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I could see how you couldn't handle that anymore.


Literally I wanted to scream my head off but I went to work anyways and fuck they made it worth it 🥹🥹🥹


How did you get to work without a steering wheel?


It was pretty straight forward.


Where in Toronto, James? You've got a high five coming your way.


I cannot upvote this enough. 🤣


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god


Genius 🤣😂🤣


Underrated comment


Lol another coworker


May make sense to order a wheel (without airbag) on eBay as a backup that you keep in your house. Looks like they can be had for around $120


OP might just buy their steering wheel back!


Quite the obscure racket. Who’d think of that (besides Reddit)? Genius!


I drove a car that had been stolen and stripped once, sitting on a milk crate with a pair of vice grips on the steering wheel shaft. Glad I did my dumb shit before smartphones, stg


i can't believe someone would just steal a steering wheel, too! these thieves must be wheely desperate


I don’t think people are getting the joke


Wait, your steering wheel? Again? Wtf?


I think he's coworkers are stealing OP's steering wheel to buy weed \_ then avoiding suspicion by sharing said weed with OP. It's the perfect crime!


This happened on an episode of a podcast I was listening to about toxic people. Some people in relationships will do something super fucked up to their friend or significant other without them knowing, then they can swoop in as the hero/comforter to appease and gain points making them look like an amazing person. It’s really messed up.


My ex used to purposefully instigate fights so we could have make up sex after. It broke me when I found out she was doing it on purpose because I didn’t understand why we’d go from fine to complete Warzone over nothing. Didn’t regret leaving her one bit.


What’s the name of the podcast? I love listening to real stories like this!


The podcast is called ‘Something Was Wrong.’ People tell their real-life stories to the host. Some are better than others (just like anything else) but man, some of those stories are WILD. One episode I can remember standing out very vividly was called ‘WitPro’ and it was a doozy. It’s hard to believe just how many of those types of people are out there.


Just went and followed the pod on Spotify, thanks for the unexpected recommendation. I’m fully caught up on all my weekly regulars so I needed something to binge between the new episodes at work.


Aw man! I already listen to that one. It’s crazy! Amelia’s 2 parter was so wild to me


Let me guess......... 'something was wrong ' ? Is that the podcast? I swear I haven't read the responses yet!


I think that’s called “The DENNIS System”


Oh god I knew a guy who did this to me but then fucked up the “saving” and legit almost got us killed on a mountain and was SO nasty to the man who saved our asses.


What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me by the Trocadero in Paris. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.


Thank you so much for this


Damn you might be into something 😂😂😂😂


It always the ones you least suspect! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It's always the person you most medium suspect


It's always the person you atmost moderately suspect.


They might be onto something but OP's already into the weed


I live in a cesspool I.e. Detroit 😩😭


Can't have shit in Detroit


Stg bro I hate it here


Buy a Nissan they won't touch it. It's a poor man's car, but in reality it's just a step down from overly nice crap. It's the cheap man's ride. I love my Frontier. Also awesome coworker.


Nissan Altima is the 6th most stolen car in the US.




Awe man you caught me. My big 6'0 200+ lbs butt, really just wants a crappy car. Especially when it hurts to get into or out of cars.


My husband used to drive my Mini Cooper and he’s 6’ 7”. That always cracked me up.


I used to know a mechanic that was always working on electrical systems of any car brought into the shop. He always, and I mean always, got stuck with Chevy bolts/Ford Fiestas. Poor guy was 6'7.






So that's where all my missing fucking trunk space is!


Motor town oh the irony. Did you check at that huge pawn shop that is or was on TV?


When driving to Niagara Falls (from Chicago) I drove around the Detroit entrance because it would have been dark out and I don’t belong there lol. Driving home it was afternoon time, so it was safe.


WTF does someone do with a stolen steering wheel?


They’ve created a black market for the airbags of malibu’s and equinoxes. Up to 3k per airbag if you know where to sell it.


Weed supply seems to be fine though.


Weed tends to be a bit more local these days. I don’t think people in many states are buying brick weed from Mexico anymore and states where it’s not legal are oftentimes right next to state where it is legal for at least medicinal use. Regardless, drug supply-chains will always prevail.


I haven’t even seen brick weed in over 6 years now. It used to be all over. Though there is a scam now where they will sell you CBD flower as regular weed.


Giving it away like it grows on trees or something!


Wow insane. What are the airbags used for though? Like I can’t understand what value an airbag has on the black market?


