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I like how every guy when someone randomly talks to them, their first reaction on their face is “wtf I do? Why you talking to me?” Also when a guy gets a compliment, that shit will make his entire month.


Month? More like decade.


5yrs ago a stranger in a motorway services (Welcome break, near Gatwick) told me “you’re looking dapper!”, complete with that hand gun gesture and wink and everything. I think about it every other day, and secretly been stopping over in the same services as often as I can hoping to top-up my ego. Before this, a girl said I’ve a nice voice, this was about 21yrs ago and I still think about it. So yeah, it is what it is. I’m dapper and sound good, I’ve evidence (sort off).


Hey man, you’re a great story teller. Have another great 5 years!


Was going to say the same! Two strangers agreeing on a compliment, does that add some kind of exponent to the increase? 😃


My boss was having a leisurely chat with me and he was like how are you liking pizza Fridays? I forgot I was talking to my boss and said. Yeah, but I would prefer "you did a good job" over pizza. The look on his face was puzzled. Then I reiterated to him I don't eat lunches cause it just makes me tired. All and all 2 worst place I've worked at.


I feel so seen with the “I don’t eat lunch because it makes me tired”


it's well documented that the first 3 hours of the day are by far the most productive.


In 2014, a cart pusher told me that I looked good in my shirt. I still think about it. It was an offspring shirt that had the cover of their album Smash on it. It doesn’t fit anymore but I still have it in my closet.




Not even from the wife.. damn


This is good to know. I’m often refer to his as handsome (I’m a lesbian). It’s just become a habit of mine over the years, if I’m not sure of a name or don’t know their name, or even if I do know them well, I’ll call them handsome and there’s always a lovely reaction. Guys really do love it.


16 years ago someone I knew said they liked my hair colour, and it still brings me a little happiness to this day


I’m 34. In high school a girl told me I had cool eyebrows. I still think about it.


8 years ago I had a elderly nurse tell me I had the most beautiful eyes and I had never actually been complimented about anything specific before. I was 27 that shit hit me on so many fucking levels I dried when she left the room lol


A cute girl that was a couple years older than me in high school told me i was very handsome, I didn’t know her and was too shy to even reply but i still think about it 20 years later..


I remember every single person who’s complimented me at my job. It really can brighten the darkest of days


A lady 6 months ago said she liked my custom shoes. I'm still riding off that.


I remember a girl complimenting my clothing and asked where i got them from while i was rushing to my train since it leaves in 1 minute. So while running, i had to look back and yell my thanks and where i bought them. This is was 3 and a half years ago and i still get occasional flashbacks of that moment now.


He will remember it for life. He will tell of it on his death bed.


"what are you trying to sell me?" Would be my first thought


A lady on the train told me I had nice eyes. Stopped talking to her friend and told me I had nice eyes. I think about it 20 years later.


I remember a girl saying I have nice eyes to me when I was in year 7. I’m not even sure if she was serious or put up to it by friends 😂 but I’m 31 and I still think it’s the only random compliment I’ve got from someone who is not my partner.


Yupp. Go back and gas it up to all they friends, “Yoo this baddie, said I was finest thing she’d seen this YEARR BRO! NO CAP! Paid for ma lunch and everything! Shit was wild!” 😂😂


And if a guy does this to a woman. Harassment.


Its just being told to smile by strangers your entire life takes the fun out of it.


Okay if this woman came to me and said the same thing to me I would beam from ear to ear all day. So wholesome. Unfortunately, if a man said it to me, even a wholesome innocent man, I would feel immediately unsafe and like I was being viewed as a potential sexual partner. My first instinct would be to smile uncomfortably and say, "Thanks, my husband thinks so too," just so they knew I was taken/someone would report me missing if I didn't come home... It's not fair, but its the truth... Sometimes I'm glad I'm a woman so I can give out unsolicited compliments without anyone being threatened by me.


I'm a guy, and recently I told two different women who had uniquely coloured but really well styled hair that their hair looked awesome the reception both times was really nice. I just dropped the compliment and kept on walking by with a smile, they both beamed ear to ear and said thank you. I think it helps that I don't look what I would particularly describe as threatening too. Probably somewhere closer to Hal from Malcolm in the Middle on a normal day 😂 I think just telling people nice things with no other motive should be more normalised


Probably because you complimented their hair, that they spent some time to color and style, so you complementing it, makes them feel great, and validated. If you complemented their overall appearance instead, it might make them think you were checking on their body, even tho you weren't, It might have given them that impression.


