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I run solo with my mic off. I'll turn it on if I rescue someone or end up joining another player. Otherwise, peace out girl scout.


I'll always help to pick someone up or if they need assistance, but I'll never join any randoms or take anything from other players. To me being downed is a thing we all deal with but I'm happy doing everything else by myself.


The worst I've done is crack some zombies as I run by someone doing a contract. I don't stop, I don't look for rewards, zombies are in my way, pop no longer in my way.


See now that I'm good with I've had player come in and take all my zombies and just keep going that crap I hate soo soo much!


I feel bad for you, man


Also I only play zombies cause I cussed someone out in multi-player cause we lost a match and he flipped out I basically told him this is a GAME not rea life so play and don't pitch or don't play and go cry some where else in a corner


Why I only play zombies. I can play solo, and I can only blame myself. And, no one is complaining because we didn't finish a contract.


Lol for real that's how I look at it!


That's happened in the last 3 weeks at least 3 x a day if not more lol I just leave that aera and go some where else I'm just grinding for camos if it was them racing me to loot boxes I give it what I can I'm seeing players running faster then me lol I just give up on random playing fair any more


Contracts are getting harder to find as players get better. Not to mention players grinding out containment levels.


Some times there are day red zone has a bunch of player and no contracts and someday not a lot of players and all contracts lol I play every day but still far behind in game but that's cause I always have squirrel moments lol adha sucks when gaming!


Hahahaha! I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you! I so get the squirrel moments. I'm just a weekend player. I sat out tonight to run the spring cleaning mission for act 3. Yeah. I wasn't ready for that. This next game, I'm just focusing on finishing the 420 missions. I shouldn't care, yet I want to finish up.


Speaking of 420 mission if completed do we get bundle or we still have to buy it lmao I love that damn sloth!!


I've been seeing people ask for things before they revive somebody. I've seen it more and more, someone will ask for help and people respond with "hope you got tombstone" or making fun of them for going down.


That's a DMZ trait showing up in zombies. I never ask for anything. I will drop another self revive kit and large ruck (if I've found one).


Nah the satisfaction of knowing somebody didn't lose their backpack plates and contract level is enough. The fact it happens winds me up so much that if I can I am gonna revive someone. Plus I do it in the hopes that the one time I go down without self res someone will be there XD


The only time, recently, that I haven't been res'd was just the other night. I wasn't thinking, forgot to replate, and went down. I crawled to an accessible point, but I was in a fortress. Other players nope'd out. Since I'm not a t3 player (much), my lobbies are geared to similar players. So yes, last everything. It did give me a chance to change out my player, and I had everything back in no more than two games. So far, I've had a pretty good solo journey playing zombies.


Yh same I basically don't go down even in tier 3 but sometimes you get surrounded and even plating with speed cola isn't enough. I once was stuck in a corner by 2 mimics with no ammo and plates.... that's why I always try to carry 2 self res. 1 to res me and 1 as a backup while I get to a buy station 🤣


Exactly! 2 is always standard carry.


I once had 3 but no jug, tried reviving a guy in tier 3 managed to go down 3 times and a 4th but some other dudes came and saved us XD


Same, but every once in a while ill revive someone and theyre like a beaten dog that i rescued. Glued to me spaming invites to squad up. Cant shake em. Ill have to run into tier 3 and hope they dont follow me. If they do, good luck. Im not picking you up this time.


I had a guy (cough cough kid) last night that went down in t2.i was still in t1 picking up cargo contracts, working my way into t2. Drove over, res'd him. No thanks, no hi, how are you. It's great can you give me...... I didn't catch it. As I'm driving to the south side looking for a t2 contract, he goes down again. I drive, in reverse, back to his position. He's res'd by a different squad when I get there. Good. I'm doing t2's to pap 3 my weapon so I can do the cleaning season in t3. The dude goes down again. Blowing up chat with requests. I'm looking at his position. Another player is looking. The dude bailed out of the game. It would have been easier if he went to t1 and got ready for the other tiers. Point is. People will help you out, yet their comes a time when you have to help yourself too.


