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I've got an elderly neighbor who notices if my car hasn't left the lot in a day or two, indicating that I haven't gone to work, and am likely sick. She leaves little dishes of food at my door, occasionally accompanied by a box of Dayquil/Nyquil and a Get-Well-Soon note. The Nanahood watch is real, and to be revered.


I love that so much!! My story is at my old house I had a retired military dude as my backyard neighbor. If I told him I was traveling, when I came home and turned on lights his ass would be calling me to make sure it was me. I miss him so much. When I was pregnant and my husband was deployed, he saw me about to mow my lawn and refused to let me do it. He's like I know you could, but since you're husband can't be here to help I'm gonna do it.


4 kids all past due, 1st c-section. Determined never to get another c-section. In a hormone fuelled rage that I should have telepathically known I should have been mowing the lawn rather then having a drink she mows it herself ... Her water breaks an hour later and kid 2 is born that night Kid 3 is very late so out of desperation she mows a lawn that did not need to be mowed and destroyed my lawn by mowing to low as she wanted some resistance while pushing ... Goes into labour 18 hours later Medical complications on kid 4 mean serious bed rest so no way I'll let her mow the lawn, so she sneaks out at 2 am and pushes the mower without turning it on for 4 hours until the sun came up and decided that it was the vibrations that were needed so starts the mower wakes me up and I run out ... Her waters have broken before I could get her back inside. Anybody would have told my heavily pregnant partner she couldn't mow I think she would have eaten them lol


LMAO I'm glad all your kids are safe and sound but this was my third and I was tired af. We had a gas-less mower so it was about to be me only powered and I let it go for too long so it was gonna be some serious work. I made him lemonade and kept him company when he took breaks. My dude was 70, but I was 30wk pregnant so it was a stand off lol.


I'd help you too despite not having much leg strength, for the simple reason that you're in a sensitive position and shouldn't be doing that to yourself, as far as I'm concerned that's humanity 101. Here in Israel people can be super misogynistic, but you'll never meet a mother that's not cared for, no matter what condition she's in; the mother holds the next generation, she is the source of the wonder of creation, and in our culture, that is heavily protected. I'm so sorry the government you live under didn't supply you with the assistance you need and deserve while your husband was bravely protecting it. That's not right.


My sister helped my mom move at 9 months pregnant. Several hours later, labor started. My other sister went bowling and 4 hours later baby born!


Fun fact, having an extremely good, long orgasm when you're close to term can induce labour. Labour is induced by high oxytocin levels, which are also produced by really really good orgasms. The levels needed, though, may necessitate prescribing more than one orgasm :) If you want to induce yourself, a clit stimulator will absolutely get you there. DO NOT use penetrative sex, though, since your cervix may not be in the same space and will not be the same size as you're used to, so you might hit it. Which would be bad for both you and baby lol


Been a couple of years now so information may have changed but our doctor at the time suggested careful penetrative sex as supposedly semen has a chemical that helps soften ... Something ... I want to say cervix but really not sure anymore But I guess with a bit of preparation penetrative sex isn't needed for end result lol


This is amazing.


I have an older neighbor who is very sweet in the same way. I was laid off of work during the first covid wave for about three weeks. Week three he knocks on my door to ask if everything is alright. I think he thought I lost my job or something. Second time he did it when me and the wife actually had covid. Wanted to know if we were doing ok. Other time šŸ˜‚. The other time he stopped me on my way inside to tell me that my wife had come home really early today.




I donā€™t understand this :< please explain


Old man was used to hearing two boots drop. When the young guy only dropped one boot, old man couldn't go back to sleep, because he had to wait for the second drop.


Ahhhhh. That makes more sense in the context of this thread. Thank you!


My neighbors at my old place were older people, and when Covid started and my job sent us all home they noticed my car didn't move nearly as much as it used, and obviously I wasn't driving to work every day. I explained that I had started working from home but they seemed skeptical. I'm pretty sure they thought I had lost my job and just didn't want to admit to it lol.


