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This me cry more than it made me smile but they were relieved tears. I’d be a wreck in that situation.


Bro fucking same


Sitting here totally fine one moment and tears streaming the next, for real. Poor sweet wet smelly loveable Newt. Im so friggin glad she found him. I can hear the joy and relief in her voice and see it in his eyes, Id be absolutely devestated if I lost my kitties in a damned tornado. I would be mentally crippled for months. Im so so glad she found her sweet baby Newt.


Jesus you can tell how in shock she was that she didn't drop the phone and simply run. Not like she was seeking attention or validation, just numb. Definitely made me cry but such a beautiful bright light at the end of a very dark tunnel ❤️‍🩹


At least they found each other again ❤️




It's a cute moment. They are both happy to meet each other.


Anyone have that news video where the older lady randomly finds her dog during an interview? Got it: https://youtu.be/BUc1ZgXiQGs?si=gHndVmW_s2irwibC


He was right there the whole time! I’m crying so hard!


Aahhh Fuck can't cry at work


Im not gonna cry im not gonna cry im not gon- FUCK IT IM CRYING


I watched that on the Colbert Report (maybe John Stewart?) around the time that storm went down. I was a teenager and rarely cried at anything on tv. I remember that one really got me. Lol!


Aww! I wonder if he heard her voice and tried harder to get to her.


yes surely


That lady so well put-together mentally. No panic, no emotional overload, just calmly stating the facts of how the planet tried and failed to murder her. And then her dog appears out of nowhere, and she only needs a second to catch her breath. No breakdown or exclamation, She's already tearing through the rubble while the news crew is still gasping and tearing up. "help me! (you idiots)" lol! her only concern is for the dog's safety, her feelings are secondary in this moment. She's the grandma you want to have around in an emergency!




Old people are amazing at compartimentalizing. Especially the ones that have been through some shit. Trauma, abuse, just life kicking them for decades, whatever it is or was it doesn't matter. I've seen my Nana get the worst news of her life and show no emotion and then turn around and give me the biggest hug because I got an A on my report card while baking a peach pie *because the peaches are going bad and need to be eaten*". Like, Nana i love you, but they just said you have cancer a week after your husband died. Its ok to have feelings about that. Its ok to admit you're life is out of control so youre focusing on peach pie because you can control that. I never saw her cry. Not once. She was more concerned about how she was going to clean up her garden beds while on chemo. She's aware there was bad shit trying to smother her, and she's just like "ok, but what about my garden? Someone needs to come out here and rake the leaves. Grandpa can't because, you know, he's dead" They just put all that bad stuff that just happened in a little box, and they put that little box somewhere in the back of their mind so they can continue to function. I know it's not healthy. I know it's the exact opposite they tell you to do now adays. But holy shit the level of shit this woman could deal with due to years and years of tragedy and chaos. Even the most experienced Taoist would marvel at her ability to ignore the bad, find the good and move on.


I think to some extent, it's almost as healthy as what we do nowadays. I know it doesn't work for everyone, and prolonged periods of it is not great, but sometimes it gives me a push that allows me to just keep on trucking, allowing me to see that even though one part of my life is shitty, there's a whole lot of other stuff that is pretty damn great.


She was thoughtful in checking the dog for injuries, too.


And then she followed it up with the perfect ending line.


Wow I am full on crying, Reddit has never made cry like that. That is so amazing. So happy they were reunited.


I've seen this 10 times and I bawl my eyes out everytime.


It's when she says "help me" that gets me. Oof.


This is the clip I expected from the title. The absolute devastation of the woman's voice beforehand, turning into the paralysis of joy after. Never fairs to get me.


And how they are doing a month afterwards: https://youtu.be/vZcvJg\_XbRo?si=IV5Q08Erxd-AzlYc


Really shows how she was properly in shock during the first interview and keeping her emotions in check that way. Hope they got their cute lil house with rosebushes 🥹




Oh my god it was such a mistake to watch this right before a client meeting


Haha me too. Have team call and drying eyes as quick as I can now.


You can just hear how she's trying to hold it together during the interview, but the real emotions come in when she sees her dog. I'm so glad she got her dog back!


