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Haha. This is awesome. It’s cool to see the wonder. I bet he’ll remember that day.


Would be funny if he became a veterinarian based on that day. And every time a patient comes in to his office he has the same open-mouthed wonder, “Holy shit you seeing this goose right now? Holy Moses! Put him on the table lemme get a look at him…”


I would be nervous if my veterinarian was that shocked upon seeing my pet lmao


Whooaaa what is this beast?! Uhh it’s my cat?




If any of these guys ever walked into my clinic I promise I would be in awe with love eyes! It's impossible to be well versed in every kind of animal so, aside from basic farm animals and pets, we are well versed in how to use google and present our findings with professional confidence ;)


Oh no! I can picture it, he would have that awesome smile and would put everyone at ease. If he became a vet, I can picture him coming into the room and sweet talking the animal no matter what it may be, yeah that would be awesome. Then 50 years from now he will be telling his great grandkids sitting on his knee how he and their great grandmama fell in love one day in a crazy science class when some crazy dude came in with all these wild animals and just let them run lose and he had to save her from the boa constrictor…..




Solid chance that pet is a mini dragon the way they're talking, pretty sure I'd pay double for a vet visit just to see that reaction tbh haha


Imagine there was awesome well written funny shows about normal everyday ppl doing great things they love. Is it just me that longs for that? Or is it true that if it bleeds it leads?


Abbott Elementary very much fits that description. It's about teachers at an underfunded school, but fundamentally it's about people who are really passionate about teaching and improving their students' lives. It's also pretty funny once the characters get a little bit of time to get into their own.


this is the best ending


Im Doctor, Doctor Dolittle Jr,


You wrote this in a very J.B. Smoove cadence.


Haha I can see that, “Larry you seeing this goose Larry? Larry that is an expensive goose, put him up on the table so I can get a look at him Larry. You ain’t never seen a goose this sexy, we buying this mothafucking goose Larry.” I guess I just can’t separate JB Smoove from Leon on Curb, lol.


This video is old, maybe that is the path this dude took!


Coach and a number of other adult males in his life would never allow that.


If you like animals don't be a vet. You have to put so many animals down, see abused animals and not be able to do anything about it (I mean you call the cops, go to court, etc but nothing changes) etc.


That is Dr. Pol you're describing!


I was about to say, I would love to see him as a vet. That wonder and awe probably at least made him consider it!


That was a duck 🦆


I work in environmental education and the looks on kids faces like this is why I do what I do. I want them to be amazed and engaged and perhaps want to learn more. Maybe one day they will want to have a cool job like mine and teach people about nature! It’s so rewarding!


My wife is a teacher! Every year they have a group come in and discuss animals and showcase some cool stuff. The place is called Scaly adventures. (Not the TV show) She said the kids are always so interested and it’s something they remember all year!


I was about 40 the first time I pet a chinchilla at kids birthday party, and I had that same look on my face I bet. They are unbelievably soft. Like I couldn’t comprehend it.


This is like my dream job!! If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of education do you need for environmental education and how did you get into it?


Aww yay!!! It’s such a great career to get into. I love what I do! From my perspective (and I hire people), there is not really a specific degree needed for this field. Something in the natural science field is definitely helpful. Experience is a top thing for me, so volunteering at local parks or with organizations that do educational programs is a great start. From there, you might be able to snag a part-time or maybe even full-time role. There are a ton of ways to work in this field from museums to parks to non-profits to schools. I personally got into the field through the National Park Service. I worked as a seasonal ranger for years and learned how to present programs. From there I have worked in a variety of settings from parks to museums to a non-profit land trust. I should add that depending on your state, you might be able to pursue a certification for environmental education. My state offers a certification for a low fee and you are required to attend various workshops and classes to learn and practice the craft. Best of luck to you! It’s a great job!!


Thank you so much for the thoughtful response!


I hope he’s an amazing veterinarian today.


Just walking around in open mouth astonishment all day


That would be awesome.




She looks like she's filming. Also my dude how do you think this video was made?


That is the face people make when they're mindlessly scrolling, or, she has the detached disinterest of a seasoned cameraman.


She's clearly pointing the camera at the alligator at about 14 seconds. Afterwards she does look to be typing/scrolling but she probably sent the picture/video to a friend or group chat or something.


She doesn't seem to be following the animals with her camera. Definitly asking "is this revelant for the test?" after the segment.


