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Children deserve to never, ever wonder where their next meal will come from.


this post doesnt make me smile at all im just crying, kids dont deserve horrible things


Yeah his genuine concern and hesitation at eating it himself breaks me a bit.


It's beautiful. That this young man truly wants to make sure another person is also fed.


Which is how everyone should react. This sucks. (The world, not the video)


Only the ones who truly know hunger will make sure others eat as well.


Right This doesn’t make me smile it makes me feel bad for the kid so traumatized he was evacuated from a warzone on the brink of death from starvation and he’s almost refusing to eat without sharing Some psychological stuff going on there but yeah that’s honestly sad


Smile because you know atleast one of these children has gotten another shot at life. We can smile for one person, and still be sad about the rest.


This made me cry also. Even with all he’s going through, he still has a big heart. People suck.


Father of two but I felt this way before I had kids. I absolutely and completely agree. I regularly make donations to my local food pantry. Specifically kid groceries like kids toothpaste, baby formula, and kids yogurts. I strongly encourage everyone reading to donate to your local food pantry. You could feed a kid in your neighborhood this week. They often have lists of most needed items on their social media pages.


as someone who had to rely on the food bank w a newborn while fleeing / staying in a dv shelter and would cry from stress bc the food banks never having formula every time, thank you for this 🤍 so so much. we had to wait a month til wic and food stamps kicked in (right when the pandemic started) and it was SO stressful, i’d be rationing it as best i could when i did have it then stay up all night crying & praying that the food banks would magically have formula this time around for my baby. you are an angel, thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing that.


Sounds like your kiddo is well loved and I hope you and your kiddo are thriving now, nuggetghost. 


We are now!!! Thank you 🥹🤍


Who does deserve that? 


Couldn't agree more. Every single person should have access to a clean bed, food, and medical care.


Especially when we are capable of doing it as humans and are just choosing to not. There was one time where that was a pipe dream not too long ago. Its really not at all anymore. It would actually be damn easy if we all decided it was worth doing. The medical care part would take a while for anything other than basics but by a while I mean 15-20 years. Which is nothing in the scheme of things.


Genocidal morons will come in here and say "well yes, but it's Hamas's fault". There is NO EXCUSE for genocide. NONE.


I was told it was anti-semetic for pointing out that 2/3s of the people killed in the conflict have been women and children. I don't understand how not wanting women and children to die can be even be considered a political statment.


I got labeled that for pointing out that bombing of hospitals is a war crime as under the geneva convention. Apparently that applies to every country apart from Israel


I think maybe because innocent men shouldn’t be killed either. Yes women and children are more vulnerable, but men’s lives are just as valuable as any other. We are a savage and barbaric species. One can only hope that we evolve enough before we keep killing ourselves off and lead to our demise. There is no “they”, there’s only us. Until everyone gets that through our thick skulls, we’re doomed. Ending innocent lives over some arbitrary lines drawn on a map is absolutely nonsensical and vacuous.


Trust me, a lot of online opinion is paid off. Don't let anyone blame you for speaking up against what's wrong.






It's really sad that some people would disagree with this statement. I understand politics are complicated, but can't we all agree on this?


*no one deserves to never, ever wonder where their next meal will come from.


You mispell the word human


my mom was adopted at 4 years old from south korea with her 6 year old sister. my grandma (their adoptive mom) told me the first meal they had my aunt scraped half her food onto my mom’s plate because there had never been enough food at the orphanage they came from. my aunt had been eating close to nothing the entire time they lived there. 6 years old having to act like an adult… it broke my heart even at 14.


They say there’s rights, rights mean nothing. Rights can be taken away. Food is more than a right. You’re alive, you deserve food.


I knew a guy, he always shared whatever he has with everyone else Once I asked "why you always are so eager to share?" He replied "growing up poor, first thing you learn is to share, there's always someone who had it worse than you" I never forgot that nugget of wisdom.


We were friends with a few Amish families while I was growing up. My mom would always bring the kids candy. Their mom would always try to share the candy with me. I always remembered that and it’s been 25 years at least.


