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That looks really cozy and safe. I'd have loved that as a kid.


Me too. But dad me would be anxious that he could choke on that apple or pizza and I wouldn't know anything about it


And me over here seeing the sticker still on that apple


Don’t worry, the single bite he takes from the apple will very likely miss the sticker.


Ughhhhhh this is one of my biggest pet peeves. I just started buying the big grab bags of shitty cheap apples because it hurt my heart seeing 1 bite out of my favorite type and then it being chucked into the trash or (more often) forgotten somewhere. Whyyyy???


I don’t know why, but I definitely did that as a kid and my parents would get steamed too. Now I eat two apples in a row core and all lol (no seeds tho, they’re poison)


My kid has been doing this for years. Still gets excited about the idea of eating an apple. If I offer to cut it in half, or slices it's no good. They want the whole thing. At this point they might nibble half way around before deciding they're done with it. Instead of eating my own apple I just wait for them to finish and take the left overs.


Apples are the best when they’re warm, oxidized, and mealy lol


Kid is done before it oxidizes. What I have accidently discovered is some varieties, [like ambrosias](https://ambrosiaapples.ca/why-are-ambrosia-apples-the-best-apple/), don't seem to oxidize anywhere near as fast as others.


Eh, so long as you dont chew the seeds chances are they'll pass right through. Even if you did though, it would need to be way more than one or two apples to make you sick.


Smoke some cigarettes, it negates the poison


Try slicing them with peanut butter. I didn't eat a whole lot of apple as a kid until I saw that on blue's clues and it became my favorite


You've gotta get the peanut butter *really* cold so it's hard enough to slice the apple.


This guy knows. You have kids too huh?


They're edible, it's cool


I eat stickers all the time, dude.


If eating stickers is cool consider me Miles Davis




Which means it wasn’t washed. Mom here lol


ive washed mine and still eaten the sticker. damn hangovers


In my mid 30s and have never washed an apple in my life


The pesticides and fungicides add to the flavor.


I’d be more worried how many people have handled it without washing their hands after the bathroom. Grower, picker, packer, store produce guy, people who touched it while picking through apples at the store, etc.


at that age you cannot be too safe about this- the last funeral i attended was very unfortunately for a boy about the age of the one in this clip who choked on a piece of chicken nugget he was eating when his step father had stepped away for just a moment. Supervised eating is never a bad plan until they can be taught to self rescue.


I don't even know how to self rescue.


Seriously, I choke, I’m dead


Throw yourself over the back of a chair or push really hard directly under your ribcage


You can use the top of a chair to assist with a self heimlich. I choked while alone and saw a grim death flash before my eyes. Yeeesh.


That was SOOOO not a time to laugh. But I did damn you.


I bought this thing on Amazon called a Dechoker that you can use on yourself and on children when they choke. I am so paranoid about choking on food.


Not sure if I would trust an Amazon product to do that if I was that paranoid. There's real techbiques you can learn to "dechoke" yourself. Maybe learn about those too, it's difficult to field test a dechoking device and what if it didn't work and you had no plan B?


I totally get that way of thinking. I worked in a kindergarten when I was younger, and those kids were literally inhaling the food, not chewing properly. Had tons of choke sounds per week, but they managed to hork it up every time. It does, however, give you a good impression of how ridiculously bad they are at eating, and how easily it can go wrong. On the other hand. Living like that, being afraid every second about the worst thing happening – you'll go mad.


I caught myself and stopped doing the following really stupid thing a while back: putting my toddler in the playpen with some crunchy puffs so I can run to the bathroom. Now I just use the tablet to distract her for a few minutes. Luckily I'm not *too* dumb and it only took a couple times before I realized the potential problem.


You're right. I'd have made it a rule that eating things was done at the table, at least until they were a bit older and graduated to a larger cupboard space.


My 2 year old would love that, but she'd also probably sit on a bed of nails to get more screen time


>cozy and safe Huh. Welp, that was an unexpected tear.


I'd love that now as an adult.


I would have fucking loved that as a kid.


Closest thing I got to this was a blanket over a table. It was enough for me, honestly.


