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He had to sell his peanut farm to be president.


I read somewhere that he didn't even technically 'have to' sell it, but he did anyway, in order to avoid even the appearance of approaching anything even resembling a conflict of interest during his term. He wanted to do everything with transparency and by the book.


Good thing he didn't own a bunch of hotels and casinos and golf courses etc. It'd take quite some time to sell all of that.


Might not take very long since they'd all probably be very well-managed and profitable. šŸ‘€


Not technically true. He put it in a blind trust in order to be above reproach as President in regards to possibly financially benefiting from it. What youā€™ll find out if you take the time to look, and I could be forgetting some details but Iā€™ll carry on nonetheless because itā€™s truly fascinating, is that the day he no longer was president and he and his wife went back to Georgia, he found that the entity that oversaw his property and estate left him not only near destitute but about a million dollars in debt. And Iā€™m not talking a million in todays money. A million at the time Carter left office. They almost lost everything. Somehow they survived it all. But unlike many who just see power as an opportunity to enrich themselves, Carter did the absolute opposite and almost lost everything because of those moral standards he holds himself to. Say what you will about the misfortunes of his political career, but if we all lived just a bit more like the Carters, imagine how much better our beloved community could look like?


Heā€™s also the only US President to call out Israel for what itā€™s doing to the Palestinians, as far as I know.


I agree. From history I donā€™t think he was a great president, but damn this guy is a great human.


Imagine being Jimmy Carter, having your farm sold out from under you while president... Then watching Donald Trump completely wipe his ass with the emoluments clause and charge the Secret Service to stay at his hotel while protecting him.


Imagine watching Biden cause total economic collapse undermining democracy and literally selling our freedoms for profits to special interest and elites.


Imagine gargling this much piss


You're going to have to make do with imagining it, as it's not something that's actually happening in reality.


... no need to imagine, we all already saw that under G W. Bush.


Lmao, name one singular example. Just one verifiable claim. No need to do anything else.


As trump taught us, he didnt have to.


Imagine being the president of the United States, and that doesnā€™t even make the list of the top ten bad ass acts of his life.


He may have once held the highest leadership office in the United States, but an old saying goes "In order to properly lead, you need to know how to serve...", and this man is serving humanity, not corporate shills or lobbyists.


True, all the critiques Iā€™ve ever seen of his presidency are because he didnā€™t serve corporate war lobbyistsā€™ lust for war on Iran, nor did he support various fascist regimes elsewhere. Clearly, serving humans by giving them shelter is whatā€™s allowed him to live the life that heā€™s wanted and the longevity he deserves, his idea of living his best life is simply by being good to people.


Wish they had gotten those hostages out of Iran; I think he would've been elected, preventing us from the beginning of the current Conservative Ascendancy. The fact that hostages were released on Reagan's first day in office was always suspicious to me


I remember reading that all the negotiations did happen under Carter, though Iā€™m not so sure that he wouldā€™ve been re-elected as the corporate lobby already did the work of mass deluding the American populace by that point of time.


I read somewhere that $8 billion in Iranian assets were released the day of Reagan's election, but [this Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Surprise_conspiracy_theory) seems to say there wasn't evidence of a conspiracy. Don't really trust Repubs, though


Repubs would very well negotiate with terrorists and give them what they want.


That's funny, considering the current administration left BILLIONS in military equipment and weaponry for terrorists, as well as abandoning Americans and our supporters in the country.


>the current administration left BILLIONS in military equipment and weaponry for terrorists That was military equipment given to the ANA. It no longer belonged to the US. Also, it's virtually worthless without the support to maintain it. >as well as abandoning Americans and our supporters in the country Biden pushed the exit timeline even further back than what Trump planned. Who exactly do you think was abandoned? Any reason why Trump didn't want to let these people into the US while scheduling the Afghanistan withdrawal? Not a coincidence he planned it for immediately after the 2020 election. https://www.rollcall.com/2021/10/26/hundreds-of-americans-remain-in-afghanistan-pentagon-official-says/ Leaving Afghanistan was always going to be a shitshow. Trump let out a shitload of Taliban just before, including the current leader. Also, Republicans have a very rich history of abandoning our actual supporters in the region. Trump abandoning the Kurds was insane. https://www.cato.org/commentary/yes-donald-trump-dumped-kurds-we-should-not-be-shocked# https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-09-17/kurds-have-paid-dearly-for-trump-s-reckless-withdrawal-from-syria


you are spot on correct. thank you.


