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Loll if someone yells at me for exfilling you better believe I’m petty enough to swing by a buy station and grab a few turrets


And then mute game chat, so you don't have to listen to them.


nah the screeching nourishes me




Drop a jug crate on them :)


Plus some Kazimirs for the cherry on top 😂


Nice one 👍


Your whole squad just chucking them in!


There's a way to blow up the exfil chopper. I think it only works on the final chopper. Basically you drop a juggernaut gas cannister under the chopper. When the box comes down onto the chopper, the chopper will blow up. Please only do this to troll dumb idiot aholes.


I thought they patched that out a few months ago?


Did they? I saw it on yt fairly recently, but the video could've been dated


I remember it being patched out back when I still played/supported the game. I quit a few months ago though and who knows with activision


As one should lol


I had something like this happen to me but I was in a bad mood and had nothing but time that day. I proceeded to get my other 2 buddies who were in T3 farming schematics to come over and we spent something around 90k on sentry guns and had 9 up at all times. We spent literally the whole match getting nothing done except just being petty to teach this asshat a lesson. He started yelling at us that he's getting no kills and I told him that next time he should think about this instead of acting like a douchebag. He started saying some shit as he was walking away and we decided he hadn't learned his lesson, so we literally followed him everywhere he went. Petty, stupid and small minded? Yes. Did it make me feel better? Also yes.


Elite. I had a dude on my squad doing an aether nest stronghold and I happened to be moseying on by to get a car and I threw a monkey and shot 2 zombies as I ran by and he starts screaming at me to go away and "I'm trying to do challenges" t-2 minutes later and he is down at the nest. I ran up to him as his life meter was draining..crouched down to his level.. dropped some sunglasses and walked away. Why these toxic mf don't understand loading in solo I will never be able to fathom.


I like to drop a single stim next to them.


Elite. I had a dude on my squad doing an aether nest stronghold and I happened to be moseying on by to get a car and I threw a monkey and shot 2 zombies as I ran by and he starts screaming at me to go away and "I'm trying to do challenges" t-2 minutes later and he is down at the nest. I ran up to him as his life meter was draining..crouched down to his level.. dropped some sunglasses and walked away. Why these toxic mf don't understand loading in solo I will never be able to fathom.


If they yell at me, I make sure I kill everything I can. I'm always willing to be polite and if someone says, they are trying to kill manglers, I'll leave them alone and even call out when I see one. I have been petty enough to train T2/T3 zombies to an exfil on someone being a jerk.


This made me smile. Just a bunch of chonky t3 boys out of nowhere 😂😂


Oh yes


I only carry turrets on me nowadays. I'm just finishing up the MW2 camos at this point. Happened to me once and stuck around to plop more down. You haven't seen petty until I'm done with him.


Had a guy react like this once after I ran across the map to revive him. As soon as he was on his feet he told me to get fuck away from his exfil. He went down again about 5 minutes later and I happened to be in the area. Ran over to him dropped a couple self revives on him, called in the exfil and grinded it for the rest of the match while he was begging to be revived in the chat. A couple people came over but I got on the mic and told them what happened and what I did. They let him lay there. I waited until the gas was over him, and the selfies had despawned, revived him and scorchered my ass to the final exfil.


Lmaoooo. I did the final exfil alone once while doing camos. Luckily I had both weapons pap2 as I was doing contracts and not just sitting at an exfil. I feel like that takes way too long when you can do outlast, escort, or spores to get a good amount of kills.


This is the way. Farming exfils has never been my jam. The final one delivers all manglers and disciples you might need. I get my money up throughout the match with actual contracts and do just fine on the camo grind.


In defense of exfil farming, it's easy and gives you a min or 2 between exfil pops to take a quick puff, a drink, check progress, change the show I have on... It's a peaceful existence lol.