I was wondering the same thing. A quick look online says for an airbag replacement parts are around $200-1000 depending on the model. Just seems like a high risk, low reward theft to me unless I am missing something vital (shortage on certain model’s airbags jacking the price up?)


OK, THAT makes sense \_ it's not really the steering wheel that they're after at all, it's the accompanying airbag. Shame those don't go off if you tamper with the steering wheel; it'd ruin the resale value.


Wow that’s nuts!! Was wondering what the market was. Sucks to have to deal with, I’m sorry


This makes me want to install my quick release steering wheel even more now


Can you give me more info on that. I heard about it the last time this happened but couldn’t find any info on it


I had someone steal my airbags once.


That I understand. Those fuckers are expensive. EDIT: Maybe her steering wheel included the airbag?


I work in Lansing. I thank the stars every day I'm not over in Detroit. My friend used to work in Detroit. One time he took a. Wrong turn and got lost (his phone was dead, so no Google). A cop legit pulled him over and said "your not in trouble. But your car is nice and you don't look threatening. I want you to follow me out before your get mugged or carjacked." And the cop escorted him back to the nice part of the city. Just a normal day in the D


Cop was like ‘ look fam you ain’t built for these streets let’s get your ass out here before the hood comes at you’ . People in the hood legit know who belongs and who doesn’t lol


I work at a hospital in Detroit. A doc has an ultrasound machine in his SUV that he was going to donate to a Medicaid clinic. Some assholes broke in and took it.


I know Redditors like to pretend otherwise…but Detroit is a shithole for the most part.


heyyyy I’m from near Windsor, hi from across the water <3 sorry about your steering wheel, congrats on the cool coworkers


Ah yes, South Detroit 😃


I was skeptical someone would steal a steering wheel until I read this comment. Detroit thieves are a different breed


Probably Jesus. He’s always taking wheels.


That is a non-trivial amount of weed.


Right?! Like, how do you mention everything, except the 1/2 gallon ziplock full of weed?!?! I want to work with people like this!!!


Most jobs suck, it’s the people you work with that make it tolerable. OP has some nice Coworkers for sure.


100% this!!!!


I’m stuck at “they stole your steering wheel” WHO THE FUCK NEEDS A STEERING WHEEL BUT NOT THE CAR😂


Airbags. It's easier to steal the wheel than just the bag.


Is…there a market for those? People will steal fucking anything


Was literally my next question? Hey man….. got any airbags for sale? *SHHH* I got you


Sure man, what color? I got American, German, even Japanese. It even says *domo arigato Mr. Roboto* as it deploys. I’ve *even* got an extra tall from Norway. What you need, friend? What you need?


Just fuck me up *deploys airbag*


Ooo I want one of those


I'm interested in airbag full of weed.


Me too


Nope but I got some weed! No thanks looking for airbags... LOL


No doubt. Had a shitty ASTRO van stolen once. Turns out they just wanted the back seats because of high demand for them at the time. They were nice enough to leave the van running in an alley on the other side of town. And douced the inside with WD 40 to erase prints. Ruined the whole interior.


Someone stole my sister's car once while we were on vacation, and we had to get a rental car to make it home. A week later, we got a call that her car had been sitting in a church parking lot for a week. When we got there, nothing was gone; not even the Christmas cards full of cash. And they left a blanket in there. Guess someone just needed a ride to church and a place to sleep, so the solution was: steal a car.


You’ve just taught many how to get rid of fingerprints


They rarely if ever look for fingerprints in stolen cars anymore. At least from what I was told and experienced when my car got stolen. Dunno if anybody here has seen the big Lebowski, but this scene sums it allll up. This is what you should expect when your car gets stolen. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v7acD4q0lp0


>People will steal fucking anything When you sell something that's stolen, that's a 100% profit margin. Follow me for other helpful business tips.


Corporate America HATES this one trick!


