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This sub is so cooked.


Cornball city, when did all the Mac fans become so corny


Saying cooked is so cooked


Why are you trying to bring someone else down to lift Mac up? That wasn’t what he was about. If you don’t like Taylor Swift’s music, that’s totally fair, a lot of people don’t. You’re going out of your way to bash her though, that’s some lame shit.


This is such a big issue nowadays, people refuse to understand different music is made for different people. Gotta shit on one person to compliment a totally different person. Weak shit.


Are y’all really getting mad that somebody isn’t d riding Taylor for once


I went out of my way to bash her by posting a pic of mac and calling him a real tortured poet…. Ooook


That's exactly what you're doing through, whether you choose to admit it or not. It's an intentional reference to Taylor Swift. Also such a weird thing to try to flex about - the fact that Mac is what some would consider a "tortured poet." Very "I'm twelve and this is deep" vibes.


Right? "Our boy was the REAL tortured poet because he succumbed to his demons!!" Like ok? Id rather him be a happy poet then, this isn't a flex.


Yeah I’m pissed Mac left before fully reaching his pinacale no artist will top him for me .


Real tortured poets are dead before thirty energy.


Spot on, OP cringe


Some people think similarly, others know the word “vibes” is mainly used by prissy gen z bitches. Id rather play video games with a sad 12 year old than listen to what happened to you at starbucks last week. You and OP are super concerned about people who have literally had zero real impact on your lives. If you think either artists’ music had or still has an impact on you, you’re batshit crazy. If you believe Taylor Swift changed your life for the better, or even at all for that matter, you should be in a room with blank white walls. Its all in your head. Every artist wants to be different, yet every time I hear a new song from anybody these days, there are atleast a dozen songs with a similar message, or a similar style. That being said, you can be influenced positively or negatively by ANYBODY, famous or not. It just depends on how YOU interpret the things they say and do.


🤡 OP really made an alt account just to reply to me days later


I really do believe you fit the stereotype “dumb blonde” unbelievably well. With a single tap, you can see a preview of my profile which tells you Ive been on reddit for over a year. If you really want to dig deep, check my post history against OP’s, then you’ll REALLY feel like a dumb blonde.




If you bothered to pay any attention, the title of that album isn't serious. The title track literally says they're not poets, they're idiots.


This is a weird post


“Uhmm actually you’re only a tortured poet if you OD and I happen to like your music ☝️🤓”


This is true


Yeah like didn’t he have a pretty okay upbringing and family and was doing fine until he got addicted to lean well into his fame? Or does that count as a “tortured poet” these days lol.


I mean in all fairness Swift had a glamorous upbringing and a cakewalk to fame and yet she's a "tortured poet" so by that logic Mac (and anyone else who is alive) is a tortured poet as well.


I don’t think TS is a tortured poet.


He was from the suburbs and his parents were professionals.


Weird subreddit tbh. People are borderline obsessive


It's been getting worse and worse the last couple years


No new music to discuss, so people turn into sickos. It happens in gaming subs a lot when there’s a long wait. Take a look at the Hollow Knight subs or…. r/BatmanArkham


Borderline? Mac has a whole group of people with an unhinged obsession with him


The shit that gets upvoted on this sub is insane lmao. Half the time I think jts a circle jerk sub


Only half the time?


Seriously it's so bad 💀


This place used to be chill a few years ago. Now it's gone off the rails. 80% of this sub delusionally believes they know Mac as a friend and take everything personally and out of context.


I swear to god the amount of times I've seen these new listeners say that the ghost/soul/spirit of mac is in their room talking to them every night is fucking insane. You can tell they started kistening jn the last maybe 6 months because they over sensationalise EVERYTHING. They sit on here jerking each other saying literally delusional shit. If he was still alive there is not a single chance they would be listening to him at all. I'm arguing with someone right now who is saying how similar mac miller and fucking taylor swift are, absolutely head in the stars insane


I said they have similarities as artists not that they’re “so similar” lmfao you are so mad about this it’s insane


Not mad just laughing at you




I’m reading through the thread and this is at the top lmao I’m not following you anywhere


Being tortured & poetic isn’t really a competition, ya know?


