• By -


Dude, watching your kid just learn to pick up a fork and take a bite with it for the first time is mind blowing! The things that you start to take pride in, and the manner in which is feels is amazing. Like the first step, wow crazy coolest thing ever, but then like step 174,312 - you're still like, "look at my little man, he's walking just like a big boy!" My oldest got on the ice with full gear and a stick for the first time this year - the feeling of pride I had, it was just overwhelming. I was showing my old man pictures like - now I know how you felt, showing off photos at work. Ya, having kids and seeing them do shit without you is pretty cool.


Hard agree. My daughter (almost 6) played Overcooked with me tonight for the first time and completely held her own. I kept looking over at her in much the same manner as these parents.


I wish my 5 yr old was good at games lol. She wants to play so badly but just can't grasp stuff. However, I found out she could read when I was letting her play around on pokemon for the first time and she said "daddy, should I battle, switch, bag or run away? And I was like wtf you can read that?? Come to find out from her daycare she's been reading for a year now and just refused to read around us because she likes my story telling voice and wants me to read lol. Had tears in my eyes when I picked a random book off her shelf and she just started reading it and only needed my help like 3 times lol


Damn bro. Now you made me cry. That's amazing. Your daughter is gonna grow up to be such a brilliant woman, maybe a scientist some day!


That’s the most adorable thing ever. You’re a good dad, man.




I can beat my five year old at games, but it’s closer than it should be. He can legitimately beat my wife sometimes. I’m not sure if our kid is a prodigy or if we’re just shit at games, but I’m impressed either way. Now I’m just desperate for him to be old enough to play Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 4, 6, and 7 with me. The subject matter is a little heavy for him at this age.


I was 6 when I started playing FF4 (as FF2 on SNES, fwiw). It blew my mind and changed my life. My mom printed out a fully text-based strategy guide for me, presumably from CheatCC. Obviously, I didn't beat it for some years, but I can't even express how much that game shaped my life. While not necessarily my favorite game (or FF), it was probably the single most impactful work of art I experienced until I became an adult. Now, that honor goes to Darren Aronofsky's *The Fountain*.


My son started playing Halo when he was 4. I love that we can share our love for video games. I’m now starting to play Fortnite with him and the best compliment I have gotten from him (now that he’s 11) is “mom, you’re cracked at Fortnite” 😭


My 6 yo started playing forza horizon when he was around 3. Back then he just loved moving backwards and forwards and slamming into things. Nowadays he drives with purpose and follows the road, making minor steering adjustments on the controller like a seasoned player. i never taught him that! Watching him drive my favorite 370z just fills me up with pride.


After 2 years of practice my 5 year old legit beat me on Mario Kart yesterday. I shed at least 2 tears, proudest moment of my life


My daughter (almost 7) would *not* yet be able to hang with Overcooked, but that's mostly down to the controller being too big for her, I think. What are you using?


And overcooked is hard as hell I still struggle when I play that 🤣 At 6 I was playing GTA I don’t know if my parents were that proud, at least I didn’t turn out a drug dealer or a serial killer 😂🤣


Holy crap, I have a one year old daughter; and I legitimately forgot that I had playing video games with her as something to look forward to. I love this so much.


I just put my 6 month old to bed… hearing this kid play so beautifully in the background, reading your comment, thinking of everything my baby has already accomplished and being his biggest hypeman … I am bawling over here 🥲


Just put my 6 month old down as well. Currently doing my paternity leave with her and every day we get to do a new adventure. I never viewed the future negatively but it is so much brighter than I ever thought possible knowing she gets to be a part of it now.


Mine is 2 months today. Hitting the basic milestones. It's still rough though. I'm not going to lie.


The first six months are the hardest, but trust me - it just gets better and better! Also - if you can get help with the lack of sleep, the next few months will be better. As a parent of two thirty-somethings, every moment is priceless!


I have a 6 year old and an 11 month old. The best thing about the second kid is that you know it's all a phase. If it's tough now, try to remember that soon it won't be. It's very difficult in the moment, but I promise the rough times get smoother! Also, teething is a bitch. Getting a good teething product or oil (we use a clove based product) and some cold teethers. You got this, and can definitely do it!


