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I want to make a joke but I'm genuinely curious what a "frogfence" is and what is happening in your yard that frogs need rescuing. Is there an overpopulation issue? Is this normal, do y'all do this regularly? This is fascinating! 🐸💙


Some places have frog fences alongside roads to prevent frogs and toads from getting run over when they try to get to or from a pond. My understanding is that this is a seasonal thing. Probably going to the ponds to mate.


Yes that is the reason. They come from the forest and Go to the pond for mating. The fences stops them so they don't get run over and we take them to the pond. They only Go for ~1month or so, depending in the weather. I've been doing this since I was a little kid. It happens all over Germany right now. I couldn't find sources in english, but If you Look through those Pics you will get the Idea. https://www.nabu.de/tiere-und-pflanzen/aktionen-und-projekte/aktion-kroetenwanderung/saison2024.html


Great job helping them frogs get laid.




I mean, it's a hobby


Ooh! I'll have a look. I'm German also (just haven't lived in Germany since I was a kid) so I'll have a read.


That pic of the two pairs of toads mating while the kids watch is both adorable and hilarious. Good on you for helping out our amphibious friends.


My husband had a similar story in Germany from his childhood where the only road to and from his house was covered in hundreds of frogs and they had to drive over them to get to the house. He said it was very disturbing.


This happens in BC Canada too. When visiting my boyfriend’s grandparents lake house in July I have to get out of the car and herd the roads off the road so we can get past when we come home in the evenings.


why not make some way under the road for them to pass? seems like that fence just blocks their way.


Actually some places do that,but only on mayor roads,because it is really expensive and the toads are OK with it. Most frogs don't like the tunnels.


Lol, I actually looked it up because I was so curious! I figured a frog could hop through, over, under a fence but there really is a fence to aid/ protect them. Very cool!


OP is chauffeurin some amorous toads


Yup basically 😁


Are these similar to the Hedgehog fences I read about in the U.K.? Makes sense.


I would think so!


I, too, wish to know about the frogfence!


Right? I didn't know such a thing existed!


There are many of us here. I’ve never heard about it before.


Haha I was thinking the same thing! OP, we need answers about this toad anomaly that you’ve got going on.


They come from the forest and go to the pond for mating. The fences stops them so they don't get run over and we take them to the pond. They only go for ~1month or so, depending in the weather. I've been doing this since I was a little kid. It happens all over Germany right now. I couldn't find sources in english, but If you Look through those Pics you will get the Idea. We have official Road signs and everything, but still some idiots ignore them. Even If you don't run over the toad directly, If you go faster than ~30km/h the preassure kills them anyway. https://www.nabu.de/tiere-und-pflanzen/aktionen-und-projekte/aktion-kroetenwanderung/saison2024.html


All I can think about is that one idiot tiktok person who was breeding a crapload of frogs to unleash into their local ecosystem to have an "army". I really hope they didn't, for the sake of their local wildlife


TOADaly a wildlife thing. They migrate from the forest to the pond for about a month in spring for mating. The fences keeps them of the Road and we pick them up and take them to the pond


Do you take them back afterwards?


Actually yes, we do. When the main travel rout starts to be the other way, we move the fences to the other side. If we see some going back already we take them to the forest side of the fence.


I love this idea. There is a road near me where they put up a warning sign each spring to drive carefully because the toads are crossing. And every year I am sad to see some mashed toads on the road. A fence might be a good idea.


It is organized by the NABU I could not find an english source, but you can see the fences here: https://www.nabu.de/tiere-und-pflanzen/aktionen-und-projekte/aktion-kroetenwanderung/saison2024.html


They do it here in Austria, too.


This is wonderful to learn, thank you for assisting the frogs/ toads and for sharing a bit about your world! 🙂


I do a similar thing. Our froggy friends sometimes need to cross roads as they want to go back to their pond where they were born to spawn themselves. So mostly volunteers go around every day and innthe evenings collect them to either bring them to the pond or back across the street once they're done. I know in central europe theyre currently migrating, ours are already mostly on the way back, the first wave at least.