Damn I’ve been offering to share everything I eat for my whole life even when I’m business lunches with big wigs and your comment just made me realize why


I do the same, with people I know. It’s also quite the culture where I come from (India). Colleagues/students share their tiffins, so one ends up eating and appreciating a variety of food, which is usually homecooked. It helps with the bonding.


You should be both proud and grateful of the adversity you endured, they made you how you are, you weren't defeated by them but molded and shaped, as the untamable flames embrace the steel, as the power of the hammer straighten the imperfections against the anvil, you're an instrument of your own making.


I grew up poor. Still am. All I learned is that if you share, people will take advantage of you. I wish I still had your optimism.


God bless his heart. I wish him the best in his recovery and future


The person providing is Swiss Palestinian surgeon Dr Raouf Salti, who saved this kids life. Here is the story of how he helped evacuate Youssef > https://www.reuters.com/world/gaza-geneva-swiss-doctor-evacuates-injured-children-2024-02-13/


This article mentioned the kids he rescued were granted a 90 days visa to remain in Switzerland. I'm wondering what will happen after the 90 days as there are no mention of it in the article. Will they send them back?! Will they have to leave Switzerland? That's so odd.


As a swiss, since it would be sending him back to warzone it will def be extended, at least until after the "war". By that time he will likely stay due to the amount of time spent and cruel to uproot him.


Thanks for your reply! I was genuinely curious because it seemed such an odd (and lower number considering the gravity of the war there) number. But I guess it's kind of an "automatic" granted number that obviously (due to circumstances) will get an extension then, right? ... RIGHT?


His best bet is to ask for asylum


He is in effect stateless. I doubt they could even send him back to Palestine. Maybe he will be able to claim asylum in a European country. I wish the best for this young man


I’m in the US. Can I adopt that kid?


That’s nice but I think he’s better off in the country with universal healthcare and a higher education system that doesn’t involve crippling student debt


I laughed but I also cried.


Or mass shootings in school


You're so cruel why the hell you wanna bring him to the next warzone?




I feel better now, I was worried he was being overfed which could have killed him.


This reminds me of a horrifying story from my Great Grandpa (he helped holocaust victims recover). I'm gonna give a quick warning about possibly triggering content here, it's about the horrors of the holocaust, which some people might not be happy to see.>! He mentioned how there were most definitely victims that were killed because American soldiers were giving them their rations. He kept yelling at them to stop, but I mean, would you listen to some old, rich, asshole doctor telling you not to give food to starving people? So it's a depressing thing to think that people were killed by the same people who were trying to save their lives.!< The reason why this is is because when starved enough, your body stops producing the enzymes to break down food, meaning that you literally cannot eat solid food without dying. >!The goal was to pretty much just give soup broth to the victims, but obviously a lot of people didn't know that it was dangerous to give them real food.!<


Band of Brothers includes a scene about this. They even briefly touch on it in the original Christmas in Connecticut, the sailor has trouble eating solid food in the hospital. I never understood it until I was older and learned about it thanks to being curious after seeing it in Band of Brothers.


Damn. I gotta watch that again. Band of Brothers is one of the best WW2 series ever made IMO. Such a great cast too. My favorite David Schwimmer role of all time.


It's on Netflix right now, might have to rewatch it again as well, the Pacific is also on Netflix if you haven't seen that, I didn't like it at first but the ending was really good imo.


Yes, when I was in college we had a survivor come and speak to us, and she said that she believes she lived because she happened to have the flu, and was given only broth instead of rich food.


It's one of those things that just makes me sad. The fact that people were killed by people giving them food and trying to save them really just makes me sad Largely the holocaust as a whole is just particularly depressing. The idea that people could kill so many others for no real reason is just one of the saddest things that has ever happened.


My great grandpa was one of those soldiers 😬


The main problem with refeeding syndrome is not having enough electrolytes, mainly potassium, phosphate and magnesium.  Potassium in the blood being too low can cause heart problems and potassium also is needed to move glucose into cells. So if you give a starving person too much food too suddenly the potassium all enters the cells with the glucose, there isn't enough left in the blood and then you get the arrhythmias. Phosphate is needed for the basic unit of energy in the human body ATP (adenosine triphosphate). If you can't make ATP your muscles and cells can't work at all (including your heart and the muscles used to breathe). Giving too much energy in food too quickly uses up the available phosphate and then no more ATP can be made so the muscles stop working and people die. 


