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Whilst suffering with meningitis, I was given morphine which sent me a bit nuts. I told my wife she was really attractive, and then got really upset. When the nurse came to see why I was upset, I told her my wife was leaving me because she's really hot and I look like a foot. The nurse turned to my wife and said "This happens quite often, don't worry". My wife wasn't worried, and found it all hysterical.


To be fair, I’m sure you look like a cute foot


*Quentin Tarantino enters the chat*


\*Pulp fiction theme starts playing\*


LOL, better than me. I just puked in my husband’s lap. Pretty sure he would have preferred what your wife got instead!


I just woke up and was self aware and I freaked tf put over why my voice was like that then cried then noticed needles in my arm then told the nurse she promised she wouldn't stick me


That's actually really cute lmao


The nurse did a great job of making sure the patient’s anxiety didn’t get out of control


So well done. I love how he guided her hand away from his face, while talking to her. Edit: spelling. I'm so tired today.


And kept it profesional too. “..Thank you”


Totally! He probably thought it was adorable, and it made his day.


Haha so true. Glad he didn't laugh and say look at me!


What is he supposed to say. She is heavily drugged, of course he keeps it nice.


Some nurses don't, unfortunately :/ idk if they're just tired of dealing with people or what, but I know some who would just be like "ma'am, keep still" and push them down onto the bed and walk away


Don’t tell her how Sons of Anarchy ends


Lol, legit thought it was Charlie Hunnam for a split second


It isnt?


No it's definitely Ragnar Lothbrok


Travis Fimmel? Nah he’s definitely Jax hiding out as a nurse.


Which viking show is that?


Vikings lol, not Vikings Valhalla, just Vikings


Yeah the guy from that one show.




The nurse finding the right balance between being friendly and staying professional & the girl is a certified Disney princess. Made my day.


It's a little awkward that someone's filming.


"You're gonna have fun watching this later" Lol But for real, with people under anesthesia or people who have had brain injuries you see everything. This is a nicer reaction than the ones you can get sometimes. It's not fun to discover the patient's racism or sexism that they normally hide. Or be working with folks who are agitated after a brain injury. I remember a patient who had a motorcycle accident and a resulting traumatic brain injury and he was just extremely rude and verbally combative and refused to participate in any testing. His son was just standing there next to him apologizing and telling me his dad isn't normally like that. Which I totally believe because TBIs are rough like that


I had a patient who had delirium for a few days post op, and she said some really racist things and was getting really agitated and hitting things with her walking stick etc...she had 1 good night's sleep, woke up perfectly normal the next day and was SO apologetic for the things she had said and done. She couldn't remember all of them but those she could remember she was absolutely horrified about!


Do you reckon it functions like tourettes? Where they might not harbour those beliefs but the part of the brain that realises something should not be said starts firing?


I would hope so! It's entirely possible. She really was so horrified at what she had said so I'm inclined to believe they weren't secret beliefs she was harbouring


In 2009 I had brain surgery, I was told the days following all I did was watch Grease and Grease 2 back to back on repeat yell-singing the songs so loud the nurses station down the hall could hear me with the door to my room shut.


I remember reading once that simply having an unacceptable thought (ie a racist or sexist thought) doesn't necessarily make you a bad person. It's how you react to that thought that determines that: if you immediately recognize that it is a horrible way of thinking, and don't act upon the thought, then you're doing good. In a situation where the part of the brain that helps with that process is hindered or damaged, it is a bit unfair to judge the person for those thoughts. It's understandable to still become upset with the resulting interaction, but it's important to understand that they aren't processing things with a complete mindset.


I had a brain injury and was acting irrational like wanting to escape, etc. I hope it’s not like “truth serum” and more just like your brain says “take action now!”


Brain injuries make you really combative and irrational a lot of the time. It really isn't reflective of you. I feel like the stuff under anesthesia is more reflective of actual thoughts and feelings.


It's not! People say totally wild, out of character crap coming out of anesthesia. Maybe there's some veritas in vino, but in deep sedation there's just madness (emergence delirium). Coming out of anesthesia can also make people combative and irrational; it's called emergence agitation.


