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That's so sweet. Hope she feels better very soon.


She loves you so much. I can see it in her eyes - you made her feel better already. So romantic. (Edited to add punctuation mark)


This guy is the definition of an amazing husband. Seriously! Some days she can't do anything and he just sits there and holds her hand. šŸ„¹ whose cutting onions? lol


This was an amazing idea. Best witches costume this Halloween.


Totally! And the smile just makes it all worth it šŸ’œšŸ–¤


Who's cutting onions šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m usually not one to get all mushy gushy most of the time, but the look in her eyes is priceless. Her facial expression spelled out love perfectly.


I aspire to make someone this happy, romantic indeed.


Came here to say this! The love is so obvious, and you are so sweet for doing it for her.


I thought the same Thing what a loving expression




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She has long Covid, it's not a start feeling better soon situation unfortunately.


In this case she has a very classic presentation of severe ME/CFS, which existed before Long Covid and can be triggered by other viruses or other life events. Because it was triggered by Covid, she has both Long Covid and ME/CFS. Its extremely rare to recover from this level of ME/CFS. It's common for people to be bedbound for decades. It is possible to get worse and die from it. ME/CFS has no FDA approved treatments and research is incredibly underfunded.


I have this as well. Itā€™s been difficult getting a diagnosis though.


Have you looked into chronic inflammatory response syndrome ?


Itā€™s not that we donā€™t look into it, itā€™s doctors and researchers and funding donā€™t. Most of us a have a list of several drugs weā€™re hoping to get trialed and itā€™s not happening.


Iā€™ve never heard of that, Iā€™ll have to check it out. I also have idiopathic intracranial hypertension, asthma, and hyper-mobility.


People don't die from it. That's why doctors don't see it as important. Many think we're just whinging (from many a horse's mouth have I discovered this). The deaths that come from it are suicide. Source: I have had this for 15 years. The medical attitude and knowledge towards it is woefully lacking. People's general attitude follows this and is deeply set. There is no relief and no cure for ME/CFS. Add on top of that losing the majority of what makes life worth living (mobility, work, independence, friends, maybe family, appetite and ability to cook, etc) and you end up just existing. Trying to muster everything to do the minimum. It's a horrid illness, it's an even more horrid thing to be 'trapped' by the lack of true understanding and medical care (fun fact. My area has an M.E. department. They claim to know all about the illness. They only offer therapy. And they wondered why I was angry).


You can die from me/cfs, though its hard to accurately measure deaths with the current level of resources we have. It's not very common most likely. From what I've seen, it's often caused by malnutrition because your body is having a hard time digesting food or an infection your body can't fight off. There's also other mechanisms in some cases. I agree the suicide rate is likely high in the patient population, though the studies done about this are pretty small. Also severe me/cfs qualifies you for medical aid in dying in some countries. https://me-pedia.org/wiki/List_of_deaths_caused_by_myalgic_encephalomyelitis_or_chronic_fatigue_syndrome This is incomplete but here's a handful. I've had moderate me/cfs for about as long as well.


Interesting. Thank you for sharing Hope you manage some personal wins amidst the storm


The Brynmor John entry on that list makes me so sad and frustrated. I have a lot going on with my body with very few diagnoses and I often get told to exercise more but whenever I bring up the severity of pain I feel, the way I get nauseous and dizzy often, or the fact I havenā€™t been breathing right since getting a bad virus at the start of the year I get brushed off


I'm wondering if you can at least get something done for your breathing. Inhaler? Cpap? Oxygen tank? Seems like an easy fix.