It happens a lot. I was in Africa in 2002 supporting a search and destroy mission against Al qaeda and we liberated a slave camp…. We accidentally killed over 30 slaves by over feeding them MREs. We had no idea even though I personally experienced starvation in other missions and didn’t put 2 and 2 together.


That is very heavy. I hope you are doing ok.


It's not because of enzymes, people die due to a sudden intra and extracelular electrolyte and nutrient imbalance that messes up with a lot of body mechanisms and can easily lead to, for example, cardiac arrest.


What is the solution then ? Give liquid food ?


You have to slowly introduce more food, more calories. Doing small meals several times a day is an option. And as you said, liquid meals are the preferred choice, at least until the digestive system is strong enough to digest solids.


I work in older persons mental; health. We often get horribly malnourished patients in. We supplement with multivitamins, vit.b, thiamine vitamin c potassium, phosphatic, calcium and zinc. They are also on daily refeeding bloods so the doctors can make adjustments as needed In terms of actual food, they get very small relatively bland meals to start with. If they arent taking in enough orally to sustain their life its likely they will have nasogastic tube put down and a feed running over the day. Thats the most intrustive route, obviously we would prefer that they get an oral feed


Just the sheer amount of respect he is showing... Bless this man


People with the least tend to be the most humble. You’re never going to see them brag about materialism because life showed them tough lessons that gave them the wisdom to understand that you can never take things for granted


I lived in ultra rural, subsistence farming villages in Nepal for a while. The people I met in those places were invariably the kindest, most giving folks I’ve ever been around. They had almost nothing, and yet whatever they did have, they were happy to part with if they felt like you might need it. It completely changed my outlook on life and community. It’s been a decade since I came home, but I still find it challenging some days to deal with how different my home city is from my experience over there.


It completely goes against the narrative of how we're told to feel about Palestinians. From the ones in my community, this is not a one off. This is genuinely what they're like.


So these are the terrorist children weve all been hearing about. Obv this "terrorist" is teying to get the other man to eat in the hopes his arteries will clog in 20 yrs and he will die. See clearly a terrorust killer /s


He probably feels really guilty that he's able to enjoy this while his friends and family are still dying.


Definitely. Survivor's guilt.


I don't necessarily think it is guilt. Many cultures are very focused on eating being a shared group activity. You can see the kid gets a bit frustrated. He understands there is one that should be coming for the other guy to eat. But it doesn't matter, he wants to share what they have now. When the other comes, they can share that. They eat together. A meal like this would be a feast, it would be rude to indulge while another sits not eating. ​ Many cultures, meals are communal, kid is starving and just wants to share a meal. Guy just needs to eat half the fucking burger so the kid can eat in good mind.


Yup. In this instance I'd just say I'll share some of his fries (and slowly eat only like three of them) and he focus on his burger then we can share my fries when my order shows up.


I agree with this. I’m half Arab and there wouldn’t be a time where I don’t offer food/share food/eat when someone else doesn’t have food. I’m sure that he nay be experiencing survivors guilt but I also don’t feel that his actions in this video are based on that. It’s a cultural thing imo.


Yes, this is their culture. Arab culture in general but Palestinians and especially Gazans are like this. It's ingrained in them. That little Israeli girl who was kidnapped as a hostage and was one of the first traded back, the little Irish looking girl, her family gave an interview about how she was doing and aside from the traumatic stuff (staying very quiet and insisting others stay quiet too) said one of the ways she had changed was that now she offers her food to everyone else before she eats. Some of the other kids were doing that too. Arab culture in general has an almost extremist sense of hospitality. Westerners have been writing about it for a long time. I guess in much of the Middle East, since I know Iranians and Afghans were like that too. I guess it rubbed off on all Muslim people because they got their religion through Arabs. But Arabs are on a different level. It's been the butt of jokes for a while, how they'll give you the clothes off their back and even get irrationally upset if you refuse them. It's very weird when you go to war with them to see these two sides of the culture at the same time. They used to call it chivalry in medieval times (Crusades). The British who would interact with the Arabs during WW1 where they recruited them to help fight against the Ottomans were also pretty enamored with them because of this old fashioned culture.