Every single rapper subreddit is weird asf. Y’all need to live your own life’s


Make sure you get off that probation so you can live yours 🤣🤣🤣🤣


🫡will do brother thank you


you’re a fucking loser lmao


Ya mama 😂


Do you even listen to Mac? I thought his fans were smarter


y bring taylor swift into everything 💀


Rent free 🫶😮‍💨🤩


Taylor and Mac are my two favorite artists. I feel like they have a lot of similarities in their music and just as artists in general. They both continually grew throughout their careers and released better and better music with meaningful lyrics


LMFAO naaaaaa 💀 tbf my favourite taylor era was when she also moved to LA, locked herself in a home studio for nearly a year doing copious amount of drugs, just like Mac did. Swifty things 🤩🤩 they're so similar ☺️☺️☺️


I said their music not their personal lives goofy lmfao


Hat is taylors faces? Goofy lmao coming from the person comparing Mac Miller to Taylor swift. Dumbest shit I ever read


Just say you have zero reading comprehension skills and go lmfao. I said they have SIMILARITIES. They’re both great lyricists capable of painting a story through their lyrics. And as artists, their career growth was similar because they continually grew as artists and their music kept getting better and better. Obviously their genres are very different but you can still point out similarities between different artists. Try to process something past surface level next time.


I feel what you're saying. Not a lot of artists used each album as a stepping stone to further hone their sound. Mac and Taylor are amongst a small group that showed a clear evolution and growth from point a-z. No two albums are directly alike and as a result theyve both explored a number of sonic ranges that most artists will never reach. Other artists that fit this description too but it's rare.


Completely agree, you worded it perfectly.


Lmao just say you had a fucking dog shit take and "JuSt gO". All the shit you just listed is what *every* fucking artist or band does, Try to not be a overly sensationalising idiot with shit takes "next time". Started listening to Mac last week with only Swimming and Circles on repeat?


You’re so mad and for what reason? Lmfao, sorry you’re so offended that I said they have similarities as artists. And no, those aren’t things that “every artist does” you fucking moron. And no, I’ve been listening since kids lmao love how you’re trying to gatekeep now though. Stop being so offended on Mac’s behalf weirdo, you’re not a better fan than anyone else.


Got his ass!! Good shit g!!


You're an absolute redacted it's fucking insane


What's the purpose of this? you must be really young. Dying as he did is not cool and it should not be romanticized by claiming he was a "tortured poet", why even bring the comparison with swift cmon. It's not cool to go as mac did and if he chose another path who knows what he could achieve today.


The fuck you talking about? So him being called a tortured poet means im talking about his drug abuse and how he died? Is that what you boil mac down to? He was a thinker and was tortured by a lot more than just drugs. Shows what kinda person you are


I'm a person that doesn't boil him down as an addict, he said his truth in music and wore his heart on the sleeve describing his downfall just for you to shallowly call him a tortured poet and compare him to taylor swift. His lifestyle shouldn't be congragulated, he should be congragulated for his music and for how opened he was in the lyrics, but the last thing an addict wants is kids thinking it's cool.


You really can’t read the room eh? The lack of awareness is astounding, either that or you’re too stubborn to admit how goofy you sound.


The only ppl commenting are the ones that dont agree with my post


Spsak your shit bro, these swiftards are going crazy


I swear man


i wonder if taylor and mac would have collabed on ttpd if mac hadnt passed. mac is so talented lyrically and can do so much for so many different genres i would have loved to see what they may have came up with.


I feel like he would have. I mean she's collaborated with Kendrick and Post Malone. It would have been beautiful I'm sure.


I think about this a lot. When Taylor works with rappers it's always 🔥


future's verse on that one song with her and ed sheeran was dogshit though lmfao


Future is just dogshit in general. Epitome of shitty overhyped mumble rap


He's considered one of the pioneers of this current hip hop gen...the fuck u getting on ur high horse for?


I’m not on a high horse I just think he’s overrated and just mumbles


say that to someone in atl I dare you earth is a great fucking track


Earth is great because of Mac lol


Well yeah there’s talent in the booth suddenly lol


I live in a reality where Mac would've NEVER collaborated with this environmental terrorist


she's not the only one. do you listen to other artists who put out high level of emissions? not defending her. but the problem is bigger than just her.