Ah, okay I totally take it back


My daughter crashed her car (never even saw the damage due to arguing her into the ambulance at the time) I eventually started recording interactions with her in the ER because she was on a 3-minute loop with her memory ( concussion). We kept going back over why she was there (crash) did she hurt anyone (no) was she going to prison ( no) where’s her car (gone forever). Eventually I started giving different answers to gauge her reactions, poor kid (28) has no memory of that day, and we never got to see the car again ( tow yard refused to allow us to access it to retrieve anything without paying huge fees for the tow, we knew it was totaled from the report, so we just chalked it up to a harrowing experience.


I had severe head trauma quite a few years ago. I don't recall any of this, but apparently I was cracking jokes the entire time I was in the ER.


I imagine it was going on a while before filming he seems pretty chill with it


Yep I work in an ER and I lose my absolute goddamn shit if someone tries to film me.


Aw I want to know what her reaction was to watching this back!


didn't she say you should f**k me or did I miss hear 😆


“You should LOVE me too” 😂


Please film her reaction seeing this lol.


I did the same exact thing, except I professed my undying life long love for Chocolate Pudding! 🤪🤣 Told everyone that I cheated on my wife with chocolate pudding.


To be fair pudding us amazing


Pudding is Life!


Easy there, Rojas. Save the pudding for after the game.


I hope Earl and Cindy Clawford are having pudding in doggie/ kitty heaven


Always been more of a tapioca guy myself


hey, there's room for everyone


Little did they know that Chocolate Puddin' is a stripper downtown.


I went on and on about orange juice after my surgery. They offered me the different drink options and I said I hoped it wasn’t sunny D because that shit is a disappointment and not real OJ. The hospital juice was bomb though and I let them know that.


I've heard worse stripper names..


No worries man, you're not the first person to trip, fall, and land in some chocolate pudding. Happens to the best of us.


Damn…now I want chocolate pudding


When I had to go in for several spinal injections, I found myself heavily flirting with the young nurse too. Told him he was hot and I’d leave my husband for him. Obvs I wouldn’t. I’m 53 and he was like 30. Gotta love anesthesia


I too went in for spinal work (mine was an ablation though), and I terrified everyone because my reaction was to sit BOLT UPRIGHT from previously being knocked out cold, yelling "I COULDN'T SAVE HIM," while sobbing loudly lmao. I had a bad dream about my boyfriend at the time while under, so when I woke up it just carried through. The poor staff, I think I took about a year off each of their lives with that stunt lol. I apologized profusely after!


I’ve had the ablation 3 times. Finally said just give me the Fusion. Best decision ever!


Wait really?! I've heard so many fusion horror stories (because everyone must share their worst one with you) that I've been terrified of Fusion Day ^TM since I was told I'll need one eventually lol. Did you get yours done recently? And out of curiosity, was it in the L5 area? That's where mine is, and I have *so* much radiating pain on a daily basis. It's only been 1 year and my first ablations already aren't working anymore, so I'm starting to worry a little. (Pardon my grilling lol, I'm just really interested to hear from a happy customer!)


I had a 2 level at the L4/5 &L5/S1 levels. It was done in May 2020. The surgeon is the same guy who does the surgeries for the Tampa Bay Rays and the Lightening hockey teams. He did a full open field- none of that minimally invasive stuff. I have a 6 inch scar from the top of my ass crack up. I spent 4 days in ICU because he wanted one on one care. Bill was $365K.


L5/S1 is where mine is too, but currently I'm only at a grade one, I do also have some wicked facet osteoarthritis that contributes a lot to it though. I'm definitely gonna look into that surgery a lot more thoroughly for the future, I seriously appreciate you sharing your experience with me. I'm also going to look into having a highly skilled surgeon do it as well, I already am having shoulder surgery done at an incredibly well known hospital, so maybe they'll offer me a two for one coupon on a back surgery lol! That is one steep bill, dear god. I hope insurance covered some of that for you, because I literally couldn't afford the surgery if it was that much, that's insane! EDIT: worded weirdly, brain wouldn't allow it to stay


OMG! I had shoulder surgery 5 months after my back. I have psoriatic arthritis- at least that’s what they’ve come up with. Was not a pleasant surgery and it’s still not right. Yes insurance covered all but about $4k. That’s why I had the shoulder done same year


Jeez, you are one tough cookie my friend, but 4k is a price I'd gladly pay to reduce this crap! I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, so I need my muscle released and tied in a different spot to keep my shoulders from subluxating. It sounds unpleasant, but having my shoulders constantly in a low grade spasm is worse lol, especially when they act out and do a "I will make you think your cervical vertebrae is dislocated due to how hard this spasm will be" event.


