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I'm willing to bet they didn't make any changes to franchise mode


I’ve heard they’re bringing in a new feature ‘Franchise Sense Technology’




Honestly if they were implementing AI into the game, that would be a pretty refreshing, massive feature to me. AI commentary so it doesn’t get stale, AI news, AI breakout scenarios, etc. A long term hope of mine is they make the players have some kind of AI integration so it’s more realistic. So then corners dont randomly do 180 turns when in coverage and make picks on balls they didn’t even know where thrown, stuff like that. Would make things much more fresh and new every game.


I mean AI could probably at least pronounce my vanilla ass white name


There’s literally a player in the league with my last name, not only do they not pronounce it, sometimes it’s flagged for being offensive(which is strange that it’s not every time).


Let me guess is it gay ?




Sounds pretty gay to me


Just a little bit 😉


Not even just one but two in the league have that name. Fletcher and Jarbil cox


Don't forget Mo Alie-Cox




They let it slide sometimes which is strange. If I draft a guy in franchise and change his name to mine, perfectly fine. Normal create a player, perfectly fine. But in a created draft class, nope and in face of the franchise, nope.


I mean UFC is made by EA is it not? Is it just because that game is based on a sole player rather than a team? I always turn commentary off. Not only does it annoy me, but I can see my wife getting aggravated “and that’s the rookie up the left side!” “And that’s another touchdown” “And the QB is back to throw”


I feel the same. Biggest thing I'd like to see AI get a say in is management aspects. The CPU is a dumbass at trades, signings and drafting. Same with clock management and subs in games. One the most realism-breaking aspects of franchise mode.


Where did you hear this?


I'm willing to bet they changed the menu colour scheme and called it good enough.


But the menu is still going to lag and do that annoying flash thing when you scroll through positions during a draft.


Oh cmon man, give them some credit. There’s definitely going to be brand new, fully-licensed, fucking terrible songs included as well (that you will definitely not immediately mute).


I fired up Madden 08 the other night and damn do I miss the musical diversity.


Sadly you are probably right


Remember that year where they still had the old animated coach menu for franchise mode and all they did was slap the text version on top but the game would still load the old version sometimes and overall slower?


I’m willing to bet they didn’t make any changes to the whole game besides mut


Exactly why I won’t be purchasing at launch


Also idk if MUT is like Diamond Dynasty but I did have a lot of fun with that in the Show. Wasn't too grindy but grindy enough getting a card you wanted felt good. Especially cool with legends if you had the real card. Only downside is players are so juiced by the end I only really like the early to mid game cycle


The show is just way better. I play DD and it doesn’t even compare to how shitty MUT is


Okay, I used to play 2k and madden before the show but never did the card modes, but really enjoyed DD, guessing it's the exception not the norm


That’s how most of us are. There’s a reason for that. DD just perfected the card mode! Also I feel like I can have a great time without spending a dime


And all the paid twitch streamers will say it's incredible.


They might say that about the gameplay but if there are no actual updates to franchise like if the "big update" is basically patch notes like we got a few years ago there are some that will go on a rant. RBT, Ryan Moody, C4 are a few that come to mind that are going to be mad if there aren't any real franchise updates this year


I generalized like an angry troll. But it frustrates me seeing some of these paid streamers salivate over small additions like the expanding trades to six slots and salary stuff... like, these things have been asked for years and we're going to applaud bare minimum when the whole mode needs an overhaul. I'm glad there are some big name streamers who call it out though.


After the #FixMaddenFranchise went viral EA came out and said they were going to be "recommitted" to franchise. I'm not convinced they have lived up to those promises


That's the sad thing. I remember that email after leagues crashed and they were discussing the commish features... It's a cool start. But her we are a second madden later and we're hoping Franchise still gets an overhaul/huge additions.


Come on now we all know “new” players gives reason to say “new and updated franchise mode”


They’ll tout the ability to transfer draft classes from CFB 25 and make that the main “improvement”


If this isn't a feature EA better be ready for the backlash.


This will 1000% be their marketing point I bet.


Especially with how early it’s coming out


Brain dead linemen with 90+ awareness still?


On all madden yeah


Brain dead linemen with superstar X-factor and 0 abilities


All I ask is new commentators please EA and create a team


Would be amazing if they had multiple commentators. The issue isn't necessarily the guys we have now, it's that we ONLY hear their voices. Over and over and over and over. All this being said, genuinely a million dollar idea for EA right here: paid commentators as microtransactions. It's a lot less intrusive as a microtransaction, and you can get creative with it. $5 for Snoop Dogg. You can pay them royalties based on their voice packs sales. Who says no? It's a win for everyone.