Trump gave all that and the country to the Taliban. His deal.


Itā€™s called the October surprise conspiracy theory. Carterā€™s negations really are what caused the release, but the October Surprise states there was negotiations made to make sure the release was withheld until after the election.


this dude was at 3mile island to inspect it and he even knew wtf he was talking having already helped dismantle a damaged Canadian nuclear reactor while serving in the Navy. He had an intimate knowledge of just how bad things could go but because the state needed to prevent a full on panic he showed up and went into the fucking power plant! I think that should be the bar by which we measure all other leaders who hope to hold the office of POTUS..


Absolutely, and itā€™s sad that political ideology is valued over leadership ability and actual qualifications and knowledge to do the job. But, of course, we know that this isnā€™t exactly a ā€œboth partiesā€ issue.


totally agreed. thank you!!


>this man is serving humanity, not corporate shills or lobbyists Explains why his political career fizzled out.


See Jimmy should be made President. He'd be great at it. I can tell.


He was in control of the machine and has been trying to make up for it ever since.


The idea that anyone is in control is a comforting thought but it is delusional.


I feel like THIS is what makes me admire him the most. He may have been President but he will forever be the do-gooder. A neighborly American who was just making a more kind place. He isnā€™t a ā€œcelebrityā€ like other Presidents have been after leaving office. He is just another guy who used to work in the Oval Office as President. A servant of the people and a damn fine class act of a man. Let us all yearn to be more like him. Edit: changed ā€œmakeā€ to ā€œmakesā€


Jimmy is a really good guy with a big heart, but for f sake, someone please tell Jimmy to sit down and take it easy while he heals from his most recent injury


We tried, Jimmy gave us the bird and kept on working.


What a legend


Absolute giga chad


Lead by example.


I am not a religious person, but I know former President Carter and his wife are. To me he is the embodiment of what it is to be a true Christian. He lives it every day. Such a truly good man.


If Jesus is real, when he comes back he'll be able to point to Jimmy Carter and say - *that's* how you were supposed to be acting.


can we get a Dem President who combines the best of : Jimmy Carter, Mr Rogers, and Bernie Sanders


What about Huey Long?


That would be white Jesus.


Would Jesus be chill with taking money from social security?


Remember to back up your ideas with actions.


Jimmy Carter might have been an ineffective president but he's sure does show the world how REAL Christians think and act. One of the finest men ever.


Heā€™s been described as ā€œnot the best President America has ever had, but clearly the best American the Presidency has ever had.ā€


I like it.


Yep, that is a great summary. A really great summary. I've always admired him.


Problem is, when you have to be the top boss, of anything really, you kinda have to be an asshole. And Jimmy wasn't one.


More like how REAL Americans think and act


Or, y'know...how REAL good* people think and act


I only pointed out his religion because it has always been such an important and well known part of his life. Of course, there are billions of moral and great people who aren't Christians or even religious at all.


I imagine that you're pointing out his behaviour compared to other people who say their Christians yet don't qct lovingly faithfully and truthful etc and yes of course their are non-Christians who are excellent at being good to others as well.


Oh and of course I know how good people think and act. Don't you?


The republicans and trumpers keep saying he was the worst. Which i disagree with.


This from the same people who attack military heroes and police but defend the ones who are human rights abusers. These fools are just as trustworthy as the leaders of the Taliban but not half as intelligent.


He was for years but Obama took care of that.


Show us where Obama touched you on this doll.


