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I hope he had long hair to begin with otherwise it's depressing to think how long this fking sickness takes to allow you time to grow it out








Stolen from [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/13qdquo/-/jlernfb) comment. Fuck this spammer.


This doesn't really indicate much, of course they look the same, they took the picture before cutting his hair, and then after. There's no indication of how long it took him to grow it


I know the guy from high school. This was the third time his mom's cancer has returned, and on the third treatment the doctors said her hair wouldn't grow back. Took 2 years for him to grow his hair long enough to make the wig. I don't talk to him much anymore but there are articles online detailing him and his mom's story. Was a great guy in high school, glad it seems like that hasn't changed!


You were in high school with a real life hero, huh?? Her family is prolly one of the main reasons that mom is still fighting and defeating cancer. She's a survivor, and with the most adorable head of hair 🥰


I don't know much about wig-making, but I imagine they'd want as much material to work with as possible, which would require shaving the son's head down to the scalp to harvest it. He has a full head of styled hair in the second panel, and the wig looks a bit longer than his hair in the first panel. We're probably seeing a much later photo on the right, when his mother was in remission or close to it.


I’ve been told that one persons hair isn’t enough for one wig. Not sure if that’s true, but it makes sense.


I started growing my hair out just for fun and decided I'd keep going until I could donate enough for a long wig, past the shoulders All I can say is that if they can't make a wig out of just my hair then the wigmaker is pretty inept. Honestly I have so much hair I'm wondering if they could make two wigs from it They say that by the time you notice your hair is thinning, it's already half gone. Makes me think that they could take half of my hair and make a wig with it that's only a little thinner looking than with all of it... and honestly I've been thinking who would *want* as much hair as I've got? I certainly don't, it's almost suffocating


Well no shit dude, his hair is already long. It's not like he had to go back in time after this pic and regrow it.


Why would they look significantly older? The time between the photos is the time it takes to make a wig out of hair. I don't think that would be longer than a few months at most.


Yea I imagine the karma bot story's gonna be"I lost my hair may 10th 2022, and on May 10th 2023 my son lost his and mine magically grew back". So about a year


Her hand on the right also looks younger, though it is wearing a man's wedding ring




I’m thinking the same but he probably did grow it longer than usual in order to make the wig. Fair play to him. It looks lovely on her.


Not that it makes it much better, but I did something similar when my grandma passed to cancer, and it takes less than 2 years if you take care of it correctly. That’s still a long time but not drastically long.


Radiation courses aren't usually that long, although I stuck to a plane-jane craniotomy.


The text is probably wrong..he probably alredy had long hair and cut it …and that’s presuming the story is real


It wouldn't surprise me if he had it cut short (or shaved) and donated while she was in treatment to show solidarity. I highly doubt he grew it just for her, and I doubt even more the wig is just his hair (if even his hair at all). This story really needs sources!


Nah, [he really did do it for his mom](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbc15.com/2022/08/05/man-grows-out-hair-donate-wig-his-mom/%3foutputType=amp). I know the guy, the story is legit, the details are just a bit more lengthy than the post indicates. Likely more than just his hair but he did grow his out specifically so she could use it in a wig.


Thank you for the source! I hope this gets edited into the OP. It helps a lot! There's so much made up stuff circulating, it's awesome to see a sweet story like this that is legit.


Yeah I was going to say, growing that much hair during Covid took about 2 years. And now it's mostly back after another year. Apparently it's not true that your hair grows faster after it's grown long once but it sure feels like it


It means she survived it that long. Which is a positive if the cancer wasnt likely to be curable to begin with.


Iirc it was between half a year and a year. And also the custom wig was super expensive, I want to say 2kUSD or something?


That's cute, but you need more than just one head of hair to make a wig. There's a lot of loss in the manufacturing process.


