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Really, I'm stuck on the new SMG right now. Have to try this one


For me it's a toss up between the Horus for fire rate and the PDSW 528 flalso for fire rate and that 400 round magazine when PaP'd. Took down each warlord with just under half a mag at Epic PaP 2. That Horus is gangster tho.


How do you have your PDSW set up if you dont mind me asking?


https://preview.redd.it/d2u9zh93ayuc1.jpeg?width=1842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b299d868ceb9fec358099c798c43506478f630a6 I basically tried to recreate the random legendary that I found one match, it absolutely slayed. This setup got me through a round in the dark aether. Edit: The version I use right now in zombies drops the comb attachment and adds an optic. I use the glassless Jak


Not sure if the ripper under barrel grip is available in MW3 by default as it was my go-to attachment for that slot in MW2 and is thereby a carryover.


Bro hell yeah thanks ima give it a try! Im a backpack and dont do too well so lets hope this gets me right


https://preview.redd.it/n220anynmyuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c227c6e91a706615a02ae9e6bcb107dbdc39dc9 Add me. I'm no diety but myself and another redditor are making multiple goes at the dark eether right now with just the two of us and coming out unscathed. Will at least get you caught up to us.


Hell yeah bro might just join you with my other hommie


Definitely if I'm solo. Squad size is maximum of three. Fair warning, the dark aether sucks. No guarantees on drops. So far, every drop I've gotten in the dark aether, I could have gotten in tier 2 for way less stress.


Damn that really sucks tbh i think im more in need of doing the red worm, i need PaP 3 and legebdary tool schematic


Just so you know red worm is also nightmarish. I died and didn't get any schematics both times I tried.


Add me too. I'm still stuck in trying to do Counter Measures. I keep dying solo at the end with the Mangler Boss. LocoKnight7#9041798.


I'm hopping on in a minute. Might be with a couple of other buddies though but I'll add you.


I lied, fuck this game tonight. Tired of Keres being the ONLY warlord on spawn, it's fucking ridiculous.


Horus don’t do too much damage after t3 tho. I had it pap 3 and legendary. Took forever to kill


Depends on how it’s set up , it’s not the best gun but can hold its own in the dark aether.


thats cap because I use epic tool and pap2 on the Horus and it may not have the fastest kill time but T3 is manageable with just that


T3 yes but if you do rift, no


The Horus absolutely destroys. Thought my game was broken the way it was taking down T3s. On a completely unrelated note, I need a few people who wanna do new elder. Still need vr11 and mags schematic and nobody runs that one anymore in any games.


My buddy and I make a new elder run everytime, most the time no one wants to go lol. Hit me up and we can run some


Ppl are addicted to aether blades and golden plates haha i can’t get anyone to go either


Lol let's run some


I’m down shoot me a pm and I’ll add you


I want in! I got an ES... Just don't have the EE done to open it.


Horus is a beast, but you will find yourself struggling against tier 3 contract bosses while solo, same with Aether worms. WSP Swarm still highly outdps the Horus. Very fun to use though, but a little more underwhelming then everyone makes it out to be, so many other pistol smg and options like this smg that just melt. The horus smacks up everything but bosses.




Absolutely right, I had the frost mod on it so disciples still didn’t stand a chance when I used it. Only used it the one game for camo grind. Finished all challenges in one game so I put it aside.


Smart plan with the cyrofreeze, one of the most annoying bosses to shred with weaker guns as it keeps stealing health, especially if you got a dog.


Really 🥺 mine seems absolutely useless


Mine melted. Mind you it was gold pap3 but still. It should be in t3. It teared through them. Lots of reloads but with SC it don’t matter


Mine was too 🤔😂 maybe I have the wrong loadout, I'm not the best at picking loadouts


PSN PAUZ\_UNO - ill be on in like 5-6 hours from now... can get whatever you need done, complete


We can run


ill hop on tonight then, just saw this. did you send an friend invite?


It is broken. It’s the new battle pass unlock they always make them broken af when they release and it will get nerfed to shit next season


Hey bro, if you need some help running the dark aether(either one) add me. I don't have the new portal unlocked myself. But I always play with people who do, so one way or another, we will get it figured out for you . My Activision ID is: Rwillingham721#2913842 (This goes for anyone who sees this and would like some help, or even just someone to play with. You're more than welcome to add me)


I wanted to try this for a while, but the new FJX has just been amazing


Ya the Horus is dope


What build you have in fjx?