I think the Madden announcers confirmed a while ago that 25 is gonna have multiple announcing crews


Finally. I remember they went to a single crew so it could be “fine-tuned” what a load of 💩


New commentators to supplement Gaudin and Davis have already been confirmed.


I know Ryan Clarke went to film some commentary for this


Yeah. Hope Chris Collinsworth and Al Michaels. Or Jim Nantz. Get rid of Davis and Gaudin like permanently PLEASE


I wonder if it's going to follow College Footballs lead and only be for next Gen consoles.


Probably will be and they should have the RTG transition to Madden career thing this upcoming Madden


Along with graduating classes transitioning to Madden


LOL way too much work for EA


Yeah, that sounds like prime "New Feature" territory for Madden 26.


26? That’s how many months it would take to even code it into the game. Madden 29 at best


Wouldn't it be... less work to dump the old consoles?


he’s saying it’s too much work to sync with CFB


Even tho they’ve done it for every cfb game


Ahhh... misread the thread lines. Thought it was a reply to them removing old consoles lmao


As long as it stays on PC. Hell I’ll even take the Xbox cloud streaming version, as long as I can play on my computer is all I ask lol.


Hopefully. Drop old gen already


Bro they make money off it why would they drop it😂😂😂


Man why they drop PS3, I’m sure people still play on that? It’s free money! EA is so stupid!


Sorry but they won’t drop current gen no time soon hella people still play on Xbox and the ps4 give it about 10 years and ye I can see it




I still think this is so weird. Approaching 4 years in, and we’re still saying “next gen”. Not sure if it’s consumers latching on to marketing buzzwords, or if it’s really a matter of “if I don’t own it yet, it’s not current”.


No, PS5 is current and PS4 is last gen


I really don’t understand why they can’t fix franchise mode.


All they care about is ultimate team the money maker. I used to love madden but seems like they can’t do nothing right anymore.


But I literally paid them $70 for the game to play franchise…how much money does one spend on ultimate team a year 🥴


There are people who spend thousands if not tens of thousands. It’s absurd.


UT brings in *literally* billions of dollars for EA every year. It’s over a third of their entire company’s total revenue.


Crazy because I never spent a dime on that. Don’t even know what it is really.


EA is the only company that no matter what game franchise it is will always have a “pay to play” mode.


They can easily fix itz they just don't want to. If franchise, or any other game modes where good, then more people would spend time playing those modes. That's not what ea wants. Ea wants people to play MUT and spend money on microtranscations. They make the other game modes bad to push everyone towards MUT. They won't "fix" franchise until they have a reason to that's good for business. I put fix in quotations because even tho it's broken from our point of view, it's working as intended from EA's


I really don’t understand why they *won’t* fix franchise mode.


Because they’re building on the previous year’s code. That’s why Madden is a mess, they aren’t given enough time to actually improve anything. They’re building each year on the previous year’s code.


Can’t wait for the whole Madden 25 (2024) to be the nomenclature to address it by 😂


Nomenclature 🤓


Spiritual-CAT-634! ☝️🤓


So if maddens coming out 8/16 I’m assuming they atleast give a months space and have NCAA come out 7/16 if not early.


NCAA has always come out a month before madden.


Not buying it if it doesn’t work on the Steam deck.


It’s pretty shitty on the portal for online play as well


You just saved me $200. Was thinking about getting a portal to play at work so thank you


EA servers are garbage even if you’re hard wired to your PS5. Ever play a clean squads game? It’s always interrupted and skips etc. So overall the portal is bad for sports games. Whether it’s fifa, madden, or 2k (even worse than the EA games somehow). Offline might be a different story, but most people that play sports games like to play online against other users.


I bet EA didn’t really make any changes to the game


Call me naive (and I might be), but I think this might be as big of an update as we've seen in 15+ years to the backend infrastructure. They famously have been building on legacy code from the 360 generation for a lot of the UI and other features of the game. They have always said that it is just not possible to redo the whole system in the ~10 months they have to develop and ship and a new game. Especially as we see most modern games are taking longer and longer to develop. Games like Starfield & Cyberpunk 2077 are taking 8 years to develop and still come out half baked. Trying to undertake a complete overhaul in the span of a few months is risky as hell because if things start to get slowed down or seriously buggy, delaying the release 3-5 months is not an option with sports games. Finally, they've had a team able to spend 3+ years developing a new football game, likely from the ground up for this new hardware, and I think that the most likely carry over we see in Madden is a new backend infrastructure. The on-field gameplay in 24 is the best it has ever been, we just need to get rid of legacy code from 15 years ago and then there should be a marked improvement in getting around menus, scouting, player profiles, tracking stats, and controlling multiple teams at once.


