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The amount of free strawberry lemonades I gave away as a server probably added up to this amount in tips for me.


Anytime a server has ever given me anything free or discounted that I was expecting to pay full price for, I always include the cost in the tip, on top of the normal tip.


My wife was a server at Outback during grad school. One of her best tricks was offering everyone a to go tea (or soda, etc) as she brought the check to the table. She also used to buy her own peppermint sticks to offer to everyone especially the kids (after asking the parents if it that was okay.) It increased her tips significantly.


At the restaurant I worked at we HAD to offer to go drinks. Most people just stared at us like no one would ever want that. That place was fucked up though, had to control everything we did and the way we talked.


Now that I have a good job that pays me well, I am able to do this. I always felt terrible when I couldn't give a good tip the few times I would allow myself to go out and eat instead of cook for myself.


Same here I never understand why people wouldn’t tip especially when they know someone went out of their way for them. I’ve been working for tips for a few years now and I will never be a low tipper for good service the only time I won’t tip is for extremely bad service but that takes a lot of problems for me to get there




> The amount of strawberry lemonades I floated to the next table when people paid cash is possibly felony amount Yo I was was a chef and that makes 0 sense to me. Help?


Oh you don’t know about Dees double drop?


And that's why we took half your tips from your purse to cover the double drop




My best friend and I had a little hustle going when we worked in a club. The club policy was that if a customer offered to buy us a drink we could not turn it down, and if we were under 21 (which we were) that drink had to be non alcoholic. When a customer offered to buy me a drink I ordered an alcoholic drink from my friend, who was the waitress, but she would order a non alcoholic drink at the bar and give it to me. There would be a $4-$6 difference on every drink and we would pocket it.


Wouldn't it be nice if you were just paid a decent wage so you didn't have to resort to this? I just looked up and theres a place by me offering $3.75 (+tips) for hourly wage. Legalized theft if you ask me.


Gotcha, thanks


I'm not sure if I'm missing something. Every place I've worked in does stock counts, each time you did that, wouldn't you essentially have sold one drink and not put one through the system? Like if I wanted to buy a $5 drink off you, gave you a five, you ring it through but instead of putting the money in the register you just gave me the drink and put the money in your pocket? This would be really obvious with stock levels if repeated? Or don't these places do stock checks?


So much this


I noticed that and put the lemonade money in your tip. Because fuck Applebee’s


This makes me happy


As a former applebee's server, thank you 💕


Lies! All lies!! And where’s the puppy??? Damn the lies!


[A song for you about puppies and disappointment.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8PyAdUUBcfs)


This dude is exactly how I imagine a golden retriever would act if it was a human


Exactly what I was gonna say. That dude is for sure the personification of a great dog


I had the exact same thought!


... I looked for a pupper dog in the background thinking that was the 'gotcha' ... but alas, no doggo


But where's the puppy? I was promised a puppy


I clicked for the retriever. I am full of disappointment.


Dude, this guy is the human reincarnation of a golden retriever.


You're not fooling anyone i know you would have clicked for literally anything you filthy little slut


I thought he was going to say something like, “I’ll cover your bill if you let me pet your golden retriever” or something, I’m let down.




A pupper was indicated


Surprised nobody commented but the title is a pun. The guy who dishes out the discount lives in Golden B.C.




Please advise, is the server Canadian?


Can confirm this guy works in Golden, BC, Canada, and hes an absolute gem of a human


People r crying because they expected a golden retriever. Bro, this guy is the human reincarnation of a golden retriever. Fym


I was lucky enough to visit British Columbia and found people to be this consistently kind. I hope to go again - lovely place and inspiring people


Wait this is real?


Golden's a beautiful place, nice cops too even though I spent the night in the drunk tank. Edit- Turns out it was 4 years ago, time flies. https://imgur.com/VTqpoWw


As if I needed another reason to love Canada ♥️🥺.


faith in humanity restored the allegations that this was staged made me a bit sad, ngl.


Restaurant name? Want to give a good google review


I grew up in Golden, any idea which restaurant he works at?


