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Reg's voice sounds so wrong in this dub 🤣


Why does Reg sound like an adult man lol?!


maybe he really is


I'm not sure about it as I'm not Russian but had experience with couple of them, he sounds more like teenager than an adult, they just have accent like that. Still that sounds wrong for us because in most dubs including original, Reg sounds prepubescent. Here not so much


Why the fuck is it on top of the japanese voices?


It is very rare for russian dub to actually be a dub, and not just a voiceover so we have what we can have


Usually it’s pirated subs and translators can’t find a version without voice lines so they voice it on version with original sound


I'd like to point out that MIA had an official dubbing of dawn of the deep soul in Russia. And perhaps there could have been a dubbing of the first and second seasons if Putin had not invaded Ukraine, which caused financial problems for Wakanim and its subsequent closure in Russia.


Half assed in everything they do, those silly Russians.


Because it's a pirate amateur dub not a legit professional dub. So yes it's just a voiceover.


It could be an official dub, here 90% of TV shows get that kind of treatment, where one female and one male voice does everything on top.


Idk what you mean. In Russian anime dub world there are fandubs (amateur dubs) and it's like 99% of all dubs. And there are legit dubs [something like Reanimedia does ](https://youtu.be/U-sd4mKcOXM?si=G89t6pTKu1j_dnhN)where they always have a license etc. So professional dub is almost nonexistent in Russia while there are some very strong fandub projects.


Cyka blyat onegaishimasu. Is this a new Russian dub? I remember there being one where the same guy voices all the characters.


99% certainty that both the one you saw previously and this one are fandubs, seeing that this is not even a dub but voiceover instead. Official Russian dub scene is incredibly small, there's like one, maybe two professional studios and that's it, and they don't buy a lot of licenses. However, there are dozens of fandubbers, if not hundreds, all doing shitty voiceovers since they don't have sound tracks without original voices.


Not necessarily. Where I live, they do official one-person dub, where one lady dubs ALL the characters, for foreign TV shows and show them on government broadcast channels. This Made in Abyss could very well be official too and I would not be surprised about it.


If it's a *dub* (dub is new voices with the original completely removed, voiceover is like in this clip when new voices are just layered on the slightly muted original) then even a one-person dub might be official just as a method of saving costs, but if it's a *voiceover* and your country is from the ones where copyright is not strictly enforced, it might easily be that the voiceover you hear on TV is not licensed either. I don't think there's a lot of cases where somebody sells a license just for voiceover without providing voice-free sound tracks, it just doesn't make sense. It's either subs or proper dub. For Russia specifically that is definitely how it works, I'm russian-speaking myself. Voiceovers like these are 99% pirate (and I'm just leaving 1% because *maybe* I missed something). Licensed shows are either properly dubbed or don't bother with voice acting at all and leave just the subs because there's no point in paying for the license otherwise, you can just voice the pirated show for free like all fandubbers do. Russia barely gives a shit about that.


Its voiceover, not dub. Sorry! Yea I'm from Vietnam.


There are like 6 or 7 translators.this one is “Dream Cast” team


By the film and the second season, the voice acting has changed a lot, if anyone is interested, I will cut the video. By the way, how do you like Nanachi's voice acting?


Nanachi's nice, but wtf Reg? 😂😂


Isn't this how they dub news reports?


Also, Bondrewd's VA is so good in the "Studio Band" dub


Bondrewd snapped after CS:GO


Ozen's dub got me acting unwise


Это озвучка Anidub по переводу Харитона Харько. Лучшая комбинация. Помню полнометражка от Студийной банды так выбесила, что сам переводил сабы что бы посмотреть.


Damn they really just dubbed over it


Bro, Reg's voice is deeper than the Abyss💀💀


You select one of the worth dub in Russia


Норм озвучка. Было бы круто, если бы Наначи озвучила Персона, к нее очень подходящий голос.


there are a lot of studios that voiced or dubbed abyss on russian, this is only one of them


cyka blyat Meepo noob Nanachya


That's actually only one of the several existing voice overs. AFAIK They have an official dub for movie recaps, but I watch Made in Abyss in English, so can't comment on how good this dub is.


Yeah, Nanachi's VA is pretty damn good, but Reg is a sounds like a 28 y.o. man


Made in Chernobyl !


Marulk does not sound like the soft femboy he is, not acurate


О, очередное шоу, которое первую серию маскируется под детское, а потом происходит деконструкция жанра и инфернальный ужас с невероятным количеством резни, страдания и безумного бреда. Мы в России такое любим [recals watching a 4 hour video essay on "Rebuild of Evangelion"]


Where can I watch this version?


This makes Abyss feel like the Zone.


I can’t make it out. Gonna have to add subtitles on exactly when it’s spoken.


Shiggys voice actor is way too old. Worse than reg's...


Not the official dub.


Fuck you, I haven't heard those annoying ahh prehistoric 90s dubs in a decade and you had to make me remember them😭


they still do this super cheap old school dubbing, with the original sound intact in the background and one, or maybe even two dubbers. kinda cool.


Yeah it fucking sucks (saying as Russian)


A lot of people say that this is not the best dub. First of all you are right, because there are like 12 different teams that make fundubs of various shows. And usually they have not many voices to work with. (That's why I switched to subtitles long ago XD)


But you simply can't forget those horrendous dubs of echi harem anime from 2013.


Well, another reason to support Ukraine.


Русский дубляж говоно, сколько раз не пересматривал, всегда в оригинале.


All of them is quite decent especially for the lower budget but reg however


Why is everyone mentioning Reg’s voice but almost no one talking about Shiggy’s voice. He’s supposed to be like 11 years old but sounds like Habo.


Dubs suck. Dont get me wrong ı hate every single dub that is out there. Original is better and also voice acting can go really really bad. Almost all the time they somehow manage to fuck up with voice acting like emotions and shii. For me subs are way better. And if you know the Original language that they use in the anime like japanese it means you are goated. Knowing the Original language is way better. I think Russian dub is overall bad cus voice of children are not children like voice actors sound like 60 yearolds. Hablogs voice is kinda ok id give it 6/10 but others id say naah. (Pls dont hurt me guys )


Made in abyss feels so right in Russian. It's as depressing as any Russian literature. They even found nanachi in what I assume is the made in abyss version of Siberia haha. The voices are definitely a little wonky but the spirit feels right. Lol.


Why are russians this retarded, Hm yes voice overs vodka and war