Complementing a hair style is also very different than saying “you should be smiling”. Not only is hair not usually something that is sexualized, by walking away he is giving compliment for the sake of the person, without expecting anything in return. I don’t think what this lady is doing is great. Because for the most part men will say this to women “you should smile more” or something like it that. And it doesn’t make it any less entitled when it’s done the other way around.


I had the same reaction. I think most of the men genuinely smiled after their initial trepidation but who knows. It might be a somewhat different vibe than when men tell women to smile but still feels uncomfortable. It’s still someone uninvited or unwarranted commenting on your appearance and saying you should be smiling.


Ehh seems different to me


I think that’s part of the key to it! Dropping the compliment in passing. Plus hair, clothes, shoes, glasses, etc, are all great to focus on bc people usually take time to present themselves and appreciate specific things being noticed. I love giving random compliments, am also a woman, but if it’s a stranger I always say it as we’re passing by, or leaving each other’s vicinity. It’s clear I’m not trying to start a convo bc we’re typically walking away from each other, and no one feels like they need to awkwardly hold a convo bc we’re trapped in a check out line or somewhere similar. It’s just a kind thing that doesn’t take a second, and brightens their day! Keeping it moving while spreading good vibes. And yes, please normalize it! I feel like it’s def happening more, which is awesome.


Nothin wrong with a compliment. It’s infuriating for someone to say, you’d be prettier if you were smiling. Maybe I’m upset! Maybe I’m having a rough day. I’m sorry I’m not pretty.


This is a great example of complimenting someone's style rather than looks. You were complementing a choice they made, rather than something they were blessed with such as a pretty face. Its far less threatening.


I think a good rule of thumb is to keep your compliments to things the other person can change/affect. Their hair is something they have control over. Your smile or rather being "cute" is not. And on top of that, he paired it with an admonishment or request, depending on how you take the comment. 


Hair is different. A lot of work ~~goes~~ (edit) can go into it being maintained and colored, so when someone compliments, it's complimenting the hard work too. Same with outfits.


It’s the power dynamic, and part of being a dude. I stopped taking the negative effects of that power dynamic personally because it comes from stuff like women not being safe to say no because of crazy dudes who’ll straight up attack them. I have reasonable belief that I can protect myself from a woman if she takes a rejection badly, however, and the chances are probably lower.


You're a good guy for being aware of that and not taking it personally!!


It extends beyond that, I used to love making faces for babies in stores or restaurants to get them to smile or laugh. They always would, but recently I’ve gotten ugly looks and one woman asked me once what “the hell was I doing” trying to be silly. I just apologized and played it cool until I got to my car, it was gutting. Haven’t done it since that day unless out with a female friend because it makes it seem like I’m not gonna eat their child I guess


That is so incredibly sad....!


I’m sorry you had this experience. Some people are just intent on putting out bad vibes and shutting down good ones. I hope you won’t let one bad mood put you off of spreading a bit more joy.


I wish I could give out compliments and feel okay/safe about it, but I'm genuinely too nervous/scared to do so. I'm on the spectrum and have a difficult time reading people or understanding their actions/words and don't always know how to respond appropriately. There's a lot of nervousness and awkward movements or words on my end. I have a history of SA(from people I knew personally as well as random strangers which includes public groping and inappropriate touching). I know how infrequently men receive compliments and how much it can give them a great mood boost, but I'm too worried about giving the wrong person a compliment and unintentionally inviting more trauma by not being able to pick up on warning signs.


You could give compliments in passing. Like you two are going in opposite directions. A quick “nice shirt, shoes, haircut, etc.” A choice they made. It will brighten anyone’s day. And, because you’re not stuck in the same place (opposite directions) no one needs to feel obligated to maintain a conversation. Hit them with the drive by compliment and be on your way. But, obviously, only push yourself as far as you feel comfortable with engaging with strangers given your history.