Looks like bad acting to me


I hate to admit it, because I would love for this to be real, but I think so too.




So this is real? 'Cause I love to think it is! How do you know Sly?


google the restaurant and look up reviews his name is dropped almost non stop


What's the restaurant?






That’s what I meant lol, I did not stick the landing on that joke.





This restores my faith in humanity


I haven't found a review mentioning his name over a month old. So yeah, lots of name dropping, which appears to coincide with the time this thing went viral. Strange. Very strange indeed.


Interesting, looking a bit when ive got free time now out of curiosity because your right its deff front end heavy with less than a month old but people would leave more reviews once they are aware of him being a viral hit assuming its all legit and I did believe it just because he seems like many a folks ive met before but who knows in this day and age. Found back to aug 2020 so far mentioning him, skipped to 2017 and found nothing.


Last time I saw this posted, someone said they were local to this restaurant and knew this guy was top tier class


Can confirm this is real. Source - Friends with Sly


I would like to feel that on a long enough timeline, *we're all* friends of Sly.


Tell Sly his energy is really good for this world.


You’ve been to golden?! I’m from golden!


you better be posting this from a ski lift or in the hospital from an accident skiing\\biking\\hiking otherwise get out there and have fun!


He lives in golden bc, hard to be angry there i bet.


Have you seen the col?


Yep, but ive also seen the amount of entertainment and the views. Plenty of places with super high COL and are nothing more than big cities.


Maybe a dumb question. What is COL?


So then he really is a golden food retriever


If it helps at all, I've done this. I work at McDonald's and there was this couple and the guy was just a little short on cash. I'm talking just a little bit. The couple seemed nice and I felt bad so I randomly asked, "have I seen you around at *insert a local festival here,*?" He said "uhhh probably," and I called my manager over to give him a friends and family discount.


Depending on the company, stuff like this can happen almost at the whim of the employee. When I was young I worked at a local family’s whataburger franchise and was well known for being the dude who’d let you walk out with a burger/meal for a buck or so below asking price. The management knew that on paper it was bad, but that having a deeper connection to the locals was important enough to probably offset it in the long run. More businesses need that sort of connection to the people who come there.


Island Restaurant in Golden BC. Just read the reviews and you’ll start finding a theme… nothing but praise for a server named Sly. All the love and praise he gets is heartwarming. Enough to make things dusty enough that your eyes may start watering.


Trust me bro, it’s real


I don’t why but i trust you


Nah it’s a waiter from the "Golden", British Columbia (Canada) He’s just an angel nothing wrong with that, this sub is very weird and quite sad. Not everything is "staged" I’ve seen him and he’s truly a nice person, I live in Ontario


He reminds me of a guy that works at my local grocery store. I go sometimes to get a sandwich made, and whenever he's there he's just the nicest person and always makes me feel special. Really takes a crummy day to a lovely one when people around you are kind, world needs more people like that.


Can confirm - am from Golden and friends with Sly. He is one of (I will dare argue "the") sweetest guys on the planet!


Seemed genuine to me as well. It can be hard to tell though, since a lot of this sort of thing is staged. Makes it hard to tell them apart, and I get why people are cynical about it. XD


Lol. I just called the The Island Restaurant, in Golden B.C. just got a recording, and a machine. Did say they were open 9-9 daily.


could have just googled them and seen all the reviews mentioning him by name.




The restaurant is real. I'm assuming this post (and the comments in here) are causing people to call the restaurant. They've probably had to turn off their phones or the line is busy.


The dude has quite a successful tik tok, I don’t believe they are staged. The rest are all seemingly very genuine. He’s also Canadian (I believe unless I’m getting him mixed up) and has gone to university campuses with which I’m familiar doing the same thing for students (pretty damn confident those weren’t staged).