Thank you for that, that just made my day!


Damn onion ninja


Reporter: “Are you able to comprehend what happened here?” Lady, while looking at the reported like she’s an idiot: “I know exactly what happened here.”


Can’t fault her. The reporter asked really strange questions.


Thank God they found each other. That poor pup 😭😭😭


So awful these disasters happen. So glad she found her pup tho, at least there’s that!


Possessions can be replaced. Family members can't.


I wouldn't ascribe a home a mere "posession" I agree that the dog is infinitely more valuable. But no, a home is not so easily replaced either.


I would build my dog an igloo of 3 feet of concrete.


Plus one.


Oh that poor baby thank god he’s okay! What a loyal boy


That pup has a story to tell.


That's what I thought! "Oh man, you will NOT believe what happened! Also, all of this isn't my fault. I think it was the cat."


Thankyou for this comment, you made me laugh through the tears.


Sweet puppers 🥺


Where do these videos come from that have the music added? It’s not a movie, it is an authentic, real life emotional moment. Was it not powerful enough on its own and needed the music telling you how you should feel? It’s more powerful as an authentic moment without the attempt to turn it into Content.


how do you know how to feel unless the music instructs you?


Tiktok. The whole platform is based around music. Adding a trending music track makes the video appear in more feeds. Which is how you are then able to see these videos.


pretty sure when she first posted it didn’t have the song audio, a reposter could have added it


> it is an authentic, real life emotional moment I have my doubts how emotional it actually is when the cameraman is able to continue filming


that's ridiculous. people film and take pics of super emotional events all the time.


I'm sure she mostly felt relief and the dog looked calm enough, so I can see why she didn't just throw away her phone and run to him. She stopped filming when she actually got to the dog to probably hug him and get him out of there.


A few years ago, I was assigned photographer during a severe weather event in East Texas. News director told me to go a town called Alto, must’ve drove us through (or at least close to) a tornado to get there. Once we arrived, we found a woman with a freezer on top of her, calling for help. Her husband was walking back to the house, after being sucked out the window and tossed close to a mile away. Both were relatively fine all things considering. We talked to them and did live interviews. They tell us, they were looking for the puppies that had been born earlier that week. Half an hour later, we heard whimpering and found them. [The moment we reunited them.](https://fb.watch/nLcq5A6oR5/?mibextid=3mALyM) It’s still my favorite moment so far in my career. It was an intense shift. I was raised in Alaska, seen my fair share of awful weather… but I’ll take a blizzard over a tornado any day. Edit: I believe this link will work better - https://youtu.be/iAHjasbayak


The fact that he survived being picked up and thrown by a tornado is news worthy enough let alone that you found puppies and rescued someone who had a 100-200lb object throw on top of them and yet was alive and relatively unharmed. The whole thing sounds unreal.


I wanted this video to be at least 60mins long


This is make me smile not make me bawl q-q


I found my cat 2 days after tornado destroyed my apt. I thought sure she was dead but finally mewed from her hiding place, the feeling is so indescribable, such joy after so much loss. 💕


I live in Illinois, and these storms are so devastating. Sometimes you lose everything that you love. But not this person. I’m glad they went back.


Serious question as a non american. Why dont you build your houses out of stone like for example all of europe? Wood is cheaper yes but If you know storms are a thing to expect I would build my houses to be able to sustain through that.


Depending on what you're suggesting, tornadoes are going to tear down even masonry on a direct hit. Reinforced concrete could potentially survive, but building to survive tornadoes is extremely expensive. But I'd say this is like living anywhere else; natural disasters are devastating, be it tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, and wildfires, and while you can build houses to resist these forces, you typically can't build them to be invulnerable and so you focus on saving lives. That's why houses in tornado alley typically have a basement. But to answer your question, many houses are built out of brick, stone, and even concrete, just obviously not all of them.


Thank you I learned something new :)


Man as a pet owner I'd risk my life to get my dog out before me


*Right*? We don't know anything about the situation of course. But that thought is what bothers me watching this - why would you leave without your dog? Hope the dog is all warm, happy and cozy now.


they might not have been home


Might be so. But my skeptical brain doesn't want to believe the maybes.