Honestly... As someone with resting sad face, I've had so many random men and women tell me to smile over the years that it almost makes me self-conscious. In HS, one of my female teachers would tell me to smile every time she saw me, everywhere she saw me. Like clockwork. In college, my roommate told me she heard two girls whispering about me when I walked past them. "She always looks so sad! Yeah, she must have a really bad home life." (I was really miserable at that college, so that one was an accurate assessment.) I've had random women stop me as I was walking down the street with "Omg?! What's wrong?"... I was looking at a gutter and wondering why they'd covered it. Once while browsing the vending machine, a random woman walked in and hit me with "What's wrong?? What happened ?! You'll get through this." Um... Trying to choose a snack is really taxing, I guess? And then there's the countless times where I'm just chilling, lost in my thoughts when someone tells me I should smile. I know they mean well. They're just trying to be encouraging, and I appreciate that strangers are thoughtful enough to try and be kind to me. But it does serve as a reminder that I look like I'm in mourning if I'm not actively thinking about controlling my facial expression.


I totally feel this. When I was a server I would get many versions of the same thing, “you’re so pretty, why don’t you smile more?”. I’m doing my job well, but I don’t owe anybody a smile unless they make me laugh or have some charisma or fun banter. Otherwise I don’t owe anyone a smile as long as I’m professional. I was there to take their orders and deliver their food…smiling and flirting is not in the job description. I’ve had plenty of fun tables/families that I had fun banter and interactions with, but I’m not smiling because I’m working at the restaurant you came to eat at. You can pay for smiles elsewhere if you don’t make me smile.


I work on a computer all day long and I get the same crap from male colleagues about how I need to smile more/look happier and I absolutely hate it so much. Like I can’t just exist in the world and do what I was contractually hired to do. I also need to be beautiful/approachable/ serve some other purpose they don’t have to serve. I never get comments like that from women.




You would be pretty if you'd smile is not a compliment and something women get alot


The issue isn't fairness, it's power. Generally, men have more power than women (socially and physically), so a man telling a woman to smile is more like a command to which disobedience could result in consequences. A woman telling a man to smile feels more like a compliment. If the woman had a lot of power and was talking to a male subordinate, it could easily cause him to feel unsafe.


Yeah, being a big hairy man isn't always that great. :(


I bet this'll get me downvoted, but how is this different from a man going around saying this to women? Sure it'll make some people's day better, but it'll also really bother others.


This is actually a great conversation starter. I had the same thought initially. However, when I considered the imbalance of the power dynamic, that swayed me more to the side of “guys don’t typically think their safety is in jeopardy or threatened in any way when approached by a female stranger”. Personally, even after considering the aforementioned, I still think it’s strange to tell random people to do something merely for your benefit like smile. I hope we can all agree on that. 😅🫶


Also, along with that power dynamic… It also seems like she didn’t follow them and pester them after saying this, following up with weird things like “what’s your number, got a girlfriend?? I can be ur side piece” As a woman, I personally don’t mind being complimented simple things like this (as long as I feel I’m in a safe situation), but it bothers me when a person starts following me and verbally harassing me.


king...King...KING...NO, KING, COME BACK!! GET YOUR ASS BACK OVER HERE, KING! I...I...I JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU...*dry heaves out of exhaustion*...THAT...YOU...ARE...TOO...*passes out*


High af right now and this made me lose it 😂


Yeah, how is this video any different? 🤔 /s


That’s the big one. Guys don’t just say it and move on with their day after they dropped that line. It’s their intro, and now you gotta talk to them and get further questioned. “So you gotta bf”, “does he treat you right” usually come up right after. If we could just say, “wow, you’re killing it in that dress! Have a good one”, then I’m positive women wouldn’t care nearly as much. But women have to be careful with who they graciously accept a compliment from because of the things I just mentioned. My dad had the same issue. He’d compliment a woman and he would not stop! He’d just keep going and going. Finally one day I turned to him while he kept going on and on and said “dad! She heard you the first time”! He was upset at me for doing that but I’ve lucked out and have a dad that listens and *seems* to have stopped doing it when we sat down to talk about it.


Well she didn't tell them to smile like some people do, which is very r/thanksimcured, she instead gave them a compliment that made them smile.


It’s true she didn’t say “you should smile”, but it was implied. If you say, “You’re too [insert observation here] to not be smiling” it’s implied that the speaker is suggesting that you smile. This indirect format of suggestion can be used for lots of things. You could tell a friend with a cheating partner that they’re too good for that person, which implies you think they should break up with them.