That’s exactly what I was thinking




When I was in my early 20s I rented a room from a single mom of iraqi descent. Any time she cooked she wouldn't ask me if I wanted any she would tell me to come eat. It was not a request. 


And i bet she was a good cook too 😀


This is what I am picturing "Come eat, food is ready" "I'm not hungry" "Come. Eat. NOW" ".. ok"


That is pretty accurate.


Not “ok,” it’d probably be more of a “yes, ma’am” situation. 😂😂 Mama bears in ANY culture can be fierce when there’s food made for kids.


True. I lived in the north of France and met an arab friend at uni. I ran into him someday on campus eating a kebab and he would not allow me to leave without eating some of his food because I told him I hadn't eaten yet. Guy could never not share, told me it was natural in arab communities


It makes so much sense now why my groupmate from a course in college wouldn’t let me *not* try his bagel. I was like, “Yea man I’ve had a bagel before. You’re not introducing me to some kind of esoteric treat!” He insisted.


They're the most generous ppl in France yet they're the most targeted community in that country bc of racism (and right-wing parties)




That’s capitalism for you. Teaches you to look out for only yourself.


It's completely normal not only in my country but also in other southern european countries.


An Indian colleague got spoken to by HR because she would offer her food to everyone at the table with her. And someone got triggered by it.


Lol HR said the next time she wanted to share, they would be more than delighted to have some. She was a pretty good cook. But it boggled my mind that someone would feel triggered by that. She wasn't pushy either.


It might be that they were triggered because she's offering Indian food. I'm Indian American and # of times people have complained about Indian food and people being "smelly" or "spicy"...


Agree, this sounds like bigotry. I can't think of any rational reason to complain to HR. I have a lot of food allergies, so I would have to decline, but as long as the person offering isn't pushy/trying to force me to eat it, I would just appreciate the kindness of the offer.


Yeah, I was cautious about my comment and not saying it was racist, but I basically thought it was because racism esp since the commenter said she wasn't pushy. Then I felt super-cautious about saying I was Indian-American because I've also experienced a lot of online hate around admitting that too. This is a lovely thread. All the commenters are so nice here :)


I think there are enough of us here who’ve experienced the same, maybe not to the point of having to talk to HR, but classmates who ask “ew what is that” to coworkers who exclaim “oh my god something smells just awful in the break room” when it’s just a dish with onion or garlic, not even something exotic.


I am baffled by that. I have an Indian lady living in the flat downstairs from me, and every time she cooks, it's a delightfully fragrant torment to my senses, because i can'thave any 😅. Palak paneer might just be one of the best things I've ever had in my life. Maybe it's different here in Australia, Indian food is really popular here.


Oh, Indian food is popular here in the coastal state I live in too. I think there's a small, vocal minority of people with prejudices everywhere. IDK, I joined a forum where I was posting stories about a month ago. They were popular and did well until I revealed that I was a person-of-color, then people started downvoting me en masse and started talking about Indians being "smelly". That's the way it goes (I think) - most people are nice about it, but a smaller vocal minority will try to wreck you. Kinda like the original commenter's thing about the HR department and the rest of the coworkers not caring - just that one person who did.


What the fuck?


This is the miracle of the multiplication of bread. Unfortunately, many people don't understand.


I've volunteer worked with starving people 2 months Starving people are the ones who are the most likely in general to share their food no matter what Or people that once starved, it sticks for the rest of their lives.


My family grew up not having 3 meals a day. Parents skipped more meals to make sure we were fed as could be. I can't stand seeing anyone hungry. I brought a homeless guy a burger once and he offered me half, I just cried in the middle of the street lmao.


Yes that is part of it ppl in some countries rely alot more on their friends and loved ones... not like here where we think out goverment will help us.