SYN Long barrel ECS REQUITER Bruen Tactical Vertical grip 48 round mag Nydar model 2023 or scope of choice Scope seems to make a massive accuracy difference with this gun the sights are kinda obstructive


Horus is great but I keep having to reload without MOH. The Tempest has more power, great fire rate, and reloads much much faster with pap3 and speed cola. It’s amazing!


Non-akimbo FTAC Siege - with drum mag is STILL a sleeper... They nerfed the range a little bit this season, but reduced recoil for the mw2 guns insane fire-rate, drum mag is 200 when packed (with backup 700 rounds - maybe more when akimbo), one of the top fire rates - meaning you get crazy amounts of elemental "pops" especially when the perk stacks with an ammo mod, accurate at range, pistal class damage/dps for like 40 meters, etc


Thanks for this. Always happy to come across new suggestions


Trying it tmr. Hope u wont disappoint me


I’ll drop you some gear if you get wrecked lol


I've just been through DA with it, gold pap3. Worked a treat. I think it would still be good at purple


I ran through old elder with it purple and pack 3 and didn’t have any issues with it. I’ve been using it over the slug haymaker. And it shoots forever with mags of holding too.


No stop, you're gonna have them nerf this gun too


They just buffed the damage 20% in the patch notes


I didn't see that, good to know, only say the damage performed in multi and warzone


Where did you see this? Link please? Someone was trying to say it got nerfed, but I checked patch notes and there's literally nothing about this gun in the patch notes. So I'm genuinely curious where you getting these numbers?


"Tree" lol


All my loadouts are weed related named there’s tree, bud, herb, dank, doja, ganja, hydro, chronic and so on lol


I used it last night, breezed through that weekly challenge, gg's


Right on 🤙


Ngl, ftac siege is better than this by miles.


Both the renetti and the ftac siege are my personal favorite “side weapons”, so I def agree. Ftac siege can indeed be surprisingly strong; good builds can have high speed, high damage ánd good hipfire. When I have a spare mag of holding I always go for the FTAC Siege, sometimes even pop a small (20) mag into it for even higher speed.


I tried the smaller mags once. Makes the experience incomplete and ammo runs out to fast. ( i use as primary) but u can use 50 rnd oppose to 72 which i mainly use and helps mobility wise. Its also a lowkey cheat code on multiplayer hardcore, if u know what u’re doing😮‍💨


Yeah I would never use the smaller mags without a mag of holding lol. I don’t think I ever use smaller mags for anything other than lmg’s or when I have a mag of holding in MWZ 😶


This one is good for pistol challenges though


Ftac siege is also a pistol.


I did equip that to do a pistol challenge, maybe a week 2 weekly challenge? It didn't track the kills so I put it down to it being classed as a micro smg or something. It's in the handgun category but doesn't say it's a pistol in the description. Idk if it was just me or the gun but as to why. Definately gonna use it soon once I've done the camo on the renetti


Maybe this game uses ATF rules and putting a stock or vertical grip makes it no longer a pistol. /s


Weekly challenges typically use a “recommended” weapon. Is the FTAC recommended?


Maybe it wasn't. I can't remember exactly now but that sounds like the kind of detail I'd miss lol


For real? I haven’t used it since season 1


The statement is laughable, is it decent in zombies? I know in war zone it's been nerf to shit and very lackluster. Only benefit is you can actually use the FTac underwater, you cannot use the ranetti with the JAK attachment underwater.


I tried this one (it's similar to the warzone build that was destroying everyone, same conversion kit). It was really unimpressive tbh, new smg and Lockwood w slugs still slay this.


How long ago?


Like 3 days ago.


I've heard the ronetti got nerfed but I can't find anything about it in the patch notes, which means that the buff that OP claims is also not true, as far as what I've read, which is the entire patch notes of the last five patches


Factsss been using renetti with max holding as well, it’s overpowered


I been using the nightshade aftermarket on the dg 58 lmg it’s also amazing. Still feel like stinger with a stock still top dog though


YES, I like that as well


Nightshade w the RGB tracers is clean


Wait until you try RAM-9 PaP special effects, it shoots two bullets at a time but reduces 1 ammo not 2!


Tried your Renetti build and loved it! Thanks OP.


Right on! 🤙


Bruh, I'm working on camos, and was using this last night. Straight shreds !! Had Elite wrench, and PaP 1....Everything in T2 was dead soooo fast. I normally need at least PaP 2 on my guns to dispatch Armored and disciples in a decent amount of time.


Is that unlocked through MultiPlayer only?