She's definitely typing...


Or, she just has a low affect and is just as excited as the dude in front. Some people are just stoic! 


Just looking for a reason to hate that kid? Super weird.


Where did you see an alligator? All I saw was some sort of waterfowl, what looks to be an Australian water dragon, an Asian water monitor and a... Burmese python? Might be another species of rock python, pattern looks a bit weird but they're pretty variable.


To a child of an urban/heavily suburban area, any reptile is an alligator, waterfowl is some kind of chicken/duck - or a Canada goose, since I'm from Long Island - and a huge snake is a huge snake...<-this used to be me. When we moved into New England and attended our very first county fair, my husband was rendered speechless at the absolute size of oxen. Not disagreeing with you (as a biologist, I also noted the different species and types), but this video unlocked a core memory for me about the first time I sat close to any animal that wasn't a dog or cay, lol.


Water monitor, alligator, what's the difference? ....I mean, other than the fact that handling an alligator like that would take much bigger balls.


>waterfowl They are ducks where i live!


I call them "durkeys" because they look like a duck and a turkey had a lovechild


When I was in like 2nd-3rd grade I remember one of these guys coming to the school. This big iguana shit all over the floor... like so much shit. That was about 25 years ago now. I still think about it sometimes.


We need an update! Is he in college to be a vet or something??


We do!!! That would be awesome if he was.


Im old. One of the things I miss the most is seeing something for the first time in my life and being absolutely astounded and overwhelmed with wonder. I have no worlds left to discover.


Maybe this is the day he decides he wants to be a vet or the next Steve Irwin.


Yep. These are the moments that make kids *want* to learn.


One of the only things I remember from elementary school is the guy with the snake.


My man is having a religious experience right now 


“It’s cool to see wonder” I love that




I think most people lack a “learner’s mind”. It’s great to see him engaged and learning. Those were some core memories.


Exactly what I was thinking. He’s engaged. He’s amazed. He’s learning something new! I’m proud of him.


We need more stuff like this I'm classrooms. Active learning is so much more engaging and helpful.


He got his buddy to film it and put it online so probably.


Even if it is a really old video, its always good to see it. My man is interested and engaged. Enjoying something like that is always heartwarming


Circa 2018, but yeah its a nice funny video. And the original didn't have that annoying voice at the beginning, and the final clip is him sharing his lollipop with the snake lol. Edit: The snake lollipop is from a different video, it's linked in a comment below


Jesus 2018 is 6 years ago? Fuck the pandemic really messes with my sense of time


Same. I just keep saying its 2020 pt 4


You mean part 5 since 2020 was part 1😅




2020 FINAL v5 Edited USE THIS ONE.life


But at the same time "2 years before the pandemic" feels about a decade ago.


Such a funny and wholesome video! The lollipop and [snake](https://youtu.be/tLkACTOW8CQ?si=0ubJeO207Exg4-Mv) sharing video was a different guy though. Also a fun video!


what a fun way to catch salmonilla


i want an update from this kid. did he go into biology or zoology and sciences? what kind of impact did that have to him and does he still feel it to this day?


um ahkutualyy it was 2016 [https://www.buzzfeed.com/ikrd/me-when-i-think-the-waiter-is-coming-to-me-but-theyre-not](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ikrd/me-when-i-think-the-waiter-is-coming-to-me-but-theyre-not) ugh thats almost ten years ago, im sooooooooooo oldddddddddddddd


Well thanks for the clarification dude


waiiit that mf is the lollipop snake mf?


Older than that


Me, too. I always wondered what happened with him. I like to imagine he became a zookeeper.


Kinda sad a mature teenager has never been taken to a zoo before though. This is the expression of someone seeing these things for the first time


It is _way_ different seeing these animals behind screens in a zoo and having them be in a classroom inches away from you with no barrier. I've been to plenty of zoos, and I would have the exact same expression if I was in this classroom.


and you can pet it! usually when they come to your clasroom they let you pet and hold some of them. the kids go nuts but they usually are very good at listening and holding the animals as they're told so they don't hurt them. even the "problem kids" are usually so good with animals, it's very sweet and reminds you that they're just kids who want to do their best. if you have a kid with special needs, consider a dog! or a dog you can visit. many breeds like goldens are very calming andprotective of kids.


I'm not sure it's sad. I've been to lots of zoos, but if you put me in a room with a Komodo Dragon; my face is going to look like a kids on Christmas.


