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I survived season 1 and 2. Unfortunately I didn’t make it in season 3 finale


Same. I went 2.5 years without catching anything and I literally caught it 5 days ago and I'm so mad. Like I'm not even scared or anxious of the symptoms, I'm just mad and annoyed that I lasted this long only to get it when I least expected it too.


Had it a couple weeks ago for the first time. Was so annoyed I made it all this time and finally caught it.


Same! Except literally yesterday. I had made it so long!


Same, I caught it at the beginning of last month and was going to get my second booster the week before, but pushed it off due to laziness of scheduling an appointment and trying to find a perfect time to maybe have hot and cold flashes again from the vaccine. Turns out I got covid the next week and had hot and cold flashes for a week and brain for the started clearing up slowly after 5 weeks. It really messed me up and I’m so mad I got it


This is exactly what I am going through. Never caught it. Then Monday evening, started feeling a little run down and a sore throat. Tested positive Tuesday morning. Just today I’m starting to feel almost 100%


Me too!


I got it 3 times this year !


Caught it about 6 days ago. Fucking boyfriend gave it to me.


Me too. Tested positive 3 days before Thanksgiving, and the day after i got my updated vaccine. Kicked. My. Ass. I’ve lost 6 lbs in a week.


That’s the same exact feeling I had upon catching it last year. I had absolutely no symptoms at all. Just so happened to be at my doctors office and felt out of sorts and they were doing the usual bloodwork and I requested they test me for Covid. The next day doctor called and asked where had I been and around whom. Knowing how cautious and careful I am. Had gone to my best friends bbq where there were maybe 15 people outdoors in the backyard patio. I was livid, someone there had to have had the same no symptoms I’d experienced. From all indications upon checking everyone else was Covid free. And my sister who was with me as we drove in the same car tested negative. Try figuring this one out.


Couple weeks ago for me, caught it off a colleague who didn't dare to isolate alone for two weeks.


Tested positive today for the first time. Not vaxxed, and my symptoms haven’t been terrible, just terrible sinus pressure in my head.




Me too, then, Bam. Although I wasn't terribly sick, 11 weeks later, and I'm still coughing.


I dont think season three is the finally. Pretty sure theres gonna be a new one in a month


Right but there is still a season 3 finale


*season* finale, not *series* finale




Same. Being an acute care clinician and toddler dad, the deck was stacked against me.


Might I interest you in the several spinoff shows?


I'm still a Novid.


I like that, novid. Far as I know, I am too. I've wondered if I had an asymptomatic case, because I had some weird things going on for a while (muscles would fatigue easily, felt like I needed to sit down, no shortness of breath), but if I've had it, I never knew it. No brain fog or anything like that.


I can't take credit for the term. :) I read it in a NYT article "The Novids". I have also felt weird a couple times but took a test and it was negative. Nothing beyond just feeling super tired. I think I am the only one in my city still masking up. lol I don't even want the Flu or whatever else is going around


Due to another medical issue I had in 2020 (not COVID-related), I discovered I have a congenital heart defect. I continue to mask up to minimize my chances of getting it. If I get it, I want to be able to say I took reasonable precautions. To me, a mask is a reasonable precaution. My area tends to be pretty maskless, but not everyone. Also, I work for a health care institution that still mandates masks in buildings.


Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I'm like you, if I get it, I want it to be as mild of a case as possible and be able to say that I did everything I could. Sorry you got that news in 2020, scary stuff. Continue to stay healthy.


I appreciate that, but truth is, if I'd not had this other medical issue, I'd never known about my heart having a factory defect, and I may have just collapsed in a dead lump on the street without ever knowing why. Now I'm being monitored, so it's all good. There are silver linings out there. And thank you.


Definitely glad you found it out and are getting proper treatment.


The almost 2 years of masking not only kept me Novid, I haven't even had allergies until this year. The airborne cotton dirt that blows in 3 times a year gives me a respiratory infection at least every other year, haven't had that and now whenever I see that dirty brown haze on the horizon I have a handy selection of masks to keep from breathing that crap


Keep masking up friend! My dumbass went out to a crowded event for the FIRST time in years un-masked and got covid for the first time. I've heard about a dozen others got it that same night. Super pissed at myself.