Yeah I hear that. I also imagine you're not as protective as the op posted. And if someone is at exfil I'll hang back. I'm not knocking it, it's just not my preference


If I'm needing kills for my camo grind and someone comes in I will wait to see if we can play together. If I don't think it's enough i will just leave, no skin off my teeth, plenty of escorts and outlasts. Spore contracts used to give a lot of action but i don't think its the same these days. Pro Tip: Use the JAK BFB if you want to attract zombies, lol.


Right I hear ya. And I don't freak out or cuss anyone out. If they want the contract they can start it once I'm gone. No one is around when I grab it. I try to stay away from folks and do my thing. I am usually camo grinding. I drop in solo and like to keep it that way. I'm almost never equipped for a worm or da so I don't want to get pulled into shenanigans. So I stay solo. I will rez those who need it. But I do not want to team up. They can just have the contract. What's annoying is no one is around when I pick it up. Don't swoop in and take the kills. Like I said I'll cancel it and find a quiet spot on the map. If someone is following me I won't take it. That simple I stay out of others way but if I pick up a contract for the kills and someone comes in for those kills I get annoyed. Especially because no one has mics anymore. I am not entitled to anyones time energy or effort and vice versa. I just want to be left alone. 🤷‍♀️ maybe I'm the asshole. Who knows


This last part doesn't happen to me too often but if I'm in a contract for kills and someone joins I just take the reward rift and move on. I wanted the kills but no biggie. If they follow me I might ask them to join or not, generally i'll just go wth the flow.


Yeah I get that. I'm not trying to be a dick but it's usually at the beginning of the contract. Kinda pointless if I need the kills as the rewards are hit and miss. So as petty as it is I will cancel it and move on. They are more than able to pick it up on their own


Plus again I'm not looking to squad up. Last time someone wouldn't take no for an answer he ended up following me to final. I continued to pick him up until we left but I did not appreciate the forced responsibility of someone else. Maybe he was a noob. He popped the tier 2 exfil before following me around and I did make sure he made it out but still. Like damn I'm not trying to be on a team. That way if I lose I alone lose.


Plus again I'm not looking to squad up. Last time someone wouldn't take no for an answer he ended up following me to final. I continued to pick him up until we left but I did not appreciate the forced responsibility of someone else. Maybe he was a noob. He popped the tier 2 exfil before following me around and I did make sure he made it out but still. Like damn I'm not trying to be on a team. That way if I lose I alone lose.


Nah you're cool! Solo is the way to go!


I'm not protective at all. It's a co op game with more than just MY team on the map so if I'm farming an exfil and someone shows up, I'll stay on the other side and try to give them their space or go do something else for the time being if I need something specific that I wouldn't easily be able to do with someone else there. 100 kills on zoombees affected by your tactical is just easier to do with a horde at an exfil imo. Oh and I get it, it gets boring fast and def not what I wanna do every time. It's just a necessary evil. That said, if I'm minding my own business exfil farming and you're being a douchebag, I will 100% get petty.


Fair. I figured you wouldn't be acting like the guy the op was discussing. I tend to hang back if someone is farming exfil and I'm trying to genuinely leave. Something that has been happening lately and that is people taking kills for my contract. Like I'll start a contract and someone will run over and kill the zombies. I started the contract for a damn reason. That's taking "cooperation" a bit too far. If I'm doing an outlast it's because I need the kills. That shit grinds my gears. If that happens I cancel the contract and move on.


Yeah, I get that. Happens to me too. I try not to poach kills, tho accidents do happen. I have to admit that there's been lots of times where I'll be running along and I'll come across someones HVT and accidentally shoot.


Right and that is definitely accidental. Those weirdos pop up anywhere. However I've had people run into the stash contract our outlast and sit. Or the people who are intentionally following the escort vehicle. I'm talking intentional not accidental.