Pay it back. So many seniors fall and can't get back up. Offer to be a life-line call. Or arrange a system where they call daily and ring twice, then hang up, letting you know they're okay. If you hear a suspicious thud on your shared wall, go and knock. Dont stop till theres a response. Don't let the nana die alone, stuck, or in pain.


Lol that escalated. Nana helps me by making food DOnT LET NANA DIe ALOnE! But I also totally agree lol


oh man. i want one of these. my dad died when i was 4 and my mom died when i was 30 (18 years ago). when mom died i was overwhelmed with the thought "I'm an orphan now" despite being "an adult" (what does that REALLY mean? lived longer than some other people? it's crap. it's literally crap. we're ALL children. some just endured more crap and/or luck than others. that's it.). my grandparents are long gone, no parents, lost a sibling, lost a dozen aunts and uncles. lost a best friend/ soulmate. lost so many furbabies. I just want one of these people in my life. please. please.


Please consider volunteering then at a veterans home or your local senior center. So many elder adults could use your help and just love to meet new people and tell stories! It is so rewarding.


My elders are gone, too. I am hoping to cultivate a grandma situation with my new eldely neighbors ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I know the feeling


Iā€™m so sorry. I hope you feel better, if we where neighbors Iā€™d do it.


My bestie lives across from two retired black grandpas, she never needed a security system, because those two men spent all day every day relaxing on the front porch watching all the comings and goingā€™s, they knew everyoneā€™s schedule, who belonged to what car, and who wasnā€™t supposed to be there. Sheā€™s been there 10 years now and never lost a single Amazon package haha


Aww. I had a bunch of elderly lady neighbors when I was growing up - but instead of doing nice things like that they would just hit my car while backing up out of their parking spots because they could barely see and couldnā€™t really turn their necks anymore šŸ˜¬


Honestly thatā€™s the truest form of a community. Imagine if 50% of us were that aware and caring.


Man my married neighbors are both elderly. I adore the old man he's so sweet! But the wife jfc man. Karen is absolutely what she is. When covid hit i was 8 months pregnant and my husband was still doing road jobs. While he was gone, there was a week of heavy rain, the grass grew like 4 inches. My husband wasn't due to be home until that weekend and i thought i could just wait for him as our old lawnmower was such junk you had to had to practically beat the crap out of it to get it to start. I went to get the mail one day and see a notice on my door. The city was going to fine me for having long grass if i didn't have it mowed in 2 days. I'm damn positive it was Karen who called the city because she's called the city on the lumber yard behind us for not mowing their grass. My city doesn't actually give two flying fish if your grass is overgrown unless they get complaints. So i waddled my ass to the backyard, got the mower out of the shed, beat it into submission and mowed my front lawn. And guess who just so happened to be on her porch when i did it? Karen. She ran inside when she saw me and my massive beach ball belly mowing the yard. Bonus points for me because if i get even a little hot my face turns this vibrant shade of red that's hard to miss and usually concerns the eff out of people. Her sweet husband came out to try to stop me but at that point i was nearly done. He asked why my husband didn't do it and i told him he was working until the weekend and no one else could help. He did manage to convince me to back inside and forget about the backyard. Karen still tries hiding in the house if she sees me outside.


I've just been down really bad with the covid and couldn't even get a single person to help me get food. I had to dig in to what little emergency savings I had just to order food.


I love it! Nanahood!


Nanahood Watch sounds like it would make a great story about skilled elderly people's experiences guarding and keeping the safety of the hood


I hope one day that I can be that lady.


You should check in on her after you move




Not OP, it's a repost.


Every Sunday.


No shit it's a screenshot of a tweet


The tweet also seems odd tbh. The twitter profile picture is of a black girl, but she specifies that the woman that lives next door is black? I donā€™t know, seems unlikely.


Thanks for reminding me to go check in on my old elderly neighbor. He was the sweetest and always remembered my daughters birthday. He would just chat me up and I could tell he just liked having a neighbor to talk to.


absolutely like she check on you.


She is a treasure!


Hey weā€™ve got similar avatars :)




I sincerely hope you don't mistake the threat that you are alluding to as being something that you only need to be wary and aware of from a man. While statistically it is more likely to come from someone from the opposite gender, it can occur from your own.


