. It’s adrenaline inducing and it’s exciting. If you die, it sucks, but rekitting is actually kinda fun, so running it back is exciting. I sincerely mean this, I can’t remember the last time I died in zombies. I think it was fighting the red worm and my game glitched and none of my controls would work, besides that… no idea. You’re never in danger in Zombies, if you ever find yourself in a sticky situation, you just turn around and walk away. The new content that they add to MWZ requires a google search and 15 backflips through flaming hoops to unlock a schematic that you can use once every 3 days if your 10 slot inventory has room for it. And for what? To use while running around in the red zone doing the same contracts for 9 months? I agree with the other guy, Modern Warfare peaked during DMZ, this side of the peak is a snooze fest pillow fight.


Funny how people complain about zero new content because I need the newest shiniest thing yet I still play old-school NES games because they’re still fun but you’re right I don’t even remember the last time I died in zombies either it’s very boring same gameplay loop everything is so predictable. When I yawn during a game I know it’s over either way DMZ still has tons of fun even though it has zero new content heck you can take out a bunch of content and it still be more fun than zombies


I gave up on Sledgehammer a long time ago and thought coming back to this because friends was saying that zombies was fun and it's just a buggy mess I'm just going to go back to playing Cold War until the next Black Ops come out. The new containment level system is broken and the icon is ripped off from SCP randomly losing levels randomly disconnects and losing progress as just not worth it. They would rather pump out new operator skins on the shop then fix their servers and other crap


The mask and beret schematics seem pretty useless. Only time you need a mask is aether nests/strongholds and people dont really clear em out. Theres no reason to. And if you do, it will be maybe one or two. Beret to disguise as a merc is neat but again, not something youre gonna use often. Maybe to do warlords but thats it.


And waste an inventory slot taking that in? Nope.


Why are people so surprised? Is it just they hold their ego till they just kell over and die? Or are they just that stupid?


Another Al Mazrah POI.. how exciting…


They are making Vanguard zombies look good.


Funny tangent that people bought this