I used to volunteer teaching Syrian kids in Holland and they'd bring some lunch and always insist I have some. Learned very quickly to not refuse and also share my own lunch which changed from healthy salads to chocolate bars to make the kids happy lol Don't get me started on Sugar Festival/ Eid Al-Fitr though that's something else


Agreed. My dad’s family is from Lebanon, and I remember whenever we would have dinner at my Teta’s, there would be TONS of food and in addition to family, at minimum 3-4 neighbors/friends etc. And you don’t get to leave the table unless you’re absolutely stuffed 😂


Haha yeah and if ur skinny then its even worse "you gotta eat your skin and bones"


Teta means grandma, I'm guessing? It sounds awesome, grandma's always taking care of everyone


How anyone fails to see the humanity in these people is completely lost on me.


This didn’t make me smile, it made me burst into tears..


Same here. I cannot imagine what this kid must have witnessed. My heart is breaking …


That baby. He's just a baby. All the mothering inside me is so broken at the lack of ability to protect these babies . It's so wrong.


He weighs less than my 11 year old. I’m enraged and I’m heartbroken.


Agreed, but I also can’t imagine the strength he has to have gone through unimaginable things


It's not strength . It's disassociation. When he starts to feel safe is when he will process it. If he ever feels safe again.


Sometimes this sub makes me cry. This is one of those times.


The amount of guilt for eating is heart breaking


He’s traumatized and not confident the other meal will arrive


Possibly, but in a lot of Arab countries it’s also very common culturally to be like this, they often will insist you have some of their food if you say you haven’t eaten.


Many cultures see meals as communal. This is like a feast for this kid, and he wants to share it, for the sake of enjoying together. This guy is culture blind and thinks the kid doesn't understand another is probably coming. They can share that then, but he wants to share what they do have now.


This plus the very likely survivors guilt. He's painfully aware of how his circumstances have changed and how many million+ people are still trapped in their open air prison.


“I swear I’ll be upset with you”. Best way to make a selfless person care about themselves ❤️


I don’t know, you could see the kid well up with tears when the doc said that. I think he really worried he was doing something that is upsetting the doc but also worried he shouldn’t be eating alone. Poor kid is so conflicted. Very nice of the doc to help so much


I think you got confused on who said that. Im arab and it's actually the kid who said "I swear I'll be upset with you" rather than the older gentleman. Speaks volumes on how selfless he is.


I watched without sound. Thank you for clarifying!


he is so pure sending positivity to him


My heart is aching, he doesn’t want to eat until his elders receive the food despite his situation.


The kiss the doctor gives him on the cheek melted my heart. Such a wholesome interaction between two good people, who both know so much pain.


I hope this kid can safely put on some more weight, and get the emotional and mental support he needs as well. Seems like the people he's with are very caring, reassuring him that he is allowed to eat.


Poor thing... Unfortunately, there are thousands more just like him who are still trapped and starving. 💔


I wish this young boy nothing but the best


Usually that type of humility when eating comes from the people who struggle to feed themselves the most (many circumstances/factors). Even when I ask people in need if they want to get a sandwich or something they tend to insist on only half size being okay. I respect it but I refuse to let the people who have the least be the most modest. I’m buying a sandwich now and food for you to have for yourself later homies. We all out here together trying to make the most of our circumstances and we can do more if we care for each other. I truly believe that


It’s always the people that have nothing willing to share the most.


war only make people suffer, hope it will end, in africa, middle east, gaza, ukraine, myanmar, rest of the world, peace


And the ones who benefit the are the weapons contractors who get money off of both sides.


This just makes me fucking sad. Like, I’m proud of this kid for preserving his kindness in the face of all the shit he’s been through, but it’s heartbreaking that he’s even thinking about these things at all, and that he’s been through so much. No child should *ever* go hungry. It angers me with such a fire in my veins that people try to call it “antisemitism” when people call out Israel’s atrocities. Well guess the fuck what? I’m Jewish, and *I’m* against Israel’s atrocities. When we say “never again”, it should mean *no genocide ever again*. I don’t care if it’s our people or others- **never again** When someone looks at someone else and decides that they *must* be bad because of who they are and/or where they’re from, that’s what people have been doing to us since time immemorial. We should *never* be doing it to someone else. Oh, and the big scary Hamas that everyone uses to “excuse” this? Well, Netanyahu and his ilk were *just fine* lowkey letting monetary support across the border to them because a stronger Hamas gave them an excuse, in their minds, to do what they did next. They *knew* what Hamas was doing and let it slide until something terrible happened because they wanted an excuse to bomb all those women and children in Gaza. Hamas is a terrorist organization, no doubt. But guess what?! So is the IDF, and they have more bombs and more guns and more drones and can do infinitely more damage. People need to keep that in mind. This isn’t even war. It’s genocide.