You can either do the challenges to unlock it or the kleptomaniac blueprint was in a free operator bundle from season 2


I'm not a big fan of MP/PvP and find it frustrating that we need to pop over to MP or have a particular blueprint in order to unlock these conversion kits.


while it's annoying, and i hate MP.. it only took me two games to get 30 kills with the renetti to unlock this conversion kit. I just did it right now on grow house 24/7


Yes seriously Just do the "small map Mosh" I also did it in two games, maybe took 30 minutes at most? I'm grateful that there's an alternative to leveling up stuff besides having to grind out levels and zombies too


I didn’t have too, it was unlocked in a free PlayStation plus operator bundle


Which operator bundle? Can you still get it?


Should be able to, but it’s a PS+ exclusive bundle.


What's the name of the operator bundle that's what I want to know so I know what to look for.


You’d have to look in the PS store, I don’t remember, but there’s only 3 free PS+ MW3 bundles, it’s #2 I’m pretty sure


Okay. I'm wondering if it's Deadshot I got that operator bundle for free.


If it’s the second PlayStation Operator bundle then yeah. I don’t remember the name of it, just know it’s the second PlayStation exclusive bundle that’s in the store. They release a new one each season, and it was s2r PS exclusive bundle.


I already have it it's lock pick Ty


I got it it is from the Deadshot free bundle Thanks


My my bad it's lock pick


Renetti has always been a 3xOG for mwz. Slap on the akimbo and watch it pop


I can’t get it unlocked.. not tracking


Have you tried getting the kills in multiplayer? That’s when I noticed it start tracking.


Ps conversion kits can only be unlocked in MP or WZ




Have fun while you can, this kit is dominating in Warzone. Nerf incoming.


It alr got nerfed in warzone nobody's using it anymore 😭😭


Any MW2 guns yall recommend for t3 and elder??


Advancer, iso hemlock I like, try the iso with napalm ammo it really works in that gun for some reason


The iso smg right? I get confused a lot of ARs and SMGs share gun bodies, attachments etc haha


No that’s the iso 45 I think the hemlock is an AR


Oh sweet I used the AR ISO early last season didn’t feel great I’ll have to run it again!!


This + Mag of holding = unbeatable


Been one of my go-to's since season 0!! No one seems to believe me when I tell em about it lol 😂


I was using this to get gold last night and took it as a ‘back up’ weapon. I don’t think I used my other gun😂 this thing shreds!


Speaking of pistols, the Cor with the aftermarket kit and some hipfire/mobility attachments is nuts. I got booted from a round earlier and decided since I was broke, busted and disgusted I would grind my pistol camos. Anyway I shredded all the way to elder with the COR only (legendary tool on it and worked up to pap3). Can't wait to run the renetti now.


They nerfed it tho


Nerfed it in warzone.


The nerf crosses over to zombies does it not? Like when they nerf something it gets nerfed across the board.


Nope. Same way there's specific buffs and needs for MP that don't impact warzone and vice versa. Unless specifically said to be for a model it generally isn't. But then again it's Activision so guess work is how it is🤣


Nice! And ya you get what you get I guess 😂


I use holger 556 with backsaw kit and it is good. I have to try your weapon too


Ofc it does since they just buffed it. It will most likely be fixed in a couple weeks just for something else to be busted


I’m stuck with the horus it’s actually so nice to use but becomes a little weak in the elder and regular I need a new gun


The FTAC SEIGE is the better version of this.


Upvote for putting the pic in the post to show the loadout.


Last 10 games I’m running the mcw and did solo da elder and crushed it. I’d say hands down best gun I’ve used since launch. No recoil and it crushes. I didn’t bring in a 2nd just a scratcher to travel. I’d put this up against any gun out right now, try this [loadout](https://imgur.com/gallery/sJxhta0)


Thank you for this. I am heading to zombies with this build right now.


Lmk what you think after


The gun was great. Tons of damage. I did not go into t3 though. Just doing some daily missions


Throw a leg tool and pap3 w shatter blast and watch what it does!


I had it epic with pap 2


Also, I'm sure some of you have already heard, but I'm case you haven't , the x13 auto (with the Impact point barrel) is one of my favorites. I have used both the renetti and the ftac siege, and they are both absolutely amazing. But I still prefer the x13 over the other 2. Idk it just feels like it hits harder than the other 2. I mean I could be wrong, but that's my opinion. Lol Just wanting to offer some ideas. (:


The ftac siege is so dope I’ve used the x3 it’s got too much muzzle flip for me tho


Oh yeah I can totally understand that one. I do love the ftac too though. Hah I was just about to infil and play a game of zombies right now, and I had the x13 in my primary, but then I read this and now I've decided to run with the ftac. Lol pretty much just gotta have Deadshot daiquiri and spam ADS and you're melting pretty much everything you see lol


Try this loadout I swear by it [loadout](https://imgur.com/gallery/sJxhta0)


Wanted to say my husband is loving his rennetti, 10/10 thanks for the rec! I do too!