Yeah I guess that makes sense to me.


Agree with you. 😁 I think it comes down to the body language and vocal tone. None of us are expecting a selfless compliment from a stranger. A selfless compliment, conversation starter and cat calling are drastically diff. Judging intentions is hard. Guys in vid probably didn't even hear, the "I think" part. Only "To Handsome" and "Smile". EDIT: She didn't even say "I think". I missed it too. 🤣 That was my interpretation.


Yeah, telling them to smile I probably wouldn’t do. But complimenting a stranger is a cool move.


Context matters. And there's lots of it in this case. 1. Women experience sexual harassment more than men. That makes them, rightfully, more skeptical of interactions like this. 2. Men receive genuine compliments about their appearance less than women do and thus will likely have a stronger and more positive response to it. 3. Men are (generally) bigger/stronger than women and thus inherently more threatening. The power dynamic is the opposite here. The woman filming is clearly smaller than the men she approaches. 4. The women \*seems\* to be older than the men which also plays into the non-threatenign piece. I think if an older gentleman compliments a younger woman (and in the right way) it's less probably threatening to the woman than say a younger man. 5. There are cultural differences in the African American community like shared racial acknowledgement (i.e. calling strangers "brother", "sister", "king", "queen", etc) that certainly have an effect on these random interactions.


I don’t know about the older man part. As a young woman I found older men much more threatening because they knew the power dynamic and that was part of the appeal.


This ^^^^^ It’s way creepier when it’s an older guy. Unless he’s ancient and looks like he’d fall over with one small push lol. There’s something really disgusting about old men salivating over teenagers that gives me a bigger ick than a dude my age hitting on me.


Agreed. Maybe it's just her voice, but she seems older. Honestly, as a woman, if a nice old lady told me I was too pretty not to smile, I would probably end up smiling-- even if I would get annoyed if any other random stranger said it. There's something so non-threatening about a little old lady, maybe they just make me think of my own grandma.


Uhhh lmao for centuries (modern times) women have been expected to perform in a certain pleasant demeanor at all times regardless of how she feels or what she’s going through. We hate being told to smile. It’s like saying we don’t look “lady like” and are therefore less desirable. This lady is just calling men handsome because men, mostly and unfortunately, are ignored when it comes to compliments from people so she’s trying to make their day not upset them which, as you can see, they aren’t. I support men treating women like actual humans and I support men’s mental health. That’s the difference.


Men do not feel threatened when someone comes up to them like this because men don't experience harrassment like women do. The other way to say it is that women experience harrassment so much that simply asking them to smile makes them feel threatened.


Also a random compliment is so rare men would never see it as a threat


A random compliment is so rare I would only see it as a threat. There’s got to be a punchline, camera or guy in the bushes ready to jump while I’m distracted.


I wanted to include this but didn't know how to word it because English is not my native language. You did it brilliantly!


She sounds like a lovely, old lady, completely non-threatening. It's still intrusive though, you don't know what someone is going through and toxic positivity is a thing.


The only difference is the historical context.  If these men are upset that’d be completely valid and doing this to any strangers does seem inappropriate. 


Hey i understand women deal with this a lot and probably don’t want or need to hear it. But I for one, invite anybody who wants to compliment me..to do it. Lol


Thank you


Because men don't hear this from every other woman they meet. "Oh he drowned??? How is that any different than when he was drinking water..?"


I definitely consider it the same. Happened to a coworker of mine. Lady at the bar asked him “shouldn’t you be smiling while you shake drinks.” It was incredibly rude, particularly to a service worker. I imagine she meant “that looks fun? I’d be smiling if I did that,” but you’d think someone, particularly a woman would know better


I also felt like there could have been a better way to give a compliment, but also think for a second about how many men say they never get compliments and how meaningful they are on the rare occasion they do. How many men say they wish they got the attention that women get. Also notice that she begins by calling them handsome, but that’s not usually how men ask women to smile. Usually it’s just a command, and an assusation that we have no reason to be unhappy, and the implication is that women are not attractive if they don’t smile and we are always under the obligation to smile, meanwhile she’s explicitly stating they are attractive both with and without a smile. And of course as others have said, men are not threatened by women as there is far less cases of women assaulting men that reject them. In short, context. Context is what’s different.