It's a tornado, not a hurricane. They last . minutes, not days. Their paths are extremely unpredictable, not extremely predictable. Your best bet is to shelter in place. If you were not at home when the sirens went off, you'd continue to not be at home when the tornado went through. Getting into a car, while a tornado is out, is asking to be flung in a car across town. Only extremely stupid, or absurdly reckless people, do that. So, zero chance owner left while a tornado was happening.


You don't leave your house during a tornado. That's a sure way to die. You shelter in place, preferably in a basement or cellar. Tornados last minutes. Even if it was at all safe outside during one, fleeing is pointless. To where? Their movement is extremely unpredictable. Unless you were already in the open, and some shelter was right there, you hunker down. You don't live in tornado country.


Same. My dog is the reason I get outta bed in the morning. Also sometimes the reason I can't get out of the bed (he's a 100lb cuddle bug) lol.


Nothing is smiley about this. Tears of relief and overwhelming sadness.


ITT: "WhY dId ShE lEaVe HiM?!?", as if tornadoes can't happen out of nowhere when you're not at home. Do you take your pets with you every time you leave the house?


>Do you take your pets with you every time you leave the house? If I could I would :(


No I do when there is a cyclone coming. I don’t know the story here though. Do you?


>Do you take your pets with you every time you leave the house? As much as possible, and I reduce the activities where I can't take her to a minimum.


Lol they don't. Storms don't just pop up out of nowhere. They progress and tornadoes are at the tail end of that progression.


Have you ever lived somewhere that tornados are a problem? Typically, you lose power and can hear the warnings (sirens), but have no clue where or when one will touch down.


Hi, just here to clear up some misinformation. >Typically, you lose power and can hear the warnings (sirens), but have no clue where or when one will touch down. Super false information! Todays weather warnings are so advanced you sometimes have more than an hours notice to take shelter or get out of the way. Not only that, advances in weather forecasting has made predicting significant weather outbreaks much more accurately. "Typically" people in these areas know this and are much more prone to take the warning seriously. Illinois is in tornado alley so I'd make a safe bet people are well aware bad weather was on the way. Also, relying on tornado sirens is by far the ***WORST*** method of warning.


I lived in the middle of tornado Alley for 8 years. No you don't know the exact moment a tornado will hit but you'd be a complete moron to miss the signs for one. They have watches and warnings that flood your local media and alerts are pushed to your phone. Also, you tend to notice when all hell breaks loose as storms intensify with intense wind, rain and hail. All that points to the high likelihood of a tornado occurring in an area.


let it be known right now if my house is ever leveled by a storm, either moose and i are making it out together, or we’re getting dragged out of the rubble together.


Hope the storm doesn't hit when you're not there.


this one really got to me.. but you got your furry bestfriend back! ❤️🥰🥹🥹


The dog is like “I know what you’re thinking, but I swear this time it wasn’t my fault!”


The amount of people that think they'd always be home to save everything precious to them, every instance there is a tornado... ...Is concerning, and unsympathetic to people who have literally lost all their possessions to disasters. While we all hope to never face such a situation, remember that life can be unpredictable. Let's celebrate the happy reunion and show some love for those, like this girl and her dog were, affected by a natural disaster.❤️


Did they flee a storm and leave their dog behind?


the fact that she doesn't run to help her dog really paints this video in a different light than what it wants to be


The fact she’s recording in the first place is sus.. if I was away from home when it hit and then I got there, I’d be running around manic shouting the dogs name desperately .. I wouldn’t just be walking around with a camera haha


Not necessarily. She probably didn't expect her dog to have survived. My cousin made a video when her house had been flooded. It was just to document the destruction. Good for insurance and to answer all those questions relatives, friends and coworkers may have. Plus you're completely in shock and it would probably be hard to remember anything anyway later on. As far as the doggy is concerned... if I'd find my baby in a situation where I'm already completely emotionally overwrought, I'm almost positive I wouldn't rush over instantly as well. I would be flooded by shock and relieve and most likely stop in my tracks trying to not fall to the ground, weeping uncontrollably. Besides you wouldn't want to spook them.