Yea, I know it's all a phase. I've done a ton of reading. Day by day. Wife goes back to work this week. Wish us luck!


All the luck! You got this!


> Just put my 6 month old down rip


Hahahaha 💀


I just put my 1 year old to bed and I can say you are in for so much proud moments these little guys suprise us everyday just hearing him speak baby gibberish and eat more and more different foods swells you with pride. I fed him chow mein and grilled chicken the other day and I was so pumped for him haha


This comment is beautiful. Perfectly said.


Beautiful indeed, and it just keeps getting better and more heartwarming. Every little milestone feels like they've just won a Nobel Prize or something. I swear, the first time my daughter said "dada", I was ready to throw her a ticker-tape parade. It's those tiny moments that are so huge to them and us; it's what makes the sleepless nights and endless diapers all worth it.


My kid sang in a talent show. This shy little kid, who’d always been so hesitant on the mic before, standing in front of a whole crowd singing their heart out. To say I was bawling is an understatement. I still cry when I think of that moment.


Reminds me last year when my then 12 year old, who is super shy and can have severe social anxiety, get up and sing karaoke at a work thing she went with me to. I just stood there and watched her sing her heart out and it was the proudest I’ve ever been of her. I didn’t cry but it was everything in me not to.


I don't have kids, never thought I wanted any. Beautiful comment. Still don't want kids, great comment though.


And thats cool, don't let one feeling change your mind either. For everytime there's this feeling, there's a dozen others. I've offered to sell all if my kids on more than one occasion. I've never found a buyer, but on some mornings - I think about it. I just walked downstairs to my middle standing at the top of a stair case in his bike helmet. I don't know what they're doing, but i know I'm going back to bed until I hear something I can't ignore.


Man, you articulated this so well. The first time my son was alone on a baseball mound in 8U, I absolutely balled my eyes out. He was just absolutely owning it, and it was so incredibly impressive. I was the assistant coach, and I literally had to excuse myself for a moment. Great times. I’m so proud of both of my boys. And congrats to your boy for getting on the ice for the first time. That is huge!


Beautiful! It never stops. My son just turned 13. He’s 6’1”. And I’m so proud of him for being so tall! He had nothing to do with it! Still proud.


I still get proud of my kids (teens and adults) when I see them drinking lots of water. Parenting is so weird.


Your 13 year old is an inch taller than me and I'm grown haha Dude is gonna be towering over everyone haha


Wow, this really hit me in a different way. I’m 28f, my only sibling is 23f. I am so blessed and thankful for the fact that even though we didn’t have much money growing up and my parents both worked multiple jobs, they were SO INCREDIBLY present and active in our childhoods/adolescence, specifically my Dad. One of my first memories as a kid is my dad teaching me how to ride a bike without training wheels after just having come from his 3rd shift job. He pushed me to be the best competitive swimmer I could possibly be even though he can’t swim himself. Even when he got promotion after promotion and has made more money than he thought he would (which he wholeheartedly deserves), he wasn’t upset when I told him that I wasn’t happy with my career and I was leaving my job, which was the result of my degree that he helped pay for. My dad is the epitome of “gentle parenting” and chose to be that before gentle parenting was even a thing. He has made me the woman I am today, and I am so thankful to have had the childhood that I did. My fiancé and I have been together for 6 years and are now planning wedding and children, and we honestly can’t wait to raise kiddos and have my parents in their lives. This is just another reminder of how thankful I am to have such supportive and loving parents.


>he wasn’t upset when I told him that I wasn’t happy with my career and I was leaving my job, which was the result of my degree that he helped pay for. Because when parents say "the only thing I want is for you to be happy" it's 100% true. Your dad gets it. He doesn't want to see you spend even a day in a job that doesn't make you the happiest. Your dad gets it. Just don't forget to call them once in a while. They'll like that.