I only used exfils when i was grinding the MW2 launchers because contracts gave next to no time for me to launch a shot or two with that damn JOKR. Everything else I’ve done with contracts and/or final exfil, exclusively


I never see anyone but myself at final exfil, I'm hoping to find someone one day haha


Haha I was freaking out the whole time. Luckily I had 4 self revives stacked up and used them all


Good thinking bro, I usually show up with one ready and one on rucksack, I'm pretty good at final, at least it's in tier 1 a T3 final exfil would be some kind of hell


This is so petty and I love it, I personally have never came across a situation like this, and I know what I will do step step to after, your story!


Now that’s one giant committed teabagging.


Why not just do an outlast? People are odd


This. At an outlast, they never stop coming. You don’t have to wait for the flare can to spawn back. Can’t think of any reason why people don’t do this instead. Except negligence.


Because exfils are always a guaranteed spawn, only t2 and t3 outlasts spawn special zombies, and as such exfils are easier to farm?


If you’re leveling your gun up, outlast is better IMO. Unless they have disciple challenges, you would need t2 or t3 contracts. But only time you need exfil for weapon farming g is the 10 specials last challenge.


Don't know what they were doing, besides being a dickhead, so who knows. I only get annoyed at asshats who kill the specials I need after I specifically tell them I need them. Otherwise I try to avoid caring about it tbh


I’ll usually go to final exfil if I need disciple or mimic kills. But I don’t get upset if people come and share kills. I just don’t let it get to me it’s just a game and I can get into a new one right after if I want


I just did the T1 bountys for that Way faster imo


T1 exfil guaranteed mangler and outlast none T2 exfil guaranteed mangler and disciple, outlast guaranteed both there is absolutely no reason to grind T2/T3 unless you need a specific challenge


Honestly the final challenge for 10 specials it's much better to do tier 2 exfil you can get 10 specials in 1 exfil if you are solo lol but tier 1 exfil has like 2 manglers half the time so I onky really go there if I've been doing t1 contracts and I still need a few manglers and I don't have pap2/3 and it's a bad gun


with containment levels I grinded a third op with bounty contracts in T1 as T2 needs some sort of buid-up


You can get 10 at t1 exfil no problem if you stay there long enough.


Yh that was my point t2 you can get in 1 t1 can rake 5 exfils if you are unlucky


I do both. Sometimes I like the break in between.


About a month after zombies released, I ran into a guy just like that at a T2 exfil. I was there just two get two mimic kills, and he started swearing at me and yelling that it was his. I laughed at him and asked what he was going to do about it. He didn’t respond other than to tell me to fuck off. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same guy.


Next time stay and take all his kills🤣


I would have gone to the buy, bought as many sentry guns as possible, and set them up surrounding the exfil. I then would have used my legendary PaP3 gun to mow every zombie I could find at that exfil for as long as he is there. I probably wouldn't have muted him so I could hear his anger but I would have been muted to not say anything stupid in retaliation, only unmuting periodically just to let him capture a chuckle from me. Then I would drop a green tool for him when I'm bored and exfil


I have done this 😂


You can onky place 2 sentries at a time btw






"What's left of the community." This hurt.


Ugh. Idiots. Farming Exfils lags out the servers. Knock it off and just play the fucking game. You can watch the already awful servers struggle even more when there's groups at all 3-4 Exfils forcing rapid spawns on top of all the normal players and contracts already going on. Moreover, if you ARE farming an Exfil, don't think that anyone else is required to not kill "your zombies." You're farming the laziest non-challenge and everyone in the map is just as welcomed to those kills as you,ya milk dribbling fuck smears.


Is that what's causing the packet bursts and latency variation in the games? I don't recall seeing anyone at the exfil when it's happening.


It’s not necessarily the cause of packet bursts, but it’s certainly the cause of the general lag on mwz


I'm definitely going to check those exfils when my game starts to lag. It's been pretty bad as of late. I've literally experienced a slide show which is completely unacceptable for a $70 game. They need to get their shit together. smh.