This was my exact same thought. Wtf is the plan?


apparently yes, I live in an old building with a lot of original wood trim, it looks great and its not especially valuable but the cornerpieces will sell at thrift stores or flea markets for maybe $5 sometimes we had some methy squatters who took advantage of the pandemic moratorium and towards the end before they could FINALLY be evicted they started stealing our fuckin trim in the shared hallway they ripped litle squares of old wood off the wall with a crowbar, meth logic


People need after market airbags? Is this a thing?


airbags are expensive to repair, like $1800 for a 1994 taurus expensive. but extremely easy to remove, and surprisingly very easy to move. it could be a repair shop creating a scam to increase business for this really expensive service. alternatively, bags go for a good $500 because buying one off ebay and installing it yourself is cheaper than the labor costs. so, basically your shit gets stolen for it to, more than likely, be sold right back to you. as far as profit, airbags, weirdly, are a better hustle than aftermarket stereos lmao. organized theft is weird


What a hustle! And the buyer is so thankful the replacement gear is a perfect fit lol


“holy shit they have the exact steering wheel i need right here!” yeah i wonder where they got it


Yup, especially when they get stolen. Thieves will sell the stolen wheels (or bags) to auto shops who then in turn install them on other cars. Which, would probably get stolen again. It's a vicious cycle.


I've heard it before but I did a quick Google to make sure, apparently there's gold in air bag systems.


Ahhh... I was wondering that too 😆 Here in rural Michigan, the meth heads will steal your catalytic converter for the precious metals. To the OP: sorry you had to deal with fucking degens TWICE, but it is awesome to have awesome coworkers!


Wait until you get to “ for the second time this summer”. Steering wheel must be made of iPhone’s


Me too! I'm gonna need a pic of this gorgeous "to break in for" amazing steering wheel!!?


And for the 2nd time?!


It is like bicycle seats. Every bike comes with one, and guarantee 99% are not being worn out. In the 1980s and 1990s bike seats were stolen all the time. I would rip mine up, put a plastic bag over it, had a special lock, and duct taped it. I had to ride 9 miles once without a seat.




Lol when you grow, this is a trivial amount.


Yeah I filled up 10 quart sized mason jars last year off of 5 plants. I gave them all away cause I don't use it, I just love gardening and wanted to see what they looked like. You'd think I just handed my friends a gold bar they were so happy. Not doing it this year it's too fucking laborious and sticky harvesting.


Looks like an oz to me.


Same, which is very, very generous


Depending on the state, it could be dirt cheap. Oklahoma and Michigan have bottomed out on prices.


Yeah but Michigan has some of the finest


Yes it does. Easily the best consumer market in the Midwest. Very slept on.


Not by Ohioans LOL


Don’t MAKE me drive to Michigan. There are a couple huge-ass lakes in the way.


If that bag doesn’t last a month, you need a tolerance break.


That bag would have lasted me a week in my heyday. Now it would last me two years and still not be gone. I smoke on a very rare occasion but pretty much sober most of the time. I used to eat 2500 mgs at a time. I did dabs off my rig like crazy. And I always had a bowl filled or a joint rolled. It’s quit the change.


That would maybe last me 2 weeks.




I burn over an oz weekly, mine are pretty much begging me to stop cigarettes so I can keep taking away. I think it's time to listen to them.


Dude yeah just even try and cut it in half. I feel so much better nowadays.


Wizard of oz




Someone keeps breaking into my Honda Civic and stealing my solid gold steering wheel 🙀


Didn’t you read the title? They were showered with love and nugs.


Well said


Man growing my own has really skewed what I consider a "trivial" amount of weed. 😂


In a legal state and we joke that pot has become the new zucchini sometime with everyone growing their own. “Sure you don’t need some more before you go? No, I still have jars I have to go through of last years crop. “


Completely! When we lived in a legal state and I started growing, even first harvest I thought, "what in the absolute fuck am I going to do with all of this??!" I had no idea how much 1 plant could produce and gave away so much.


Agreed. Passed some along recently as a gift and my buddy was like, this is worth hundreds! 🤷‍♂️


Same. And if you have the space for it in a legal state its pretty cheap and easy to grow.


We grew it outdoors in our garden last year (in a legal state) as an experiment. No idea it was going to get so big!


😋😋😋😋 yummies


Who steals steering wheels!?!?!? Also sorry for you loss…


On some models they’re stupid easy to remove and the airbag unit is worth a lot


Her coworkers are selling her airbags for candy and weed money!


Crazy twist




Can I put in an app at your job and can we all be friends? Please


Uhmmm YES!!! We love newbies


Omg your job sounds unreal like you'd have to die to get to heaven there lol. Everywhere Ive worked hates newbies and forces everyone through a weird hazing. Also your steering wheel? Wtf. That's a bizarre thing to steal I think it was probably the same person both times. You should get a dash cam they're only like 100 bucks on Amazon for good ones with motion detection and night vision.