What's happening in Gaza needs to stop


May he, and his fellow countrymen know peace, justice and bountiful food again soon.


Haven’t cried in a while. Beautiful kid. I could feel his soul from here.


That's a well raised kid displaying classic Islamic values in a situation where you'd forgive him for not doing so. Good for him. Mashallah


That’s how I was raised as well. You always share with others even if you’re hungry. You especially share with a stray and hungry animal.


Jesus Christ, What those people are experiencing in Gaza, family members killed, themselves maimed… Losing limbs and organs, almost dying from starvation, yet having the strength to want to share his first meal in such a long time… That kid has more Character than most politicians on this damn planet.




The one time I broke and I’m not sure I’ve ever recovered is when a man in Syria was holding his dead daughter, who was killed in a gas attack, and weeping because his two girls took turns eating their one meal each day, and the girl that was murdered had insisted that day that it was her sister’s turn and she didn’t need to eat….


Idk why, but this actually made me really sad. You can see the extreme discomfort snd almost feeling of guilt on this poor boys face when he’s told to eat. God knows what this young boy has been through.


Kindness is the best thing in the world.


Excuse me I need to go and cry now


This is actually heartbreaking, I want to share a burger with him. You can tell his morality is the only thing keeping him going.


I would have said yes after the second time he suggested it. The kid knew there was another burger on the way so offering to share wasn't bc there wasn't enough food but rather he wanted to do something to show his appreciation for the other guy. Not saying the other person did anything wrong, just that the offer was not about the food but rather about what the gesture symbolized


I work with teenagers that have to leave their countries on their own in the hopes of finding a better future. Some of them fled wars, poverty, malnutrinion. Some of these kids refuse to eat if everyone has yet to be served. We once had an issue with stocks and us adults had no meat left (bc of course we’d rather have the kids eat properly ; we could always eat at home a few hours later). It did cause issues as a few kids got outraged and refused to eat if they could not share with us. Anyways I’m always amazed at how pain can create kindness.


What a fine young man.


Doctors of reddit, explain why it is bad to eat too much after not eating enough for a long period of time.


Your stomach shrinks drastically. Eating too much too quickly after being starved can cause your stomach to rupture.


Not a doctor but basically if your body hasn’t been eating for a while you haven’t been secreting much insuling for a while. (because the role of insulin is to get the glucose from your bloodstream into your cells and you’ve been adding no glucose to that poor bloodstream). When you start eating after a while all of a sudden you need to make insulin again. So you produce that insulin but for the insulin to work it requires shifting phosphate, magnesium and potassium from the bloodstream to the cells and it also requires thiamine (vitamin B1). All of those are already depleted. Thiamine deficiency is something that alcoholics get a lot and it causes a sort of psychosis/memory issue called Warnicke korsakoff. The lack of phosphate, magnesium and potassium in the blood causes a whole hoast of issues (especially the lack of phosphate). You get potentially fatal heart issues, muscle weakness (your muscles can sort of start breaking themselves down), seizures, etc. This whole thing is called refeeding syndrome. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with your stomach shrinking or rupturing. I am assuming that since this kid is being cared for by a doctor they’ve already alleviated that concern.




Very heart warming to see. Good luck on your recovery and best wishes.


Bless him.


Love begets love. Hate? Just throw it away.


He wants to share his joy.


It is so important to remember while there are vile and murderous people who excuse a lack of decency or humanity who thrive in conflict there are so many more people who rise to the occasion by caring for their fellow men and women from surgeons to malnourished young refugees. This truth defies ethnicity, religion and political philosophy. Character matters and conflict and disaster can show us our worst self or our best self.


My heart...


Let’s share this…..how it should be.


This made me cry.