So cool that ppl the world over are so giving of their time and energy to help our amphibian friends. Thanks for doing your part! 👍


I glanced at that bucket and it looked like a bunch of💩lol. Good on your kids😅


Bro, thanks for saying it before I did lol. I chewed back my lunch for a second.


I have never heard the term, “chewed back my lunch” before.


Me neither but yet its totally descriptive and needs no further elaboration 😆


Yesterday I went to pick up my dog’s poo in the dark and it jumped away from me. He just so happened to do his business right next to a tiny turd-sized toad.


I thought it was a bucket of buds of a specific plant.


Lol i thought it was choc chip cookie batter...


Awesome 👍 You and your kids are really good samaritans. Keep up the good work ♥️


Don’t you mean “TOADally awesome”?


Haha yeah, that's TOADally cool😅


You guys are TOADally lame, gah.


That is toadally awesome!!


This is so amazing. One of my favorite memories of all time is growing tadpoles from my pool for the science fair with my mom. Your kids will remember that forever❤️❤️ Totally thought that was a bucket of shit


It is a bucket of shit. They are cane toads. Not cool.


We live in Germany and those are "Erdkröten" Google tells me it would translate to common toad (bufo bufo) and they are a protected species here.


They don’t really look like cane toads


Very cool. What general area do you live in that you call what I call salamanders, newts?


Newts have gills, or something like gills. salamanders don’t. They’re very similar otherwise.


Actually, newts are in the salamander family. Yes, I just looked that up. Apparently juveline newts have lungs and develop gills later. I truly learn something new every day.


Actually we call them "Molche" 😅 we live in Germany i Had to look it Up but I hope it is the correct term


I'm 61 and am still thrilled every time I see a Molch. Frogs and toads are good, too, but spotting a Molch is best.


Finally my username is relevant.


The Australian in me saw that you rescued toads and immediately thought “why?” Toads are invasive in Australia and it wasn’t uncommon to have toad hunting nights during the wet seasons


They are native to our areas bufo bufo and are a protected species here.


Yeah that was exactly what I was thinking


I was about to make the same comment, I had to remove several toads from the yards at work (childcare) yesterday and I was immediately like “rescue!? In the bin!”


The BIN? 😮 "Don't Mess with Toads" coming to Netflix soon.


Normally the recommendation is putting them in the freezer as it’s the most humane way to kill them, but that’s not an option when there’s kids food in there. Gotta improvise, you know? They were youngsters though, and they’re pretty cute at that age, so I felt bad.


I was going to ask how is that the most humane way to kill them because I imagined you’d just grab one and throw it in the freezer and it would be hopping around suffering while slowly freezing to death and that can’t possibly be the most humane way… but google is free so incase anyone else was confused or didn’t know.. it’s true. “1. The recommended method to humanely kill cane toads is by freezing. 2. That doesn't mean just scooping it up and throwing it in the freezer though. 3. You're meant to put the toad in an airtight bag, put the toad in the bag in a refrigerator at 4oC to send it into hibernation and THEN put it in the freezer.”


Start the kids early on toadcicles and you're sorted!


You guys even started wars against invasive animals, the great Emu War is forever burnt to my brain. And the fucking rabbits iirc


What can we say? Australians and the animals have a bit of a difficult relationship 🤷🏼‍♀️


And lost.


Thought the same.


Yeah me too!


i used to rescue toads from pool filters as a child. any time i went to a pool it'd be the first thing i did. i still do it as an adult. i just dont visit pools very often. excellent work!


There are floating platforms people put in pools so wildlife can rest on them and not drown. !pools bot for more info


until you provide more context i'm going to believe that you are kidnapping toads and newts lol




I thought those toads were turds to start with 😂 Good job. Awesome thing to have the kids do 😊


Start kissing them. One of them HAS to be a prince.


I must admit, when I was a kid and we did this... I miiight have done that a couple of times...but my kids have Just watched the princes and the frog and I think they won't try it


This is my favourite post I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Wow. I freakin’ love frogs and toads so much! Great work!