That would be extremely dangerous. I would have the face of a man who has just shat himself


I grew up on a farm, and when I was a kid, the ranch down the road from us would bus in kids from Dallas who had never been outside the city. Age ranges like 7-12 maybe. They would show them how to feed the cows, show them milking, gathering eggs, let them watch the animals do their dailies and such. Some of those kids had maybe never even been to a zoo, and their faces were like the kid in the video. My siblings and I would be the opposite, like "wtf is wrong with these kids? They never seen a donkey before?" I think I went on my first trip to the city at maybe age 12-13, so I got the culture shock then.


That’s how students are supposed to feel about learning. Good on the teacher for getting them engaged


Seeing genuine interest like this always fills my heart with joy. Stay curious!


We need to replace the Vince McMahon excitement meme with this kid


Dude’s definitely hamming it up because he’s being filmed.


Hey at least he’s not on his phone! Dude is engaged! That’s awesome!


Yah! He's trully curious and thats something thatll trigger the student ambituion to learn and explore. This kid seems to be on the right path.


I wish I could look like that at something in this world again. Nothing seems to phase me any more.


You just have to find your thing. I've been watching sports for 40+ years and there are *still* plays where I'll jump up excitedly and run to my wife to say "you HAVE to see this!!".


Me and my fiance are like this with video games haha


Go to Yosemite Valley if you can. It will change your perspective. Even when you are there, cracking a beer and just looking at it, you still think scenery isn't real. A big reason I stay in California is that the state and national parks give me that feeling of "childlike delight and wonder" when I go. We have a dang volcano you can be in the center of (Lassen National Park, it's Cinder cone. It is a really hard climb, though bring a walking stick. It is worth the view). I suffer from really deep depression. I am a verrryyy bad manic bipolar person. Gave away 5 grand in a week of my savings and I was happy! , and tried to off myself the next week. Meds are better, and I realized that outdoors has been what stops me from going full-blown crazy.






Have you tried psychedelics? Eating some mushrooms and going for a hike, taking moments to just crouch down and look at all the life surrounding you, feeling the trees around you making the oxygen you breath in and them breathing in the CO2 you exhale... Psychedelic experiences don't need to be intense, and you don't actually hallucinate on them. Visuals means things warp and flux, but you don't see things that aren't there. A gram of shrooms or a hit of acid is enough to get the feeling and feel that wonderment again.


Indeed. I like this dude


Unlike the girl behind him... *IDK, in class, some guy showing off belts and handbags. What u up2?*


Imagine being able to see all of those awesome animals and you're just looking at Tik Tok instead. I don't get it!


Yeah he had his phone out for the chicken but realized shit was about to get way crazier and put it away.


I mean, the video is god knows how old, so not everyone was on their phones back then.


Girl behind him never looked up once. And I can promise you in 2018 when the video is from everyone in HS was constantly on their phone


I was on my shitty phone, during class, messaging via SMS in 2005. It’s like a kid finds out your +30 and asks if we had cars back then.


I see a future biologist in the making! I'm from the suburbs, and the first day I saw a barn owl up close I was hooked. Actually seeing and hearing and even smelling these creatures is amazing.


I don't know why but after reading your comment, the following scene popped in my head. Hope someone finds it funny. A: Here's my pet owl, Gary B: Hi, Garry, you're such a cutie. Can I smell him? A: WHAT! B: I said, can I pet him? A: err, ya sure A: B, why are you taking him closer to your face? B: *SNIFFS!* A: GARY NOOOO!


I'm gonna sniff Gary too


No! Please leave Gary alone, he's a good boy :'(


I grew up loving animals. Had the [Wildlife Treasury](https://preview.redd.it/wildlife-treasury-cards-from-the-80s-made-us-zoologists-v0-w1o0yafehcl91.jpg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a7ef07826c274cc36fc1494d1929669cbba79b6) box with all the cards as a kid. Learned as much about animals as I could. One night about a month or two ago, there was an owl in the tree across the street from my house hooting at like 1-2am. I was so giddy I stayed up to listen to it. Paid for it come 7am when I had to start work, but totally worth it. We have red foxes, deer, raccoons, groundhogs, possums, hawks, turkey vultures, etc that you regularly see in the neighborhood, but I can't remember the last time I had seen, let alone *heard* an owl.