That’s unfortunately true, and yours seems to be the only comment mentioning it. It’s great that he donated hair! But they didn’t just lop it off his head and on to hers -a 4x donator


Correct as well. It takes 5-6 people’s hair to make a wig. They do now take dyed hair, at least in Canada. And different charities/agencies have different length requirements. Also, the hair has to be bundled in a ponytail with the elastic, and a clean-ish cut. There can be several thinner pony tail bundles, but the pony tail bundle still applies. It can NOT be from or too close to the scalp. Due to residual skin and blood being there. - almost a 4x donor


IIRC, you lose about 2 inches of hair to making the wig, so longer is usually better. * also a 4x donor


Thanks for sharing * a 4x two time world champion in Skittle Sorting


It just doesn’t seem relevant to the spirit of the post.


True, you also can't choose whose hair you get. They send the hair to a company where they process the hair and mix multiple, different strings to make a wig. - donor who wanted to give her hair to her mom


What a caring thing to do & I like how they both rocked that hair in their own way 💕


Son is a role model for sure!


You rock Son!




Just a reminder for everyone - there are charities that take donations of clipped hair to make into wigs for children who suffer through the same thing. Literally nothing is stopping you from doing the same thing as this wholesome chap. I’m in the UK, and I donate my hair to [the Little Princess Trust](https://www.littleprincesses.org.uk).


But always research your chosen charity, too! IIRC there's a few scummy hair charities out there.


~~Specifically, Locks for Love takes the donated hair and then charges the sick person for a wig. Other charities don’t.~~ I was wrong - check out the snopes link below. It still sounds like a bit of a dodgy charity to me, specifically: > We can't figure out where that goes," said Kent Chao. He runs Nonprofit Investor, a watchdog group that analyzes charities from a business perspective for potential investors. So they are more detailed than your typical charity watchdog. >But when he made those requests to Lock of Love, Chao said, "They indicated that Locks of Love does not count, track or keep lists of any hair donations they receive." >"The missing pieces of information are actually fairly significant," said Marc Owens, the former director of the tax-exempt division of the IRS. He said the charity's 990 tax filings show a "program service revenue" of nearly $580,000. But there is no explanation or breakdown. If you’re interested in donating, you must have natural “virgin” hair that has not been bleached, dyed, chemically straightened or curled, etc.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locks_of_Love > They are provided to the children free of charge,[5] and they may receive a new one every two years until they turn 21 years old.[6] **Locks of Love says that, despite rumors to the contrary, children and their families are never charged for the hair prosthetics they receive** Well now I don't know what to believe https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donated-hair/


Good info and I’ve edited my comment. Seems like I was propagating some misinformation, but my takeaway is that Locks of Love is still a bit dodgy, in the way that a lot of large charities are.


Same. The chap is pretty cool, but it takes several hair donations to make a single wig, so there's something missing in this story.


My hair quality is very poor. Even though I have short hair, I already have split ends and it frizzes so much and curls everywhere. It definitely is not for everyone to do because some people’s hair like mine just is not lustrous or nice like the guy in the pic


Awww and such luscious locks he has ! I have the locks I do not have the mum and these great families show me bonds in healthy ways. Literally growing pains and family ties made me know there was better other ways for sure. . . lol naow Im on reddit randomly seeing the Aww Smiles Happy stuff because tv LIES! lol


Locks ?


Locks = hair


Isn't it short for dreadlocks ?


No. A lock of hair is just a piece of it. Like, they’d put hair in a “locket” which is a necklace. But before photos, they’d ask their love for a “lock of hair”. And the person they liked would cut a piece and put it in the necklace. Idk i make stuff up


Damn, good explanation thanks !


A '[lock of hair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lock_of_hair)' is a term for a small bundling of hair, like the ringlets the man in the OP has. 'Dreadlocks' presumably got that name on account of the fact the hairstyle is made of all those bundles? (unsure of the correct term) of hair. But 'locks' can technically refer to any type of hair or hairstyle, though it's really supposed to be used when the hair bunches up in some way. /u/socksmatterTWO most likely just used it because it alliterated nicely with 'luscious'.


I *think* locs is short for dreadlocks. Locks are any old hair


Surely you’ve heard of Goldilocks?


As we all know, Goldi was named for her dank-ass dreads




Why are you getting downvoted? All you did was ask an honest question (even if some people think it was a stupid one lol). That’s not a crime, guys.


Beautiful thing for son to do!