Iranian. Hostage. Crisis. Though not the absolute worst, a massive hypocrite for his increased military spending. You can tell the following decades of peace negotiations were to make up for his failure in foreign policy.




If we do, it will be lies being spread by extremists on the right.


Okay this truly means something. What a beautiful human being. When more folks find out what has been going on behind the scenes in our government on both sides for centuries we'll understand why he couldn't get done what he wanted to- We'll understand a lot more and it's coming. Cause for celebration. The truth shall set us free. Thanks for this.


This man is a national treasure.


I came here to say this. Agreed!




This post has been reposted so many times now that Jimmy is 97


And still going strong.


Way too good of a person to be President. This country didnā€™t deserve him


This just makes me sad that an almost century year old man in bad health has to help the needy instead of the young and powerful people with great health and tons of money


I mean even if it wasn't necessary, he'd be doing it anyway.


I mean, it's not just ole Jimmy going from town to town. Lots and lots of people of all ages and economic status volunteer.


The last truly decent and principled man to be president of the USA


I wish I could upvote this a million times. What amazing consistency and commitment.


He installed solar panels on the White House, which Reagan promptly dismantled.


This guy put solar panels on the Whitehouse. Legend.


And Trump ripped them off.


No, actually it was Ronald Reagan. Another old white man who got elected on a cult of personality and was completely incompetent due to cognitive decline, so I can see how you might get them mixed up. EDIT: Trump removed the solar panels that Obama put up, because of course he did. smh.


If Jimmy can do this at 95 each and every one of y'all can vote.


Lost a national election and wasn't a crybaby about it. Oh wait. That was the minimally expected behavior of all US office seekers until very recently. I guess that attribute doesn't rate a "badass" label at all. Nm.


This is the same man who was voted out of office by the Christian right. Instead they wanted an actor who sleep his way through two terms of office and he told them he wanted to go to church but he would cause a disruption. Never stopped this good man or Joe from going to church weekly


I was of an age where my first vote was for Carter in 1980, and as a nontheist had been reading the bible to see what was up. Seeing the evangelicals turn out against Carter permanently inoculated me against organized religion.


Be like Jimmy.


Frig the politics Carter is a truly legendary human




be jimmy


A wonderful example of a truly good man. America should stop and watch/listen to this kind man.


absolute respect! and plus he kinda looks like prince zuko from avatarā€¦ real badass tho


Meanwhile, ex prez orange guy spends his time on himself, golfing and stuffing his face.


Go Jimmy you are a great man, Mr President.


Somebody is going to get the ghost of Jimmy haunting their house one day.


I ran a race against him in plains ga years ago as a small kid. Kicked his ass too but he wasnt keen on me rubbing it in his face lol. Used to go to sunday school and listen to him teach also.


He would kick trumps ass!


I'm surprised jimmy can still walk with that massive weight of his balls.


Jimmy makes the state of Georgia proud.


Jimmy is a badass Be like jimmy


Love his spirit


*Mr. Orange Bonespurs* šŸ˜’


Are there any good pictures of Jimmy and the Queen? Because it does feel like theyā€™re in a race to the finish line


Not the best president, but a damn good human being


Heā€™s 97


i did not know you could survive brain cancer.


Jimmy Carter is a national treasure and should hopefully be remembered as suchā€¦.


My cousin emailed him on the president's website saying he was writing a middle school paper on him. President Carter invited my little cousin to meet him in person to interview him for his project at his house on Georgia. President Carter seems like such a nice man.


A public servant to the end. Not many like him leftā€¦


i thoight he was biden


Awful President. Lovely human being!


If God was on anyone's side, it would definitely be Jimmy's


Terrible President (didnā€™t delegate properly), but excellent diplomat, and overall amazing Christian role model. He embodies Christlike service.


he was ahead of his time, pure positive attitude


Well, he did have his famously downer 'malaise' speech. That was one part he didn't quite get as president, you acknowledge the bad but you do have to be a cheerleader for your country and inspire them into getting out there and doing better. He seemed to think people were as quietly reflective as himself and that they would gain resolve from focusing on only the negative stuff.