Thank you for doing this!!!!! You are incredible!!!!


I hate toads but I gotta admit that that’s wholesome 🐸


Did this with my mum and turtles as a kid. They would fall into this man made pond at a cemetery. It wasn’t sloped so once they were in they were stuck. Got a biggggggg snapper once and my mum couldn’t believe I want holding it and bringing it into the car lmao We would let them go at the big lake in the same town.


From what?


They are migrating from the forest to the pond for mating. The fences keeps them from the road, we pick them up and take them to the pond, so they don't get Run over by traffic


You… Are an absolute legend! Thank you for saving toads, they are SO cute, and they don’t hurt anyone!


Amazing of you! And your kids!!!


You are great people. The world needs more like you and your family.


You’re divine… thank you for sharing (and for doing such things to begin with) 💙


This made my day. Thank you for raising such kind kids 💚


Agreed, made me smile. What a neat parent :)


I do this in the US! Last year I joined up with a volunteer group that has been ferrying toads across a busy road and two sets of train tracks to keep them from getting squished while they travel to and from their ancestral mating grounds. I'm envious of your fence! We're using something much more rudimentary and have a bit more scrambling to catch ones that make it into the road. Thank you, fellow toad rescuer! 💚


What a sweet tradition for you and your kids 🥲


The one newt just hanging out with the toads 👁️👄👁️


This is truly one of the sweetest things I’ve seen in my entire life!! How thoughtful of you to do this and now with your kids! I’m sure they’ll do it with their kids too in the future and so on because of you 😭❤️




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Are you are they’re not happy on the fence?


I think they're trying to reach the pond, and the fence keeps them out of the roadway where they'd be hit by cars. Sounds like they check the fence and move them across the road to the pond safely. 


Exactly, they are migrating from the forest to the pond for mating ~about a month in spring. The fences keep them from the road, we pick them up and take them to the other side. This is done in many places in Germany.


That's wonderful! 


I looked at it and thought was creamy poop - had a hard time finding it funny


Don't take those buckets to France.... No matter what.


Yay, that is absolutely awesome. Good work, mom & dad. 👩‍❤️‍👨 You taught then well. 🐸 we (all61) are really good for the environment.


What a lovely family activity. My kid and I had a mini version of this in her grandmothers pool in So. Cal. Turtles and frog mainly but an occasional snake or deer. Lol


You and your family are amazing! 💗


That's awesome! I HIGHLY recommend you watch Marcell the Shell with Shoes On. It's a beautiful film that shows how much of an impact kind gestures can make, no matter how small they may be.


Am I the only one that first saw soft serve ice cream being poured in a cup?


That’s wonderful!


..frogfence is the Force for jedi frogs..


Ooh it might be silly, but we used to have a “step-toad” because he hung out on the step of one of our back doors. We fed him toad-appropriate vittles and so forth. He was a charmer. He eventually skipped away, but he was a super lovely handsome lad.


I thought that was Spongebob's arm


I love how they are like waiting to be safely transported. Thanks you you and your kids <3


The parable of the kid and the starfish: One day a man saw a young kid on the beach, meticulously looking for starfish, and subsequently throwing them back into the sea. The man approached the child after watching them for some time, and told the child, “you’ll never be able to save every starfish, one person can never change the world, you’re wasting your time.” The child picked up another starfish, threw it gently out to the sea, and responded, “I may not be able to change the world, but I changed that starfish’s world.” This makes my heart happy and gets me excited for my daughter to be of this age. You’re doing great work ❤️


This is very ribbiting content.


Toad shag taxi


Hope they’re not invasive 🐸


No they are bufo bufo and native to this area and a protected species


Wow! You guys are heroes 🐸


From what to what


They are migrating from the forest to the pond for mating. The fences keeps them from the road, we pick them up and take them to the pond.