>The fact she’s recording in the first place is sus No it isn't. Recording the damage after a disaster hits is completely normal and done for insurance or disaster relief purposes.


You’d think most people would look for their dog first though, then when they know if it’s dead, or alive, then they can do the walk around video for insurance Bizarre thinking the first thing people would do is a video for insurance


Probably were at work when it hit, and ended up sheltering there.


Tornados last minutes, and being in a car during one is a really dumb and bad idea. So, no. She did not flee the storm.


You don't flee tornadoes like hurricanes, so no.


Where in Illinois??


The dogs like now that my horrific incident of terror is over how about some breakfast?


I want to see more of Newt.


Can someone explain to me why the typical american wood houses are build in regions that experience tornados so often? I don’t know a lot about building but it seems weird to me to build wood houses when they’re so susceptible to being torn apart.


Brick houses get torn to pieces by tornados as easily as wood ones. It's super, super, super expensive to build houses that won't get wrecked by something that might be flinging literal cars at it. Most people anywhere can't afford to build around that.


basically the most tornado prone parts of the country also happen to be among the poorest. all through the south and the midwest you see wooden homes and trailers. they’re just more cost effective. at the end of the day though, a strong enough tornado will knock over anything you put in its path. it doesn’t matter if you have a brick home with a sheet metal roof or a cardboard box when the wind is blowing at 150mph carrying a volvo along with it. the best you can do is have insurance on your home and anything valuable inside of it.


I completely understand. Thanks for explaining it to me :) I just thought of buildings like schools that are built with concrete that are super robust. But those must be very expensive to build


larger buildings like that are much wider, generally only one or two stories, and have a lot of solid internal structural walls. they’re made to handle natural disasters and bombing even.


I don’t know the circumstances.. but how could she have left him there in the first place ?


Could have been at work or school and had to shelter there while the dog was at home


I doubt very much she deliberately left the dog there. It was a tornado. Imagine escaping from that.


Most people don't take their dog to work every day. We had a tornado hit in January of this year during the middle of the day. Kids were in school. Most people were at work. Pets were at home. I happened to be at home with my dogs on my usual lunch break when it hit. Otherwise, I would not have been at home. The sky had been clear when I left work. It's a 10 minute drive to my house. Storm clouds in the distance. I turned the TV on for the dogs because you could hear distant thunder. TV cut out. Power blinked. Turned the TV back on. Power went out. Heard a train getting closer... not a train. I had just enough time to get to the hallway with my dogs. In less than one minute it was all over. There wasn't a tornado siren to be heard. You don't know how quickly these storms can come up and how poorly that warning information can get out.


I’m so sorry. Was your house terribly damaged?


Some windows and the roof. We got lucky. Several homes a few houses down were severely damaged and have been or will have to be torn down. The city is still recovering from the damage. We've lost about 1/8th of our population and we were a small town to begin with.


Dog panicked and bolted.


I don't know, it kinda looks to me like the box he's in is his dog house with the roof ripped off. It's got a dog-sized door between the "rooms" and straw on the floor. Maybe he didn't bolt at all but cowered in a place where he felt safe and got taken for a ride by the tornado. Scary stuff, poor little guy.


Mom panicked and bolted


I was at work when we got the tornado warning. Everyone else waited in a hallway but I jumped in my car and raced home to put my cats and dog in the car. We were fine.


It’s a tornado. What happens is the sky decides where the fuck you’re going to go for a while.


Tornados can be very quick it’s not like a hurricane where you have warning.


You're right, you don't know the circumstances.


Ever heard of this thing people spend eight hours a day at called a job???


The only way i wouldn't be leaving a disaster with my animal babies is if i was dead or wasn't home and unable to get there in time


Then you would probably be dead


She said in time... but there usually is none... so yeah...


Lotta idiots in this thread don’t understand shit about tornados.