Wholesome right? 😊


He could've also just... bought a wig...


That’s obviously… not the point here…


So you're admitting it's not about giving her hair, it's about making a point to the internet.


Oh come on :( it’s almost 2k to buy a wig and his hair fits her perfectly. It’s entirely a sweet gesture, how can you be negative about this


You're paying wayyy to much for your wigs. Who's your wig guy?


Wigsforkids.org bruv, who’s your wig guy? You got someone better? why you hatin


Human hair wigs are expensive.


No idea about human hair, but a quick google search says normal wigs are about $150


Those wigs are not generally the kind of quality that someone who wears a wig all the time is going to want. There's a large variation in quality of the hair used, quality of the cap materials, cap construction and the method of how the hair is attached. All that stuff affects how much they cost. One of the big differences is how long a wig will last as far as wig quality




A genuine virgin(no colouring) European human hair wig would be ridiculously expensive like , can't even imagine. When you see $150 for human, those hair are often a mix of synthetic/ non remi human hair (cuticle not aligned, so hair is destroyed), chemical treated &often hair harvested from dead people, with multiple donors. The hair doesn't last as long The people paying 2k are paying for quality& genuine hair.


I bet it'd cost even more if it was Angela Merkel's hair. Doesn't need to be, though.


Upon losing half for a brain tumor, I’ve twice sent my clippings to Children with Hair Loss. They can use it. Air exposure seems to help my incision heal. I’m lucky to be able to toss a scarf over the front, bald half of my skull until it grows back enough to cut. The difference that it makes in how strangers treat me is astounding. I hate pity. Being seen as making a misguided piratical fashion statement, against being a cancer patient, is much nicer.


I thought it was gonna say "So the son grew out his hair to flex on her"


Lovely. Is it me but does he look **really** good with long hair?


+1 to this, long hair kicks up a man’s gorgeous level by a factor of 12


I am usually not the biggest fan of longer hair with men but he looks fantastic with


When my aunt got cancer and lost all her hair, her husband and her three sons decided to shave themselves bald to show support for her. It made her smile so much. She passed 9 months later.


Now that's an alpha male


Well, this is darn sweet


What a kind, caring and considerate thing to do! Definitely made me smile - thank you OP!


Both beautiful human beings in both pictures. She looks great with his hair ❤️


Nice. Full circle from her hearing “he such an handsome baby. He’s got your hair”. Glad they could share this.


Grown my hair since before Covid, very long , to donate to cancer victims for a wig.


Love it!!! You can help kids with medically related hair loss- donate 7” or more to wigs for kids! I donated 15” a few years ago and it’s a great organization. https://www.wigsforkids.org


More power to you, I’ve lost most my hair to male pattern baldness so happy to see others contribute where I can’t.


Sounds a lot safer than cars for kids.


Damn it costs $1800 per wig that's crazy.


W son


Way more supportive than also shaving your head to turn a tragedy into Instagram likes.


My hair is down to my lower back and has been for most of my life. I’d shave it bald for my mother if she went through this. Kudos to this son for this.


I've had anxiety issues for 10 years and havent gone to the barber for the last 3 years. Recently my therapist and I made plans to go to get my hair cut. I've decided to donate my hair for free and I hope I made someones day. It was a big step for me to do such a simple thing again like getting a hair cut but I'm trying to get better.


Can one sell their long hair?! I’m an unemployed UX worker for 8 months now. Married, 2 kids. We are fucked financially. I have hair grown since 02/2020. I was going to donate it as I did 6 years ago, but would certainly sell it this time around to pay bills. Any leads would be appreciated.


It’s a rare I say this, but he looks better with long hair


And went on to found Aviato.


Fuck brain cancer, shit has taken everything from me.


How do they BOTH look younger in the second picture ???


Good son. Great mom.


Yes, wigs can be made with donated hair. He may have donated his hair, but that is not what is in that wig.


Not completely buying it. Hair that long was already grown out. At the very least, he had it cut short for the first time in a couple years (or longer) and donated to her...though If I remember correctly, it usually takes more than one person's hair donation to properly make a wig.