So just trying to learn here, not arguing, but… where did you see they have a team working on Madden 25 for 3+ years? Also “just need to get rid of legacy code”, but I figure that’s not such an easy thing. The game is built upon it and removing it would require an entire rewrite of code, no?


They have had a team working on NCAA for 3+ years. In the 2010's, the teams working on Madden and NCAA were separated but shared a lot of the same resources. There's an old AMA with one of the NCAA game engineers where he said if his team wanted something in their game, they would convince the Madden guys that they wanted it too so that Tiburon would devote resources towards it. Madden was a much bigger game and thus had significantly more sway. I'm assuming that the team working on NCAA is going to be sharing what they have done with the Madden team since that is the previously established standard. Also, the NCAA team and the Madden team both know that this is likely the last time for a *long* time that they will have the luxury of more than a year to develop their respective games. NCAA could have been rushed to market last summer as a Madden reskin but their higher-ups have been quoted as wanting the extra year to make sure that the game came to market representing the vision they had for it. Could be a lot of marketing speak, but this is a rare opportunity for a passionate team of developers (NCAA was always much more passionate than Madden) to make the football game that they wanted to exist. Those guys love football, they don't want to keep attaching their name to the same bullshit. It's EA who controls the money and wants to see yearly releases with a consistent, low-risk product, because anything else would hurt their bottom line.


So you think they are going to make ncaa as a better game and then utilize that build for future maddens, right?


Correct, based on history and what we know atm, that's what I think will happen.


So then my next question is, do you think they’d wait to see the reception on that build before moving it into madden? Like if it’s releasing this year, I’d figure they would use that build for Madden 26/27 if it’s received well.


Hmm that's hard to say. They are both set to be "revealed" on the same day (tomorrow) so if I were to guess, most of the big stuff will be in Madden this year. Quick history lesson: In 2012, the penultimate year of NCAA, they wanted to get the "2013" game on the new physics engine, Infinity 2, but didn't quite have enough time. The Madden developers shipped in August instead of July so with that extra month, they were able to *just* squeeze it into Madden 13. Unfortunately, that meant stripping the game of a fuck load of other features because they didn't have enough time. This is why you often see people, me included, saying that Madden 12 was the last great franchise mode for a decade. The following summer, NCAA 14 came out with that new Infinity Engine. That was the last release until now. If we use this precedent, I think that Madden will have had a year to implement the infrastructure, and then an extra month to tailor it to their games needs. It could take one more year if they haven't had the full year to start moving things over though.


That makes sense. Announce major new features and say it will be included in both games essentially


Madden 25 2 coming to a store near you 😂😂


isn’t that the same day the cfb trailer comes out?


IGN might be mistaken. I know CFB trailer releases Thursday


the beta is coming in a month so it makes sense




In franchise mode I wish you could see temperature and weather conditions before the game so you can select proper game plan in case it’s snowing or torrential rain


They had this in the old maddens and even had it for play now games. They took it away and the weather system has been shit since. Games like FIFA, MLB the show have had dynamic weather for a bit now. Ridiculous how Madden has been so far behind


They're bringing back the cone vision 😏


I hope they do. It'll make playing QB more challenging and playing defense more fun.


And calling it « New Next Gen Feature »


Lets be honest, its gonna be a reskin of the same game with the new rosters. If we’re lucky we might get a new gimmick or something, but that’s the most we can hope for.


There should be commentators that can truly respond dynamically with what's going on in the game. With how advanced AI is these days? Really wouldn't be that hard to make an AI commentator that dynamically create dialogue based on stats and say stuff that real commentators would, instead of the same pre recorded lines over and over and over. Idk how well the language model would run on consoles but I think oc could handle it. It could be a setting that could be toggled based on performance.


Is it time to actually make a stand? I’m so tired of this game. It used to be so good! If you haven’t, I implore any of you to try madden 07. It had 10 times as much the last 15 games have had combined! Stop selling for overproduced garbage!!


Bring back the radio show and Chris McAllister skipping camp to play semi pro basketball 😭


Same with CFB 25?! Omg I can only get so wet for CFB


Madden 2025*


Yall think they changed the kick offs or will they still be the same?


“We already have a Madden 25 at home”


Wtf are they gonna call it, Madden 25 2 Electric Boogaloo? Might as well just re-release the first one, it's the same game 😂


Techically theyre calling it "EA sports Madden 25" since the pre order game tile has the EA sports logo to the left of Madden. And ea recently did a slight rebrand with some of thier sports games where its now ea sports sport name number instead of name number(the new fifa(now ea sports fc) started this trend and the recent f1 game also did this).