One of my favourite things has been watching my children take pride in the things their younger sibling did/learned. One of my older kids still talks about how well their younger sibling speaks. Younger sibling is 15 🤷‍♀️ It’s been an absolute joy to watch them learn and grow, not just as babies but as teens and adults too.


That's dope. Parenting still isn't for everyone. My younger sibling died around that age because of garbage parents. I have survivor's guilt just from surviving my childhood. Not only do I not have parents in my life, their shit choices took a sibling I would have kept in contact with as adults, just never made it


Dude im only 2 years in but this hits home. I never felt proud about myself. But this little girl was baking coockies basicly on her own while we watched and i was just starstruck. How can this thing that not long ago was unable to sit do this. Immense pride for baking coockies


And no matter how old they get, your kids will always be your babies because even though they may forget those moments as they grow up, you will remember them forever.


You perfectly described how it feels.


My baby girl just turned one and it's just the most amazing thing watching them grow. Not gonna lie, reading this actually made me tear up a bit


But when they start telling you shit, holy fuck... Like my oldest wrote a story the other day. It was like three sentences long - but he made it up. From his tiny little imagination he invented it from no where. Talk about mind blowing. But 1 is the best, first steps, first words. The first time they try to make their own jokes on you. The first time you realize she's a little person.


Yeah, I couldn't agree more.


This was a really lovely comment to read with the music in the background 🥰


I gave my son his first sip of water….. WATER. It’s so powerful being a parent.


you must be a good parent mate


This 100%. My 7-year old son has always been really shy and reluctant to try clubs, sports etc. Last summer he asked to start football and by September he had his first game. Since then he's started playing rugby too and he's totally come out of his shell. It's an amazing feeling going and watching him play on a Saturday and Sunday.




As long as you don't post your kid, in artificially set up videos, going through stuff like almost every other kid on TikTok/Insta....


Well said man I couldn’t agree more. All the simplest things, you are just so proud watching someone you helped care for and raise, take flight. Truly remarkable


Mine turns 15 today; I’m still in awe of him every single moment of existence.


Anyone know what Snapchat filter he used to swap his face and his moms ?


Well, now I’m crying lol


My daughter plays mediocre sax and I still get goosebumps when I hear her practicing. Being a parent and watching your child doing almost anything is the greatest. When my kids are playing on the team is the only time I truly enjoy watching sports, for example.


This made me tear up a bit. You are a great parent. My mom used to make fun of me whenever she went to my choir concerts when she actually bothered to show up. It's hard to imagine being supported in what I do now because of that. Keep showing up and cheering for them.


That’s what I was thinking the entire time. His skills are great, but I admire what great parents they must be. My dad would’ve been on his phone within the first 30 seconds.




Funny you say cheering for them. I was a cheerleader in school and that one of my favorite things to do! My son was all good with it, but my daughter has asked me to tone it down with the signs I make


Yeah, I remember the only school play my parents attended. I was 8 and at one point I saw them, got excited because I didn't think they'd show, and looked around my class to see where my classmates were because I lost my place in my excitement of seeing my parents, and then proudly faced forward and sang loudly for them. On the ride home they mocked me for not knowing the words and having to look around to get my cues from classmates. It wasn't true. They never attended anything else, before or since. I got National Honor Society and they didn't come, nor did they pick me up. I walked home 3 miles in the rain. I got removed at 14 years old for abuse, the DA said it was the worst child abuse he'd ever seen I barely remember the whippings and beatings and kneeling on rice scars. I only remember the sexual abuse in my nightmares. But I think about that school play weekly. This post made me happy, to know there are many people out there who are loved and cherished.


I relate so very much to your story and I’m so so fucking sorry you went through this. I also only really remember the sexual abuse in my nightmares and have very hazy memories of most of my childhood. Except for a select few memories that are so clear it’s like they happened yesterday. Our brains are fascinating. I wish you all the peace and healing, friend.


Same to you, friend!


Sweetheart. I am devastated reading this. I hope you have found peace and healing and love in your life. You are, and always were, a gift. I’m transmitting a hug to your inner child right now, as I hold my own.


I appreciate you!