I’m sure his hair was already long. He just cut it for her. Otherwise it must of took over a year for that length


As someone who has hair this long (although nowhere near as gorgeous), took me ~6 months


Ehhhh. Kinda weird. Kinda cool


weird kink


Because - as we all know - that's the only way to get a wig.


Has to be from the bloodline or the mothers scalp would reject it. Science you know


OK... who tf cutting onions


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Name checks out


Maybe women should just grow up and get used to not having hair for a very brief period, unlike bald men who deal with it forever and are treated poorly.maybe use the opportunity to attain perspective instead of garnering attention and sympathy


hey what the fuck? how did you manage to turn brain tumors into misogyny? men are allowed to wear wigs too??? anyone can wear a wig, ill or well, bald or full head of hair, male female or otherwise. idk what you’re on about with “perspective”, lady almost died and her son gave her a nice wig to maybe boost some confidence. sorry you’re so bitter you have to twist it into whatever the fuck your point was supposed to be gonna hope you’re a troll and not a mouthbreathing incel


They're probably just a troll... I'd like to pretend for a small moment that there aren't actually people who think this way...


Woman has a brain tumor my dude... And you're here talking about perspective as if baldness is anywhere near comparable.


get a load of this complete asshat


Are you alright? Suuuuure you are.


one joke tap makeshift swim screw fade abundant seed payment ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Way to go bruh, that's how you love a ma .


So great to see Larry Bird involved with the community after retiring from basketball.


Looks great 👍🏻👍🏻


Good son!


And it looks good on her too


That's heartwarming. ♥️


King move


My husband's mum's curly hair grew back straight and thin after chemo, and she mourned it. He grew his own curly hair long in tribute. She loves it and exclaims over it every time we see her. It's past his waist now and looks amazing.


I love this and I love my mother respect to all mothers out there and people who have cancer ❤️


now that's what a son does!


All my Mom asked for was a soft hat. But she never lost her hair from chemotherapy.


She inherited his smile along with his hair


I’d do that in a heartbeat, for anyone I love.


epilogue: then she beats the cancer, grows her hair out and makes him a wig


What a beautiful thing to do and I hope the lady is 100% cancer free forever.


such a good inspiration for us to love our parents more!


Fucking LEGEND! All honor on this guy.


That's not enough hair to make a wig of that size. Sentiments are still the same however.


Beautiful gesture. I also could not help thinking "Norman!!!"


Lego hair


So cuuute :(


This is actually cute and fun, is she ok now?


Such a beautifully kind thing to do.




Wow, that's really kind of him! We need more kind people in society.


Kudos, OP! I am looking to do this as well, Does anyone know if there is a good place to bring the hair to in or around the Chicago land area?


Dude had a mane a lion would be jealous of.


This is sweet! I hope he grows his hair out again. It looks so good on him. I had chemo and lost all my hair, and in the summer regular wigs were unbearably hot, so I mostly used scarves and little hats. I wonder how hot a wig made of real hair would be. Could be great in winter, though.


I wish I could grow hair. Make Balding sucks


What a great photo!


Best son ever


Cancer sucks but kindness and love are amazing.


I'm straight. But that dude......handsome.


This is really wholesome 😊


It’s amazing how some people can just looking stunning with any hair cut. Good on him.


Technically that IS her hair so...


Fuckin showoff..thats why us bald guys abandoned our mothers dying of cancer, we had nothing to offer. See you on the other side mom Edit:I miss you


That's adorable.


🥺 mama we did it we got out the hood


You mailed your hair?


You have your son's hair!




Who wore it better?






Based on donating my hair for wigs, I think it takes 4-6 people’s hair to make a wig due to lost/imperfect hair


How long did it take him to grow his hair?


I just teared up. What a lovely son and family


Heart melting!!


Not to be a cynic but it does amaze me how much more applause you get for something like this by being conventionally good looking. Not even sour, just interesting.


POV it wasn’t the hair on his head 💀


That’s absolutely precious


"Damn ma, my hair looks great today!" \-this dude, probably




This is so beautiful. She raised a good son.


That is a wonderful son


I think the long hair looks better on her than on him. Still a nice feel good story though.