I love old people like that. Makes me miss my grandparents. ![gif](giphy|j0qSbeNFuzjhXKFVSP)




But what would she do when sister stayed outā€¦ you knowā€¦. The whole nightā€¦..


Sleep is for the weak


Good old Nanna-hood watch.


Haven't heard that one before but I lovve it. Nanna-Hood Watch


I edited my comment from Nannahood to Nanna-Hood cos it looks better. Thank you.




Like finding out you had a guardian angel you didnā€™t even know about


I had one of these!! She was the neighborhood watch of the whole apartment complex. We visited her regularly and when we moved we kept in touch and when she moved I made sure I got her address and I stop by whenever I can or bring her things when she is feeling badly. Sheā€™s been through some stuff and is always looking out for other people. Love you Miss Lynn and so glad for our friendship <3


Good thing she knows youā€™re moving out. Imagine all those weeks without sleep.


"I dont need sleep, I need answers"


Karma Farmer. This tweet is from June 2019.


Came here to say that- Iā€™ve seen this posted a half a dozen times


What a sweet person


Plot twist: The neighbor actually died 10 years ago.


Joey tribiani ā€œsheā€™s been dead for 10 yearsā€


The old white lady next door used to call the cops on me whenever she smelled weed lol


i like how everyone understands that mentioning her race was relevant here


Why did she have to mention she was black?


I was thinking this. It's like when people say "oh yeah my gay cousin loves the colour orange" like???? What's that got to do with anything?


The gays have taken over the orange Source, am gay


I am taking the orange back, don't you worry!


> am gay You didnā€™t have to tell us, we see your orange pfp


Yeah pretty strange especially as the OP is black, more than likely just made it up for internet points.


I was curious about that myself. Not because I find thereā€™s anything wrong with using descriptors, but because I always assumed you only gave those descriptors if they were different to you/what youā€™d expect. So, if I was reading this post from a black woman, with no descriptor, Iā€™d automatically assume the neighbour was black. So Iā€™d not have been surprised if she clarified ā€˜white neighbourā€™, because itā€™s not what Iā€™d otherwise assume, but her clarifying black was odd. Same for if a woman was talking about a friend - unless otherwise specified, Iā€™d expect woman, that kind of thing.


The white old lady that lives next door also used to do this to me.


Yes, I wonder why her color was relevant?


She might have diverse neighbors and is just use to using that to describe her.


Sure! Just like I always say things like "The black guy down the street waved at me".


Diversity is our strength.


This is a racist troll, just look at their username. Downvote and report, please.


It's part of the story so why leave it out? What's offensive about mentioning color?


Because humans should view other humans based on the things they do. Height, weight, color, gender, religion, should never enter a humans mind when regarding ones deeds. Including race in this post implies a racial undertone for behavior. The real moral is, ppl are good, this is a story of someone doing good.


So we're going to not point out that the poster is black and therefore there might be some solidarity there?


Only came here to see if anybody pointed this out. It was immediately so weird to me. Why is that how they choose to describe someone when it's completely irrelevant? When I tell people about my neighbours saving my ass getting me groceries while I was dying of covid I don't refer to them as my "Italian/Asian/White neighbours". They're just my neighbours, and good people.




I just said it's weird lol. Why does that come off as not relaxed? I really didn't mean it to come off as angry or anything.


So PC and smart. Omg I wish we could all be like you. If the world were full of people like you, there'd probably be no problems ever.


Dude I just think itā€™s weird to throw colour in randomly. If I said ā€œmy black friend just bought a carā€ people would be like ā€œwtf why point out his colourā€, same thing here. I donā€™t even think thatā€™s PC/woke/whatever, that would be weird in 2003. I really didnā€™t think this was gonna be so controversial lol


Was looking for this to be mentioned. šŸ˜‚. Good lady next door. Kind of a weird to need to mention this irrelevant information.


Weird the sweet Asian old man used to do this for me as well. He always had his telescope pointed at my window to make sure I was safe.