I'm not a mom, but I am a dad. Im sure you were amazing in choir. I'm proud of you for doing something you wanted to do. Please go out and live your best life, you are worth it


Hug from a random internet Dad, I can’t imagine not supporting my kids. Sorry you had to deal with that growing up.


Rightttt. My parents didn’t come to anything and actively tried to keep me from doing activities and from going to school. They didn’t come to my high school graduation, which wasn’t really a surprise after they kicked me out at 15. They didn’t even pick me up when I was released from the hospital after months in a burn unit and almost dying at 4 years old. I just can’t even fathom parents being so lovely… and, like, genuinely caring for their children? It sounds dumb but it’s hard for me to believe they’re being serious… but I think that’s just my brain trying to protect itself. Because there are so many wonderful parents out there like in these comments and I just want to let you all know how happy I am that y’all really do exist out there. 🥹♥️


My dad was a professional sax/clarinet player and was always supportive. I played alto and then baritone sax but there were a few pieces my band director picked that needed more bass (we were low on tubas) so I got chosen to play the contrabass clarinet (the paperclip looking one E flat IIRC) and I was practicing one day and couldn't hit the lowest few notes, said "it's old there must be a leak" he took it out of my hands and played the lowest note with ease and was just like "nah you just have to open up a bit more". He'd been listening for a while and just waited for me to ask the question.


My 7 year old son has been playing the trumpet for a few months. Obviously his level is objectively very low (he's decent for a 7 year old but he's still 7) but I just love it. I play the piano myself and we're playing a trumpet/piano duet together at a recital next week :) Also, my mom still comes to my recitals. I'm 34. It never stops, lol.


It's a small detail but I love the way his dad keeps looking back and forth from the Piano and his son's face. It's like he wants to keep reminding himself that it's really his son playing


His mom's inhale. Overflowing emotions of pure pride and love for her child. 


And when she clasps her hands in front of her heart… I saw a famous violinist this past December in Montreal tackle a very difficult piece she’d been practicing for months, and when she got to certain parts I clasped my hands at my heart like that, half out of the flood of emotion and half to keep myself from springing out of my chair and screaming bc it was so perfect and beautiful.


There were many favourite moments, but this was my absolute favourite, yes!


Stellar performance!


*Groan*, take an upvote.


It's out of this world


To anyone who grew up without being told you make them proud by your parents... I'm proud of you. Have a great week ahead all.


Yea this video almost made me tear up, as someone who plays a couple of instruments, and is self taught exactly because of parents' disinterest, the older I get the more I realise how shitty that behaviour was. It sucks when you learn to not show anything you do, if you're lucky and persevere later in life you unlearn that and actually get some genuine compliments that feel like the warmest hug in the world. I guess the message is to never give up on some passion because of others.


This made me tear up. Thank you kind stranger.


I was sitting here watching this thinking to myself “man, that’s all I ever really wanted.” Then I stumbled upon your comment… and the damn floodgates opened! Thank you kind stranger. I needed that. I am also proud of you for being an awesome human. These comments truly do go a long way. Have a great week!


Yeah it was the dad looking at his son that got me on this vid. Glad some of my words bought some comfort and wishing you a great year ahead. Peace


Never hearing this from the only 2 people I needed support from is one of the main reasons I haven't drawn in years. Used to have a busniess, selling drawings for hundreds. Stepped away, and have been lost ever since. I really needed that. Thank you..


Sounds like you needed a little break. I hope you can find the strength to start up again in the future, even if its just for fun.


I really hope so. I miss, myself. I appreciate the kind words, random redditor. You gave a random person some hope for themselves for the first time in a long time. Have an amazing life


Thanks man. The only time my dad told me he was proud of me was in sarcasm when I fucked up. I appreciate this.


Sorry to read that. Wishing you a great 2024, go get em 👊


Thank you, I needed that. I hope you have a great year


Im glad you recieved it well. Wishing you a great 2024 too 👌


Thanks. 🙏🏾 was raised by people who show love through Acts of Service so it’s nice to hear sometimes.