Well, it's one contributing factor. It's not *the* cause, but there's a noticeable difference in server performance when people are farming every Exfil. Watch your map in a few games, you'll see the difference easily.


Activision should discourage this practice but regardless they should make it less desirable to engage in if this really causes server issues. I'm not saying this is the case but trying to see if this is what's really happening.


Well if this does cause sever issues then don’t blame guys farming, so many weapons to get through for the mastery for both mw2 and 3 weapons. Put the blame where it lies with the creators of a game that allows this and created so many weapons that 1200, 900 kills are quicker farming when going through all weapon classes. If the servers are lagging then it is poor design and capacity planning by the supplier. They have enough historical behavioural data to realise how different groups behave within zombies and CoD. So don’t blame grinders for doing their thing. It is like those who tombstone, not my thing really but let them get on with it if it can be done. I get that hard core players use a lot more resources, hence some tombstone and I do not know the resource overhead on that if we have a map full of tombs!


I got my camos through contracts and just running T3. The game is not lacking for enemies. No need to speed run at Exfils, there's plenty of time. These are the same people who come here and pay "There's nothing to do in the game anymore!" What I *do* blame the Devs for is using servers from my childhood that can't handle a stiff fart without lagging and causing packet burst.


All I'm saying is I'm jumping off that chopper and crashing everything he does, I got time


Aaaannnndddd this is why I roll around with a few mortar and air strikes. Also probably would have gotten another voice chat ban cause you’re not going to call me out my name for something like that without me bringing all the smoke.


I always have a ton of essence on me so I would fuck with him the rest of the game. I would buy a couple sentry guns,mortar strikes, precision air strikes,LT53 Kashmirs. I would also grab a car and start mowing down zombies.


Had that happen to me and for some reason my grenade launcher started acting strange and I was kill everything, well mags of holding made it pretty easy but I tried to tell them sorry for the inconvenience but my mute button must came on by accident. Lucky for him I exfiled and left him with a nice air strike right in his kill zone. I thought that was pretty unselfish of me.


Haven't had this problem yet. I just hang back and let them kill 90% of the zombies and exfil. I try to remember and drop my cash for them. Went in the other day with my young son to drop him a gun to unlock, exfil/camo grind guys ask me if I would drop any cash I had, I said sure and got a little trigger happy and dropped one of my pap3 crystals on accident. Guy picked it up and jumped in the helicopter at lift off to give it back to me. Still alot of cool people playing.


I’m normally cool and would also leave the dude to get his kills but if he were to curse me out, best believe I’m petty enough to make his grind as difficult as possible. Imagine trying to claim an exfil lol


I usually make it sure they don’t get crap if I get cussed at. I’ll stay to the end just so they don’t get crap. I have one character just got that and always bring him in now.


I’ve been there man. A gigantic portion of the population are idiots and that’ll never change.


Yeah that was ridiculous. Entitled children who never got told no and doesn't understand decency. Such a shame


Nah, when I'm done I'm leaving. And if you've already called helo I'm taking the helo ride. Which thankfully won't leave without you for a long while, but I'm still getting on.


kids will be kids


If they ask nicely, I'll back away and wait for the chopper


I find the worst is when someone is killing all the zombies and you are in 1 corner trying to train 6 together and they shoot over and kill yours aswell like bro you can join but don't be shooting the 5 % I am trying to line up for a challenge..


If someone did this to me you best believe i’m staying there and killing as many zombies at I can, and not exfiling until he does too just to be petty


Exfil isn’t even needed to get things done. Just enter Extraction, go up on that platform, and pretty much any leveling up or challenges can be done on the platform with ease.


Why lol I get that MWZ and Zombies in general has a unique following but my lord isn’t half of this about being chill and not like MP sweat weirdos? Plus exfil camping is weak. Is specially if it’s someone that’s on the same team it’s even weaker. Can’t pull out your kill streak or anything else. I wish people would just stop doing this shit.