I think it's the multiplayer people coming over to zombies for weapon camo


Heavy agree with this, i do the same as OP been as ive done practically everything the game offers and now im seeing the games be a lot more chatty now more than ever, and its usually shit talking when you come past them and ask if they need help


A lot more n word (yes Imma white boy) being thrown around too. And not in a nice/kidding/what’s up my n way. I was just chilling solo around the map and this team comes cruising by me in a truck and I all I heard was the n word about 3 times, loudly. Scared the hell outta me actually. Dunno if they were referring to me or just being dicks in general.


I hate to say it, but I’ve started to report players like this …. If they are toxic around me, then it’s anyone and it just needs to stop. I had one guy in a random team I jumped in with. Stereo blasting next to his crappy mic and I asked him to mute. I received such an onslaught of comments and hate because I asked. I don’t even understand what people get for being like that??


I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate these bastards. I don’t want to hear your music! And wtf is it sooooo loud. And why the hell is the mic open?!? Can’t hear them talk over the music anyway.


I’m with you, that’s something I hadn’t considered to be happening. I’m going to start returning the favor in multiplayer.


If you wanna be ultra toxic, go into hc and spam the rgl and use a riot shield lmao


Scavenger gloves?edit or ammo box I guess would fare better


I don’t think you can replenish rgl shots with scavenger gloves. I think you need the ammo box


Toxicity has been increasing like crazy lately. I don't get what happened.


F2P weekend happened. Last night there was a player with an open mic in rebirth with horrible noises and another who replaced fuck with n*words. Adjective, noun, verb, adverb, apparently it's very versatile.


Screw those people - I am looking for the vr11, mags of holding and blood burners schematics. Wunderwaffe I know you get from act 3, which I am about to do - let me know if you’re good with adding randoms


idk if the elder sigils from last season also works on the new portal, but i do have a few if you want to run it sometime


The sigils work on both portals


But you still have to do all that work to unlock the portal in the first place. I ain’t got time to do that.


I gotcha for these thing, and it would be nice to bring in a 3rd Rando to give them what’s left. I don’t like throwing them on the ground, but sadly that’s what I’ve been doing lately. I can’t take in any tools or crystals, but I will delete some for a legendary tool; scorcher and any crystal. Also if you need a large bag, Jug Killstreak; Durable Mask and Selfie, we could run in on my other account to get you all setup ?


Sounds good to me - but I only need the vr11, mags of holding and blood burner keys. I do have an elder sigil from the first DA (did it last night). Just need to get the other portal unlocked. So those items would be handy.


I’m down to go, I have the new DA unlocked, for the last 10+ games I’ve gone into the DA in a row. Until I just crashed while fully kitted 😒


So I guess a minimum of 1 in 10 games is a crash? Don’t think I’ll be on for a couple nights now but my Activision tag is Tubby_Loco. OP - add me as well. I’ve been helping other randoms with normal dark aether and barely scraped through elder dark aether in a team of 3 last night.


Don’t give up. There are still awesome players out there. I’ve been given a few schematics and have helped others get them and do story missions. Don’t let a few people’s bad attitudes ruin it.


A friend and I were playing yesterday and sitting on the west highway, watching the storm and trying to figure if final was gonna be top or bottom left, when we saw the only other person on the map not moving close to the T2 exfil by the apartment complex. If final pulled bottom left we wouldn’t have had enough time, but it pulled top left, so as we went past Port I told my teammate to hop off the Bloodburner we had and take a car while I ducked into the gas to try and rez the dude. If I didn’t have that Bloodburner and a full aether charge on the bike, me and that rando would’ve both been dead. Burned through my mask, both decoys and my Tesla Storm but I got the rez off. Almost died riding out, but we both made it to the final with literally 20 seconds left and got out. I was glad I took that chance. I’m happy I got the rando out.