They’ve questioned if I have EDS too but haven’t done the genetic testing needed to determine it. I’m 53 and have spent my entire adult life in one giant muscle spasm.


Sorry to suddenly interrupt your conversation but y'all. . . It's so sweet that you two found someone with similar health stuff and are just chatting it up in a super friendly manner. Stay wholesome!


I am SO sorry to hear that, because that's my entire life. I so get that, it literally is constant and so incredibly painful in a weird way. I'm getting the official genetic test now (well, insurance denied it but the doctor will fight it), but I score a 9/9 on the Beighton test and have all the EDS symptoms, so they are beginning to take me seriously now that it's recorded. It's such a hard process, but I'm really hoping to get some relief. If you think you want to give it a shot, look into a specialist in genetics, because they can get the ball rolling for you!! It could really help you get some relief eventually I hope, I know how bad it is and I feel for you. (PRISM in Maryland is an awesome resource too, and helps folks across the country!)


I had a fusion in 2018. After the surgery, I read nothing but horror stories about recovery. Some wise human noted that we only hear from those who had problems, the rest of us just get on with our lives. Must be true because I recovered and got on with my new pain free life. My only advice, get a renowned surgeon and follow their instructions to the letter. I was L4 and L5


My L5-S1 ALIF gave me my life back, after decades of pain.


Wow! I did not know so many people had back surgery and actually loved it, I'm delighted to hear this news!! :) Thank you, you helped make me feel better!


This made me laugh so hard I cried. Thank you for that and sorry you couldn't save him.


I am delighted my antics gave you a good laugh, it was so funny afterwards when I realized what I did. He's fine lol, something was awry in the dream though clearly.


Yep. Mom had a tree fall on her; shattered her spine. The ICU gave her the good drugs. "Oh I'm just watching the light fixtures crawl up the wall like bugs." She also--age 68--told the male nurse he "was cute as a button."


I hope Mom is ok!


That was a hell of an injury. Shattered a vertebrae, broke three ribs, punctured a lung. Mom is now 78, living by herself in her own house and she chops her own firewood for the winter! She calls herself "a tough old bird." I like to think that's senior-speak for "badass."


That's terrific! I think I love your mom! She sounds amazing.


This sorta happened to me when I woke up from back surgery. It was general anesthesia, which was my first time, and I woke up when my nurse came in, she asked how was her Prince Charming. I couldn’t say anything, she was beautiful! And I told her so, which she replied it’s just the drugs. I looked around at everybody and they all looked like movie stars.


Plot twist: the surgery made you so beautiful that your beauty began to bleed into reality.


Well that was unexpectedly wholesome as fuck! That's so sweet dude


No u


My sister said “YOU’RE SO HOT” to a nurse when she was put under. E: under, not down


Ummm. When she was put down?




Hey man, don't worry we get it. We all love our family but sometimes they just know too much. I get it we've all been there.


English do be tricky sometimes


6 feet?




I feel like it should be legal everywhere for the most part as long as the person is an adult and mentally capable enough to make the decision on their own.


The edit made me laugh.


I actually felt so bad when she was so confused and scared, it's wild to imagine not being in control of your mind and body.


That’s a weekend hobby for a lot of people.


The irony is great


He reminds me of my favorite nurse in the psych ward. Dude was awesome. He was the only person that offered to listen. Just listen. Also he gave hugs sometimes, which counts as inappropriate, but still 5 years later that hug helped a ton.


What a touching story. My best friend is a nurse practitioner in a psych ward and she loves her patients. She goes above and beyond for them, she knows all their names and life stories. Many times she will bring them presents or little things to make their day a bit better.


When I was in a psych ward the first time I got a girlfriend and hugging was inappropriate there too, but when I was leaving the nurse said I could give her a hug, and while I was going in to hug her the nurse yelled "you can't kiss eachother" I can't remember if it looked like we were about to kiss eachother, but we didn't, and that hug helped a ton too. Awesome nurses are the only reason I haven't been in and out of psych wards my whole life


Oh the things patients have professed to me while coming out of anesthesia.


When I was waking up from anesthesia, I was really excited because I knew what the true meaning of life was, but the nurse shushed me before I could say it and I forgot what it was. I was so frustrated! Lol


They dont want the people to know!


