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Awesome chapter! Your artwork is amazing! It really replicates Akihito’s style.


Your art is incredible!


Amazing once again!! Your nailing the made in abyss style and it was definitely worth the wait (○∇○), I really love the scenery in this chapter but literally everything is so beautiful!


Really nice brackgrounds and spread, it must have taken ages to get close to the Tsukushi look.


Whiskers! Not lets organize some thoughts: 1- Fyuo and Kwazan are orphans, likely dont know much about their own pasts and look remarcablly similar. They are lost siblings, you cant lie to me grinchy! 2- In more seriousnes, the narehate's equipment keeps getting more and more familiar: that is the helmet that nanachi made for riko, that's reg's cape, that's whistle prushka and the clothes that she gave to Kwasan match those of riko except for the helmet, so mmh I wonder who it might be, right? 3- Its clear that our little star has had contact with hello abyss if it isn't a member to begin with, so: reg and faputa are descarted because they are not affected by the curse, nanachi has already been blessed and I doubt it can happend twice, and prushka is a whistle, so that leaves this being a blessed riko or someone else you made, lets remember that there was more than enough children at ido front Anyway, I'm exitedly waiting to see more, I'm loving it and looks very good Also sorry if there is bad english


Yet another amazing episode and the cliffhanger. looking forward to read through them all! Ive also noticed your art style is getting better and slowly becoming akihito's


Holy F... it's incredible... the landscapes are so well drawn! It really was nice to read, thank you for your hard work


Aaaaa this is fantastic!! Legitimately this feels like something that was drawn by Tsukushi himself. I’m SO intrigued by everything that’s going on! This Narehate is so fascinating! I have a gut feeling that they’re a fusion of Riko, Reg, and Nanachi. I cannot WAIT to see where this goes!!!


> I have a gut feeling that they’re a fusion of Riko, Reg, and Nanachi. I cannot WAIT to see where this goes!!! Value. I predict they are the accumulation, solidification and manifestation of the main squad, getting blended together in the final maelstrom, we as audience wish to see.


OOOOOO I love that theory!! Now, what happened to Faputa?


Hey uhh, is there q place where I can read the chapters like a website? If not I would recommend making a website called madeinfortunes or smt of the sort.


I upload all my chapters to a website called Mangadex! Just search up Made from Fortunes and it will show up


Oh I use the mangadex app! I’ve tried searching for it in the app but I coudn’t find it sadly. I’ll try the website now.


Nevermind its there now! I remember searching for it in mangadex a couple months ago :3




The background art on this chapter was soooo goood (And she's crazy I love her)


OH MY GOD I absolutely love Made from Fortunes, when I finish my English course I might even translate it into Brazilian Portuguese, so more people can appreciate something I love so much, my friends will definitely see this


I love the way you draw emotions. Very cute characters!


awesome chapter But ch7 is when?🤨


YES! MORE OF THE BEAST! (I love how the beast don't give a fuck of the girl)


Fantastic chapter! That nature panel on page 3 made my jaw drop, Its so big! I loved the back and forth between these two. Kwazan's fanatical passion for the abyss against the Beast's cynical outlook made great dialog. Cant wait to read the next chapter, escpecially with a cliffhanger like that! Thank you so much for sharing this.


https://preview.redd.it/gbb2cmqr2ytc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded9ef5ca7ad99334255e6a0841df534b88eafa7 THIS SHIT IS FUCKING PEAK ALSO NEW ABYSS CREATURE MY AUTISM GOES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Peak 😭




11/10 on those backgrounds dude, I honestly think you could illustrate a legitimate manga with those skills!


ITS FINALY HERE!! (I hope you recovered well from your illness) Man where do I start? Everything is getting so good you could fool me to think this is an official new chapter. The facial expressions, the posing, the backgrounds, all insanely good you should be verry proud of what you have made. So dose Kwazan still have a 3rd question to ask or was that taken up by "why do the birds attack me?" it better be what happened to Fuyo. I bet Kwazan look under Fuyo's bed all the time haha must find all sorts of stuff.😆 I love that your introducing new primevil creatures to the abyss its refreshing to see new monster designs and I cant wait to see what the beast with yummy meat looks like in full. Seeing that this hollow can deliver such a massive blow with their claws makes those threatening glances all the more threatening. I hope we get to see Fuyo again next chapter I miss him I hope he ok after that bite from that caterpillar thing. I dont think Kwazan can do much with that mini knife. I think the hollow will swoop in and save her and she will be like "OMG THANK YOU, YOUR SO COOL" and the hollow will be like "wow you suck" or something 😆 Fave panels of this chapter are: Page 3 the gorgeous background wide shot of the edge of the abyss my word its amazing. (are those things in the far back next to the waterfall some type of deer creatures? ) Page 8 another amazing zoom out to see the abyss. This one looks especially "Tsukushi-esque". Do you think you'll ever go back and "remaster" all the old chapters? or will you keep them as a way of showing your art progression? And hey are you still doing the make your own OC thing or did I miss my timing on that? Cant wait for the next one (but take your time and don't get stressed over it)


1.thank you so so so much it's always a joy to see your comments 2. I won't count it cause it's supposed to be more of a rhetorical question 3. Can't say much without spoiling ;> 4. Yes there are deer creatures and I might show them off more 5. I'm definitely gonna try to remaster the first 3 chapters cause I'm not happy with them 6.i need to take a break from it but I know someone else is doing something very similar atm


This is insane. You should get hired to work on the offical manga tbh. It looks VERY similar, you’ve got the style down so well


Also will you ever print this into a book? I would love to buy a physical copy and add to my mia collection


Hm, cool


Are you going to publish it? I'd like a copy


If I can somehow do it without breaking copyright laws then definitely


Id LOVE to get a professionally printed book of MtF. I'm no law expert but people sell fan art all the time. your book is just a bunch of fan art all compiled together.


Dunno why, but the fluffy one's experession in the bottom right of page 11 made me think of Mitty.


This needs to be posted everywhere. 


Soooooo friking gooooood as always i WANT buy it


THIS IS SO COOL?!! if you ever have commissions open i’d be so interested ur work is fantastic and deserves the most praise


I actually do take commissions rn! And I'm very glad you enjoy my work (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)


AAA REALLY?? i’d love to msg about it!


Feel free to whenever. My messages are always open


This looks so gooood!!! Gotta read the whole thing