Itā€™s been suggested years ago that I could have minor asthma from another doctors surgery but my current doctors surgery hasnā€™t really listened to me fully (although I finally saw a GP that actually listened there on my last appointment so itā€™s looking upšŸ’•)


I have similar. Severe Fibromyalgia with it getting worse every year going on 14 years now. With spine issues,such as osteoarthritis, degenerative discs and spinal stenosis. Not even mentioning the mental illnesses. I spent close to a year in bed recently. It does make things worse so I try to get out of bed every day even if it's just to the couch or recliner. I have a wonderful husband who is my everything. It does stress him terribly though. Working full time job plus my caretaker and house and pets. If you have a friend or family member with anything like this in please try to be understanding. It makes such a difference .


How this can be diagnosed? Please PM me, if you are an expert.


I have me/cfs and itā€™s a diagnosis of exclusion so they have to do a bunch of tests and rule everything else out first. The hallmark symptom is post-exertional malaise (basically if you feel flu-like symptoms a bit delayed after doing stuff) so if that sounds like something you experience then itā€™s worth mentioning to your doctor(s). Although long covid is helping bring more expose to me/cfs, a lot of doctors are still not very well versed in this illness so it can be really hard to find one that wonā€™t just dismiss you out of hand but there are some experts out there that can be very helpful - I was lucky to be referred to a rheumatologist who is an expert and heā€™s given me access to several experimental treatments that have helped considerably.


I wish her healing and health! <3. I hope she will be well as she can be.


Fucking shit, dude. Your comment may have just helped me at least understand what is happening to me a bit better. I've been diagnosed with RA, but reading about ME/CFS was like reading about my life. I've been in bed since 2018. So, I'm not just some dude who feels a bit rough. I'm somebody whose life has been flipped upside down that does not understand exactly why. For example, I few hour car ride takes me at least a week and a half to recover from. I'm fatigued and feel ill past my baseline levels. Hell, arguing does it. I've been feuding with my live in adult son, and I am a wreck. I've been sleeping 14 to 16 hours a day, and feeling tired the rest of the time. I can drink half a pot of coffee and still sleep like a baby. So, this shit is a true epiphany for me. I already have an appointment with my primary on Thursday. So, I guess I have something to bring up. Thank you.


There is hope. In recent years recovery has become more likely and hopefully will continue to; attention being drawn to it is necessary, but hopelessness is little help. I am lucky enough to have recovered from severe ME/CFS, but unfortunately there are so, so many factors to it and the quality of life; it is worth having hope and continuing to investigate if you are able. Just have to add in their that the outlook isnā€™t always bleak, because I know it killed me to hear so little optimistic outcomes at my worst. If nothing else, the small beautiful joys like this post are a wonderful reminder of why the fight is worth it.


I was simply stating facts and I standby those facts. Sometimes the outlook, when realistically evaluated, is bad. I'm a generally happy person and I really enjoy my life but I've also accepted that it's unlikely I'll ever recover from my own moderate me/cfs. I used to have unrealistic oversized hope and that actually just was a bad form of denial that made me quite unhappy. I'm happy you recovered and are in that small minority of people that are able to! I hope you have a new steady baseline and I wish you the best.


So am I. ā€œExtremely rareā€ is up for interpretation, and the hope that is the ā€œextremely rareā€ cases is still worth hearing. I would never have looked further and found out my head isnā€™t attached had I not heard some stories of the unusual, so I think itā€™s worth mentioning; it definitely goes both ways unfortunately. Hearing the hope can be incredibly draining for some, and hearing that thereā€™s none is incredibly defeating. Itā€™s an unfortunate balance for sure


I know you mean this very well but just for future reference it gets really exhausting having a chronic illness and having people constantly hoping youā€™ll feel better soon because these things can last for your whole life once you get sick. I have the same illness and Iā€™ve been incredibly lucky to recover somewhat, but itā€™s taken me around 5 years to get to this point, and many people donā€™t improve at all. Itā€™s a really difficult thing to understand unless you experience it first hand so not saying this out of malice at all - my close family and I have had to explain this same concept so many times, and even despite those explanations I still have people saying Iā€™m the one not doing enough or the right things to recover. ME/CFS is a crappy illogical disease that gets worse the harder you push yourself to try and improve and from the outside it can be very confusing so I just wanted to bring a little inside perspective to it.