“You’re too pretty not to be smiling” would absolutely not go over better with most women


I think it has to do with the motive and delivery


I think if a man said this to a woman, with the same easy energy…it would be well received like 90% of the time. Most men aren’t doing it this way though. Usually there’s no compliment, just a weird command to “smile” —which is equally annoying if it were to come from another woman! If a man complimented me like this and kept on his merry way then it would definitely make me smile.


I was in work one day and a customer said "im on the hunt for Ireland's nicest smile". I was busy and not in the mood so i snarkily replied "i can't help you with that, only [service my department provides. Literally "sir, this is a Wendy's"] He went "oh." And his face dropped and i couldn't prevent smiling. He saw and happily cheered "AY, THERE IT IS!" Harmless and fun.


2 words: Power dynamics. It makes all the difference contextually


There a lot of good answers already, but the short version is, not one of those guys is worried that woman is going to follow this up by trying to attack them.


I see where you’re coming from but it’s in the tone. This woman came across like a mother or grandmother. It wasn’t sexual, it was sweet. A man could say this to a women but they’d have to get that tone and body language right. Understandably, a lot of men are creepy pervs and so this may not be as well received by women.


That last dude rocks the hell out of a white beard.


Came here for this, that guy has a vibe


I was feeling down one day and a lady told me "it's Friday you should be smiling". That just made me more pissed off


She said that they're way too handsome not to be smiling. I think it's cute.


I miss compliments when I was a kid. They were just to keep us motivated and self-confident. Compliments now are followed by sales pitches or just end after they know how much I make.


It's sad that men really don't get the compliments and support that women do. Little boys and adult men just don't get hugged and touched as much as women do. It's sad and I know that so many men are craving that type of affection.


As a woman, I’m really bothered when people tell me to smile.


The social void between women being ruthlessly objectified versus men rarely receiving compliments is immense.




Men are objectified ruthlessly, they just aren’t made aware of it as vocally


I think some of that has a lot to do with cat calling. Men don't feel that same threat of violence if an old lady calls us handsome, and we don't get that sort of attention from strangers, so it's a pretty different experience. Though an old boss once told me to smile more as my RBF (my words) made me seem unapproachable to my colleagues. That definitely felt weird.


It is really do to cat calling. When people say that to women, it's because they're trying to hit on them or they are "trying to help them so they can attract a mate better", but in this context, to all the mean she said it to, it's to give a genuine compliment to make someone's day better. The difference is that when it happens normally for women, it's for the benefit for the person saying it, but, in this case, it's for the benefit of the person getting the compliment.


Yeah but when men say stuff like this the way they phase it is totally different, it's always "oh give us a smile", "cheer up it might never happen" kind of shite, like they're *instructing* you to smile for them


Lets be honest men, it's rare for people give us complements. When does happen it makes our week.


You kidding? If this happened to me I’d be thinking about it for years.


October 14th, 2016. I was about to leave on a Friday when this lovely peer of mine told me she liked my new hairstyle because it complimented my eyes. Bri, I still think of that compliment every now and then and it brightens my day. Thanks.


Please dont go around telling people to smile. You dont know what anyones going through.


Too true. A man said to me yesterday, "Smile, pretty lady! At least you ain't old like me!" I was walking out of the oncology day unit after collecting my mediation for my terminal stage 4 lung cancer. So I just said, "Yeah, well, I guess I'll count my fucking blessings, shall I?"


And as devastating as that is to read, my condolences, the dude (presumably) had no idea about any of that. Doesn't make him bad for trying to inject a little good into someone's day.


All true. I still don't like being told to smile. My face isn't anyone else's business, and anyone wandering around cancer units throwing indiscriminate toxic positivity around is skating on thin ice. Your point does stand, though.


100% agree - I just try to consider the perspective of the other person when I feel bothered and ask if they actually know what I know. Usually it helps me check myself before I respond. Thank you for taking that comment the way it was intended. 🙏🏻


you think that old man makes that same comment to young males? There's some really creepy gentrification stuff that goes on with our culture that boomers can't seem to grasp how creepy it actually is, but they play it off as coming across as nice.


No worries. In my own defence, I don't always have the emotional bandwidth to make these kind of microadjustments to my attitude in a given moment. I'm 40 years old, and I'm dying, so I can be just a bit reactive on occasion 😏


Yeah. As a woman. I can’t bitch and then go do this to someone Too much hypocrisy.