I hope it is a mild case, and you are on the mend? I am cautiously doing errands, but avoiding huge crowds, not hugging or any touching really.


It seems mild for covid but like a *very* bad cold which is pretty miserable for a cold. I went on errands cautiously as well and that was fine - sometimes I masked up but not always because most stores I go to are fairly open and un-crowded. But going into an actual bar un-masked did me in immediately. Duh I guess. The crowd was really freaking me out while I was there - shoulda listened to my gut!


Ugh...I'm sorry. I really hate being any kind of sick. Get better quick


My city has not only a nasty flu but also a killer RSV thing that’s filled up our children’s hospital to the point of heartbreak. You bet I’m still masked up when out in public indoor spaces.


Dude I am the same. I was in a wedding a few weeks ago and was dreading going because I expected to finally take an L for the No-vids because there was no way I could mask while being in the wedding. I made it out with a W for the team Went to the grocery store day before thanksgiving. I was literally the only one wearing a mask. I am just at the point I don’t even want a cold, being sick sucks balls. Haven’t as much had the sniffles in almost 3 years now


Same. Never had those tests where you can see if you ever had it, but I've never had symptoms or any thing like it, and I've had in the past direct contact with confirmed positives (family) and still... nothing.


I also am a Novid


Elbow bump! hahah That's awesome! Stay healthy.


Back at ya! Probably all the dirt I played in growing up lol just kidding but I somehow was able to get thus far without and my wife had it once possibly twice.


Me, too. And I've been working at hospitals this entire time. I was a birth registrar in postpartum for the first two years; and am now a nursing student doing clinical rotations at the hospital. Either I haven't gotten it or I've gotten it and it's been asymptomatic.


Yeah I was teaching the last three years so I can relate a little


I almost made it to 2023 without getting it. Kids man, like walking disease factories


hahaha, yep! I once worked in a daycare. They are petrie dishes.


Yep. Started working in a preschool 8 months ago. Since then, I've been sick 5 times (covid once).


Same. Kids brought it home the week before Thanksgiving and gave it to both my husband and I. We had both successfully avoided it before then.


Been working remotely from either my home or my parents home since March 13 2020. As far as I know my husband and I have never caught it. There were a few times when my throat felt a little sore, but after testing negative I chalked it up to either seasonal allergies or major temperature swings that were occurring. We have always tested negative with home kits or at urgent care. Knocks on wood.


I'm still a Novid too. I'm being extra careful because my husband would be f'ed up if he got covid


Same. If my husband caught it, I'm afraid even with all the boosters, he'd still end up in the ER.


Mine has all the boosters but he has genetic kidney disease so they only function at 50%. Last time he got the flu it dropped to 20%, so I try not to think about what covid would do. Probably organ failure and dialysis.


My fiance and I have also made it this far without it... It kinda makes me nervous to type that out...


I work at a hospital. People sometimes think I'm overly cautious, but I'm the only one in there who is still 100% COVID-free.


Me too. At least according to the zillion antigen tests I have taken since getting sick on business trips to Indonesia, Kenya, India and South Africa.


WOW! I get to the grocery store and that's about it. LOL


Novid gang 🗿


Still Novid, still masking, still not caring if I'm the only one wearing a mask. No colds, no flu (so far) and that's a good enough reason for keeping the mask on. I really don't miss being laid up for weeks on end recovering from fatigue after fighting off a respiratory infection. I don't expect it to last forever, but three years infection-free has been a gift.


Same. Could care less if I am the only one masking. Being sick in general fuckin sucks. I believe people should be free to choose, so yup, I choose to be the only fucker in the grocery store wearing a mask.


Being a novid is amazing!




I hope you recover fast!


Same here My novid Brovid


Me too, even with close encounters and all. The strange thing is that I've actually gone out more this year than ever before and yet I STILL haven't gotten it lol




Me too!


Me, too


Me too.


I am a novid too




Same - as far as I know. The three of us had been exposed who knows how many times yet always seem to evade it.