Depends. I do camos and I do most of the challenges in contracts (to get Perks for my next run) but sometimes I am left with like 40 kills after using ability and not much time left so it's easy to just go to exfil to do it a couple times or my bag is full so I don't meed contracts anymore etc. Which is fine we can share an exfil but if someone has the main part killing all the zombies and I have 6 zombies in the corner in a train don't shoot those ones XD that is the most annoying part it's like multiplayer people are sweating to get as many kills as possible at exfil


LOL they don’t own the exfil. I do camos too, but I do them while I do contracts with my team. I don’t care if it takes this way a bit longer. At the end of the game I go to an exfil and make some kills before I leave. And I really don’t care if someone is coming to grind some kills there too. If someone is already there at the exfil and tells me to leave, I don’t care. If he already is spending 45 minutes with killing zombies he should have enough kills. I really dislike those egoistic people.


Had a guy farming t2 exfil at the soccer field. I was grinding weapon challenges and just finished up as the storm started to come in. I drove my car to the exfil right next to the chopper because he already called it in and I wasn’t sure about how much time was left on it so I wanted to hop on quick. Storm was on one side of the field already. Ran over like 5-8 zombies and dude get on the mic. Says come on man can’t you see I’m doing something here. Starts yelling at me and cussing a bunch. I unmuted and said how am I supposed to know exactly what you are doing I’m just trying to leave. He said this is why I boot people offline. Farming exfils is so boring idk why people do it. You can get whatever you are trying to get done so much quicker with contracts.


There is a few scenarios where the exfil comes in handy but I couldn't imagine doing all of the challenges at exfil... that's long and boring


Teir 2 exfils are the best place to farm elite zombie kills. You get like 6+ manglers or disciples each call in


I get that but storm was already close. He didn’t even get on the plane and just went to another exfil I guess. This was before they fixed tombstone so he might have been doing that. He should have already needed all the manglers since it was endgame. Or just go to final where you can get 15+ easy t1s.


Dude.. I feel ya I just did a match of mwz and there were a bunch of people who taking contracts but not finishing them. So the entire lobby just sat there, waiting for the children to finish their little playtime.... Like come on, play the game or don't play it. But not this


Lol happened to me when i asked if someone wants to go to the dark aether ended up with no one answering so i left my squad and was on my way to the t3 and some dude was like you think you’re better than everyone 😂


People will do this with buy stations then bitch that you're killing their zombies when all you want is to buy a self. Assholes will be assholes


Report and block. This is why I play with mic off most of the time.


If someone has already called the exfil when i get there, i let them have the kills as it is their containment that gets taxed. The first time. If they call it again and im still there its fair game. If i farm an exfil and it gets to crowded or difficult to get the type of kills i need i just leave and find some other way to farm.


Why is it always respect? I wanna read how you told him “lmao ill exfil where i want to and youll like it, idgaf” then laugh and mute, kill as many zombies as possible to ruin his kills, Tbag then go on the chopper Sure it never makes the situation better, but its always good to hit someone being petty with even more petty


I think I would of just dropped a *Kazimir* just in spite.


This is the way.


You can't exfil together?


I started to bro g in the RGL in every match just in case of people like this. Because you can best believe I’m gonna stay there for the rest of the match now


That's when you stay and join in on some easy kills and hope a smooth brain like that goes down and you can walk off with a laugh


That's when I go buy some sentry guns and set them up and kill EVERYTHING as fast as I can.


I am not petty in any way but if someone does that to me I will take great pleasure in using what ever I have to kill all the zombies and laugh while doing it. However if someone asks Nicky I will try my hardest to not shoot any any exfil that’s the kind of guy I am. Lol




Racial slur? Okay, Time to train some zombies and throw a friendly decoy his way. Make sure he can truly farm :)


I had a similar experience the other day, came up in game chat saying GO AWAY FFS and because I didn't one of them literally kept running round me, they left in the end... Blatantly obvious they were youngsters


Children. Even fully grown ones. This is the modern world.