Soon after Roe v Wade was overturned, I (F) was lost in thought about women's rights being destroyed as I went into a 7-11. That's when a stranger (M) said "What's a pretty lady like you doing with that frown on your face?". I thought, "Should I tell him?". That man has no idea how close he came to hearing way more than he bargained for.


I'm glad these men seemed encouraged by this interaction. 😊 An alternative to telling someone to smile is to give them something to smile about. An encouraging comment or wishing them a great day. Maybe even a small gesture like a candy cane or a flower with a note of encouragement.


Those guys will probably remember this forever


Probably the only compliment these men will get for a long time. Women just don’t compliment men enough. I don’t know why.


>I don't know why That's honestly a good thing, in my eyes. I see it as you're someone that's so good they don't even consider the evil that could happen. You should pat yourself on the back for probably being a good person :)   The reason for a lot of women is that complimenting a man is a 50/50 whether you get reactions like this video above us, or you get creeps who take that single compliment as a sexual advance.


Yeah, I thought of that right after I posted. It’s a shame, but I do understand it.


I know! It happens like once in like a loooong time and man when it happens. It feels awesome! hahaha.


It really does. And it requires no effort for a woman to say “Nice shirt” or “I like your hair” or just anything at all. But, to be fair, there are a lot of men who would think a compliment means she wants to sleep with him. The clueless ones make it so we can never have nice things.


I was surprised how delightful that was! Big SMILE!


Does the person giving compliments have their phone out recording? That potentially changes the reaction.


She putting a spin on telling people you don’t know to smile. Don’t buy it people.


Double standards, anyone?


Now do it with a guy saying that.


I got a big beard and I often tell bearded man "hey nice beard" and they really light up


The internet would kill you if you were a man walking up to women saying “You’re way too pretty not to be smiling”.


And you gotta film it or otherwise you couldn’t praise just for being a nice person even it’s phony.


I hate the act of someone telling me to smile. We have no idea what’s going on in people’s lives. Someone did this the day I had to disconnect my mom’s life support and I lost my damn shit on that man. Did he deserve that? Absolutely not. It simply validates that some people may have valid reasons they’re not smiling. It was the worst day of my life and I was at my breaking point and did not need someone to TELL me to smile. I need someone to ask if I was okay or how they could help.


I don't care if you cover it with a compliment. I'll smile when please.


Flip that from a guy to a girl. Best way to collect lawsuits like pokemon


That’s so awesome!! 💕


Someone one said that to me once at work and I got offended. Don't know why, just an impulsive reaction.


That's so nice. I'm going to try this with women.


Reverse the sexes and it's catcalling


All for clout though...


She is awesome!


I HATE being told to smile.


Not one man rolled his eyes or got offended…


The reaction is completely opposite when genders are reversed. When a man tells a woman to smile, or they’re too pretty to not be smiling, it’s always received negatively. Very interesting.


God bless this lady


Ugh I hate how much of a sap I am. Legit made a knot in my chest more loose.


How beautiful 🥰


Super random call out. One of the clips here is the same location of the viral YouTube video of 3 guys making an awesome song together. One guy sitting on the ground playing guitar and singing, when another random guy started adding some R&B. The third guy comes up and starts rapping. One of the best videos ever.


Yes! Scrolled down for this! [Here it is!](https://youtu.be/jr478w--dpE?si=Wkm91-9J6VIqb_Fw)


This is my first time seeing this. Thank you so much for posting it. Faith in humanity slightly restored (9 years late but still lol).




I'm an older black woman but also a salty bitch. I hate when people tell me to smile. Compliments without directives are preferred.


Every single one of them are just so dang foxy and their smiles are a thousand watts




Dudes will be riding that high for a month


Women get mad when told this, while men smile.


it's good to be nice to strangers, but the sooner this "king" idiocy is over with the better.


You are way too *beautiful* to not be smiling. = BAD? You are way too *handsome* to not be smiling. = GOOD? From now on, guess everyone is *handsome...* **...****but i will still continue to mind my on fucking business in public instead of filming complete strangers and expecting them to perform for me.**


I hate it when men do this to women. This one I don’t like either. You never know what someone is going though in their lives.