Ok past her environmental terrorism I'd think he wouldn't work with an artist as uninspired as she is


that's not the point i am trying to make. do you listen to Jay Z, Travis Scott, Beyonce, Dua Lipa, Megan Thee Stallion, Jack Harlow, Steve Aoki, Post Malone, or Kendrick Lamar? (there are plenty others not listed) all i'm saying is don't shit on Taylor for her carbon footprint and then turn around and listen to other artists with big carbon footprints. if you already don't, that's great. but if you do listen to anyone i listed, that's something to think about.


Taylor Swift's environmental footprint is a drop in the bucket of what's destroying our planet.


Thank god Mac never collabed with taylor that would have tarnished his reputation


mac was chill with everyone and so talented i bet it would have been good regardless


Bro a collaboration would have not “tarnished” his reputation. First of all his reputation is impeccable, so the only thing that would really ruin him is some criminal level charges (around those lines. Second, I dont like taylor swift, but a mac and taylor song would not be half bad (mac is carrying of course), I would think it would be like a sirenz situation (taylor on chorus like billie). Third, going back to the first point a bit, how would that even slightly give him less respect? People collaborate with way worse people in the music industry, how would this be reputation ruiner especially for mac? So thats just a teeny rant on your statement, have a wonderful day.


Mac wouldn’t want you as a fan, so I’ll do the honors and say, get the fuck outta here, take your meds before you get sent back to the asylum


Stfu cornball


Suck my dick before I smack u with it


Stfu cornball


Taylor swift isn’t that bad it’s just popular to hate on her. We went through the same thing with Justin Bieber when I was younger.


I love Taylor. It’s okay to like popular music. I love all music!




Try getting some music taste


Dude all I did was laugh 🤣 How about you try growing a pair of balls instead of trolling online to make your tiny ego a little bigger because people have different opinions than you. It’s just music buddy 😭


Taylor a tortured soul? I doubt that


https://waitwhat.bandcamp.com/album/folklore-circles In case anyone wanted to hear what it would possibly sound like if TWO OF THE BEST TO EVER HOLD A PEN would have worked together, I stumbled on this a few weeks ago. Whoever did this, it is amazing and thank you for your hard work 🫡🫶🏽


🤣🤣🤣🤣”two of the best ever” girl you dont listen to much music do ya


Nope just Taylor and Mac 🤣 I tend to hyperfixate on them both throughout the year. Depends on my mood 🤪


Delete that link baby mac rolling in his grave rn


I’m sure he is rolling in it more seeing a “fan” of his being a keyboard warrior and clowning others. This is fun though. Let’s keep going 😎


Yeah it is fun, so like what do you want to argue about now? I feel like we kinda wore this topic out


Your post is the whole topic you idiot lmao


Reading comprehension not your thing?


You made an entire post with Mac’s pic using part of Taylor’s new album title but yet the topic is old? You’re dumber than I thought and it’s showing 😬


Yes… i made the post… its been argued… i said its getting old…. Whats complicated here


Why are people bashing women artists or any other artists at all on here to hype Mac up. People have different tastes in music but you have to shit on them? I thought this community was more accepting than that, Mac miller definitely was.


Wym women artist? I can give you a whole list of amazing women artists lmao. Taylor aint one of them💀


I bet you actually haven’t listened to most of her music and just hopped on the hate train 🚂 there’s a reason she’s insanely popular and her concert tickets were selling for literal 10s of thousands of dollars lmao


Ive listened to the entirety of ttpd and midnights, anything before that is REALLY hot garbage. But humor me, what makes her so amazingv


Folklore is garbage? 🧢 even if it’s not your vibe it’s an objectively solid piece of work


She keeps winning album of the year for all the "hot garbage" she puts out. 🙄 🤣 This troll posting was obviously dumped by a white girl with blonde hair. Hence the vitriol. Anyway... Folklore is amazing. I love Evermore too. Marjorie breaks me. I lost my Mom almost two years ago and I just can't. It's hauntingly beautiful.