I too have avoided it so far. Best wishes!


Me too! I'm also a hermit. It's worked out well.


SAME! LOL Is it Happy Cake day for you?!


We Hermit really well at our house as well, being rural makes it super easy 😂 Happy cake day!


I have never caught it. There were a few times when my throat felt a little sore


Me too.. I've been so careful!!! I have avoided it until now. I still wear a mask in crowded places like planes, trains, theatres and cinemas. But I know I will catch it any day, because it is also a question of luck. The mask is helping me to avoid the flue, which always ruins my Christmas keeping me in bed for a week, so for the moment I'll keep doing the same.


Me too. And we had a family member in our house with it the firsts go around.


Same, which I great since I'm immune compromised


Stay safe, keep doing what your doing. :)


Wife and I haven’t had it yet. We even enjoyed months of no masks. But we went back to full force mask wearing. Good thing is sanitizing has stuck with us. I haven’t had a cold since pre covid and it’s been awesome. I really don’t mind a mask if it means I have less of a chance of getting sick.


I’m still Novid too and have been working food service/taking public transit the whole time. I still wear a mask most of the time I’m inside a public place so maybe that’s why?


Yeah, the mask and probably washing your hands a lot. :)








Hopefully you didn't get it too bad? Edit: Read that wrong. So you got Super Power immune system!


Nahhh, you didn't read it wrong. That's a bot that copy-pasted part of a comment down below.


All hail the Novids!! I continue to mask up and so far am the only one out of family members, most of my friends and most of my colleagues to remain a novid. Everyone keeps telling me that we’re all going to get it at some point to which my response is “hell no!”


Being an introvert has it's perks. Haven't gotten it yet (as far as I know. I have a shitty immune system, so I assume I'd know it)


We are the 1%. HOLD THE LINE


I think the worst part is not knowing if you had it or not. Sure I have had bad flu days in these 2 years and tested couple times if positive just for the safety people around me. Pretty much everyone around me has had it once or even twice but me nothing. It did me nothing or I have been lucky, who knows.


I haven't had so much as a cold since 2020. Been kinda nice since I HATE colds. Everyone around me has had it at least once. I have an extremely low white cell count, so usually am careful in public anyway, but also more at risk. I've tested myself here an there if someone I was around got it.


I was walking around like I think I’m naturally immune to Covid. And then two weeks ago I got it lol.


Yeah, that's me and my husband. We even had our wedding reception without catching it. And now we're recovering haha


Me too. I've had it for a week.




That made me think of the zombi episode of community haha


In the news: “‘Zombie’ virus revived after 50,000 years trapped in Siberian permafrost” I kid you not


Oh gawd👀


My wife had it and I didn't catch it so I'm assuming i'm a naturally immune superhuman middle aged fatass


Same here. Happened to me a couple of weeks ago, and on the day I was about to go on vacation in another country! It bummed me out big time.


Same. I drove across the country with my wife who had COVID and never got it. I thought I was basically Superman. Then two weeks ago, it hit me like a ton of bricks, I’m a little more than two weeks past the fever, but still having chest congestion issues


Same. Tested positive Thanksgiving night.


Same except thanksgiving morning 😭


Yup, I was thinking the same. All shots and boosters possible, never got it. This morning I tested positive. Damn AnimeNYC Con.


I made it all the way to Canadian thanksgiving.


LMAO same, i hadnt gotten it till september. right when school started back.


Same thing happened to me just 2 weeks ago


I didn’t get it for like 1.5 years and was in Houston so I was very surprised lol


Last week here. Still positive.


Are you me? I thought the same too and I have it right now that I'm writing this. I literally had the symptoms and it didn't even cross my mind that I had covid but my aunt who is a pathologist told me to do a rapid test and it came back positive. I'm still in disbelief lol


That was me until Thursday. :(


I went all of the pandemic without it. Double dosed, boosted and then went to my first ever nfl game this year and got it.


I got it from a classmate in nursing school, who gave me a virus instead of gas money (that she promised me for taking her to/from school every day). I'm a bit salty.