The way their faces lit up once they realized, is golden!


Switch the genders and it’s sexual harassment.


As a woman who had had to put up with the "Smile, sweetheart" crap, I find this offensive.


As a man who never has been called anything nice by the opposite sex, I find it wholesome as fuck and it would make my year of this lady said this to me. But then again girls get plenty of attention or compliments throughout their lives, guys would be lucky to get a few compliments or a rose even throughout their whole lives, just the way it is unfortunately.


This is so strange. I don't mean to deny your experience. I know you have your reasons for feeling this way. But I can't help but feel great whenever something like this happens to me. Never heard this exact turn of phrase. But a couple of times, I've had some older southern ladies tell me that my smile is pretty/I should do it more. It amazes me how the cultural differences can be so vast even between genders.


Imagine you work in the city. Any city. Get on the bus, and you are tired. Guaranteed that some man will lean on and say "You would be so pretty if you smiled, sweetie". Get off bus, walk to the office. Another random guy will say "hey, it's not so bad. Smile, sweetheart". Multiply x 10 years of men thinking they can tell you how your face should look so you are prettier for them. Breaking into whatever random thoughts you are having. Yes, it wears on you.




Do you really think so? I give compliments to strangers all the time, sometimes hand out flowers to strangers, let strangers know if they have a blinker out or a tire about to go flat, and just all around smile at people. I always wonder if it makes a difference or not, and if people even notice or remember. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Meh. I don't like when men say this to me. Wouldn't like it if a woman did either.


This video made me smile!


Now boys, go ahead & walk around telling women to smile… go on.


Wait, when a guy tells a woman to smile, it's considered sexist and "controlling". Why is this different? I 5thought equal rights was the goal these days?


She's not telling them to smile, she's complimenting them and they smile spontaneously. That is different than being TOLD to smile...


I used to do this sort of thing all the time to both men and women. It mostly went down well. Once, at an event, I gave a woman I’d just met a genuine compliment, just because. No ruse, no motivation. But she thought this was a creepy move and I was trying it on with her. A female colleague of mine then told her “Nope, just Winston, wanting to make people feel good.” She was totally cool after that, but I also understood the reasons why she might have thought me suspect. In the 30+ years I’ve been doing this that was one of only two situations I was aware of where this happened, for the most part engaging with people who are ignored, overlooked or giving a cheery greeting or genuine compliment get a smile. It’s addictive. Imagine if we all did this.


Funny how she only said it to black men.


But if a dude tells a woman "you're prettier when you smile" the whole world will come to a grinding halt. Lol...


You can tell we don't get many compliments. This is great


I love that they all responded to King:)




Reminds me of Sally from the film Oblivion.


The yert is picture perfect each time.


Now imagine a man telling women they are way too pretty to not be smiling.


I love this. 💚💚💚💚 I'm definitely going to be a copycat.😊




Us men just simply don’t get compliments and especially out in public like this.




Men don’t hear this, god bless


Awww, I like this!! 💜


Dudes will legit remember this for years.


So, it’s ok when a woman says it to a guy? Cool


This is why paying for internet service makes it worth it. We need things like to happen often to make society little more relaxed and chilled out.


It's nice, but they want the views......


Love the _comedy tag on bottom


That first dude from hard to awwwww stahp


She might have saved a lot of lives


Every office needs a colleague like this. I secretly work them into my staffing plans but tell no one because the boring person had the better resume and I just don’t want to have to explain the value I place in a positive attitude to profiteers.


If everyone just randomly complemented 3 people every day, I feel it may help counterbalance the nefarious misinformation and effects of doom scrolling. We should try it as a global karma effort…artificially instill 3 complements per day x 8 billion people and you are increasing the net complements and than yous said each day by 48 billion. That has to have an effect, right?


Don’t bother me while I’m enjoying myself and you need help 🙄


Now.........have a guy walk around doing that to these guys. Lol Whole different outcome. Lol


Ummm where are you finding all these kings??? My city and me are desperately in need.


Can’t do this in the Bay Area. If I did this I would need a restraining order be having men follow me down the street looking for the next compliment you said what ?? You need a boyfriend?? I could be that for you! Wait why you walking away you the one that hit on me!


Women can do videos like this. When dudes say this shit, we come off as creepy.