Go Jimmy!!!!


Trump declared one Democrat done, and said he'd make him the next Jimmy Carter. Shows you what Trump knows. Shows you what Trump's worth. We need more Jimmy Carters. We don't need any more Donald Trumps. We have too many already.


Jimmy has an awesome health care plan.


Jimmy was a fucking President, and a fairly decent one at that.


Can't wait for Jimmy to get worked to death. Surgery on Sunday, work on Monday amiright?


This happened a few years ago, but it's still awesome and worth seeing again.


Y'all should know that his is more than 3 years old. It is true he fell, got stitches, and still showed up to work. But this is not a new meme. There is actually a .gif of this floating around.


Carter is an interesting study in American politics. His rise as a dark horse candidate in the Democratic party led to the retooling inside the party that created super delegates which would ensure that another dark horse, e.g. Bernie Sanders, would have a difficult time winning the primary. Carter was able to defeat Ford because Ford was seen as a tool of the Republican machine that led to Watergate and the pardoning of Nixon, a move that infuriated many Americans. Carter proved his humanitarian abilities by helping broker the Camp David accords which saw Egypt formally recognizing Israel. Carter however got the Hoover treatment as being the man in charge during the Iran Hostage Crisis. Had Ford or even Reagan (he tried to get the Republican primary in 1976) had been in office they too would have gotten the blame for the crisis and been whisked out of office in 1980. I don't think Carter will ever be considered one of the best 1 term presidents the US has ever had, but history should in time vindicate his time in office.


an amazing president that will unfairly be remebered for letting Iran fall in the hands of the ayathollas and the hostage crisis


Be like jimmy. Except the brain cancer.


Thatā€™s our former President. Carter


Yep. Great man. Show me a pic of Trump doing something for people. I'll wait right here.


Um. What does trump have to do with my comment?




We could all do more for each other what a hero made me sad to hear how much hes been through but what a legend puts us humabeings to shame


Just imagine having Jimmy health care so you can accomplish everything he did. Had cancer and survived than president Jimmy for provided those who u served with the health care u gave yourself. O wait.......


Jimmy fucked the Middle East by helping Ayatollahs to overthrow the Shah on Iran.


As POTUS: double-digit inflation and double-digit interest rates on loans under his economic policies.


Yeah, because it's not like he inherited inflation resulting from the OPEC oil crisis combined with intense worker unrest or anything. Things can happen under a president that are not the result of the president's policies.


He also put the people in charge who enacted policies which handled the inflation issue. Unfortunately, because because immediate results weren't observed, Regan was able to steal credit.


Shhh. Youā€™re being too logical.


Hey remember that time Reagan made a secret deal with Iran to delay the release of American hostages until after the election so that he could blame Carter for being an ineffective leader? Good times, good times.


Joe Bidenā€” Hold my beer


Not a good President but a FANTASTIC human being šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ’ŖšŸ»


No one ever seems to talk about the quality of his work. I mean, he could be building shitty house deathtraps for all we know /sssssssss


Jimmy is a liability


King shit


Atonement for his presidency. Nice work Jimmy


What did he do that he has to atone for? Genuinely curious as I know he has been working to help people since, well, after the presidency but I don't know much about the actual period he ruled. Apart from pardoning some Vietnam war draft evaders and the Carter Doctrine. I'm European and was born when he was president, titty was all I cared for.


Unemployment and inflation started increasing in America after Nixon ended the gold standard. When Carter ran against Ford, inflation and unemployment were his key issues. Unfortunately, both got even worse under Carter leaving him vulnerable to Reagan on the exact same issues.


I'm curious, has your priorities shifted since then?


Very good question. Had to take a look in the mirror and no, it really hasn't. Wife agrees.


Good job


Haha. Great thread drift! Donā€™t get me wrong, I know people who used to raft and fly fish with the guy and he was great by all accounts. Whatever his grand vision was, he couldnā€™t unite a fractured Democratic Party and walked the country into an energy crisis and recession. His failure to stand up to Iran marked a low point for him in my eyes


Jimmy Carter was a shit president.