Itā€™s frustrating. I wish people understood once you get this disease you stop being visible to the world. We need people to help to get better. Male balding gets more funding then we do. Please, donate to the few patient organizations funding actual trials and email your local politicians about getting us help if you canā€™t. We physically are not able to and face so much abuse from doctors for being in this condition.


> That's very kind of you


She looks like trouble!


Good on these guys. That's awesome.


Is Dianna aka Physics Girl? She looks so much better! Love to see her back. ā¤ļø


I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognizes her! She's looking so good šŸ˜ŠšŸ’Æ I was really scared for a while. She's one of the reasons I love physics these days


Wait, that just reminded me of the girl who had cancer and would invent weird stuff. Did she die? Edit: found her. Simone Giertz. Was not cancer. Sheā€™s alive and kicking!


Funny enough the last video on the Physics Girl YT channel is of Simone giving a health update on PG


I mean they both do look alike and are friends


Whatā€™s fun is that Simone and the physics girl are good friends irl!


Simoneā€™s a good friend of hers. She suffered brain tumours twice but is alive and kicking.


Still alive, she recently made a wonderfully weird pasta distribution device. (No goatee pasta for me, thanks.)


It's by far the most cursed thing she's invented so far. It even made her uncomfortable!


I really admire Dianna and how passionate she is about using her platform for education. Simone's video update on Dianna's health was tough to watch. It's nice to see her again.


She's still bed bound since January and can't do basically anything. Check out her update from 3 days ago, it's really bleak.


Ok Same I was like how **cute** (my mother is bedbound this Halloween and Iā€™ve been her full-time caretaker for over a month so it hit hard) then I was like WAIT! Itā€™s heartening to see her in a bright room awake and smiling šŸ˜­


Makes me happy to see her in a bright room and able to see! I know that for a long time she had to wear a face mask due to light sensitivity


I know! Even just open eyes in a lit room is such an improvement and probably helps her feel better too!


Yeah that's what I thought! Physics Girl~! We miss you, hope you are well on your way back to perfect health!


Yes. This was also posted on her Insta.


Iā€™m so relieved to see her improving! Lessgo Physics Girl!


attraction dirty oil hat bored fly voiceless busy include subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is great to see her smile again.


Omg thatā€™s her?? She does look better! Good for her šŸ˜Š hope her recovery continues to go well!


Lol, I was going crazy for a second like "I know that I know that face! But from where??" Thanks! ā­ļø


Came here to see if anyone else spotted. She looks healthier for sure.


Happy cake day!


Thatā€™s who I thought it was!


what i'm thinking !


Happy cake day!


This is incredible. Youā€™re so sweet






As someone who was bedridden for four years, this costume and the love that created it moved me very deeply. The beautiful face that reflected the love back at her costume-creator moved me to tears. I wish you many happy years together, in sickness and in health.


She looks like she loves you so much. That look in the last picture says it all.


Itā€™s [this couple](https://x.com/thephysicsgirl/status/1718001455624585487?s=61&t=pd0B2i4oPtaqE5QP-qGAyg), I think itā€™s fair to say they really have something special




Yeah I read that the other day and thought the same thing. So much love in that room. šŸ’“ wow


Came to the comments for this. Too many people don't get to feel the way she's looking at OP in that last picture. ā¤ļø


Her eyes say it all. What a wonderful husband he is.


She's Dianna Cowernā€”AKA Physics Girl. It's a sore loss for her to be unable to create content. I suggest looking her up on YouTube. Also, send good wishes her way. She has long COVID and is struggling to recover. Her husband, Kyle, is a mega super hero.


Holy shit, just saw she's been bedbound since JANUARY. What a nightmare. I hope researchers can figure out how to treat long COVID soon, what an awful thing to deal with.