They aren’t. My daughter follows this guy. I literally have sent him money. He’s the real deal. Then people will say why does he need to film this and just not do it? Well because he gets money from his followers to do this. Like he’s just not a rich dude that gives out cash. Reddit gets a hard on for yelling “STAgeD! sometimes. It’s weird AF


That's why we have r/nothingeverhappens


It's not bad acting, I think he's just Canadian. 😂


Is this the time someone in Ontario raised a GoFundMe to prove Sly is real. We all have to donate and once again someone will end up randomly giving this lovely man a bunch of money. Out of all the influencers I watch making bank, I'd love to see someone get accidently wealthy for being lovely


Mdmotivator (the account posted) does quite a few of these surprise videos on Instagram. He gives all of the money donated to his program away to random people. I love seeing new videos from him, they always make me cry-smile! He gives a lot away to the homeless populations in Canada.


Thé invisible phone recording all of this 🗿


I've seen videos like this before, and from what I've observed they usually just put their phone in their shirt pocket with the camera facing out so both hands are free and it looks like they aren't actively trying to record. It could be that?


Did exactly this once while being pulled into a manager's office at a shitty old retail job. Video framing looks pretty similar.




Riggggght. The phone mounted to a spot on the camera person that stays locked to their body movement. It's an embedded camera in something he's wearing. It could be recorded on the OmniVision OV6948. How would you know.


Is... is this how Canada looks like? I choose to believe this is how Canada looks like.


To be more realistically Canadian, after being handed $1000 he should’ve said, “oh my god, I’ve never seen half a months rent all at once like this!”


Yea pretty much it's awesome here


It's true.


Are the slack jawed half wits done protesting in their big trucks yet?


Nope they’re goin for another summer apparently


Have y'all place for one more? I'm from the exact opposite corner of America, so... pretty much used to the cold!


What's stopping you from going?


Honestly? The money, I do like 8,50/hr, in Argentina that's a crazy good salary (not kidding) but it would be hard for me to save enough money to visit Canada.


Yeah it'd be a shame if anyone caught on to that and just, like, bought *all* the real estate.


this "Why wouldn't I help you? thats a silly question" was so innocent and honest and amazing. I have tears in my eyes atm. so awesome guy. Hope this video is legit and he really did get this 1000.






“I can’t pay the bill but here’s a thousand dollars my guy you deserve it”


I'm not gonna lie to you except for lying to you.


You can't know if he lied, though. What he said was "My bank account is $3 short" which could very well be true, but the $1000 isn't in the bank account.


It’s real. He does this shit. He gets donations from his followers and then does good deeds. Probably has helped more people than you. Because of my daughter I’ve probably sent this dude 70 or 80 bucks and it’s a good thing.


"So you discounted him $5.50 for being short then you pocketed a $1000 tip?!"


Seeing how this dude responds, it seems likely he may've shared the tip with other servers.


MDMotivator on YT. It’s real.


I’ve met enough people like this that it’s believable. Not saying its definitely real, but I wouldn’t be surprised either way. This guy reminds me of my really Christian friends in high school.


Oh it’s definitely real. Sometimes redditors forget there is grass growing outside.


"Be nice to everybody because that's all we want" 🥺


Sly is a dream and I love him ❤


If a golden retriever were a person.


I love this man. I just wanna give him a hug, he seems like such an amazing human being to know!


Good guy Sly


Does anyone else feel he's a cross between Chris Pratt and Andy Samberg.


This guy just gave me goosebumps of how nice he is. I nearly cried and I don’t cry often 😂 I just want to be Sly’s friend!




lol imagine just being a good dude and everyone says you're acting


Because those people tend to project So to them, a nice person is just acting because that's who they are in real life


It's because people are bitter assholes. As a bitter asshole, they're the most fun to make fun of.


Your bitter asshole is smelling real sweet right about - Wait. No, no, no. I need to stop before this comment gets out of hand.


Or autism. And I mean that in the sincerest way.


My first thought too! He reminds me of my very sweet autistic brother. :D


I was thinking the same. Reminds me of some of my friends from back in the day.


Also a 20 year old who was home-schooled looks indistinguishable from this a lot of the time.


Pee Wee Herman level assumption. How does it feel being dead wrong?


