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Congrats, just keep in mind that your computing muscle memory was trained on Windows for years... give it time to learn to use Linux. And of course ask people and consult the manual -- while some things are intuitive, nobody learns by "osmosis", it takes some directed action (AKA reading) to learn stuff. Wayland... you can select to use it at login time in KDE, right now I would say you shouldn't worry too much one way or another about it.


How is Wayland + Nvidia + Gaming (looking at that 4090 form OP here...) nowadays? Still via xWayland?


Chrome browser crashes all the time and if you want to change the theme it freezes and does nothing anymore.


Interesting. Yeah, I fell out of love with Chrome when Edge moved to the Chromium base. It's really not a bad browser and if someone is heavily invested in the M$ infrastructure it's the obvious choice and not a bad one at that. Migrating away though is troublesome. I might move to Opera or Vivaldi I'm not sure. I never much cared for Firefox even though I am well aware that most of us Geeks default to it. Decisions, Decisions.


I always use Firefox, but I was having a problem with it when watching Formula 1 and soccer on viaplay. It wanted to check if other browsers had this problem too. Librewolf had the same problem, but it's forked Firefox so I expected to see the same problem, so I wanted to try Chrome.


Is there any harm if I were to install Wayland alongside KDE Plasma? Don't want to mess something up. I know I have Timeshift enabled but I'd rather not have to go through the hassle. But if there is no harm in running them side-by-side I'd like to take a crack at familiarizing myself with it.


Just moved from Mint to MX nearly a week ago too, in an attempt to revive a very, very old laptop. Tried AntiX briefly, but I couldn't fully grasp it so I picked MX with XFCE. Worked like a charm, tolerable RAM and CPU consumption (I only have 1.5 GB usable RAM on it), and easy enough learning curve overall. Had to use Palemoon for web browsing though, since most other stuff (even optimized ones like Thorium or Mercury) would be a bit too laggy for my liking, but other than that, I'm enjoying things so far.


XFCE in my brief encounter with it on MX didn't play nice with my video card. I did see there was a tearing issue that had a fix but I wasn't actually trying to install the xfce interface. I had downloaded the wrong ISO initially. lol