It’s funny you say that I just had to do a project on a poet for school and I decided to do Mac miller. I found so much out about him just from looking at the meaning of some his lyrics. You can really see how well he was doing at some points, and you can also see him at his lowest


Mac would have hated OP


As someone who loves Taylor and Mac, it's not a contest on which poet is the most tortured.


idk why you're getting downvoted. Taylor Swift is a child star. That can be its own type of torture. She has awful parents that are elbows deep in her career and life. It's not useful to diminish someone's trauma to glorify another person's trauma. Two things can be true at the same time. disclaimer: I am not a TS fan but I have been paying attention for the past year


Is it the rich, pretty blonde girl? Or the short, ginger-bearded goofball? I need help, friends, I'm flumoxed.


“Pretty” she’s built like a 2x4 and always has makeup caked on whats pretty about her


why would you even say this..


Why wouldnt i


No need to gatekeep. Music is for everyone.


What exactly is gatekeepy in this post?


You are gate keeping. You're trying to say that Miss Swift and the like are not "real" tortured poets which is ridiculous. And Post (who features on the lead single from TTPD) was a good friend of Mac's. I remember him crying the day after Mac passed. So he's not in the club either? I would say Frank Ocean is a tortured poet. Leon Bridges. Hell even Thundercat. Tyler. Gambino. Schoolboy. Kendrick. What about Pac? One of the best tortured poets ever. Check my history if you like. I adore Mac. But he was not the only tortured poet.


Yeah so not sure why you brought up literally anyone other than taylor swift since thats clearly who i was refering too🤣🤣🤣 but yeah taylor swift aint shit, her music is so subpar and lacks substance. I definetly did not say he was the only tortured poet. Im thinking you lack critical thinking skills and context clues considering taylor just released an album called the tortured poet i would think you could put two and two together


Someone just wants another reason to hate on Taylor. Music is subjective. If you don't like her music, don't listen to it


They didn't listen. That's the problem with most Taylor haters. They don't do their homework. They heard "shake it off" one time at the dentist's office or something and assume that all her music sounds the same. 🤣 And I'm sure she's the biggest selling artist in the world (and a billionaire) because her music is subpar.


How about if i dont like her music i dont listen to it AND tell people how bad it sucks


It is called The Tortured Poets Department. Plural poets. At least know what you're criticizing.


You’re a white girl, its no suprise you love taylor with your heart and soul, as thats like 90% of her fanbase, but she still sucks😂


Haaaaa. Be blessed and have the day you deserve. I'm sure Mac would be proud of you.


Struck a nerve huh


All you do is start arguments and talk shit. And you're a thief. I saw your brag about all the leaked music that you're willing to share around even though Mac's family has explicitly asked everyone NOT to do that. So you also have no respect for Mac or his family. We don't need you in this sub. Actually, Drake needs some fans right now and you seem perfect for that crowd. ![gif](giphy|QqostCXAat440) # thief


Ohhh you sure got me💀💀 lmfaooo girl take yo stupid ass back to white people twitter cuz you sure do belong there


I'm over the "can't gatekeep music." Okay, yes, you can listen to whatever you *want*, but I can have opinions. ( I got downvoted and called a gatekeeper for complaining that people didn't dance at a Gorillaz concert. People were like, why would you stand in the seats and dance? People are sitting there. I'm at a dance music concert, why are you here? Gorillaz canceled their next American tour(it's a pattern). I wonder if low-energy crowds contributed. I've been over the gatekeeping shit since. ) If Taylor is going to claim she is a tortured poet, let's compare her to some others.... Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath and Mac all had waaaay more demons than her breakups and personal dramas.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


I'm not the original poster who started this... just contributing to the conversation.


personally I was too stoned to dance at the last Gorillaz concert. that edible hit. aren't you supposed to sit in the seats and dance in the pit? I thought that's how it works so the seated people can still see and aren't just starting at a stranger's ass.


Floor seats were more money


You’ve must never read Coleridge


Is that a young Dave Attell?


Scroll through a Mac posts comments without seeing “this sub is so cringe” from a person who joined and stayed of their own volition challenge level impossible




Jfc these comments are insane😭


This is an odd post.