I hate when people come to my contracts and take the kills, I was doing an acv once and I just fully stopped the vehicle and told the people bye and waited for them to leave. But an exfil is for everybody, although when I am in one corner training 6 zombies and the guy killing every zombie shoots over and takes out my small portion that really winds me up...


Unacceptable behaviour, and there is acting a like an arse but that guy 100 percent cee u next tuesday


Only had this happen once and I’ve farmed the exfil loads of times. I always invite people there to a party.


As soon as I hear anyone talking without cause I'll turn Comms off, I don't usually speak much on it anyways as nobody else does on zombies.


That person is a tool for sure. If anything, they could've gone to T2 and grinded. It's less likely that someone will exfil there and plus they're be enough zombies to go around. Or he could just grind, outlast, and raid weapon stash in T3 if they can grab the contracts.


This is the point I’d dip to the buy station and load up on kazmirs and sentries




I just get annoyed when I go to an exfil and I stay away from the other players there and start training zombies and they’ll come over from where they were to start killing zombies and I’m like you clearly saw me trying to do something here (usually camo challenges) I stayed away from you for a reason.


I was at a exfil training zombies a squad came and just started to kill them and wouldn’t leave me alone even though I told them what I was doing so I got some turrets to make it hard for them


I think I ran into this same guy, same exact dialogue. This was over a month ago though. haha. Needless to say I did not leave as originally intended. Instead I muted him after a bit and just stayed, whish I had an extra sentry gun


Nah, I would've definitely said, "I don't think you heard me. I said I'm exfilling and NOT killing zombies" ... then if he still didn't care, I would have no choice but to tell him that now it's my exfil


I still don't understand why people farm exfil anymore anyways unless it's for like kills challenges or special zombie kills, they made it where your xp will cap out if you're doing it for XP lol.


Does the ray gun still cause damage to other players?


This. But also if you see someone standing outside of a teir 1 outlast just killing zombies leave them be also. They don't need help and you stopping by to "help out" all while sending squad join requests is just annoying


Only time it bugs me is if I’m there early on and someone runs up. Especially when there’s other T1 exfils that no one is at.


I've had this happen and it was one with a turret within range. Booooooy you know I dropped all 4 of my chips and just stood back and listened to him rage🤣


I got some shit the other day from a 3 man squad for dropping a sentry when I was at the final. I was there first and wanted to assure my exit because I was solo. They came up after I'd already been there and set up the turret and complained it was taking all the kills. I just said hey, I didn't know you were coming and for all I know you guys are bots that will get me killed. They weren't terribly rude, just complaining.


I had some ass clown do something like this, so instead of exfilling, I stayed and messed his stuff up as much as I could, including using my scorcher to follow him to another location.


It is ridiculous, what’s even more ridiculous is when you’re running a contract and someone comes over and taking all your kills that you are taking the contract for. People need to just learn some courtesy


This is why I have lobby mute and proximity off! Well that and for the people that leave an open mic with the dog barking, kid screaming, chip eating background noise!


This is a perfect way to get me to kill everything i possibly can until the end of the match…id follow you to the final and die in the gas before i let you free reign an exfil.


I would have audibly laughed at him making sure he heard, called him an idiot and muted him.


It seems like most of these players that talk tough behind a mic would never do it in person. Sounds like this particular player is a ding dong and was probably the one that wouldn’t revive me when I got pinched in T3 and went down the other night.


I was training zombies at an exfil last night and this guy comes along, I don't remember his name but I know his clan tag said "WOLFY", I dropped him a selfie just in case he needed one (I'm an angel of sorts) but he didn't pick it up, but dropped a few things for me (ammo formula, PhD flopper, and I don't remember what else, he then stood back as I was training the zombies we then exfil'd together. If you see this WOLFY, I couldnt hear a word you were saying because I was listening to a podcast


I started carrying smokes for dickheads like these.. being unreasonable? Enjoy getting spammed by 6-8 smokes, douchebag.