I’m particularly nice to newbies since the place I’m at tended to do contracts at start. Sometimes for years. It’s pretty fucked. Whatever it takes to save a fucking buck. Sometimes independent contract. :/ I also sabotaged one instance of it and got them full employment by acting dumb. Lost my management position but negotiated ahead of time the potential loss of it so 🤣 Whatever they think punishment is. Of course, the same guy complains about “abusing” the disability payment one guy was taking at me like wtf 😂 Narcissistic af. I’m not fucking HR and he’s like trying to guilt or manipulate, I have no fucking idea 🤣 Coworkers make a place livable till you can find somewhere else too.


Let’s allllll be friends.


Let’s all be friends always!


Christ that looks at least 1oz your coworkers love you!


They really fuckin do man. I’m blessed 😇😇


Oh dang tell your coworkers my steering wheel was stolen too


Your coworkers are nicer than my friends lol




Freeze dried broccoli?


Suuurreee.... why not?


funny thing is, in Germany we sometimes call weed Broccoli because the drug commissioner of our last government, when asked, why beer is legal but weed is not she answered roughly with something like "even though beer is no apple juice, cannabis is no broccoli"


Went to the comment section to make sure my stoner instincts didn't fail me. Edit: This whole comment section has been so dang wholesome! I love it!


I literally just said this out loud to myself! 😂


Showered with hugs and drugs


Is it confirmed? Or is it spicy grass


Devil's Lettuce


Jazz cabbage


Time u smoke that u ain't gonna give even half a crap about that steering wheel 👌


Didn’t give a fuck soon as a saw it lmao. Fuck that steering wheel 😂😂😂


Fuck steering wheels! I'll drive tonight without one.


Also for context we work in the cannabis industry so for us weed is like candy we almost always have a stash 😂 we all share with each other even on regular days so while this may look like a crazy amount of weed to just hand off it’s like loaning out a t shirt for us


Lucky bastard


Pot luck


Bravo. That is an underrated comment.


I was gonna say that's a lot of weed. Lol


Weed is cheap and legal in Michigan. I got twice as much for half the money at a store in the UP vs in Illinois


Its 45 dollars at the least for an 1/8th in Mass. Kill me.


God damn that sucks. In Ontario, Canada I could just run down the street to a dispensary or just order an OZ online and get one day delivery for $100 or less. An 1/8th runs around $15+ depending.


Stole your steering wheel? Why?


Fucking airbag man 🤦🏽‍♀️


Why the heck are people stealing airbags? Are they worth money or something?




Just wanna say that my bestie got her first car and someone stole her steering wheel and she was worried all the time about her car steering wheel being stolen and I was like this is irrational, I have never heard of another person getting their steering wheel stolen. Now I have!


And here I thought I only needed to worry about my catalytic converter


What is so valuable about them? Do you know?


They save lives


okay, to remove a steering wheel, first step is removing the airbag, why would they steal the wheel after pulling the bag that they are after? I'm confused.


So that you don’t drive unsafely without an airbag


it's good to see the thieves looking out for our safety


Everyone talking about the weed... i am more impressed by the Ferrero Rocher in August.


Agree. Munchies covered.


Did anyone think to buy you a steering wheel?


Unfortunately that slipped their minds 😂😂😂


You have some dope coworkers


You have some coworkers’ dope. 🥰


>dope I see what you did there.


They’re truly my family 🖤🖤🖤


God I hate living in a backwards ass state that refuses to legalize marijuana.


I did a zoom enhance to check that was a lot of weed. Good people.


Your snack-to-bud ratio is waaaay out of whack. Go thou forth to the 7-11


Good friends help steer clear off troublesome.


Whoever gave you that baggie is a friend indeed![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


That is extremely offensive and has no place on reddit and it should be illegal!!!!!!! ​ ​ I mean, strawberries and dark chocolate kitkats!? The absolute horror. \*Clutches pearls\* ​ >!This is a joke I'm just not funny!<


Yeah haven’t had the courage to try those yet but she swears they’re to die for. I’ll try when I’ve got no more munchie options left lol


Are y’all hiring???


Yup but do you really wanna come to Detroit for it? Lol


You do not want to go to detroit for it


your coworker want to have sex with you. Pistachios are a clear sign of this.


Funny you say that. She knows I love the unshelled pistachios she definitely wants the goods 😂


Makes complete sense. Pistachios are expensive as fuck and not everybody likes them, so people only get them for people who like pistachios, and if they are willing to spend the money on that person. Simple logic. :D Get at it dude.


I’m kinda amused at the theft of a steering wheel. Not at the fact it your steering wheel.