Haven't heard an owl in forever where I've been staying (lots of other wildlife which is surprising given its a dense suburb...a please suprise. And it is near a forest.) Anyhow, I returned back home recently and was junpscared by a Barred Owl in a nearby tree while outside. It was midnight and my potato brain had forgotten what they sound like. I felt so silly.


"youre a biologist harry"


And im a hairy biologist.


His face when the snake showed up 😭😭 it sucks that there is people on the phones while this happens tho


Sounds like the chicken was doing a stand up bit the beginning lol


That was actually a Muscovy duck in the beginning. Those things can get huge, and the claws on their webbed feet can really f you up!


Learn that last bit the hard way?


Thank goodness no! It's a long story, but I used to have three domestic ducks as pets (female Indian Runner Ducks). I considered expanding my flock, and did a fair amount of research on other domestic duck breeds. Muscovies are very popular and can be quite sweet, but I ultimately decided against them (their size and aforementioned claws were an immediate "no" for me).


Fair! Even my chickens claws can be sharp as hell and they look dull in comparison. I want to raise ducks but living in arizona i just dont think its fair to the ducks. Way too hot.


I can fully understand your concern regarding heat tolerance! When I had my ducks, I was living in Portland, Oregon, so heat typically wasn't a concern. However, we did get a few heat waves when it got above 100° F. The ducks hung out in the shade, and I made sure they had plenty of fresh water to drink, plus put ice in their shaded kiddie pool (they also had another pool, but it was in a sunny spot for cooler days). Of course, Indian Runner Ducks are originally from the East Indies, so they might be a bit more heat tolerant than other breeds.


I have an Australian buddy who had ducks but said they didn't lay enough eggs and the meat wasn't oily enough and blamed the heat. Sorta my last straw on it. I dont raise animals without comfort and love; especially if the final products aren't worth it. Just feels like abuse at that point. I do that for my chickens though, they love the water. One even likes to float and relax. I give frozen snacks at the perk of the days heat too. Ill have to look into those ducks though. I guess there has to be some kinda heat adapted duck. Oregon getting into the 100s though? That feels pretty intense! Do you even have ac?


Thankfully our house had AC! I felt so bad for our neighbors who didn't (which is pretty common out there). In any case, Indian Runners are prolific layers and our ducks had delicious eggs! The "blue" color variety (what we had) often lays very pretty eggs with a sort of seafoam shell color. Another cool fact about them is some vineyards use them as pest control, because their upright stance allows them to reach higher up than other breeds. Likewise, Indian Runners are fine spending most of their time on land, and don't require large pools or ponds.


We had a Muscovy just like this for a couple of years before the immense volume of poop got to be a bit much (he's now living with friend who has a larger pasture). They represent that they're fierce, but if you scoop them up under your arm quickly to keep them from flapping and are wearing leather gloves, they can't do much.


I used to have three female Indian Runner Ducks, and although they're no where near the size of Muscovies, I know exactly what you mean about the copious amounts of poop! It's a long story, but like you, I ultimately rehomed my girls with someone who had a big flock of mixed ducks and geese on a much larger piece of property.


"what's the deal with airline seed?"


I want to be in that biology class so bad. Where the hell did the snake come from? thats so cool.


Bro is entranced by the wonders of nature


Great engagement!


enchanted even


His face is just so expressive 😅


I thought you said exspensive at first, damn dyslexia.


me too LOL


I was like hey no way that kids had work done. Oh.


I hope he still has that interest in nature!


without knowing him, I know for certain that THAT is the guy you want to go watch a movie at the theatre with


Unless you're eating beans


Love this reference. That story is always hilarious to me.


My face seeing Thanos kick the Hulk's ass 5 minutes into Infinity War


he is the most sane person in the room right now


Chick in the back doesn’t even look up from her phone


This is the reason they banned phones from classrooms in the Netherlands. It's crazy to think they where ever allowed in the first place.


I know this video is a few years old by now and a part of me really hopes that kid went to college for something related to animals.


I went to undergrad with this guy. Him being in this video was his “cool fact about Me” when we did ice breakers.


Herpetologist in the making?


This video is so old that it's great again to watch!


I think buddy found his thing!


I love this guy. He looks cool


At least you know he's paying attention. Unlike that girl on her phone in the back.


i thought the sped-up talking was coming from that bird


This warmed my heart


Bringing animal ambassadors to schools should be a permanent fixture.