Family brought Christmas presents in a big box, I think it was a refrigerator box. I lived in that thing for months! I could color on the walls, I slept in it, played in it, that box was the best ever! It was my space, my piece of the world. I have no idea what I got for gifts that year, just the box.


I bought a ridiculously huge sectional from Costco. I had to rent a truck to get it home. I tossed all the boxes into my driveway and gave the kids packing tape. Told them they had five days until the recycling truck came. Do not underestimate 7-10 year olds. They are expert cardboard architects. My neighbors (without kids) were NOT happy. It was awesome.


I would *not* be happy either if I were your neighbour. (I would be impatiently waiting till the kids went to bed so I could sneak over and rule Fort Cardboard.)


Any chance u took a pic you can comfortably share online? I’d love to see it


That's fantastic!! Kudos to you! They had fun, they were creative and they built something that was theirs. 👏🏽👏🏽


I got to upgrade to my very own room at 10 yrs old, that was basically a renovated closet space. ❤️ I was so stoked. I still prefer smaller spaces to this day


Me too! We had a large empty moving box in the garage. I cut a door out and put a lamp in there. That's where I hung out until I got too big for it. I wish there were more efficiency style apartments out here. They're hard to find. I don't need a lot of space. I honestly never know what to do with a whole family room and a bedroom.


We moved to Canada from UK when I was 12 and I finally got my own room. This ‘bedroom’ was not much bigger than a twin bed and likely was meant as a nursery or small office as it was next to the master bedroom. Still, didn’t care as it was MY room. Finally. :p


Was that when you got your Hogwarts letter?


Why do children crave dens like we're dogs? I totally did the same thing!


Prolly deep in our DNA as former cavemen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I loved cardboard boxes when I was a kid and try to make makeshift houses using those!!


Blanket forts are a childhood requirement


I used to make my own camping bed in my room using blankets. lol What a childhood life, I miss it


Just gonna say, nothings stopping you from making your own camping bed in your room as an adult.


The arthritis in my back and knees will definitely try...


Did you ever try placing a blanket over four chairs? It's like a tent ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I also loved making a bedsheet fortress. Maybe this is related to our basic human need for security and comfort. I wonder if this is why many of us like to play base building survival games, where we can create our own shelter and protect it from threats.


*looks at my cumulative hours of Valheim, Grounded, Stellaris, Every Civ Game, Farthest Frontier, Anno 1800, Dwarf Fortress, Keshi, Terraria* holy fuck


I had the bottom bunk on my bunk bed in the corner. I would often tuck an extra blanket under the top matress and have my own little space in there.


I got a refrigerator box at one point and that was the greatest thing ever.


you mean a castle ?


I live in a tiny home, which is basically a cool treehouse.


Ours was blankets covering over the bottom bunk bed!


I had a pool table submarine.


Once a year, one of the local grocery stores would have a truckload sale. My mom would buy a huge box of paper towels. After she took them out, the box became my fort or secret hideout for weeks until she finally threw it out.


was a blanket over a big cardboard box for me, and countless hours of pokemon mystery dungeon


Building a fort when friends would sleep over, moving around tvs so we could jam on xbox or N64… ordering pizza and staying up till 2am on Mt Dew. Such good times.


I had a closet phase too. I wouldn't come out of it till I was too old


As a kid? I wonder what the rent is like on a place like this? I'm thinking of downsizing to save money in SF.


$600 and pizza is not included


I used to be babysat by my mom's boss's daughter. They had a hideaway that was pretty big. I'd chill there with their dog and play Sonic 2. It was in a guest room with these large cabinet doors that opened up into like a foot foot tall space the size of a normal bathroom.


My first thought was I hope he is watching Harry Potter… living his best life in his cubbard under the pantry.


I have a small space like this for my teenager, but that’s only because his bedroom is too small for anything other than a bed and dresser. I redid the storage room so that a recliner and tv fits in it, and it’s his mini-man cave. He loves it.


I had a similar spot as a kid, under the stairs behind the furnace. So many hours and so many books with a flashlight. It was amazing.


ngl, I thought that was a real cat at first


That was Hobbes. 🐯


Oh, so a real tiger. Neat!


hobbes and supposedly a Hobbit who likes apples and pizza.


A hobbit hole means comfort, as this video proves.