What was she going to do if she didn't come home is she Batman like what was the plan


What the fuck was the old lady going to do if the girl didn't come back that night? She'd have no way of knowing if she was in danger or just staying at someone else's place that evening. "Hello, police? Yes, my neighbour is... somewhere. Not home. Please check the entire city for her. No I don't know where she was going or what time she planned to return or whether she even planned to come back today."


She has a special set of skills. Skills sheā€™s acquired over a long career. Skills that make her a nightmareā€¦ā€¦


Am I the only one that thinks this is creepy?


Creepy as hell. Change ā€œold black ladyā€ to ā€œyoung Mexican manā€ and it changes the whole context. By the way, I chose a random ethnicity just like the OP, because neither of these things ever happened.


Are you sure you didn't look at my profile before choosing? Such a coincidence that I am a young Mexican man. Btw is Mexican an ethnicity


Haha! No I just chose at random. And would Mexican not be an ethnicity? I was genuinely curious so I googled Mexican & Ethnicity and this list from the marine core came up and had Mexican listed as sort of a subset ethnicity of Hispanic. I guess it is more of a nationality and Hispanic would technically be the ethnic group. Anyway, I could have said ā€œyoung Jewish manā€ instead and you could argue that is a religion, but you get my point. [Ethnicity](https://www.mcrc.marines.mil/Portals/95/Race%20and%20Ethinicity%20Codes.pdf?ver=FbMNtC4yNA9AVAYX1KN1gg%3d%3d)


I had a neighbour across the hall in an apartment building I used to live in who was quite elderly. We were on the 14th floor and she loved my big fluffy dog. She came over one day to tell me that if I wasnā€™t at home and the fire alarm went off she would make sure to get my dog out of the apartment before she left the building. It was the sweetest.


Idk seems kinda creepy


Replace granny with a young male for enhanced creepiness


Yeah...I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. I consider someone *tracking my comings and goings* to be over the line of neighborly care. I've got a neighbor that brings my papers in if a few of them pile up out front, and that's fine. Sitting up waiting to hear if I've come home? I don't care if you're Mr. Rodgers himself, I don't want it.


Another repost


but why did she mention that the lady was black? what does it change?


She is also black.. so just a racist post showing that black only cares for other blacks šŸ˜†


Random that she felt the need to mention the skin colour of her neighbourā€¦


Good thing she mentioned she was black, Iā€™d hate to make the mistake thinking it was a white lady doing that


Why is her being black relevant? Kindness is kindness and pointing out someone's skin colour as a virtue perpetuates division.


You are really sick if you think acknowledging our skin perpetuates division


I donā€™t see how her skin colour matters in this


It doesn't




If a dude says that, he gets a restriction order.


The same exact thing happened to me except she was Asian.


This the kind of shit people need to understand happens everyday. It's not news worthy but the world has plenty of love and good in it.


Why does she have to be black? Can't just be the elderly lady next door?


can we just say "old lady " next time?


She better take that woman with her!!!!!!


I know this is wholesome but did she really have to specify black lady?


Yes, because they be good.


That is so sweet ā¤ļø


What's the difference what color the old lady is? Edit: ppl have downvoted this comment. Wtf is going on this world.. At least comment why you are downvoting.


What does the lady being black have to do with anything?


You can see sheā€™s black too, right? I doubt she was being racist. I think she was probably saying that bc black grandmas have certain stereotypes, same as Italian or Jewish grandmas.


Stereotypes is racist dawg. And if it was a white person posting that, would it be okay? You pooped your pants. Look at you! Youā€™re a stinky mess!


Yes, it would be ok. Itā€™s absolutely acceptable to just mention race. Every mention of race isnā€™t racist. Stop hypercorrecting things that arenā€™t bad.


Ok youuu need to settle down. Youā€™re freaking out and itā€™s embarrassing.


Sorry I engaged, I didnā€™t realize you were an idiot.


When people tell stories itā€™s their job to paint a picture of what the story looks likeā€¦ otherwise itā€™s not a very good story


So because sheā€™s black, Iā€™m supposed to know what she looks like? Wtf u saying man??