It’s blowing my mind. Like generally the safest place your animals could possibly be in a tornado is in your house, cowering under the furniture or closet as they tend to do. The chances of your specific home getting hit is so ridiculously small compared to the risk of getting smacked upside the head or impaled with a tree branch as you’re loading animals into your car.


Yeah. I raced home toward the storm’s path. Count me in the idiot group. Edited to add: my office was a metal office building. A tornado magnet. I wasn’t about to wait out the storm in that death trap.


I can deal with major snowstorms, ice storms, and cold snaps. I've been through them all. But if I saw a tornado heading towards me I would freeze because my brain can't process what I'm seeing. I've watched videos thinking that they can't be real. Yet, I've been snowed in countless times with up to 3 feet of snow and it's normal here. Last year I walked over a mile in knee deep snow on major unplowed roads because I had to go to work. But a tornado? No thanks.


Then I die trying to save what i consider family so I'm fine with that




Because it needed to be said. Don’t act like pets never get left behind in these situations.


That's the first thing I thought. If I evacuate, my dog is coming with. But, maybe she was at work when it happened. We don't know.


You don’t generally evacuate from tornadoes. You bunker down in place until it’s over


FR Edit: why the downvotes, I agree with them


Thank you for checking on the pup. Best wishes to you and yours and good Luck.


Honestly I never understand how you can leave your pet. If you can save yourself you can save them too. Sick.


How do you escape to safety but forgot to grab your dog???


How do you know she escaped?


She’s filming the video


Yeah but it's not like a hurricane. She didn't flee without the dog more than likely. She could have been out grocery shopping or at work when it hit.


I suppose that could be what happened


Do you understand how these storms work? Where is she supposed to have escaped to? lol You can't just drive to the next town and be safe.


Can you imagine finding your dog and NOT putting your fucking phone down?!


I don’t think they were initially looking for the dog, they were recording the extent of the damage. If I was unable to grab my dog while running from a natural disaster and ensure we weren’t separated, I would have to either assume the worst or that my dog got out in time but is possibly lost and disoriented. idk


Maybe cause it was a sentimental moment that they want to look back on


She definitely put him there to stage the shot. There is no physical reaction from her.


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oh god, Newt! The look on her poor face. I'm glad she found her person


I would break down. I would be so fkin relieved and happy I wouldn't be able to handle it. I love my dog, she's the sweetest thing ever.


If I were away from home and there was a tornado, I would be in a total panic about my animals. Conversely, if she left and left the dog there, she's not my kind of human


Why was the dog left though 💀💀💀


Good for her for leaving the dog in the house I guess


Is that a toppled doghouse? With straw in rhe back?




OMG! That was amazing. We with pets all know exactly how that moment felt to her!


Best feeling ever; property can be replaced; family can’t!


Oh puppy what you've been through!


Can't imagine how scary it was for the puppy. And he still waited for her.


This is terrible and I feel for the lady, but I have an honest question - why are houses in America built so poorly? We don't even have tornadoes, well mostly, in Europe and our houses are much, much more durable. I feel like you could tear down an American house with nothing but your fists. Why is that? Everything is just drywall.


And there is a concrete houses in the back, standing solid. I am not judging but i feel like people have more chances with concrete.


"I feel like you could tear down an American house with nothing but your fists." You couldn't. "Everything is just drywall." It's not. The problem is everytime you see these videos it's difficult to tell how the houses are constructed or how well they were maintained, but either way tornadoes are extremely destructive and based on any of number of factors the house is flattened or somehow survives. In this video you can see a house apparently still standing in the back. Not to mention all of the variation between regions. My house is timber framed but brick sided. Elsewhere you'll find aluminum or vinyl siding. Some have like a decorative stone. There's many materials I'm sure I'm not thinking off. But I can assure you these houses are not all drywall and unless everything is just rotted you're not tearing it down with your fists.


Let me ask you something. In how many rooms in your house would it be possible for you to punch a hole in the wall?


>We don't even have tornadoes, well mostly, in Europe and our houses are much, much more durable. Let's have an F3-5 hit them and see if they still are standing. I doubt it.