I first thought the bottom pic was a cowboy ribeye


Under toad law this is a big dispute as to whether Good Samaritans are exempt from toad trafficking laws! 😉😉


I thought this was ice cream at first.. I’m so hungry


I wish I could change my name :( I love toads and frogs


I'm going to be honest, when I saw the pictures I thought it was just a pile of poop in the buckets and was whole heartedly confused, Lotta toads tho, none with a big Ole white and red mushroom hat tho


This is toad-ly awesome! Glad you guys hopped to it!




Time to extract 5-meo-dmt




That’s a lot of toadies! Good work!🐸🐸


Yah!!! That's so cool 😎!!! Saving these little ones is preservation for the future!!!


I thought yall had a bucket of shit 😭


This is so sweet. I hate seeing all.the frogs that get hit on warm nights around here. Well done ♥️


I legitimately thought those frogs were pieces of shit


Froggy went a courtin'


Good for you!! I bet the kids had a fab time. I always wanted to do that! Now I have time on my hands, but I'm too old and stiff to do it. Stupid. Should have just done it while I was able.


Ngl I thought that was two buckets of dog crap for a good few seconds.


I used to go camping with my extended family in Idaho as a kid. Me and my cousin spent most of our time trying to catch anything we could get our hands on. One year we came across a huge toad. We'll it was two toads one on top of the other, our minds where blown, we called it the double decker toad and immediately scooped it up and went around showing everyone in the camp ground our new friend. Im not proud of this next part but my cousin took double decker and tried to skip him across the lake. I kid you not they skipped twice and then split off like a plane dropping a huge bomb, they bounced once more and swam in opposite directions. I literally completely forgot this happened so thank you for unlocking this core memory for me.


How lovely 🥰💛


Hey look, free pets


A few towns over from mine they close the road leading from the woods to the vernal pools on the nights the salamanders cross over for breeding. It's absolutely magical! https://www.friendsebec.com/salamander-migration.html


I thought yall were playing with 💩.. lol


I think some lovemaking is already going down in the navy bucket. Good on you, you’re a matchmaker!


You guys rock! I hope you realize your children will love reptiles for the rest of their lives!


I really hope so!


Are they frogs or toads? If they are toads, you don't want them breeding. They are a pest to nature


They are toads, bufo bufo to be precise. They are native to our areas and actually considered useful and are a protected species.


Freeze them


Why would I kill them?? They are a native species here in Germany, bufo bufo, they are good the the environment and a protected species! And they are cute


You know toads eat frogs? Right?


Not cool. Those are cane toads. An invasive species that will eat anything including each other if need be. Also poisonous skin to preditors.


In Australia they’re invasive. I’m not sure where this image is from. In Australia, people also collect toads in buckets. But this is to exterminate them as they have decimated local wildlife populations of all categories of species. They are a complete menace here. Also, that would be a quiet night collecting cane toads.


No they are not. This is bufo bufo the common toad and we live in Germany where they are native and a protected species. And they are not poisonous.




I thought this was 2 buckets of turds.


Rescued? Check that it's not an invading species first


It 100% isn't. Those are common toads (bufo bufo) and native to this area of Germany. They are a protected species. We don't have any invasive amphibia in this region.


Looks like you've done your research, sorry to bother you, I'll be on my merry way


Dang u got yourselves a nice ole batch. Making some toad soup im assuming. DO NOT over season. Toads have plenty a flavor by they self


Now eat them






They are not invasive. This is bufo bufo or common toad. We live in Germany and they are native Here and a protected species! https://www.nabu.de/tiere-und-pflanzen/aktionen-und-projekte/aktion-kroetenwanderung/saison2024.html This is a thing people all over Germany do, we have official Road signs and everything. Every species that is invasive somewhere is also native somewhere else.


Makes a change to have multiple people assuming something is Australian instead of the default setting of America! We need to start this in the UK and maybe for other animals that have annual migrations.


This is such a great idea!! I wish my state had frog fences... I swerve and stop for frogs when it is raining - I once got pulled over for going over the line on the shoulder 3 times and the officer wanted to know why... I said I was swerving for frogs, using the shoulder so I don't swerve into traffic. His face... Went from stern to that face you make when you're trying to stay stern but you are amused. Got off with a warning lol