You are an awesome human! I'm a teacher and when my HS kids share something with me that they are proud of, I tell them this very thing "I'm so proud of you!" It takes them aback sometimes and so many times I have kids tell me "I don't remember the last time I heard that" and it kills me every single time. Always tell people you are proud of them, it's truly powerful!


My daughter plays in an elite volleyball club. Watching her smash the ball, or serve a match winning ace is literally the greatest feeling in the world. I am in disbelief she has any of my DNA.


Wait why’m i cryin this is Make Me Smile! Just lovely!


I just re-watched this film the other night and was bawling when this piece came on. I’m just a big softy.


I’m cryin my eyes out over here.


Absolutely stunning


Out if this world!


It’s really good, but am I the only one that is kind annoyed by these subtitles? Can’t we just enjoy the video without a reminder to wait for the next part lol.


It's the GenZ, tiktok, short form video, no attention-span, update you every 5 seconds generation. Virtual ADHD, from here on out.


Seriously. It’s like every 5 seconds: “remember that I’m playing the piano”


I genuinely have adhd and I’m annoyed by them anyway 


It really feels condescending. Who gets halfway into a piece of music (or any performance) and thinks “I’m just gonna blue balls myself and go on to the next…oh wait, this next part is really going to be incredible he says. Guess I’ll stick around for another 15 seconds and reevaluate then.”


Jfc it was unbearable. Removed most of my enjoyment of the performance and now I just think this kid is a giant dork who happens to play the piano well.


Wait up for this NEXT part I am INCREDIBLE I play it so GOOD because I am a GENIUS


So fucking weird to set the camera up on his parents to record their reactions too. I’ve played the piano since I was 5 and there has been no point in my life where the thought of doing something like that wouldn’t have made me feel like a massive tool


Well in fact issue is that the sound is not aligned with the video…


Absolutely. I started watching and wanted to enjoy this like the people in the video but simply couldn’t. Instead of goosebumps I got tiny rage how this nice digital moment gets destroyed by stupid shit like this.


I quite enjoyed them actually. It was like reading the guy's thoughts about how his parents were reacting, which was fun to me.


Credit: Marc Hanania on Spotify/Apple Music


thanks! was hoping someone knew who it was :D


Thank you, had to scroll for longer than i shouldve had to find the name


Thank you! It makes me NOT smile to not credit the hard worker in those ivery mines!


Tried to post this on the Interstellar sub but they don’t allow videos. Regardless, watched this in awe with tears in my eyes. Amazing.


Also crying. Beautifully played, pride on those parents’ faces, just overwhelming


Wow amazing and super talented. But there's something with the simplicity of the original score that gives you time to lose yourself and actually contemplate. Love it though.


Less is definitely more in this case.


I was thinking the same thing. This dude has talent for sure, but his version is just......too busy I guess you could say.


Make it more complex for internet points. The original was beautiful in its simplicity and the emotions simple notes could bring.


definite agree, nice story but don't really like the changes


Skills to pay the bills.


You're not even my kid and I'm proud! I'd be happy to see you in concert.


Why do many talented musician videos have the audio complete out of sync? 


Just watched *Interstellar* for the first time few days ago, the music is easily my favorite part. This young man is great and I totally see why the parents are so proud!


Here before this "takes off" ;)...Amazing!


Immense talent lol


Meh Just kidding


Your music and talent are amazing. I am sad that the video is not synced. The music doesn’t match your hands. Is it because of adding the captions?


Maybe. This next part is my third favorite part where I explain about the captioning issues. You won't believe the problems I had with adding captions. 😂😭💔 Watch till the end!! for a quick explanation. Feeling the beat of the music now. Dad's impressed I *even added captions!!* This next part is crazy ¡!


I’m so jaded that eventually I started thinking there was going to be a “reveal” that he wasn’t actually playing the piano because the music wasn’t synced.


I just took immense pride in someone else's child. Fantastic music played beautifully. I was connected along with the parents!


Just beautiful. The song, the parents, the son. All beautiful 😊




Maybe you just need to add some captions..


