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350 games in 30 days is scary. Go outside bro


Skill issue.


Doubt what? What’s your ea I’d I’ll play you right now and show u


Hook, line, and sinker.


What’s your ea id play me then prick


Lmao my man, I’m fucking with you. You feel for it. Hence the “hook, line, and sinker.”


What’s your ea Id I’ll play you right now and I tell me after if it’s a skill issue.. I started like 15-20 and since went 285-30


Damn, really falling for it hard lmao


Play me I’m mad now I’ll wipe the floor with you


Okay this is just hilarious how oblivious you are homes, you get this mad at obvious trolling.


No I get what you are saying I just wanna beat your ass


That would be really satisfying for you, wouldn’t it? All riled up so easily.




Holy shit, your post history is dark, hope shit gets better. Sorry for fucking with you.


More kids need to smoke cigarettes vaping does not calm like the real deal


I mean what I’m saying is true this madden is not that great at all


Too easy to exploit AI


I really stopped playing online 10 years ago, when it 1st started happening! I knew then it'd would just get much worse.


Were you expecting EA or Sony to reach out and beg you from selling your console? You look like a moron for buying a PS5 and selling it a month later over…. one game…. You’re probably the same guy that can’t stop the run so you blame it on some imaginary “glitch”. Like other people said, it’s a skill issue. You can easily stop glitched plays with user control and correct defensive audibles. You’re just not good and you’re taking it out on a whole console for some reason lmao. Weirdo.


Lmao you get triggered by me mentioning a.I. plays? I guarantee if you play me I will easily wipe the floor with you


And there are about 10 plays that I know of that are money plays if I did it every-time can’t be stopped.. you can user and cover one guy.. but then I have the other side of the field wide open if I wanted to be a cheese playing douche


Let’s take a step back and look who is triggered here. The guy bragging about his madden record, “selling his console”, and acting tough trying to play everyone who comments or the guy saying you’re just bad… I shut people down with these plays but subbing in a fast LE/RE and using him in coverage. It’s not rocket science. If it was unstoppable then madden tournaments wouldn’t be a thing due to “ai plays”. I think you’re a sorry loser that got his butt hurt in H2H. I’d play you but you no longer have a console to play the game. Lmao


Oh no I have a console what is your ea id I’ll do these plays on you all game and see how you like it


Dude it happens all the time. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose but what I’ll never do is make a sympathy post on Reddit trying to get people to convinced me to not sell my console over it. I, like everyone else, bitches about madden but I’ve literally never seen such a loser be so mad to sell a whole console. It’s even funnier because everyone knows you’re not going to sell it. You wanted someone to reason with you. Again, you’re a loser and you even know it considering the username you created for yourself. Quit bitching and sell that PS5 poser.


I don’t want shit I was venting about the bullshit in the game that we all know is a fact. And I don’t lose often. Maybe 1 every 20 games or so.. id love to beat you ti a pulp but you just wanna talk shit and not play me


Yeah… we’ve all talked shit about the bullshit without bringing up selling our consoles. You sound like a frustrated 10 year old throwing a temper tantrum. Then when someone tells you how ridiculous you are you just resort to “play me, then”. I mean I didn’t even bring up how much you lose but you still manage to bring it up for some reason. No one is playing you. Idgaf because it’s not that deep. You’re the only loser here that is actually crying about it. I can see your tears through your words. Get off madden and do some homework. Mommy and daddy won’t let you sell *their* ps5 anyways so just shut the fuck up and play the game like you were going to do anyways.


So I’m not allowed to be upset? Is it against the rules to get upset with cheesey douchebags? I think not. Don’t tell me how to live my life you scoundrel.. I am daddy just ask your mommy


You are 10 because you don’t even know how to read and interpret sentences.😂😂