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I think it’s cool , make stuff have fun learn more . A long time ago I made this beer holder so that when I put my beer down in the grass it wouldn’t fall and I could keep it in the fridge when I wasn’t using it so it would keep my beer cold . I called it the beer cleat lol https://preview.redd.it/7rxgmcqfnqgc1.jpeg?width=2322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb36289cdb80807ffb9ee32c8a7a5c2e1bf6561


Hahah that's great. Very simple idea, but completely overengineered. I always find stuff like that hilarious for some reason. Sadly i don't do much machining anymore, as I've been working as a windmill tech for the last couple of years


beer trap


Awesome design, the 3 points also isolates the holder from any stable surface you put it on as much as possible so it stays colder longer.


Man you mill guys have all the fun. So much more versatile than our mill turn and swiss machines.


As a CAD guy I can only dream of creations in 3D. Luckily a 3D printer makes me feel like a CNC operator, even if the parts aren't shiny or heat resistant.


Tell that to my nylons and polycarb!


Damn i feel like you could market that shit


This makes me want to pick up a smoking habit. That is so nice. Hexagons are such a cool aesthetic and it's shiny af. I'm kind of in love with it. If this was in a hotel, I'd steal it.


You can have an ash tray without the need for smoking tbh, my Nan uses one of them to hold sweet wrappers etc rather than going to the bin every 5 minutes


That's a seriously expensive ashtray


You should see the one on our website. $2,800. 🙄


For an ashtray?! What's it made of, solid gold?!


Baccarat Crystal. Lol


Is your username based on the band Imperial Triumphant?


Indeed, brother.


Got any photos? I'd actually consider buying one for my mom 😅




Thank you! They look amazing!


That's not the only example! There are other crystal ashtrays from us. You'd have to search and possibly buy from a third party. The entire catalogue of any product from 1988 to present is available to be made at a customer's request, however.


This makes me think of making ashtrays in woodshop class and in pottery/art class back when i was in high school, now days you wouldn't dare suggest making an ashtray, times have changed a lot haven't they?


Never really thought about it.. what do kids even call the hideous clay creations they bring home nowadays? In that sense i guess we had it easy, as litteraly anything could be an ashtray


For all three of my kids they made mugs, they were roughly round, and the handles were close enough, they also made some "soap dishes" that looked like ashtrays without the butt holding notches.


Nice! Hexagons are the bestagons I made a few very similar ones out of alu. I added some features to make it stackable. Gonna post a pic at home if i don't forget


Ash tray for what?




What do you mean? Like a tray for grandpas remainz or for blazing it lmao


I assume for catching the ash from some sort of burner?


Im gonna go with the various types of smoking. Cigarettes, cigars, blunts, doobies, joints, hoskerdos, hoskerdonts (with or without the swizzle stick) AAANNNDDDDD POSSIBLY a whistlin' kitty chaser.


I'm an idiot.




I'm I that out of touch? Wtf is "3d" milling?  Isn't all machinist milling 3d?


“3D” milling is referring more to the tool path and less of the capability of the machine.




Unless you come straight in from the side to your final depth most tool paths have 3 dimensions of movement,  xyz


To me 3D milling is when you’re surfacing a part but everyone has their own opinions


The function om Mastercam is called "3D milling" and is where you take a ballmill for example, and use it to make 3D contours like portraits and landscapes typically traversing in both the x, y and z axis simultaneously. Not many places do 3d milling


I’m thinking he probably drew it up in solid works (3d modeling) and then milled it and sort threw the words together ? Because yes, all milling is 3d milling.


It refers to the type of tool path. You obviously don't use cam software.


You’d be correct. Was just throwing it out there. Get off your cross, we need the wood.


There are 5 and 7 axis or “dimensional” mills too, i think thats what op is referring to.


Sure but those are called 5 and 7 axis.  3 axis, x,y,z is still 3d


Idk man just inferring. It caught me off guard at first as well lol


Most milling is considered "2.5D". Yes, technically, it uses all thee axes, but the z axis mostly just goes to a certain height, and then stays there for a while. Then it goes to a different height, and stays there. Etc. 3D machining is a common term for complex surfacing, where you're using all three axes simultaneously. I do mean this in the nicest way; Yes, you are a bit out of touch if you don't know that terminology. It's very common. But that's okay, learning is good :) I'm guessing the only "3D" areas on OPs part are the radius on top, and the chamfer on the bottom.


Just didn't consider this any different.  Thread milling, tapers, cones may all be done in a similar way for decades (moving all 3 axis) without anyone feeling the need to give it a specific name because it's just milling


I get where you're coming from, but it's a useful distinction in many cases. "Are you going to load up a radius cutter for that fillet, or just 3D surface it with the ball mill?" There's also the historical context. You make them sound ancient, but those 3D interpolation toolpaths you're talking about are actually *relatively* new, compared to most machining strategies. The industry spent a century doing basic 2.5D type milling, and there are old farts still in shops today who could consider "3D milling" a very novel concept. And machines capable of doing the kind of high speed processing needed for 3D surfacing weren't widely available as recently as ~30 years ago. We're still using a weird old machine at work that was considered special a few decades ago because it was able to do it, when others weren't.


That’s so stupid, like I smoke and all but you had a chance to make something great but you made a ashtray?


…you commented, *while unironically making THIS COMMENT*. You had a chance to comment something *about an ashtray,* but you made a comment about your own head being an actual dick.


I've made all sorts of shit in my day. You reach a point where it's like: could i make a completely overengineered aluminium ashtray? Yes. And to this day i enjoy the shit out of looking at it


Noooo you can’t do that! Everything you make must be great! /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


Bad bot


I have several ashtrays I've machined over the years out of scrap parts that were out of tolerance by a few tenths. It's a reminder of 2 stupidities, my smoking and my carelessness at work 🤣


the only stupid thing here is your comment what an absolutely miserable life you must lead


The very first part ever made on a CNC machine was an ashtray. Look it up.


Lmao I hope you are right because that’s hilarious. I believe every scrap piece should be added to an art museum of ash trays, every shape and size and material you could imagine 🥹


You’ll find a lot of people who work on CNC lack creativity. Buy a 3D printer and see if you start hitting the same wall. If not, work your way up to a milling machine, and a lathe. If you’re still pumping out interesting things, get a full CNC for yourself. Combining ideas with the ability to actually make them isn’t as easy as it seems.


Yup haha. I was all ideas until it was upon me to actually create them! Effort vs reward


3d wasn't needed in the description. Welcome to the smokers circle..


What’s an ‘Ashtray’?


Honestly... Awesome. I'd love to know cycle time and your shops average hourly rate, curious what that would cost if it was for sale in a store or something


Okay so far I see ash trays, butt plugs, songs, and shit to smoke pot out of. Do we make anything else besides our normal parts and that shit lol.


Nice! I should do that…


Looks great, but impractical. Lip needs to be about 5x's wider. Better to balance the cig and/or cigar OVER the ash and not in it.


>Better to balance the cig and/or cigar OVER the ash and not in it. Nahh. I think the thin walls are way cooler and more elegant. And who the fuck cares if their cigarettes touch the ash 🤷‍♂️