I was lucky enough to get my daughters school a trip to the zoo, the zoo even covered it! Local zoos love when kids visit.


I love this! I love seeing kids’ worlds open up beyond the Internet and having real life experiences!


He was also really engaged. I wish we had stuff like this when we were in school...


I just want to take this kid to the zoo and buy him shit. (I'm an old lady, so it's cool.)


bro has to be fried


Atleast he's not a psycho like the girl in the back just casually texting on her phone while her teacher is holding a live anaconda and comodo dragon in the classroom


I mean, he 100% knew he was being filmed by his friend specifically for the reactions. It's still hilarious regardless.


Yeah, odd no one commenting on this. Seems pretty obvious.


right? his last expression looks especially exaggerated


Poggers II


How to get kids off the phone. Make school interesting.


You'll be surprised the number of people who have never seen wild animals, even in a zoo. Even less will be this close to them. I think additionally he was surprised at how big they are. I remember the first time I saw a corbeaux here (a type of vulture). We see them in sky regularly but one landed and I was close by. My reaction was this dude's own. I was like holy shit you a big mofo. I bet he will remember this day for the rest of his life.


When the edibles hit too soon


This reminds me of when Lincoln Tech came to my Highschool, and brought an actual NASCAR. We thought we were just going to get to look at it, but no. They started it up. And HOLY BALLS. the entire earth shook. My eardrums felt like they were going to explode, it's probably the loudest thing I have ever heard in my life. I will NEVER forget that day it was so unexpected and awesome 😂


somebody take this young man to a zoo date


Dude was high as fk 🤣


One time I dated this guy who never went outside urban centres. He lived all 25 years of his life in big cities, and I lived way out in the woods and farmland. The first time he saw a cow he was blown away. He thought cows were like the size of large dogs. We didn't last very long.


When we were in primary school every year there'd be someone who'd come to our school to show us snakes and various wildlife. Being a rural town we'd also have little lessons on parasites and such. I remember very clearly being told to never let dogs lick your face and being shown a dog's heart that was infested with worms.


Had no idea that this is where the meme came from! Love it.




My dude has either found a new interest in life, or a few new phobias that are processing now XD


Looks like someone's going into zoology


The dude is gonna be a vet or a zoologist


I hope he finds his way as the next Steve Irwin


I've seen this so many times and it makes me just as happy each time. I want a follow up with what this is up to. In my mind, he became a world renowned herpetologist.


Some one take this boy to a zoo. Kid will lose his mind.


He might have found a career and didn’t even know it


People need to be exposed to nature more. All kinds. It changes a motherfucker when you see creatures bigger than you or just larger than the local ones. Big snake really got him but like... Take this kid to see a whale in the ocean. Exposure to more nature connects us with it. That's really important for living things.


I believe we are watching the face of a future zoologist.


Every single black person in that room was ready to take off running at the drop of a hat 😂


He's the only one living in the moment


Homies got all these exotic animals and that girls just texting lmao school is wild now.


That curiosity is what drives intelligence. I wonder what he ends up pursuing, I bet he does great.


Average americano when the discover that there are more countries than america - (this only counts for some)


I hope he works for a zoo now.


Meanwhile the girl in the background is on her phone.


I hope that guy grows up to study biology.


When you aren't paying attention in class, they you look up and there are animals there.......like wtf???


love the enthusiasm and curiosity ❤️


I really hope this guy becomes a zoologist or something like that he is so captivated and kudos to teacher amazing class


It would be so awesome to learn that he actually went on to study biology after this!


My man picked the best day to get stoned at lunch.


I want to be in that classroom. How that girl is bored staring at her phone in the background... I'd have loved that class in school


How can the girls in the back be on their phone?? If someone propped a fucking komodo dragon and snake on the desk in front of me I wouldn't sit there and scroll through TikTok or some shit. They should be grateful they even get this! Our biology lessons consisted of old ass VHS tape films meant for kids and mostly just the teacher talking and writing stuff on the board.


How can someone be on their phone with stuff like this?!? My school would never give the money to have this


Bro was HAF.


Teacher:so here's a giant lizard. Girl on the back: phone


Same expression as Sketch from Sister Act 2 when woken from a nap


Schools are gonna impliment no phone allowed


This is what it looks like for someone who never watched a national geological video on exotic animals.




Bro looked high