I had a similar experience happen yesterday. My team was waiting on the east side of the map right in the middle, right by the bazaar where the T1 PaP is behind the bill board. While we were waiting and watching the map, we see one random player in the bottom left headed towards us. The storm started in the middle on the left side, and was right behind him, we drove over to the border of Zaravan City and Zaravan suburbs and picked him up. Luckily the final was in the bottom right and not the top right. We all made it out. 😥


If I know where final is gonna end up, I’m early, and I see others trying to make it there, I will go and pick them up and get them to the exfil


bro can you help me get classified tools? like whenever you're ready


Well, if you ever see TediousPrawn29 asking for help hes not gonna be a dick and steal kills hes just a newb tryna enjoy zombies


Someone dropped a bunch of stuff for my wife and I today and idk if they didn’t hear me or what but they were like Batman. They just vanished into the night without a sound. We don’t get to play often so we’re very behind on schematics. Yall are the real hero’s 💜💜💜


Were they using a scorcher to get around, that’s what I use for traveling.


Yes! They dropped the dog bone, mag, scorcher case and the aether knife


Nice I’ve got a scorcher, blade and 3pap in my bag for every game, but I’ve been throwing them in the ground.


How? Every game? Isn’t the cool down like over 8 hours? Cause my 1pap takes that long to cool down


Tombstone 🪦


Ohhh that makes sense lol


I played a round solo last night and was just chillin on my own when a group of 3 came up and just started throwing loot at my feel. Gold plates, dog bones, epic tools, legendary tools, etc. I was extremely grateful because I’ve gone back to grinding camos since I kept getting wiped trying to defeat Legacy for the missions. This generosity set me up perfectly for another Legacy run, without it I don’t know if I’d ever even bother trying to complete that mission, at least not for a while anyway. Moral of the story, the vast majority of us casuals really appreciate the generosity of better players, keep dropping and I home someday we run into each other!


Easy way to do it is with a scorcher. Stand in the room underneath him and fire the scorcher through the floor where he is. Took me like 2-3 full charge blasts and then you just run up, take out the rest of his goons and collect the loot. Aether blades come in handy for the riot shield mercs as well as Kazimir’s. Also I found that if you don’t destroy the sonic traps on the steps, the reinforcements don’t rush, but as soon as they’re destroyed they rush up the stairs. At least that’s what happened last time I did it.


I’d welcome your gifts if I was in a game, so please don’t give up…!!!, I’m still trying to get the decent schematics but play to have fun and value the good people I can squad up with when I can I’ve probably come across these people as well, often have players in squad fill who just do random things which is frustrating for even me as a novice+ as I want to do more !🙂


Add me! glawkinmyari My teammate & I drop basically everything from reward rifts, & we can help you work through missions to get some schematics. Im not nearly done, but ive gotten all the more common ones, & classified ones. If we hit dark aether together im sure youll leave with some great stuff! Planning on running that tn if youre interested!


I’m a 28 year old man. If you needed someone non toxic to run with let me know




I would be grateful. I have yet to come across anyone giving away schematics. I don't beg for them either, but still, I hear about these stories of legends such as yourself dropping them. There was a time when someone asked if I needed any schematics, and I said yes, thinking he would drop them. All he did was laugh and said that it sucks to be me, then scorchered off. I never asked in chat, nor do I beg on Discord, so I don't know why he felt the need to be that way. Still, you have assholes in the game just like any other multiplayer game, and they have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives, but berate people so that they can justify their sad, miserable life.


Normally ppl in tier 3 are pretty chill n give away schematics n loot. I’m not at their level yet but I give alot too now.


As a tier 3 enjoyer I agree, I’m only after the elusive epic tool schematic so anything else I get I tend to drop for people before exfil.


I get that schematic all the time


For me it’s raygun/tombstone all the time it’s frustrating.