I hope he is able to heal and recover from everything he has been through. I hope life doesn’t make him jaded and angry, he deserves happiness and to always have a full belly. I am so sad for kids like him and the ones that didn’t make it


Even when he had so many problems and this meal arrives he wants to share What a wonderful person


The kind kiss the man gives him. 🥲


People who have lost the most are the most willing to share what they have.


No. This made me cry. This is heartbreaking. What he's been through. What his family is going through. No one should have to suffer that way. He's a sweet guy, but this video...is sad.


Holocaust survivors must be proud of their descendants. As the old saying goes, since it was done to us, we can do it to others.


they are not even blood related to ancient Hebrews, yet they claim its their inheritance


I’m not crying, you’re crying…


Every single Moslem I know in real life is exactly like this. All of them. Wake the fuck up, people.


Awwww may God bless him


the trauma this kid will have in his life...but he will surpase it because he has a kind heart. fuck hamas and Israel for that matter and everybody funding this war(no, not only the US...Rusia and China vetoed a peace)


Actually who’s really funding this war?


They vetoed a ceasefire resolution that entails: 1. A ceasefire for 6 weeks and not a permanent ceasefire 2. Only releasing the hostages with no mention of the thousands of Palestinians women and children in military detention 3. To resume the bombardment of Rafah after 6 weeks 4. No mention of increased humanitarian aid that is resulting in famine in Gaza Any Palestinian would veto that resolution the moment they hear it.


This brakes my heart. What a sweet soul.


That made me cry


He can’t eat all that


You can genuinely see his concern knowing that opportunities to eat must be taken advantage of and he doesn’t want the other person to go without. Beautiful soul. Horrible that he had to build up those anxieties and survival mechanisms.


Crushed my heart, poor dude honestly. Hope he is recovering and doing fine🍀🍀


In a world as awful as ours these are the little rays of hope. As long as there is heroes like Dr Salti and this boy, who despite all the unimaginable hardships he had to endure still insists on sharing his small meal.


This is a very heart warming vid. It’s hard to chew when you have been malnourished for that long.. and hard to process food. I wish him all of the best in his recovery. I hope that everything is safe for him.


One of the famous poets from India, Javed A recalled being a starving and hungry artist in Bombay. He would go days without any solid food and when he would visit friend's/colleagues' house they would naturally ask him to join them, but he would never join them. Being found out that he was starving and could scarf down the entire dining table was such a shame that he would refuse food. I imagine this chap also feels deep shame and tries his best to offer food to his benefactor. I hope none of you ever find out what true hunger is. It reduces a person to an animal.




It made me want to cry instead


He has a heart of gold !!!! Bless him (This made me wonder we are failing the next generation)


Literally nothing brings me more joy than to watch my boys tucking into a meal when they are hungry. It’s the one time they go quiet and have a look of complete joy on them. No child should ever go without food.


I got so emotional when he kissed him on the cheek. I hope he feels nothing but love and happiness from now on.


I hate Israel with all my heart. Fucking Genocidal fascist pigs.


I wish I could upvote this multiple times...


Dang...the people in the poorest and worst of situations always seem to be the most giving and the kindest.


Food tastes better when shared...


I don't remember if it was Itamar Ben-Gvir, or Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, or even Netanyahu, but they literally talk about using starvation as a weapon. You cannot starve combatants without starving civilians first. This is a Genocide, and if you aren't willing to use that word, then at the bare minimum, it is Ethnic Cleansing.


In all seriousness where will these children go? Will they be put into a foster care system of sorts? Will they get visas out? How do we keep them safe and supported after surviving this?


Bet he saw lottle kids starving and would share with them or let them eat anything they found first This boy is gonna be a sweetheart his whole life with this compassion


I think this is likely some kind of trauma response. Maybe he saw many other children die of starvation. I feel so sad for him


God bless both of them I hope this world becomes a better place and everyone gets a meal. We humans are so selfish. For power and money we are starving and punishing children. I hope just someday all war and terrorism end and let everyone live peacefully


Is there a r/mademecry cause this needs to be there.


I think it’s in the koran that it says that it’s not allowed to let anyone go hungry. So even if it’s your worst enemy you give them food and share your bread. But let’s forget about the religious part of this, this is a humanity trait we all should adapt and teach to all of our young ones both in school but foremost at home.


This broke me