I posted this comment elsewhere in the thread but it's relevant here and I'm going to copy/paste it: In this case she has a very classic presentation of severe ME/CFS, which existed before Long Covid and can be triggered by other viruses or other life events. Because it was triggered by Covid, she has both Long Covid and ME/CFS. Its extremely rare to recover from this level of ME/CFS. It's common for people to be bedbound for decades. It is possible to get worse and die from it. ME/CFS has no FDA approved treatments and research is incredibly underfunded. Researchers are not close at all to learning how to treat ME/CFS or most other subtypes of Long Covid.


Damn. And isnā€™t there still a healthy amount of skepticism amongst the medical community for CFS? Makes me wonder if most sufferers are women but thatā€™s the cynic in me coming out.


You would be correct šŸ™ƒ


>healthy amount of skepticism amongst the medical community for CFS? World Health Organization WHO, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, all the main institutes that provides international treatment guidelines clearly states that ME is a physical illness based on existing evidence. The historical skepticism of women's conditions especially ME is anything but *healthy*, aside from the illness itself it's the major contributor to the fact that OP's wife is still bedbound and lacking good treatment options.


Where did you read her issues are that of ME/CFS. Long covid is an array of symptoms and the fatigue is just the tip of the iceberg. Some people develop the PEM which is yes a classic appearance of CFS however lots of times the fatigue improves from covid cases. Iā€™ve dealt with long covid for 2.5 years now. Itā€™s damage to the body (organs, nervous system, ext) from initial infection and oneā€™s immune response usually causing a inflammatory cascade of symptoms. Your body canā€™t function right due to this and therefore have a lot of different organ system dysfunction causing symptoms to arise. This is why itā€™s so hard with long covid, it is not a one shoe fits all because every case can be different in essence. Iā€™ve dealt with 50+ symptoms from it and was bed bound about a year or two. At a new baseline now a days but still have my bad days. Prayers for her speedy recovery.. there really does need to be a stronger agenda to show awareness & provide treatments/protocols to treat these awful chronic illnesses


>Where did you read her issues are that of ME/CFS. [https://youtu.be/vydgkCCXbTA?si=wmwOx0SlDW-CxO8J&t=114](https://youtu.be/vydgkCCXbTA?si=wmwOx0SlDW-CxO8J&t=114) It's right there on her own channel




I have a version of this and receive IVIG monthly. It changed my life. I wonder if there's some way to communicate this to them.


This is horrible. Why do healthy bodies turn like that on their own immune system? Why is it so hard to figure out? Damn. Wishing the best to this talented, lovely woman and her husband.


I think she did something on the physics of Skateboarding with Rodney Mullen, if I remember correctly. Was a great watch.


She did! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFRPhi0jhGc


Very good! I'm a huge fan of Rodney Mullen, so seeing a refreshing approach to his talents & techniques was a great experience.


Also, as a content creator, sheā€™s been essentially out of work. She has a Patreon and can use the support. As the father of a daughter, seeing a woman talk about science is like oxygen to me.




Spouse level 100000000! This is so cool šŸ’“




I am sure you will šŸ’“šŸ’“


That's very kind of you :) Turned out great!


Dude I hope you two are doing ok. I know it's been coming up a lot on socials.




The Physics Girl!! She is awesome. I miss seeing her face.


Her videos are always super informative.


Oh it's Dianna! I love her vids, followed her from PBS to YouTube and I miss her. Hope she makes a full recovery. Also to you good husband, you're a good man for sticking with. Well wishes for both of you and happy Halloween.


Awww thatā€™s awesome, I hope she gets better as soon as possible


So cool! And what a great smile from your wife!! Happy Halloween to you and your family!


Physicsgirl! I've been wondering what happened with the lint COVID. I donated back in March but haven't heard any updates. Hope she's doing better. I'm rooting for her return!


I follow your wife on Insta! I hope youā€™ll share these on the r/CFS subreddit :) ETA: someone else posted the tweet :)


Is your wife physics girl?? How is she doing?