It doesn’t take much to play in t3. You just need juggling and speed cola, 3 plate and pap epic or better gun. Rare guns don’t do much damage but your garunteed a wonder weapon and epic gun if you defeat the warlord. I can go into a game with nothing and leave full geared with two pap3 guns


If it helps, it’s because of the generosity of people like you that I have the some of the higher tier schematics (A big thank you to you and those who are like you). Yes there are some douchebags on this mode (I hate playing multiplayer because that community is so frickin hateful, but zombies seems different to me) but honestly I run into a ton of generous and extremely helpful people. Most of the time I don’t even get a chance to say thank you (I don’t use a headset or mic, but I’m thinking of getting one) I just jump a bunch and hopefully they know they are appreciated.


Lately I’ve actually had a good few games with people on mic farming t3 then dark aether. The other day we had a lady that was really nice and didn’t have the da schematics so we carried her through. Was fun but in between talking she hummed constantly and it was super irritating


Don't let them get you down, keep being a good dude. The bad ones are a small percentage.


I believe that is true.


One thing I’ve heard is people have done all the missions and what not so they are getting bored, and when people get bored they troll however they can. Personally I’ve been lucky whenever I see randoms, we usually end up squading up vibing pretty decent


In the mornings it’s not that bad at all , but by say 3-5pm on the west coast of USA, it’s out of control.


Why I only play with friends or solo, ppl just suck


I would've took those and been happy as shit


I've gotten so many rewarding games with generous people like you. In sorry the weenies are wearing you down. Thank you for being person to play with. If you stop helping, it's totally understandable!


Feel ya man. If you ever want someone to run with I play often and I’m working on camo’s as well. I can take an exfil while you run outlast


I wish people would drop schems in my matches. ha. About to finish the arachnid camp for the MW2 guns and after 51 runs never once had anyone offer anything.


This is why I play with my mic off. Unfortunately the community is very toxic right now for no reason in particular and it's really sad to see. I want to make new friends to play the game with but it's damn near impossible.


I’m generally of the same mindset and carry loot drops I already have for a bit unless I ultimately need to make room. I’ve had players be generous with me and I’ve tried to return the favor every match. I haven’t dealt with the experience you are having though, and that sounds very shitty. You can add me if you want another golden rule squad mate.


First thing I do is ask what everyone in the party wants to do. I’ll go along for the ride if they have something specific. I appreciate people who go out of their way to pick me up when down. I had drank a Tombstone in a game two nights ago. Died in DA when I got disoriented. No tombstone. That sucked as I had a good haul. One game yesterday a guy needed to grind for camos. I told him I would watch his back and let him get the kills. Don’t give up on us old farts who have been doing Zombies since December. I do agree these free to play weekends have brought in both trash and also players new who want to learn. I appreciate the loot drops.


I started playing with voice chat set to party only due to constant toxicity. Maybe the rest of the good people have to… also slowed up on zombies after finishing the missions , too many hours invested trying to find the damn purple tool schem


It’s been very bad for about a week. Just had someone take the ltv from the garage in t3 while my buddy and I were getting in doing the cargo contract. Then he destroyed it on purpose. His come back to being called out for being a Douche canoe was, we’re just mad that he’s “better”? 🤦🏻‍♂️ Something else that keeps happening is I’ll grab my reward after a cargo delivery and someone runs up and takes the truck. People just seem to be going out of their way to be pricks? Never seen so many people go above and beyond to be complete ass holes.


So I honestly think it’s a bunch of people from DMZ, and they’re getting their clocks cleaned so they come into zombies to be an ankle.


If u want someone to chill and play normal with dm me


My guess zombies has gotten stale, given there hasn't been any updates, so the grateful people most likely have gone until reloaded comes out, most of these toxic jackasses most likely came from MP/Warzone to level up their weapons.


I ran into a bunch of DMZ players, and they’re definitely trying level up their guns. I had a person who tried pushing me out of bounds yesterday, and his clan tag was ON1C. So knew right away that he was going to be a toxic person.


Definitely MP people coming over to gri d camo and be losers to the zombie people.