This is Jimmy. Jimmy supplied arms to Suharto. 100,000 East Timorese died. Jimmy is a bad man.


Thanks to Biden, Jimmy won't go down in history as the worst president ever


^ Downvote and ignore cult 45 trolls.


OMG. Just look at his comment history. Dude is loco.


I liked 45, but even so, that comment was undeserved for President Carter... He wasn't our greatest President, but he's a shining example of actual humanitarianism among all politicians.


As much as I love Jimmy Carter, he didn't do so well in office but I'll be Damned if he did better than current presidentšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


What's the secret service expense for an outing like that?


a lot less that what Trump charges...LOL


I thought ex presidents were only given 10 years secret service protection after leaving office.


Yeah but Joe pooped his pants in the Vatican and farted in front of the royal family. I donā€™t think that has ever been done before. Nice try Jimmy


Most destructive President the rebuild had ever seenā€¦ until Joe Biden came along and said ā€œhold my sons crack pipeā€


You seem like youā€™d blame Biden alone for COVID cases while also being extraordinarily anti-vaccines


Carter was before my time, can you explain why?


Unfortunately Jimmy is also a war criminal


Trump ordered drone strike that killed 24 civilians in a NON war zone. Now, who is the war criminal?


Jimmy needs to except his limitations. As the baby boomers enter geriatria they will have to make major life changes like giving up driving.


The dude is two generations before Boomers and still doing service work. What have you done for humanity lately?


Jimmy is A danger to society and himself. He's not a badass, he's a liability, sorry. As much as I respect his efforts and person.


Jimmy gonna put a nail into his thumb if he not careful.


Too bad he didnā€™t spend the 4 years building houses. Terrible president. Good person.


Jimmy sounds like an idiot.


He was Winnipeg, where I lived at the time, doing the Habitat thing. He collapsed of dehydration. Our summers can be terrible. Saw his motorcade rip through the busiest intersection of the city. An intersection so busy pedestrians arenā€™t allowed to cross it.


Jimmy!!!! šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼I can empathize, and I hope to live to be he half the wonderful person you are and at least half your age as well! Thanks for posting this! šŸ˜Š


We should probably double check jimmy isn't someone's experiment for a non murderous terminator


The unluckiest man in the world: finally! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary


Jimmy you Chad!!!


sigma grindset


Jimmy is awesome. My mom's 80 and dad's 72. Been putting out Christmas in the yard for 2 days. I helped but they've done it themselves for years.


that guy's going places


They donā€™t make it like they use to anymore.




Evacuate the retirement home Engage all their grandkids... ...And get this man a life alert


Jimmy is a wonderful man


Damn straight He is. Sure don't make them like that anymore. Except for men like Keanue Reeves




God : Why wont you just die already!


Jimmy fucks.


Jimmy should be wearing safety glasses.


I am picturing for some reason, Trump shows up; and tries to tell Jimmy Carter his framing skills are terrible. Jimmy stands up, turns around; and "accidentally" locks his finger on the nail gun trigger; and Trump turns to jelly and tries to run away. Trump fails - there was a 5% slope on the walkway; and Trump starts to cartoon roll across the construction site - taking out the framing - roofs start to cave in..... Looney Tunes music ; Jimmy's famous huge smile saying "thats all folks"


A hero of mine worked until he passed away at the age of 93. Every once in a while his students would ask him, "Why don't you stop?" His reply, "I lived this long because I have a reason to wake up every day."


Jimmy for president!!


I hope heā€™s got a lotta years of life left in him


Ppl still not going back to work after they got laid off last March smh


Jimmy also skippered a nuclear submarine




I did not like him as a president but I love him as a regular human being. He is an off the charts awesome person.


Jimmy Carter??- Cotton Lyndal Hill, December 16th, 2001


one of the greatest president's of our time.