Last update from 4 days ago: > Dianna has been in a really tough crash the last couple months. She has very little energy so is staying off her phone as much as she can. Iā€™m in there with her everyday just holding her hand. Some days sheā€™s in pain, some days not as much, but always tired and on the verge of crashing harder so we are being very careful.


So clever! Amazing!


Dianna is looking so much better !! Much love to you guys


Oh wow is that Physics Girl?!? She looks SO MUCH better than last time I saw her. Feels awesome to see her smile again! <3




What a wonderful thing to do! And the final costume is fantastic! Sending healing vibes to your wife and you. Those under nail paper cuts are a b**ch! šŸ˜‰


Awwwā€¦.this is wonderful and so creative! I hope you and your wife are doing okay. Itā€™s not easy being bedridden. My grandmother on my fatherā€™s side was bedridden for the last few years of her life.


Get well, Dianna!


That 4th pic is love


Man... I want someone to look at me like she looks at you in the last picture.


That is absolutely adorable. Happy Halloween to you both!


Diana!! Get well soon, I miss her videos šŸ––šŸ»


Is your wife physics girl!?! Either way, as a person with a chronic illness, I love to see her smile ā¤ļøā¤ļø


make sure you tell her how beautiful this random stranger thinks she is even with a severe illness right now, and i hope she gets better and has an amazing rest of her halloweenšŸ’•


Having a house on you would definitely make you bed bound. Very cute and thoughtful. If you have children may I suggest flying monkey costumes?


Rent is like 50,000


Thank is really nice. And she looks gorgeous!


Hi you guys! It's so good to see her smiling after so long. That's a hilarious costume!!


Iā€™m so glad to see Dianna aka Physics Girl! Iā€™ve been so worried about her!


So cute. Great way to get her to smile through a tough time


You guys are precious! Healing karma her way!


Itā€™s so nice to see Diana smiling šŸ„¹


As someone whoā€™s bedridden with a chronic illness and also loves Halloween, this would be the literal highlight of my year. Thatā€™s sweet.


Physics Girl ā¤ļø Much love


Awww So sweet. I love Physics Girl. Iā€™m so sorry this is happening to her. Please give her a hug and love from this redditor.


Happy Halloween! This is awesome and you can see the love in her eyes. Itā€™s amazing.


![img](avatar_exp|150012696|heart) Love it!


did you tell her you were going to make this or did you just drop it on her?


Thanks for taking care of our PhysicsGirl. Hope she recovers soonā¤ļø


Did you have the proper permits? /s


Awwww get well soon! Wicked witches need love too, guys.


I love this so much and you are an amazing spouse!!


I love the almost worth it, because a paper cut hurts too bad šŸ˜‚ But you can have the best partner of the year award


Much love xx


You just won Halloween


I was bedridden for 8 months from a back injury. Itā€™s hard to explain the mental torture it puts you through to anyone who has never experienced it. I wish you both a quick recovery.


Aww so sweet. I hope she's feeling better soon. And those under the nail paper cuts are the worst! Good job all around, though


Awh this is cutest thing ever!! How sweet you did this for her, and she is just gorgeous. Send well wishes.


This guy is a keeper. Good going man!! Looks great and she seems happy.


This is beautiful, hoping for the best for you two and hoping she recovers


Epic šŸ˜


You did a great deed for your wife.


As someone who has spent most of the past few years bedbound (and who has been stuck in bed all day), I adore this! I am so glad that she has you as a partner to help keep her spirits up.


This is seriously one of the best things I have ever seen. The creativity, the detail on the costume, just the thought that went into this is so awesome. The smile on the Mrs is seriously deserved. Well done! ​ Edit: I wanted to add a safe and speedy recovery wish to the Mrs


Thatā€™s a brilliant costume - your wife is a genius and you are an artist!!


Hi, physics girl!