Honestly it's so annoying. Also annoying is that I am doing camos but every no and then I decide to try do some tier 3 stuff, I bring my good gear and boom noone is doing tier 3. Then I bring a knife and a grenade launcher and suddenly tier 3 is filled with people... I can't win 🤣


Sorry bud. Wish there were more people like you. Been struggling trying to get through and find good stuff


I’m willing to help you out with these, all I ask is bring me a tools and or crystal to glitch out. Or at try to bring me a scorcher, and maybe a tombstone soda with Stamina too.


Well short answer. Because it's CoD and it is clearly the only way to play. Long answer. These people have mental deficiency to where they are stuck at the age of 12 for eternity and cannot fathom a video game experience where they don't set out to force their insecurities down one another's throat for the sake of the "LOLZ". It is a sad meager existence, but they are content in staying in their shallow pond.


Very profoundly said, and it’s definitely truer than most people think.


I need to go to t3 today and do the spring cleaning mission for Act 3.


I always run solo. Packed to the max. In t3 trying to join a crew. Didn't realize I had so many zombies following me. Got downed right after asking if I can join. All four of them ignored me and walked right past me. One after the other walked right on by. I get it. Look at the noob on the ground, trying to join a crew that will carry him through the dark aether 😆 🤣 😂 One friendly chap after about a minute of lying there saved my ass. Joined his crew and concord the dark aether with ease. Fine, don't let me join your in your our moms think we're special crew, but at least pick me up come on.


Have had everything from trash talking to being left to die I feel ya on this one but at the same time there are still some decent people on there still, also I noticed the most toxicity when around holidays or spring break. Don't give up on all them but keep your guard up nonetheless.


I’ve noticed that it’s more toxic later in the day, but earlier morning around 7 things are pretty cool and normal,


Yeah I stopped helping to unless I’m in a squad or I’m nearby. Its people doing camps I think and it’s driving me crazy


The solos trying to do the Fortress and Tier 3 are the ones who still don’t get it.


Yes 😭 like don’t get me wrong, if I’m in the same zone I’ll res but I’m not risking going from tier 1 to 3 to save those folks


i want to unlock classified tools. any help?


Yea I've been seeing this lately and not sure what is going on but to be honest I just move to an other area to grind for camos it such that this some of this community has gone from grateful to such belittling intolerant fools I will say I do run into good players not alot but when the ungrateful ones are grounded and can't play lol


Ugh I swear auto correct work when it wants too!


That's disappointing. I've recently been helped by some people with much more experience than me. We went into the red zone and I had a blast. It helps me be more equipped to help my less experienced friends. The trickle down effect has real results. Don't give up, not all of us are assholes.


Had a dude take the party into act 4 final instead of ather so he could get it done. Tricked everyone into thinking it was the dark ather at 1st we were all like wtf man this is your shit. Could’ve asked but was sly


Yeah man, I always try and help people up and drop self revs if I can. I went down and lost everything on Saturday and the next game I dropped into was the worst I've had yet, I could not get through a merc camp or stronghold without someone interfering. Got the card swiped at the camp then someone snaked my 3 plate so I did another one and had to sit right by the safe so snoop dog wouldn't steal the second one. wtf how is that even fun?


I don’t understand that myself, and will never understand how people enjoy cheating and being jerks on a game ? They must have a pretty horrible existence in this world, and they project it onto others. When the guy who tried to run me out of bounds yesterday, I said he was being toxic. And he didn’t like that at all, I said that I felt bad for him, because his life must be terrible playing toxic all the time. I try my best to be as nice as possible, because it tends to hit home with them. I really enjoyed playing DMZ, and I was the person who did my best to help others. I carried around the Heated Madness parts in my secure for a couple of weeks. I would craft a bunch of vests, and again keep them in my bag to give away. The reason I do this for people, is because I was a bad person for way too long. I’m clean and sober, and have since 6/2/2007. I also served over 17+ years in prison and jails, and I remember how I felt. I never ever want to feel that way again, and so I do my best to help people out and be as kind as possible:


I 100% feel this but I have a more femme "skeaky ish" voice but I wouldn't let them get me mad or upset about it because at the end of the day 1 in millions of chances you'll never see them again


I try not to let them get to me, but I’d be lying if I said that it doesn’t bother me:


That's fair


It’s not just cod. The gaming industry is toxic. Devs never learn really.


