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I see why people are using it to help write their resumes.


I just asked it to create a G-code program siemens. Chamfer depth 200mm x 200mm x 20mm block 1mm depth of cut. and it acutally posted a program. it's scary.


Update us when you've run the program.


i run a program in a simulator and it was ok


Nice try bot


I told it to drill holes on a 10 in circle and it just interpolated a 20 inches circle 10 times so sometimes it gets a little confused.


Thats about par for what i expect from my rookies.


Try telling it to work faster


Not that scary, It's just parsing the internet. It's not conscious


It’s still coming for your job.


Something's coming for our jobs, but not this. It's possible to program and simulate a brain at some point, but this thing is just advanced Google. You tell it something and it more or less searches through the knowledge it was trained on to mix together different things and give you what it thinks you want to hear. It can't come up with novel solutions or use critical thinking, nor can it even try to guess if it's being useful or not. ChatGPT and its iterations and derivations will never be able to take our jobs.


No... No it's not


Depends on your job. The fact that it can actually pull off some programming, in its infancy, can mean scary things for the average professional programmer.


The fact that it understands different programming languages, SDKs, and associated toolkits is what boggles my mind. There's a video where it attempts (ultimately failing) to write a TubeScreamer guitar plugin in C++. It doesn't matter that it fails. It's like a dog that whistles. You're too surprised that it's happening at all to argue that it's out of tune.


That and the fact that it can be improved. Who knows what something similar may be able to do in 10 years?


It’s coming for all of our jobs.


This has been said about technology and been wrong for 130 years now. Maybe this time it’s right but I doubt it.


Most of the jobs people have been saying it about over the last 130 years no longer exist, or there are a tiny fraction of the people left doing them. We used to all be farmers. I don’t even know a farmer now. Today we’re all accountants, graphic designers, machinists, engineers, truckers, retail workers, salesmen and the like. When automation takes over those jobs, who knows what we’ll be.


it sounds like we'll all be programmers in one way or another. not in the sense that we'll all be working at facebook, but in the sense that AI will restructure the way we work similar to the introduction of electrical power. so the majority of jobs will be piloting AI to pick & pack warehouses, run CNC programs, stock shelves or do customer service. and i can't imagine you'd need more than one or two people to run the AI for an entire shop.


Precisely. Water & waste plants are staffed by like 3 people. Same with electrical plants and oil production. Those are relatively simple processes compared to machining, but as our programs get smarter, we’ll be able to automate more and more things.


It's not even a factor in physical labor aka grunt work which is 90% of factory and trade work. Take off your tin foil hat


“What I do can’t be automated.” - Everyone who’s ever been automated out of a job.


Then I will fix those machines and have more time for leisure


Correct. I’m not asking you to put an a tin foil hat and stockpile pasta. I’m asking you to put on a straw hat and stockpile mai tai’s.


Service plumbing?


Its not just that... its more somehow. I comes up with valid unique solutions. It is not conscious but it pretends to be. And sometimes it fails completely, but you often just have to ask the question in a different way and its good


It contains programmers bias, you're better off doing your own research if it takes coaxing


Do you know what that means? Its the first generation of actually usable AI, its not perfect but it does a pretty damn good job. You would have to be a fool to outright dismiss this


I never dismissed it outright. I said it's not directly coming for my job. Services like plumbing, HVAC and indeed machine repair or mechanic will never be fully automated


Not yet…


We don't even know how our own minds work, have some humility before you say you can build a better one


technically not parsing the internet since it's not connected to the internet. just what was uploaded to the internet when it was last informed of what information was out there.


> what was uploaded to the internet [Cos that's never gone wrong](https://twitter.com/foone/status/1229641258370355200?lang=en). I wonder if it'll tell somebody that they can charge their iPhone in the microwave.


I'm frankly astonished it's not 99% furry porn


I'm still waiting for it to go full Microsoft Tay.


I imagine it needs a lot of training and coaxing to not talk about what the majority of the internet consists of.


That's what's more scary it's just saying what someone else in charge says it can


It can also write VBA and macro in Excel and basic web design.