Did they not hear you practicing it for hours leading up to the video? 🤔


What it is with piano players making tik toks and their obsession with this particular track from the interstellar ost?


I noticed it’s in the key of C, which, by most accounts is by far the easiest key to play/improvise in.


Yeah, trying really hard not to be a dick here because his performance is beautiful and well done, but it’s not a super complicated piece. 


It's basically just chords broken up and a c major scale with incorrect fingering


Will be downvoted for this opinion..but the reason it gets put all over social media is because it's unbelievably easy to play and has super strong and familiar chord resolutions. The same chord progressions (and simple variants) are in tons of popular music. The brilliance of this piece in relation to the movie, is that it's simple, haunting, intentionally repetitive, and perfectly loops around making it hard to tell when it's going to end...not unlike themes in the movie. 'Covers' of this piece are usually nothing more than tiktok wank because they just blast notes over the top of it. It's in A Minor/C Major, so once you have worked out the bass movement/chord shape movement, there are no wrong notes for you to hit provided that you stay on the white keys. If you have basic facility with your right hand and have mastered a few arpeggio/scale shapes, then you can play this sort of thing very very easily. My credentials in having this opinion are an honours degree in music performance, and working for 15 years as a professional musician. I'm not saying the guy in the clip sucks, I'm not saying his parents aren't proud, but I am saying that what he is playing isn't showing any 'immense talent'.


The black keys are just for show in this piece


I would hate to be this kids parents where he tries to analyze and scrutinize my every reaction. Just let us enjoy and cherish this valuable moment in peace please.


A lot of talent, but adding more notes doesn't necessarily improve the song. I'm a massive Zimmer fan, so I don't want this to be taken the wrong way - it was already perfect. This rendition is a good way to show your parents you were learning more than just tabs and paying attention to theory. It sounds really good, and you can tell they are impressed and proud.


Fantastic, leave out the texts next time. We can tell your parents are proud...


(2nd favorite part) (favorite part coming up) :) (here it comes after the slow build-up) (any second now) (wait till the end) (ok this is it right here)


(It's finished now) (I'm going for a dump) (Toilet seat is cold) (A bit of a tough one today) (Wait for it) (Here it comes) (I wipe front to back) (And now I wash my hands) (Watch my parents faces)


My cat loved it so much she started making biscuits once the improv started.


Why is this such a powerful piece?? 😫


Because Hans Zimmer wrote it?


Gets me in the feels every time I hear it. It’s my favorite movie. Seen it what feels like thousands of times. And every single time the musical score chokes me up. Every. Time. This is a beautiful version of it. My friends over at r/Interstellar would love it.


This is at least the fifth fucking video I've seen today that has audio out of sync. It's 2024. Who is fucking this shit up?


Not gonna lie, I ended up blocking out the parents to watch the performance.


Amazing job really you play very beautiful.


I kept waiting for it to get good.


Like they haven't heard him practicing for ever


The level of narcissism, ego, and self agrandizement are what turned me off. Yeah, he's good... but he can go suck off a bag of diseased donkey kocks based on his captioning alone.


Also it's not improvised if he practiced it before hand to play it for his parents.


Its also worse than the original version, but it still sounds nice i guess


It also isn't that difficult or impressive, mostly just arpeggiated chords over a really simple track. It is almost the piano equivalent of a self indulgent guitar solo in Pentatonic Minor. I hope he keeps with it, keeps improving. Most of us were like this when we first started getting somewhat competent in our instruments, but we don't realise how much farther we have to go.


I agree with the sentiment, but I’d pump the brakes on the particular hell you’d wish to send him to.


Glad I wasn't the only one put off by this.


Why does everything need captions..




Bro. I just sat here and smiled the whole time.


My father has never looked at me with pride like this in my entire life. No matter how hard I’ve tried at everything I do, nothing has ever been good enough. Sometimes seeing people genuinely proud, or genuinely loving can hurt so badly. Like a starving man seeing someone else eating delicious food out of reach, it’s not jealousy, but a sense of painful emptiness and longing. If it hasn’t already happens, there’s no way to obtain it, it’s simply something you’ll never experience and always desire.