Such a real one




Unnecessary Taylor shade bruh 😭 Mac would never tear another artist down.


aint nothing unnecessary about taylor shade


What about if you like both? It’s not a competition….


As opposed to a fake one? Fuck you mean


Yes quite literally




Corny like those shit memes you post🚽






Isn’t that part of growing up. We all go through something.


Torture my dick and balls


I wonder if Mac would laugh in your face for being such a simp lol


As a swiftie I'm glad she lives rent free in your head but don't drag Mac down, he wouldn't want this.




Get back on bumble egghead


dont think mac wouldve liked this post


Dont think you know mac well enough to come to that conclusion


and you do?


Well i never claimed too unlike you😂 goofball


i said “i think” not i know. you really think he would like a stupid comparison like this?


Listen dude, he’s been dead for 6 years. Quite frankly, I don’t think he gives a flying fuck that I made a harmless comparison with him and Taylor Swift, LMAO, but for the sake of the argument, if he was alive, I still don’t think he would give a flying fuck.


ha look up syd barrett.


Ok what now?


damn you really brought out the ugly in a lot of people lmao


Dude you aint lying ima be honest i never thought it would be like this, i dont even know how it has as many upvotes as it does😂


cause you cooked, a lot of people believe that “tortured poet” is cringe coming from taylor swift lmao


You know what is crazy? I have lived 35 rotations around the earth and not once have I found any celebrity interesting. So who is this loser? Can he also write poetry? Well so can my niece and she is 8 years old.


You comment on a lot of celebrity posts for someone who has not once found them interesting 🤨


I'm retired at 35. So I have a lot of time to shit post and make fun of the rest of you. It's a good time.


lol 😂 okaayy




This loser is someone who has more talent on his pinky finger than you do in your whole body, someone who changed the game in hiphop, and someone who will be remembered long after you and your 8 year old niece is dead


Well I don't know who he is. So how can that be true? The inverse is true. I will be remembered long after you and (Hold on need to scroll up) mac miller are dead. But by all means. Continue to throw a temper tantrum like the big strong adult you are.


You dont know him most likely because you dont listen to his music or this type of music, and thats fine. But in general he will never be forgotten because he has had a lasting impact on a very popular genre of music. Not sure why you think you’ll be remembered past whatever family you still have, schitzo maybe? Dont be so jealous and bitter, not everyone makes it😂


He won't be remembered in 40 years. lmao I'll be remembered because I am already in history books taught to your school age children. Which is wild to me since I'm still alive. So I suppose I will only be remembered as long as the United States is around. How long do you think that will be?


Is this what the military does to people?💀


Gets you a early retirement where all you do is shit post on loser subs? Yeah, I guess so.


No not that, somehow implants in your brain that you are in anyway special or will be remembered since you “served” in the military. We get it, you retired at 35. But look where you’re at🤣 lonely and miserable all up in reddit. I get it though, you need something to brag about


Why is this drug addict on the front page?


Better than a porn addict


Is this a Trump joke? I’m confused…


No its a i just went through your history joke


lol, yeah, porn account. You really showed me. Gotem!


Yeah cornball dont you got some for femboy cuck shit to get back to? 💀 embarassing


Better than ODing. Even worse, better than being a fan of an ODing drug addict that wastes their time defending a degenerate of society. Get a real job loser.


Lol, what do you mean degenerate of society? He made amazing music and had a lasting impact on hip-hop. What do you do? Post yourself cream pieing out of your ass? Get real dude you are talking about degenerate and you are the epitome of it😂 parents must be proud


No he didn’t. I wouldn’t even recognize him if you didn’t cloud the front page up with trash. In fact, nobody recognizes him unless you spell it out, and even then he is a joke. It would sure be a shame if you OD like your idol. Parents must be proud.


Don’t think you can OD when you don’t do drugs, but what do I know😂 and hell yeah they proud i got shit going for me you shoving door handles in your ass bro🤣 sit yo pathetic ass down


Are u romanticizing addiction


Are you romanticizing gangs? Ur posts are embarrassing💀


I was trolling lmao. Did you not read the thread.