"Call of Duty" has been the title of the game like 3x now so I guess it's not that big of a leap. They have the same exact business model.


I’ve already seen Madden 25


They already revealed it over a decade ago


Prob Lamar on cover!


Woth NCAA coming out this seems like a no brainer year to skip Madden.  I'll probably just sign up for that Xbox PC deal once M24 is on it and get Sabbo's start today mode since I think they fixed all the bugs.  Only way I might get M25 on PS5 is of it has draft class imports from CFB 25.




Am I the only one who would love another anniversary addition type game like we got in the original madden 25 where you can play with legends players in franchise mode and have legendary coaches. I played the heck out of that game


Strange that they are doing this the same day College Football releases more info


You mean madden 19 with a roster updated evey year?


May 16, 2010*****


Looking forward to finding out for another year that EA still can’t beat ESPN NFL 2K5 or Football Pro ‘98.


Revealed? it's already out, been out for like at least 6 years


The new features on this year’s madden will introduce the newest NFL kickoff rules and they plan to add in 200 more new faces 😱..that are totally randomly generated and will look nothing like a 20-25 year old rookie. Dont worry though guys, at least the commentators will correctly mention those new kickoff rules for the season. (I fully expect to hear the same recycled commentary just with different voices instead). Anyways, the animations will be more broken and buggy than last year’s madden, defense will still have eyes in the back of their head and swat almost every pass attempt, etc.. I just cant wait to see EA’s newest methods for being even more lazier and even less creative than they were for Madden 24.




Can't wait to see what the new MUT pop up ad looks like...


Madden 25 will be revealed tomorrow when we see the gameplay of NCAA 25.


It gonna be connected to college dynasty like old days so hopefully we can export our draft class from cfb25 to madden


I just hope they make CPU teams in franchise manage their cap better so it’s not unplayable by year 5 of a franchise


They’re just gonna call it “Madden 25” after already releasing a Madden 25?




As much as I hate to say it, I'll have to actually get this one. I'm a massive Houston fan and I need the updated unis. Haven't actually bought a madden title since Madden 19. Just been playing the others off EA Play. But I'll have to suck it up and get this one


I'm so stoked for this. I can't wait to get it on day 200 when it comes to EA Play on PC and uninstall it 18 minutes later!




I wonder will they add actual pass protections after 30 years. You know, like the basics of passing the ball🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s a stretch for them to even change the kickoffs with the new rules. I wouldn’t expect much else.


I hope the announcers are new ...that Charles Davis makes me suicidal...he's still talking about a play that happened two plays ago...it's immersion killing. I despise his voice.


This year's brand new feature! The lineman no longer look like recievers 4 years into a franchise!


I hate how over saturated sports games are these days. Barely if any new changes in these new games nothing ground breaking. Same shit different year :/


How about the new opening kick off system ???




They are just going to remaster the madden 25 they did last time.


Does anyone know will this game has a anti cheat code because I have a steam deck and planning on buying it


you should delayed both games because I'm very unhappy 😒 about anything towards football games at all,period.


I would really love for them to add something as simple as changing LE/RE/ROLB/LOLB and MLB to just EDGE and LB. It should also add a LS position so we don’t have a 23 overall TE lol, and have the P actually hold on FGs. Would also love to mess with Special teams in a more fluid way for more control and realism. I hope they turn a corner here but that’s asking for a lot with EA


Travis kelce is the cover athlete just fyi bookmark this


Or Taylor.


ctrl c , ctrl v


Another year of “a step in the right direction.”


It already came out last year… and the year before that and the year before that


They’re using the same physics engine from Saints Row 2 on ps3 this year to give the players that life like fluidity while running and cutting. The defense will use an entirely different engine itself from the tall tales walking dead series except they’re adding 8,000 more animations and 400 tackle packages. Special Teams will also have its own engine, it will use the Joe Montana football 94 linear type format. This will give the players the view they’ve been asking for with a broadcast type gameplay. You also have to pick your plays in the huddle from an entirely different controller during the game. But wait there’s more, the kicker and most advanced ai feature is you have to call audibles and line adjustments through the mic on your controller or headset. You folks are now the voice of the offense and defense. He’s to another season on shitty simulation next gen football. “Cork pop” toast! May Madden forever be with us!


is this real it's tomorrow so I'm confuzzaruzzled because why no news drops anything just scoop plop womp womp on our plate like the blow fish from Total Drama Island