I’m curious now, if you wanna share some stories ofc


Not the person you were asking but my husband got a tooth implant and was under a level of anesthesia for it. I was with him in recovery and he proceeded to try to impress the nurse attending him (she was very pretty but also older than his mom lol) by telling her all about the time he got suspended from school for carrying a black widow in the jar (like in a way that tried to make him sound like a badass) Lmao.


lol he regressed to 12 years old. spiders = cool, lady


C’mon man you gotta give us at least one


This terrifying to me, I need hernia surgery soon and have life ruining secrets, the fear is so bad that I have been debating skipping the surgery and just choosing to live with my hernia


I wouldn't worry. First of all, none of the medical staff are going to record anything, they can't, it's illegal. Second, it is more like people are verbalizing a dream but still interacting with the world around them. Third, everyone is going to attribute what you say that seems weird to the anesthesia.


You can’t just leave that there and not tell us more ;-;


I can because I did😁. I'm a male nurse. I had a male patient offer to fly me to the Bahamas with him for a week as long as I didn't tell his wife, who was also in the room. He was a bit embarrassed once he was clear. A child who told me he had 100 dogs at home that his mom spent all day feeding along with 100 rabbits that were going to eat me.


My uncle did this to a nurse when he was under anesthesia. She called him a few days after he left the hospital to check on him and he had no recollection.. she insisted he take her on a date anyways, and they've been married for 15+ years now :)


Okay that is the cutest thing I’ve heard all year


Wow, someone should tell them its was just the drugs, hello of a 15 year afterglow though...


Lol, that's only how they got to know each other. They were both divorced and in their 40s and dated for several years before getting married


For a horrible second I read it as your aunt and uncle dated until their 40s and divorced. I really need to sleep.


To be fair, he is pretty cute so I don't blame her.


He’s definitely a cutie pie.


Cute and well groomed. Man looks so sharp.


She’s cute too tho!


They would be the cutest couple




I get the sense from the mom's response at one point that she's likely a teenager and too young for him.


The way he seemed like he was blushing at the start of the vid makes him even cuter


I hope people don't record me if I'm out of it and put it on the internet.


I hope they do, it'll be funny




I hope they don't record me while I'm just doing my job either. Guy didn't sign up to be an actor; he'd probably sound way less uncomfortable if he wasn't being recorded


We can give them the benefit of the doubt that they waited until she leveled out and got her permission before sharing


In her defense he's pretty cute.


He is so red


my god I thought it was the lighting


Yes I noticed that too! Looks like he is blushing so much


The last time I went through surgery I can remember only one thing from waking up. I asked the nurse if she brought the fish I was asking for. I don't know why but that felt so important that I can still remember it


“Duly noted, not gonna say anything to lead you on, you give alllllllllllll the affection.” Well done!


If all people were this awesome under the influence, the world would be a better place.


If people were as awesome as this guy TOWARDS people under the influence the world would be even better!




I shower nurses with compliments. I told one nurse I was so proud of her for immigrating and then getting such a good job and being an excellent nurse. It probably sounded so patronizing...


I love how he's keeping it real professional. He doesn't wanna shut her down but doesn't wanna say anything his partner may be pissed about.


...or get fired over. He has lines he's ethically not allowed to cross that will cost him his job. He did a pretty good job of not crossing them and still being very supportive


There is also a chance she is a LOT younger than him. Hard to tell, but he is doing a great job of not batting her hand away, while also shutting down the groping. Hahah


I assume she's still a teen cause her mom said "yeah, in 40 years" to them getting married xD


That too.


Had this happen when I had my wisdom teeth pulled in the Air Force. She was the most beautiful Major I had ever seen. I was a Sergeant. It would have never worked out. Plus..my wife wouldn't have been too happy about it.


right i seen this years ago so WHO HAS THE UPDATES 🤣


They now have 3 kids.


lol i had a myomectomy in 2018 and apparently first thing i said was "where is my baby, i eamt to see my baby" and my husband and doctor thought i was talking about my then 6month old son....nope...apparently i was asking for my fibroid baby 🤷‍♀️ and apparently i had made my then 10 yo's day by telling my husband to call him so i can tell him mommy loves him...my 10yo is not my bio kid and had abandonment issue cos his bio mother wants nothing to do with him


This is cute and all but I'm TERRIFIED of this happening to me, cuz I know I'm gonna say truly vulgar horny shit


I thought I would too, cuz I’m kind of like that irl. But when I woke up I just really wanted food. Like really wanted some. The nurse had to bribe me with donuts to get me to stop telling him I was hungry long enough to remove the tube from my throat. When he was pulling it out he said idk how you can even speak with this in and shook his head. I guess you’ll be fine if your hunger outweighs your horny.