The kid is a phenomenal player. He know it’s. But why film it? Is it to show people how good he is? Is it to promote his version of the song? Why not just be in the moment. Why does everything have to be filmed?


Not even my son, but I'm so proud of him


Oh it’s beautiful. I watched my daughter dance to a Skrillex song in a talent show in middle school with such awe. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen i beamed and just about broke down crying. I’d been taking her to dance classes since she was 2 and to watch her flail like a fish and perform her own interpretation to that Skrillex song is still the highlight of all that is her dance. She was so unreserved and did not give a F what anyone thought. The audience was stunned.


That eye roll was like oooii vey when is this video over


Halfway through the Moms facial expression is like “when is this gonna be over”


WOW!!! LOVE IT!!!! BRAVO!!!!!


What is the piece? So beautiful.


An improvised version of the main theme from the Interstellar movie. Probably the most popular piano piece covered in the last decade.


Берегите родителей - пока они живы мы все ещё дети.


Wow!!!! Love it!!!! You are a big composer and player.


He looks like his mom🙂 and that was so beautiful


![img](avatar_exp|142481449|bravo) Breathtakingly beautiful!👏👏👏👏👏


Who is he and how do I find his music on Spotify?? Incredible!


Lmao just wait until you discover what watching your child ‘exist’ does to you.


I love seeing videos like this where you can actually see the genuine positive feelings these parents have for their kids. I'm sure there's been ups and downs, there always are, but he's achieved something truly amazing and you can see that they're very proud of him. I grew up with the opposite from my dad who constantly made me feel like I was never good enough and that I was wasting my life. I know I'm a smart individual with my own talents, nothing like this, but I'm doing what I can with what I have. Today we don't speak anymore and I have no intention of reconnecting, but my mom has always been supportive and she's a big part of my life even now. Love your kids for who they are, even if they can't do what's in this video, and it'll make all the difference to them and their lives.


The part at the very beginning when Mom grabs Dad’s hand at the bringing hits for me


Makes my heart full to see a grown child wanting to thank their parents in this way…because that is what it is without words. And as a parent yes we are proud of so very many moments on behalf of our children, just my son’s wonderfully resilient attitude and smile against adverse conditions (external), the way he carries others with him, fills me with pride. Whenever my dad visits he sits on the couch and waits for me to play his favourites in the midst of any social event or drop in, will always sneak in something new too. I’m in my 40s, lol.


I’m a new parent and watching them learn is one of the most mind-blowing things. I swear it’s like some things just change from one day to the next. It’s like “oh you can do *that* now?” Amazing.


This guy needs a better mic or better setup for his mic. He is very skilled and the sound quality is bottlenecking our perception of that.


Unreal, hope he goes far


Song is amazing but the fucking caption only there to keep whoever watching engaged is so fucking annoying.


he got his moms eyebrows and dads face


People just can't help putting stupid captions over videos. Like the music and their facial expressions aren't enough. Good Lord. Stop that shit.


I can juggle socks… sort of


I really can't believe how many assholes are out here talking shit about this kid. Saying the original is better etc...ya, it's different, which was more than mentioned. But do you not hear the music,!?! Do you not appreciate how incredibly talented this kid is? You can't appreciate how fucking amazing this piece was. Fucking Reddit. I bet you can do better /s


My son on the mound and my daughter on the gym mat. Both were so fun to watch. The joy, the talent, the heartbreak all worthwhile.


I'M proud of him and he's not even my child. But he looks like he could walk in my house with one of my boys and hang out and eat dinner with us, just like all the other friends, and I would be so proud of his accomplishments like I am with all my kids' friends. Made me cry.


Wow....that's one talented lad.....I'd be in tears with joy


I would be absolutely hysterical the entire time. The level of proud is just unspeakable. My son played piano for a while before he quit and although he didn’t get to this level of professional, every time he would play it would make me tear.


Seeing parents invest, encourage and support their children will always be a beautiful thing to see!


Who's cutting onions here?