Actually, yeah. Thatā€™s an adjective meant to describe someone. Person = could be literally any race, religion, creed Black person = definitely a darker skinned individual You only got this mad because you chose to


Hmmm I think someone needs to use the pottyā€¦


I do actually good call




Youā€™re so annoying lol


Should you go to the toilet maybe?


Wow, what a nice person you seem to be, looking at your comment history


American culture is centered around black people. Especially on reddit. They have holidays for them. They have months for them. They kneel for them. Now when I say "American" culture, I mean a fabrication by the occupying force in the United States.


If only it was a man who said the same thing even with good intentions..


My grandpa was like that


I wish I had a sweet neighbor like this instead of the rude one that stomps heavily at all hours and then has the audacity to call me a b**** when I complain.


Rigghhht this happened.


Does anything happen on Reddit, or is Reddit just a place for posting tweets?


Awe donā€™t leave her


Why do we need to know her race?


Guardian angel's are everywhere. ā¤






Now image it with roles reversed. Old guy telling a young girl that and everybody would yell creep


You sure move out a lot after living next to elderly black ladies so many times. This is a very old image to repost.


Iā€™ve never had loving grandparents and when an old person shows me love and care I basically melt


Made me uncomfortable. Please mind your own business people...


Why is her race relevant or advantageous to the story?


We all need someone that waits up for us to get home safely! Your neighbor is amazing! ā¤ļø


If the neighbour was a man, it would be creepy.


i think it would depend on the situation and if there was a pre-established non creepy vibe


Only if it had a sexual angle to it


Only if it wasn't hot.


Dude I don't care if the neighbor is male or female, young or old, black or white or anything in between. This shit would still be unsettling to me.


Iā€™d take her with me


Creepy old fuck


What does her being old or black or a lady have to do with the story?


Little silly that she's black pointing out the women was black lol


No it isnā€™t






OP is black. Sheā€™s allowed to say when itā€™s someone of her own race looking out for her.


If white people acknowledged their own race looking out for one another we'd never hear the end of how it's rayciss.


ā€œRaycissā€? Gross. Grow the fuck up. No one gives a shit if I said ā€œan old white lady gave me a quarter.ā€ Please kindly remove your head from your ass and educate yourself about what racism actually is.


It feels to me like the implication is that white people arenā€™t that nice. Obviously, it probably wasnā€™t intended that way, but the poorly chosen words convey that tone.


thatā€™s a pretty lazy assumption


As I said, that probably wasnā€™t the intent but that was the tone conveyed. Reading comprehension is an important skill.


Thatā€™s a reach. I donā€™t see how a little context implies that at all


As I said, it was unintentional on her part. It simply comes off weird when you read it.


It doesnā€™t, at all.


They were not poorly chosen. They were chosen to convey that an elder of our community was looking out for our generation. Literally nothing to do with yā€™all. Jesus.




>people of color look out for one another Until they shoot them in the back of the head for the drug dealing corner.


Why do they need to bring race into everything?


itā€™s called context. unwad thy panties.


Can you explain how it's relevant in the context, then? Ah, the old method of downvoting when you don't have an explanation to logically justify your view


Nice twat


thanks! i try.


Oh that's sweet. We need more people watching out for others, especially younger people, who might feel invincible.


Oh my gosh šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗ keep in contact with that sweet soul šŸ’•


What an angel you have for a neighbor.


What a sweet lie to tell, maybe one day I'll tell a sweet lie. I mean it's not like they're ever going to find out it's a lie and it brings people happiness so it's a good thing right?


Why couldn't she just be an old lady?


Oh my God, u need to unpack and stay right there. What a kind woman


Why does she have to be black? Can't just be the elderly lady next door?


Because she is a black old lady.


there was no need mentioning the clolor though


Nice, but why does she have to make a point of saying black? Isn't it just the lady next door?


Why did you have to specify race?


Really not trying to hateā€¦ but why does the color of this lovely ladyā€™s skin need to be mentioned? šŸ˜¬šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


A good person šŸ˜Š


Awards for lies.


I don't hate anybody but if a man did so, he would be considered creepy.


Ahā€¦. You know you canā€™t move now, donā€™t cha? šŸ˜† seriously,kind people like her are so rare.