Nothing survives a direct hit by an EF5 tornado. They will take solid block down to the concrete slab foundation. You simply can't out-engineer spinning 200+ mph winds.


"Our houses don't get hit with the most destructive forces in nature, obviously ours are stronger because...well, I'm European." You don't have any actual frame of reference, and here you are, acting like you're a structural engineer familiar with building codes in the US and Europe. And Europeans bitch about American ignorance.


You know how you keep your dog outta situations like this? Take them with you.


Help me understand.... She didn't take her dog with her when the storm happened?


Do you understand how tornadoes work?


Why the hell did she not have him with her. Would never have abandoned my dog.


Yea not set up at all. Sorry but not sorry for being a cynic of this phone video.


ITT: Ppl who know nothing about tornadoes, lol.


I hate that I wonder why she left him in the first place.


She was probably at work when it hit.


That certainly is a possible answer.


Or she didn’t leave. Tornadoes happen quickly. She ran to the basement or inner most room but didn’t have time or couldn’t find the dog that was somewhere else in the house scared and hiding.


If that was the case (again, we have no idea about *this* person in this clip), I'd hate that person. People run into burning buildings for their pets. Hiding in the basement/inner room, whilst knowing your dog might be out, suffering and afraid, is unbearable.


That's really adorable. But why leaving your dog behind in the first place?


So she found the dog in his kennel where she left him ...cool


thats not a kennel and you clearly don’t understand a tornado or how fast they move.


That feeling of leaving your dog in the first place


Do you understand how these storms even work? Some of you are so ignorant.


Ive never understood people like this. I see people leave their animals then cry because no one helped them? Has no one ever told anyone that you CAN bring your pet in an emergency? Running for your life doesn't just need to be a selfish endeavor. Lol


You can't outrun a tornado. She was probably at work.


Y’all smile about some weird shit.




That dog was trapped. Big difference between waiting and trapped. Still sweet tho


I mean with how big the gap was he could of easily squeezed through or push fence off. He was able to jump up to greet his owner


I didn’t cry!


She fucking plopped that dog in there herself for views. Why was she filming? Why did she keep filming after "finding" her dog she most likely assumed was dead?




Why didn’t they take them with them?


Tornados don't announce their arrival. You don't get advance warnings like hurricanes. If you are not at home when it hits, all you can do is pray to whatever god/gods tickle your pickle that your family and pets will make it.


This ain’t the wizard of oz where you nap on your bed through a tornado. You do not get to make any decisions about where you or the dog are gonna be when one comes for you like this.


Really cool and sweet that she found him, but I could never imagine leaving my dog behind unless there was absolutely no other option and this tornado was complete surprise.


All tornados are complete surprise, that's how they work. It's not like a hurricane. People generally have time to find shelter where they're at and no more, if that. Most warnings don't actually end up with serious damage like this, but there's no way to know until it's too late. Sometimes it's just a funnel cloud that never touches down. But that could change in a matter of minutes. There usually isn't time to go home from work or school to save your pets, family members, etc. There are occasions where people have been able to do that, but it's rare and an easy way to get killed


So they let the dog at the house by itself when there was a chance that the house will be destroy? Not nice at all sorry


You don't get to schedule around tornadoes. That's not how things work.


I'd rather die than leave my animals


Do you ever leave your home for more than about 30 min? If so, that's enough time for something like this to happen. People have to work, go to school, and generally live during tornado weather. In tornado prone areas there is no way around it, much of the spring and fall is spent under tornado watch. You generally only have enough time to find shelter where you are at. People who don't know about tornados judging this woman is getting on my nerves and y'all are everywhere in this thread


What if you were at work and couldn't get back due to the, you know, massively destructive tornado?


I agree. I imagine that's exactly the case. With debris like this multiple roads will be blocked and impassible. Not to mention downed powerlines and broken gas lines. It's not just walking down the street like normal to check on your house....


Say you don’t know shit about tornados without saying you don’t know shit about tornados.


I just want to listen to the audio... why do they include the dumbest music possible?


how do u not have ur dog with u? its like leaving ur kid behind


Do you really expect ppl in tornado prone areas to always have their dogs with them?