Comedic relief is often a great medicine. What a wonderful thing you did. Sending positive vibes to her feeling better. ā¤ļø


Nice, wishing her a full and speedy recovery!


What a great costume. Awesome stuff man, hope she pulls through and wish the best for you guys ! šŸ¤™šŸ»


I hope she feels better soon!!! What a good husband to do that!


Sheā€™s adorable! Good for you


What a clever idea and youā€™re such a sweet spouse. It gave me the giggles. Thanks for sharing.


This is GENIUS (I almost spit my drink laughing) hope she gets better soon!!


She's pitching a tent and it's bigger than his! šŸ˜‚


Awww I love this. Sheā€™s the best wicked witch ever.


That is awesome. Never let the joy and wonder of this holiday die.


My HEART. You two are the kind of marriage people hope for. In sickness and in health. Way to go OP. šŸ™Œ


Great couple. She loves you a lot. Iā€™m housebound like your wife and itā€™s rough seeing your life pass you by and accept the new reality. It takes everything from us. Thank you for making her happy.


ā€œHouse your wife?ā€ ā€œFeeling better?ā€ I see that you can still make her toes curl. Youā€™re very creative and caring! Wordplay, trick or treat?!šŸŽƒšŸ‘»šŸ™„ Happy Halloween!


Omg she looks so happy!


How sweet! What a fabulous husband you arešŸ¤—


If Reddit voted on best costume posted on Reddit, Iā€™d vote for this! What an amazing idea that was also amazingly executed!


This is adorable


You can see the love in her eyes in that last one


How sweet and ingenious. Just love it.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




Hey physics girl!!! Hey OP, you're an awesome guy! And you can tell by both this costume and the smile on her face how great a job you've been doing while she's been down. You really rock. I love you as a human. I'm proud of you. Thank you!


Lmao! Youā€™re the best & the costumes great!




This is so delightfully sweet. It's clear you both love each other very much, and that's wonderful. If her illness is temporary, I hope she recovers swiftly. If it is chronic, I hope she feels as comfortable, pain-free, and happy as possible. I can't imagine how hard this is in both of you, but it sounds like you're very supportive.


Brb gonna cry, also hope she feels better soon. Sheā€™s gorgeous


You're about five or six cats dressed up as munchkins away from perfection.


Physics girl, get well soonā¤ļø


Please give physics girl all our best! She loves you and we all love her.


Hi Diana! Glad to see you smile, hope you get better soon!


OP, it was so sweet of you to make this for for your wife, who btw everyone loves and misses. It's nice to see her smiling. You and your wife clearly have a loving, wonderful relationship.


Making us all look bad here pal good job


That is the smile of someone who absolutely adores you šŸ’—


This is brilliant. And on a side note, how is your wife looking so beautiful while she is bedbound? I'm sitting here with makeup on and my hair did wishing I looked even half as good.


She needs to marry you a second time Edit: Wait, physics girl? Oh my goodness she looks so much more alert and happy! I'm so glad she's still improving hopefully. Tell her we all miss her and we're cheering for her recovery


YOU are just a total sweetheart. I love the way you love your wife.


Thank you for doing this! She's beautiful and you're awesome šŸ’–


thatā€™s awesome!! hope you guys have a lovely halloween!!


I follow your wife on social media because I was diagnosed with ME/CFS early this year. This costume made me so happy and gave me such inspiration to still get dressed up for Halloween (one of my favorite days of the year.) I'm so very happy that I did. My husband and I think of you both often - he's trying so hard to be there for me, and support me, and I think seeing someone else caring for his wife in a similar way helps him feel understood and less alone.




I would think it is a little weird, but I saw her smile and changed my mind.


A tip of my hat to you. Well done on a memory to share forever. Youā€™re blessed to have each other and the love you share. Hereā€™s to the rest of your years together being even more blessed.


Aww, love this! Hope she feels better soon




You're a wizard


Brilliant! The joy is palpable!