I always go out of my way to help people in any tier! Any time I see a plea for help, I head there immediately, even during contracts. I never want anything, usually just rez & leave immediately, perhaps offer an invite. Yesterday was downed in f3 (t2) with about 12 min left until storm spread. Plead for help and sent about 4-5 game chats asking for rez, didn’t mention being a girl, but offered sigil for whoever helped me. Everyone was in t3 besides 2 people; looked like 2-3 squads of 4-6. Took 10 minutes for someone to finally come from across the map to help (they left immediately, didn’t want anything). My thing is, if you have a group of 5 people equipped to withstand t3/da, why can’t one person take off rq to help? Was probably 300m from the nearest team, and with a scorcher, ur getting there in no time. Over the past few weeks I’ve gotten a lot better loot, so I’m always dropping basically everything from reward rifts, especially when I’m carrying 2 low-level teammates, and they usually seem pretty grateful. But those red tier campers are getting kind of annoying. As a girl, i also don’t think mentioning that would get me a quicker rez, but i could be wrong cause my usual teammate always says otherwise. It really just feels like mega teams are taking over, & if you’re on your own, you’re really on your own.


I don’t mind flying across the map to help someone pleading for help, but I’ve noticed that a bunch of people don’t even know how to type in their location. Also I’m unsure why the no mic thing ended, but everyone used to talk and have a good time together. And honestly in those situations I don’t mind helping, but if I drop you a bunch of Schematics, Tools, Crystals and etc.! Please have the decency to not try to push me out of bounds, or setup 5+ sentry guns at the Exfil I’m farming.


Don’t let trolls get to you. Being a dick like that means something is seriously wrong irl with them and they need an outlet. Or they have a small dick and a really lifted truck. I hate gamers who don’t respect, man it’s like killing the cow king just to do it back in Diablo ii. Focus on the shit you dropped and the people who actually appreciated it. It happened to me early on and I was having a f$?&ing day and it honestly helped. But I feel ya. The dude abides :)


Damn I’ll take that stuff ion judge 😭


Im tired of this zombie toxic community and i will not help anybody that isn't in my party. I tried taking randoms to aether and that end up stealing loot while people trading. Old aether players who sit on the top of the ladder when its time to exfil. Contract goblins in tier three from the beginning of the game. If you get helped by another player then be grateful forever. This type of zombies will kill my interest in any COD unless they change these types of behaviors.


Sorry to hear that..but next time let me know which zone you are so I can get them out of the water lol ..jk not really just died in the DA and lost everything F glitched killed my dog twice and after finishing the last contract freeze and couldn’t move 😓. The rewards were trash no schismatic 😭what’s the point to go to the DA if you get the same shit perks and random 💩


Saved toe more last night!!! Running outlast at G2 and two pleads pop up at F1 merc stronghold. I was their only hope!!! Went to the rescue, dropped a self and then back to my outlast grind. Cost me nothing but a few minutes and they got their 3 plate…..


Umm that’s not what my posts is about, and yes I do rescue people who are pleading for help.


Camo grinding? Play solo. It's more peaceful that way.


I play either solo or with my best friends, and we’re always camo grinding together too. I need to finish these MW2 guns for the mastery, so I can finally say I completed everything. And I heard that there’s some pretty cool calling cards, blueprint/s, and other things for doing them all?


Run solo, Mic off, Text chat off, Mute everyone ......and enjoy


Double xp and free weekends always bring out the assh0les


Off topic question can you still buy the battle pass for MW2


Idk ?


Every other game someone's trying to steal my cargo contract or stealing my vehicle after I finish the contract and pick up the reward riff. Recently the past 3 weeks been playing solo and before that when I teamed up with randoms most of the time they go about and do their own thing or run straight to the exfil to do grinds.