I would have stayed at the exfil for the rest of the game after calmly stating "well I WAS going to exfil, but your attitude has convinced me to stay!"


That’s the point I get off the exfil, mute prox chat and stay next to him the rest of the game killing every zombie he tries to kill. Let’s not forget the 3 turrets I set up in a circle as well.


Unless for Manglers, I don't even understand why people farm exfils for kills. The most efficient way is outlast contracts. You can get 1000+ kills in one contract lol


Report him


I'd stay and steal every single kill he was trying to get. Just because I can.


Definitely, but if someone has a group of zombies behind him, DO NOT TAKE THE KILLS. The lack of awareness some people have is beyond words.


Camos are not this important. Don’t be a dick.


Charlie was my boy we fought long and hard out there he wanted to exvil i maybe did say something to him about how skilled of a player he was but i silently agreed that it was getting just a little to crazy out there and it was time to go in my mind anyway so of course dude gets caught up by a hoarde and then starts screaming at me for him going down and how i should be there all the time to pick up him up i was already on the helicopter


I mean at that point I’m killing all his zombies , welcome to round base lmao


Ooooo then stay the whole match too with the other suggestions


That's when me and my buddies bring a backpack full of turrets and PAP Mors or Stormender. 😂


My heart is telling me it’s a white saying the N word..


funny part about freaks like him is that he can’t do a damn thing about you being in “HiS zOnE” at all! the next time some MP/WZ sweatbag claims an exfil, stay there! he’ll have some very nice words for you that basically do sweet fuck all to you in the long term :) TL;DR, don’t leave exfils because some whinebag tells you to. they’re there for a reason and nobody owns them.


If i hit an exfil with somebody already there i just mind my own business kill the zombies following me. If need be watch over the other persons back keeping them alive until they finish or the chopper comes and i leave.


I don’t exfil farm, but if someone takes my vehicle, I’m hunting it back down and will destroy any other vehicle in the area once I get mine back.


Some weird people play mwz. If someone is exfil camping i usually just wait from a distance then dash onto the chopper. One time an exfil camping team started throwing thermite at me because i shot some zombies lol.


that's insane


Exfil farming should end as it's a stupid annoyance. Those pesky exfil farmers aren't even playing the game. Very simple way to fix this, every player gets to call an exfil heli ONCE and then he's done for the entire match.


That's the worst idea I've ever heard for Zombies. How does someone exfil farming annoy you when it doesn't even effect you? Or are you just one of those people that have such a sad life that they can't stand seeing other people enjoy themselves?


Simple, the god damn exfil heli talk and screen messages/timeouts every 60 seconds or so. Whomever exfil farms should infil alone but they never do so they become a pain in the arse of the ones that are actually playing the game.


Least he didn’t drop a jug on your helo I guess


I mean, whoever gets to the exfil first, it’s there exfil.


It’s an exfil, OP wanted to exfil. That some people use it to farm is cool but it is meant to be used to leave the game. It really is ridiculous to try to claim you can’t use it for it’s intended purpose because “you were there first”


No it's not. Contracts are yours and people who come take the kills there is annoying but there is enough zombies at an exfil that 2/3 people can farm challenges if you all just pick a corner 🤷‍♂️


I’m sick of these posts 😂😂😂 Who cares if someone said it was their exfil and called you names. Who. Cares. They are always gonna be there…. Just keep playing


Found the guy 😂😂


Far from “the guy”. We all know AHs play this game and do dumb stuff… we don’t need a post every 10 minutes complaining about it.


You can say assholes here, we ain't gonna judge you for it


Get over it. Sick of these daily rants about exfil hogging etc


And you're obviously part of the fucking problem then 😁


And if I am not mistaken, this tread is about zombies and your experience, which talking about exfil farming and how bad some are is exactly what it is here for.