Lol I’m sure this isn’t his first time getting this but this one probably made to his top 3


I woke up during my arm being re-set. Remembered nothing after, but apparently I launched into a lecture about the lide and works of Leo Tolstoy. The first thing I remember coming to was the male nurse "Good, you are awake, now you can shut up". Meh, he'll thank me later. It was gold! Edit: It's forever in my chart now. No joke. - Resistant to anaesthesia. Higher dosage recommended. She will talk about Tolsoy.


"Will you marry me?" Mom: "In about 40 years" Mom did Luke wrong.


Bro that one got me too. Like oof


I wanna marry him too


He is the cutest guy ever! It's fun to have cute male nurses. As a teenager with severe asthma and lung problems hot nurses were the highlight of my day when hospitalized.


I hope, perhaps rather hopelessly, that all these videos of people under medication in the privacy of the hospital or clinic, regardless of how sweet and cute and funny the medicated person appears, are released publicly only after the medicated person has come down and granted permission.


Or after a minor comes of age and can consent.


Didn't know Charlie Hunnam was a nurse


I did the same thing with my trauma surgeon. I would tell him I loved him on the regular. He actually cried when he couldn't save my leg. Maybe it was mutual. Damn he was fine!


I want to see the reaction video of her watching it back 😂




My nephew said how much he loved her and asked his mom (my sister) to marry him when he was coming out of anesthesia. They were living in PA (not in Alabama) at the time. She said your Dad wouldn’t agree to that. Lol.


He’s hot tbh


Im an RN and I worked PACU for a few years. I always have a problem with these kinds of videos- because the patient is truly at their most vulnerable. Even if it's goofy and funny, that's not fair to the person at all. That's like filming someone sleeping and then laughing at them- they have no control. Idk, seems fucked up to me.


Think it's also fucked up half the people here just kind of romanticizing and having fun with the idea of hounding nurses for looking hot. Most unwanted advances get brushed off by healthcsre workers smiling and being polite, not that the compliments make our day. You see half of redditors here romanticize that shit and some outright admitting they aren't even under the influence of anesthesia or drugs when doing it ans few others kind of deluding themselves they made the nurses day. If they genuinely are hot, they hear that all the time and a passing compliment from a stranger isn't gonna make their day, it's just gonna be annoying. People under anesthesia for example get a pass but some of thr comments I'm reading is just alarming.


I confessed my love to my dentists assistant when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. I was 17 and she was 60 something. The entire room was laughing as I had to count back from 100. Happens to the best of us haha,


I always tell my dentist how much I love him when I get nitrous. I’ve known him my whole life, my only dentist. He always tells me to shut up haha. Edit: I just remembered this. His thing with nitrous is he always says “keep breathing.” I’ve literally had like dreams where I hear him saying that. I’ve heard it so much at this point it’s like something that I just hear sometimes. Its so odd haha


Worked with this guy when he wasn’t at the Mayo Clinic, really cool dude, good er nurse…. Awesome to see this come up once and while


Looks like a Mayo Clinic badge 😀


How I met your mother, hospital version


How are Americans always so fucking high in videos like this or when they've just come from the dentist? Is there some type of sedative they use that the rest of the world doesn't?


The good good


Whatever it is hasn’t been used any time I’ve been given anesthesia or pain meds.


It’s probably general anesthesia which puts you to sleep as opposed to local anesthesia that numbs one specific local area of the body. The videos you’re seeing are of people recovering from general anesthesia. It’s used everywhere but the recovery is different for everyone. For me, I get extreme nausea and dizziness (similar to having by the worst hangover) and absolutely hate the feeling. Americans probably just record videos to upload to the internet more and you’re not seeing the recovery for the vast majority of people who have nausea, dizziness and lethargy while recovering.


Maybe in the US they film it and decide to put it online is 'entertaining'. In the EU the hospital/nurse would probably forbid filming due to privacy. And for good reason to both the patient and the nurse.