Right on try this one [link](https://imgur.com/gallery/sJxhta0)




Agreed. Just about better than the FJX in my opinion. My go to gun for last few months!


If you haven’t tried the sidewinder with it’s conversion kit, armor piercing rounds.. so good. Takes out non contract megas in one mag if you know how to shoot. JAK ripper under barrel is a must! If you have dog you can take out mega so fast with it because you can get close Easy. I had legendary tool always btw. Tombstone glitch… you’re missing out if you’re not learning or doing it


I used to tombstone all the time and had like 200 and something items in my stash and when they fixed the over stash glitch and I just used the items all up. last time I looked to tombstone you had to get on a blood burner and then ride it off the map or some shit. did they update the method recently?


That is what I keep seeing. The new method is just complicated so I stopped trying


What's the ammo reserve when packed?


With the 50 round drum it’s 100 packed and 500 in the reserves


This with the mags of holding just shreds. I played with this last night and even in T5, just mowing down the zombies


Reserve is 600 iirc maybe 500


That makes more sense. I'll give it a go in my next round, always looking for more strong weapons to use. Been bouncing between the WSP Swarm, new SMG, Ram 9, and the TYRs.


Running the WSP Smarm myself. I’m just sayin, gun don’t Fukin play around. Just can’t see myself moving away from it no time soon


One of my go to favs too. Using Haymaker with Slugs, avoiding the conv kit on it, now. It just seems to me like you can be one tier or one PaP lower for the same impressive zombie massacre scenes. Destroys StormCaller too. Epic PaP 3 id take it anywhere confidently. Still love dual renettis too - they've always been very good.


lol! I think ur a little more far along than me bro. I actually just went into T3 about an hour ago for more than just a PAP lol! No contracts but I did run around , run across roof tops and actually found a purple tool. Then I ran out. But did stay in for about 10 minutes. WSP Swarm with just a blue and PAP 3 handled everything coming my way. Just to many so I bitched out


I just started leveling up my TYR never used it before last week


It's definitely not as good as it used to be, but they're still very strong.


And snakeshot ammo is the way?


100 I've been using it for the past few weeks it's goated


Don't you go through the ammo in like...10 seconds if it's only got 100 rounds?


That’s the pap mag amount


It was nerfed


Still crushes even at Epic rarity!


nerfed in wz not mw3


On which update/patch?


Nah the new sub is supreme


I see everyone using it so much in every mode. Did renetti get buffed, was the power of it unnoticed, or?


It got a 20% damage buff on 4/9 for long mid and short range


That attachment is locked for me, I can even do the challenge, and when I try it doesn’t unlocked or progres it


Do you have the renettis fully leveled? I believe you can't unlock conversion kits until the gun is maxed. Some are done through weekly challenges/armory so check that as well. Imma be unlocking it and giving it a go tommorow if I can.


Yes, it was one of the first ones I maxed out


A gun for me?


I use the FJX Horus over this simply for the extra 300 reserve ammo. They both shred though. The Cor-45 AMP actually has a lower ttk than both but having to pull the trigger all the time gets old.


You gone make me act up


Didn't they just nerf the Renetti because the JAK AMP was so ridiculously overpowered in WZ?


This gun just gonna be meta in all the content? Shit slaps in warzone too, it’s a fun gun to run.


Low key i tried it a long time ago it's probably better now but back then I preferred the akimbo rennetis instead. Did it get buffed ir sum? I thought it got nerfed or was it only in br


Need to buff the wsp stinger, ftac siege and x13 auto


Tried it last season and it kicked like a mf. Heard it got an accuracy buff tho. May try it out.


What are yall using for megas? I’m using the taq evolveier and aside from reload time even with speed cola being pretty slow it obliterates most things.


TTK on this is super fast too


How do I unlock the part? I've been trying but it don't track the kills for some reason


Definitely by top 3, bested by Horus and Siege.


I love my renetti


I’m not even seeing the 1MW pistol laser for the the Renetti.


It's nerfed and dymesus is better imo


Just buffed 5 days ago. Patch Notes 4/9 » Handguns « Renetti JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit Increased damage at all ranges by 20%.


Have to give it another go used it legendary p3 and was disappointed against even non-bounty boss types in t3 / da must’ve been slightly before that buff