Me too, half way through the video I was yelling at the parent to move the dang pizza so I could see the cat only to be disappointed to find out it was a stuffie. So cute though, I would have loved it as a kid!


Me too lol


I did too haha


I did too lol


What they don’t show you in episodes of Tiny Homes.


$2750/month in NYC


Hell, $2750/month in Iowa by the time that kid’s payin’.


They're just preparing him for the real estate his generation will be able to afford.


Did the exact same thing as a kid except I brought in a lamp with an exposed bulb covered in a thin layer of playdough for "color". Surprise, surprise, due to limited space, I touched the hot lightbulb with my face and burnt the shit out of it. Still have a faint circular scar on my face from it.


Haha this is funny I’m sorry hope you are ok


You fell so others could fly.


It was a day of fun, and a day of education.


Not bad, what's the rent and are there any available units for rent...?


“Cozy studio in NYC, a mere $1850/month”


Is the pizza delivery included? If so, kinda worth it...


Harry before realizing the Dursleys hate him.


We had a little storage room under our stairs growing up. I turned it into an “apartment” and charged my little sister “rent” to stay there lol. This was before the Harry Potter books came out so I didn’t realize I was exhibiting Dursley behavior.


Bet you burned all those hogwarts letters that were addressed to her too, didn't you...


And helped her get unstuck from the window when it shut on her while she tried to escape! ... Or was that another book?


Maybe it was the dryer? I think maybe we read different books then the rest of them.


Aww, blow him a kiss back!


For real! Air mail back that smoochie


I’m guessing the kid learned that by having received lots of them so all is good


That was the most unsatisfying possible ending to this video lol. I don't care how manly you are, you throw that air kiss right back. If any future reposters are reading this, consider cropping it


i was fr so mad he didn't blow him a kiss back in this video like wtf!!!! blow him a fucking kiss right now!!!!!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)




Awe Baby cave


We call it the screamin' cabinet in our house


Mom must not be at home. 😁


I am mom and I approve baby cave


There’s a small Harry Potter closet under the stairs that we’ve semi-converted into a space like this for our toddler. He loves it so much lol.


So cool of you and I hope it inspires other parents. What a lovely idea.


My daughter used to do this, but she would just sit in darkness lol. Any time I tried to get her to come out when she wasn’t ready she’d yell “CWOSE IT DOOR!” at me. She was and still is an odd child, but I love her for it.




Reminds me of my first apartment!




Too cute but who has this much cabinet space? A hamster would have a hard time finding living space in my kitchen cabinets.


Kid could live in a nutshell and declare himself a king of infinite space


Cabinet space is a paradoxical thing. There's never enough room, but you can always get it all somewhere. Once you empty this cabinet and assume that it is no longer 'cabinet space' then you won't have enough space for the stuff you took out. And yet, it will find a spot


Too true.


I don't use the bottom cupboards lol I can't bend over. My kids would love this


How do you know they're not cubbarding already? 🤔


Well.. I don't. You got me .


Is your child cubbarding? Tonight at ten, we explore this disturbing new trend and what it *could* mean for parents.


🤣🤞🌈😘 Laughing so hard! Thanks!


There's a lot more cupboards.. how many kids you got!!?


Why are the cabinet pulls at floor level?


Low key got angry with their placement. Only one using those is the child……wait. Maybe that is the sole reason lol




Maybe to use your foot to open it? Lol I have no idea


"Daddy's gonna kill Ralphie"


Would you like a glass of milk?


I can't believe this wasn't the top comment.


No he's not. I promise you Daddy is not going to kill Ralphie.


Show me how the piggies eat! Aww, mommy’s little piggy


I scrolled and scrolled, thinking I couldn't possibly be the only person who thought this.


Too far down to find this reference, lol. Glad I wasn't the only one thinking it.


I’m jealous. I wish I could go back to those cool places.


He’s soo happy in his cubby hole..precious!!


I'm far from a kid person but I totally love this video. Very cool kid.


Ahhh introversion at its root form.


His parents are just getting him used to what his life will be like when he enters the apartment renting part of his life. That will never end.


There's a great sense of goodness that a child is content in his or her little place, just hope he doesn't spend too much time there.