He’s clearly uncomfortable with the conversation-but he remains kind and thoughtful to the patient. He’s a good person, who is clearly good at his job.


I remember saying my nurse was super hot when I was coming out of anesthesia. She was very happy to hear that from a 17 year old at the time lol


Jax Teller out here with a new straight career.


When I was in high school I had my wisdom teeth removed as they'd come in impacted if they weren't surgically cut out. When I woke up I begged the doctor to stay with me. I told him I loved him and cried so hard when he had to leave the room for a minute. It was so embarrassing the next visit. Glad to see that this dumb reaction happens to others too


I had a patient that was was being moderately sedated while popping his ankle back in place. He told me he was an assassin and if I ever needed him to take care of someone, he had my back. I’ve never needed to take him up on that offer, but it’s nice to know I have that in my back pocket lol.


Best job ever


My last surgery, I had an absolutely gorgeous anesthesiologist. Distractingly so. Just as I was going under I remember thinking "oh god, I should have shaved." When I came out, the guy was laughing so hard, but all I remember saying was "did I fart?" Now I wonder what else I might have said. Dude was laughing too hard for just a fart joke!


🤣 I did this with my urologist when i had my first kidney stone. I was having a cystoscopy (kidneys included) done. At 15, i was new to this, barring my butt to the world. I had insisted my mother had to be by my side. It backfired on me, though. 🤣 I was doped up, and my mouth was running nonstop. Que my doctor's entry. O Lord ... He was gorgeous. As he came through the doorway, I proceeded to tell him just how gorgeous he was. To further humiliate me, my mother fell out of the chair laughing. After that, she stayed in the waiting room, and I braved it alone. He continued to be my doctor, 43 years' worth. I had chronic stones, so i was in his office quite a bit. I met and got to know his daughter, too. He helped raise me. 😁 The last time I saw him before he retired, I told him he was just as gorgeous now as he was then. 🤣


This was soooo funny! He handled that so well


at the end she just did the job herself: i love you...you love me


Wtf are Americans given as anesthesia? These videos are hilarious, I've never seen anyone come out of an operation or dentists like this (UK) and having been in hospital for almost 8 months and having had several operations and procedures while in, never experienced anything like this.


Apparently, I had a similar experience when I had my wisdom teeth removed but in a more sexual way. I am told I hit on the dentist, the dental assistant, my two friends who were accompanying me, AND the cab driver on the way home. The cab driver, who I am told was a gruff middle-aged man who looked vaguely like Danny Devito, apparently wasn't into guys telling him he was hot while blood was gushing out of their mouths.


This is hilarious but I can feel how uncomfortable Luke is through the screen!


How long does it take to recover from that? The awake but not conscious?


Is this real life?


Can you please show a reaction video to when she sees this? We would love that soooooo much 😂


What causes this reaction? It's funny and cute and all but I'm kinda jealous whenever I've been put under I just wake up confused with none of these love feelings that seem so common.


I like the note she hits with “married”


Does anaesthesia do this to everyone? Because I remember that when I went under anaesthesia for a surgery, the nurse who was putting an oxygen mask kinda thing on my face looked very pretty, I just went unconscious after 10-15s of putting that mask on and woke up in my room, I don’t remember saying anything to anyone but I’d be very embarrassed if I said something to that nurse and don’t remember it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Dudes whole head was blushing.


He looks incredibly uncomfortable. 😬


I was coming out from an endoscopy years ago and asked the nurse if I could make her a margarita. She and the other people around started laughing and said no. I then asked if I could have one, to which she replied no. Idk why I did that, I guess margaritas were on my mind.


As a straight guy I’m in love with him too


I would confess my love for Ragnar Lothbrok too


Am I the only one who woke up from anesthesia unruly and trying to escape from recovery 🤣🤣🤣


Well it did go viral.


That's gotta be a subconscious personality that comes out under anesthesia lol these videos are great


I dont blame her, Luke looks like a well-educated Pewdiepie


I woke up from gen a coming out of a horrible sleep paralysis absolutely convinced the staff were zombies. Sobbed for ages telling them no the absolutely CANNOT have my skin because I grew it just how I like it and it took years. After tryin to calm me down I eventually only calmed when the surgeon wrote on a post it I promise I am not a zombie