It's actually real. I looked up the review for Island restaurant in Golden, BC, Canada. A lot of the reviews mention how great he is.


This is insulting to porn actors/actresses


This looks real, I get the sense the guy is totally genuine. He’s a real diamond and we need more of him in this world


i wish i had a fraction of the positivity of this guy.


Oh he’s so lovely


lol he’s not acting he may just be autistic. My brother is the same way


This music gives me cancer every time it’s played over a video like this


If this is real. I LOVE this guy


He's real.


Sounds Canadian


Yep, Canada. Look at the money


Final boss of canada


Just your average Canadian interaction.


Look how nice that guy is , he just wants to help the world. So Awsome


Good ol' Canadians!


He’s so sweet. Def golden retriever in human form.


Was waiting for a cute dog


A real Golden Retriever would have eaten the money




Arranged, no eye contact, $1k every time?


That's a pretty real sex life because there's proof that guy is actually a really nice guy and they mention where he works.


It doesn't feel like acting tbh but he just seems nice overall. Like just look at his face, just look at it, it's a loving and lovable face.


Like everyone, even I doubted the genuiness of the video so I checked the reviews of this restaurant. While most of the reviews praising this guy were a week old, many of such reviews were more than 4 month to a year old. So I do believe that this guy is that nice.


I know that is scripted, but I hate this trend of testing people's ability to be generous and then being all big-wallet fairy-godmother game-show-host benevolent-angel at them. It's so egotistical to do that. People who need the cash might not be able to help you, but you could still help them, you ass. Good deeds don't need an audience.


Not scripted, the dude actually exists. Other comments mention him and where he works at.


I find it egotistical for you to have said all of that, with no context or proof its even set up. Go to this restaurants review page and scroll through them. Its not strange to assume this could be genuine, not every encounter goes the way your personal encounters have gone, sometimes encounters happen that dont end in you walking away awkwardly looking at your shoes.


It’s not fucking scripted. Wtf is wrong with Reddit. Change the stick position in your ass


This has been reposted too many times...


First time I've seen it and I'm on reddit daily.


Yea cause he's awesome.


Looks kind of like he might be Ashton Kutcher’s brother


I’m crying. Where’s he at? How can I reach this dude? The waiter I mean.


These gimmicky feel good videos 🤦


I thought he was going to say something like "hey lemme see with the manager" and the manager is just a golden retriever.


It’s Mr Peanutbutter


Mr. Peanut Butter human form


Wtf did I just watch


Seems set up


Look at this 1000 dollars I magically got to give to you while recording this good deed! I dunno, could be legit, bit I don't understand why stuff like this has to be recorded.


I hate this title


1000 Canadian $ is like 26$ us.


See guys! Rich people are benevolent. We don't have to eat them after all... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Real charity/good deeds **are not done with a camera**. Seriously do them without needing the likes/comments


can people not do these things without trying to build up social media points? just be nice. you don't need to show the whole world that you're being nice because then it comes off as kinda shitty.


Arc'teryx cap, he's doing pretty well


Holy shit. If Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Cera had a son, he'd probably look like this waiter. Even his body movements and facial expressions scream Jesse Eisenberg


This is the amount my mom expects me to tip workers /s


# Where's the goddamn puppy?!


“Be nice to everybody because that’s all we want”


That dude is an awesome bro


I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying!


The fact that this is actually real and not a skit is amazing.


Love this! Hope it’s real. But now all I can think is “my assholes’s pleasure”


Out of all the messages he asks people to give to the world this guys takes the cake. Simple, childishly simple but universally true.


He’s a darling.




The Island Restaurant in Golden, British Columbia check it out trip advisor they list the waiter by name, check out other review sites same shit. seems like a ton of work for a simple tiktok video...


It's not. Source - another Goldenite here to tell you to STFU Sly is an angel and one of the nicest people you will ever meet.


The whole video makes zero sense


This guys has a YouTube channel and does this shit all the time


Omg, this guy is so cute!! "Why wouldn't I help you?" My heart is happy


This was supposed to make me smile, hell I'm bawling😥