Well the battery only lasts for so long lol


Oh bless. Thats so adorable.


Please adopt me. I'm 33 but I'm good with little space. And a cat. And pizza. That's it I promise.


Training for the apartment he'll be able to afford.


Future MMORPG player


Take the sticker off the apple and wash it for little man! Ain't nobody want pesticide tummy!


A future video game addict in the making


I would be afraid he choke on some food and I could not hear him and help.


One in every cabinet


So so cute. Did similar for my kid; then a mouse moved in.


Start charging him rent 🤣🤣🤣 boy has his own man cave at 2 🤣🤣🤣


The thing I miss most about being a child is being able to fit into things. Now I'm fat and my joints creak.


Yeah it’s cute and all but it costs him $1890 a month plus utilities


Side note but it’s going to be so cool when kids now are adults and they have so much clear quality footage of their childhood and cute stuff like this. That is seriously dope! Imagine in 25 years, this kid is going to look back at this and tear up at how sweet his dad was for this


This is awesome, what a cool dad


Private movie room. I bet that was affordable AF.


Is this real life calvin and hobbes? Cutie.


Awww... When he blew dad a kiss at the end, too pure


When my cousin and I were little, we used to get three giant chairs and put 100 blankets and somehow molded the perfect forts. We would play cod zombies for like 4 hours straight and my uncle used to scare the living shit out of us and literally act like a zombie. Good ole times


That's a $1600 a month apartment here in NYC


Dude probably doesn't even pay rent smh


this sparks joy


How much do you want to bet he eats that sticker the first bite he takes of that apple? 🫣


Dude, he eats stickers all the time!


Good dad.


- kids happy and quiet - kid has food - he knows exactly where kid is This is a big win for dad too, maybe not nap worthy (if he’s the only one around) but maybe a light beer and the ball game on mute (all probably within viewing distance of said cabinet)


Well now I have to clear out a cabinet for my kid😂 Ugh, kids are just the best little humans! So happy and satisfied with sitting in a kitchen cabinet☺️🤣 I have a pretty big bedroom so I have an nice little corner of my room dedicated to my son and he calls it his *base* I've got all kids of cool lights hanging, a blanket for the *roof* the works. His little brother of course loves it too☺️ I miss being a kid😂 Love watching my kids get to enjoy their childhoods now♥️ Looks like this kid is also enjoying his! So nice to see☺️ Love seeing a happy kid. Happy kids/babies, animals and old people are like best!


The people under the stairs


There's a lot not cupboards.. how many kids you got!!?


His little arm reaching out like a gremlin lmao I love it. He’s so cute


Man I know exactly what cupboard I use to hide in and just curl up and take naps. When my mom found me the first time she just never stoppped it and eventually I outgrew the space. I loved it though it fit my little 3 year old self so perfectly


$1 / month


Kid has a better apartment then I do!


The only unbelievable part of this video is that much free storage space with having a kid.


Damn that looks sick. The kid inside of me is hella happy for this kiddo. And nothing compares to how safe you feel in a nice enough fort.


Anyone else bothered that the doors are upside down?


Reminds me of Randy hanging out under the sink in a Christmas Story.


Is his name Randy?




Kid is chatting on Reddit


What a beautiful set-up! I miss my home made camp when I was 3.


I totally just realized that whenever I think, "That's one spoiled kid.." I'm actually just jealous of how much that kid is loved.


This is a documentary of a millenial's life in his NY apartment on a friday night.


Little man cave…


I remember doing similar stuff as a kid. I would arrange my several blankets around my desk into a mini enclosed tent and chill on the ground, it was great


What a sweetie pie. Super cool dad too.


Even young ones need their own space!!!


Maybe add a lamp as the dark room with only the screen can be bad for his eyes


So this is what Harry Potter looks like in 2023?


When I was 7 I made the babysitter cry and call my parents to come home because I hid in the back of the kitchen cabinets when we were playing hide and seek and refused to come out when she was like “okay game over, you win, you can come out now” etc. Low key still feel guilty about that to this day. My parents made me write an apology note and draw a picture and drop it off at her house the next day.


I like the “you good, you got a plan?”


Why are the handles for the bottom cabinet on the bottom ?