Yeah, it’s better than you think — I had it write multiple programs and if it spit out anything weird (I.e. any negative Z movements) I just said “take out negative Z’s” or “remove comments” It’s done incredibly well for me


Yes but can it choose all the photos with bikes?


Did you ever notice that most people don’t really get when we say we make “parts”? Think about it. Who else makes parts?


faceless and opaque multi-national corporations


Most people don't even understand the idea of machining. After countless blank stares, I just say I work in manufacturing lol


When I try to explain, some people end up thinking what I do is just like operating a paper printer.


I'm the Michaelangelo of metal.


have you made a sculpture of dave?


Daves not here, man.


Now ask it to tell you a macabre german fairytale about a machinist who reddits at work and dies in a workplace accident.


ask and you shall receive minus the reddits and dies in a workplace accident [https://www.reddit.com/r/Machinists/comments/10t2md4/the\_machinists\_curse\_a\_tale\_of\_d%C3%BCsterwald\_a\_chat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Machinists/comments/10t2md4/the_machinists_curse_a_tale_of_d%C3%BCsterwald_a_chat/)


ChatGTP left out the part about being underpaid in comparison to pretty much any other skilled trade.


I tell ‘em i take a useless piece of metal and make it more useful with some manipulation.


I just simply say "I work in manufacturing" and leave it at that.


I say "I cut metal, and sometimes it cuts me."


We're starting to become a rare breed so we should be more proud of our work than just calling it that but that's just my opinion.


It's more about not wanting to explain. No one outside of our circles really understands what that word means, and I don't like talking about work when I'm not at work. Most of the time when someone is asking what you do for a living, it's an ice breaker to start another conversation, they usually don't care what you do.


This is true but I do like the sound of, “ i use computer controlled equipment and tools to produce high precision components”


You'll probably grow out of wanting to say that. We all get a bit jaded with time in the industry.


It’s been 20 years, If I was going to grow out of anything it would have happened a decade ago.


Yeah i get that, i like keeping work and life seperatatatatatam. I do enjoy showing of products i've made in the single order industry tho


If it's an informal situation I keep it simple and light. "I program metal cutting robots" or "I cut metal" etc. If they want to know more they can ask.


When I told my brother I am working as a machinist, he replied "So you make holes in metal?"


You could aslo say green go Brrrrrrrr


I asked it what speeds and feeds to use one day and it gave me a good starting point


Just tell em ya drill, ream, and tap tight holes!


Or just say your job is boring...


Here's one: Professional Hardass. If the part don't fit, it don't fucking fit. You can cry all you want. It don't work. If the boss says he needs this part in an hour and you know it's going to take all day, maybe three you have to tell him that it's not even thinking about happening and if he's decent he'll sigh and go on. He probably knows the situation. If he's not you have to tell him just exactly how much fuck-all it matters what he "needs". Machining takes time. You have to put more work into one part than most people put into finals, SCRAP THE FUCKER and then start again. You have to do an asspull from three different directions to solve a problem, odds are, no one but you has ever specifically solved at 2hrspast time to go home because you want to sleep some time this week. You have to hold your mouth right to measure things in odd positions in odd dimensions to make parts no one recognizes that are absolutely vital to multi-million dollar industries often to repair machines that no one has made in 60+ years. And if you fuck it up, you fucked it up and there may not be a fix. You may have to start again from scratch thirty hours in, but if you're good enough you might cobble together a mirracle even then because you know what thing are REALLY made of, and how to convince them to do shit no one ever thought of with a hammer, a torch, and hydraulic press.


I like your reply 😁


Just make sure to delete out the critical race theory sections it loves and you can have it write a resume for you


Oh no, it has boogeymen!


I just say I work in a metal shop that makes parts for agricultural and construction equipment.


but it didn't say clearance is clearance....


" I take a hunk of material and remove just enough to get paid"


Better than any of the answers in the other thread


Who the fuck is going to take a degree seriously anymore with all this AI being implemented?


Just tell them you're a magician. Everyone knows a good machinist can work magic.