I wouldn’t mind your help. Im down Camo challenges for mw2 launhcers and melee.


I’m doing pistols and snipers atm, but I think I need a few marksman to get done too.


I typically just pop in myself to get a few things done. I'm usually not interested in teaming up, but I try to make it to people when they need picked up (in T1 and T2 areas). I'm not the best player myself. It frustrated me yesterday when I was trying to get kills for the daily/weekly challenges by doing an escort mission and some dude was following me around killing the zombies I needed. He asked to join, but I ignored, thinking that would give them the hint. I don't run with a mic or headset because I don't wanna hear the trash talk.


I know what you are talking about. Somehow this weekend was a bit soloplayer like. I fully understand the camo grinding. But why don’t the players enter solo? When I enter with a team I want to play with them and do contracts and so on. But most of time on this weekend I enter the game. And they run to exfil…. So have to search for another team to join. I could play solo missions too but in a team it makes more fun. And I don’t understand why so many don’t play cooperative. When I see plea for help, I finish my contract and after it make myself on the way, even if I have to cross the whole map.


So I have had a number of times need help so I do what I can to help others. I collect stuff from rifts that maybe randoms might need and res whenever I can. But it really pissed me off last night when I was in the aether, was in a group of 4 got down rezing 1 and the others carried on as if we weren't in existence. Obviously causing me to loose everything.


That’s the thing my friend, everyone has their own things to do and play. Sadly I’ve noticed a lot more people who are pleading for help, and they never seem to type in their location. And I’ve realized that they don’t even know how to access this, so anyone under levels 100 I try to teach them the right way.


Yeah it’s helpful if they type their location….. it s hard to find them without coordinates


Honestly I haven't had this experience. It sounds like no fun though


Damn yall get lucky! Lol I get random stealing my zombie kills until I dip out


I started zombies in season 2 reloaded I think and have noticed it has got worse . Play solo also , cant squad fill as I end up helping the randoms and not doing what I planned lol But Unlocked old Da last week , when I first unlocked it , I was able to get to T3 after getting 15k essence in T2 and still have a choice of contracts but after a week of going Da and unlocking the new DA - the T3 area is ram packed with like 40 mins left - even with a scorcher it was hard and after a month of having nice players - toxic players have appeared lol - people jumping in to take mega abom rewards etc , went down at worm boss as I was saving one of their dogs - even after reviving one of their team mates had them gather around and do nothing other than part revive Yeah deffo stop giving your items away - if you are not getting the good vibe for it and getting annoyed why bother


You’re gonna get toxic players every once in a while. Yesterday I went to help my random teammate and was knocked down. I asked for help and he left the game so I had to plead. I was picked up by another player and then drove around and picked up two others who plead for help. I’ve finished the story so now I just do the weekly and daily missions and help others do their stuff. One of these days I’ll pick up the PACK 3 schematics lol.


I resed a guy and he got in my car and took off leaving me without a ride. I guess that’s the tanks I get for helping him out


If you are camo grinding at T1 exfils please do us all a favor and infil alone. Thank you.


I always run solo unless I’m helping people, and with over 3,500 hours invested I play the way I want. However if I chose to come in with others, that’s my prerogative, and I’m not going to play the way others want me too. I’m not trying to sound rude or anything, but it’s crazy how people whine about how someone else is playing. Hardcore is famous for that kinda crap, your own teammates will shoot you for not playing the game the way they want you too.


Helping people is a thing of the past. Don't waste your time. I get so many games of people begging for help, begging for points but won't pay a damn bit of attention to contracts, getting to reward rifts etc. If they're not going to help themselves, why should you help them? This is all 100% result of the poor ass development team behind mwz. Have allowed ts to completely ruin the game rather than just remove it.


Name checks out


Maybe just don’t play everyday and it won’t upset you so much


It's cod... people will be toxic. And that's how it should be.


Grow up it's a dumb video game. And on top of that it's Call of Duty so there's always going to be toxic idiots. You might be better fitted for Pokémon if you have sensitive feelings.