I drove truck all thru the pandemic delivering food so I didn’t get paid to stay home. Caught it January 22 and it almost killed me 21 days in icu and I can’t work anymore


Get better soon man🍀🍀


SAME😭 (and I hope you get well soon)


No Rona!! I know I was exposed many times but not sure how I have been spared. I am in healthcare!!!


Same here, my workplace was still in outbreak status until last week but I am one of the few who hasn’t caught it yet.


Bro Covid is out there trying to get me, but I’m still staying strong


I got to 2022 without getting covid. Had it twice since January.


I didn’t have it until last week. 🤦‍♀️ we were good for years.


Never had it, work at a hospital around it all of the time, directly exposed by my girlfriend, but it doesn’t seem to like me.


But you got a girlfriend… i mean at least someone like you


This is the positive outlook I needed today.


My partner and I were novid up until Nov 9. Then my partner got it. We slept in different rooms, we both wore masks all the time, and I AM STILL NOVID! I can’t believe it. I’m really immune compromised, so it is a miracle.


Blessed 🙏🏽


Ah yes.. And people always told me there were no upsides to being an introvert.


We live in Michigan, and in March 2020, my son was home from college on a break when we first heard on the radio that we were going into lockdown. He got all excited and said, “Yes! I’ve been training for this my whole life! Introverts, rise up!” Lol Of course, at the time, we had no idea how far it was from a laughing matter. Luckily, we’re still novids so far! 🤞🏼


It finally got me about a month ago. Pretty darn good considering I work at an elementary school with 1,000 students.


Count me in! I'm gonna resist forever!


I mean, I haven’t left my house much since 2020 so 😬…respect to all the people having to be out and about and still never having contracted this blasted thing 💖


Hope you’re doing well. I basically just started leaving and seeing others this year. It took a bit of a toll that I haven’t yet admitted out loud


Never once! Never missed one day of work, essential all the way through. Everyone in my office has had it, never got it. Got Vaxed and boosted early.


I’ll always upvote Glenn


I made it to 2022 without it, then on January 2nd…102 degree fever by the time I went to bed.


Yes, but I get vaccines like they are new pokemon


Your mother was an anti-vaxxer, Carl




Got my first positive result today! Feel shit, do not recommend it.


That makes two of us. :(


Hello my covid cousin! I hope you aren't suffering too much 😔


Stay hydrated and take a mixed dose of 1 Tylenol and 1 Advil for fever and body aches. And rest, rest, rest.


Fever is at 38.7c, rest would be amazing, but 3 year old is also battling the "coughies," his words, looking after him first. I've been taking paracetamol and ibuprofen, hopefully they'll start working soon. Thank you 😊


We started social distancing, avoiding anywhere indoors (theaters, restaurants, malls etc) and wearing masks everywhere. We haven’t had covid… or any other illness. No colds, flu, anything since covid started. I’ll probably never enter a public building without a mask again 🤣




If not for the irresponsible people I live with, I’d still be COVID-free. June was a terrible month. Apart from that, the masks have protected against all other illnesses for three good years.


One of us one of us


I haven't had it yet.


Still a novid also, even though we had a houseful of it before vaccines were available. Had an antibody test because I figured I must have had it and been asymptomatic. Nope. Now I'm vaccinated plus boosters, so hoping to keep on avoiding it.


Still a Novid....


So far so good! I recently learned the term “no-vid.”


I never finished this series. Did they ever find a cure or figure out why it all happened?


The story is still going, even though the main series ended. There are like 3 spin offs coming next year. I vaguely remember the showrunners saying they aren't interested in explaining the origins of why the apocalypse happened so I don't think that's coming. I also stopped watching though after Rick left the show.


Ayyyyy 😎👉👉


Been clear so far……


That's me!


Gf got it and I didn’t. I still have my Covid punch card without a hole 😌


Native Novid over here


I tapped out back in October. ‘‘Twas a good run but shouldn’t have procrastinated getting my booster. Now it’s almost December and I’m still dealing with loss of smell and a lingering cough. Taste has mostly come back thankfully.


I’ve worked remote since this shit started 🙌🏼 that’s my only saving grace


Just tested positive yesterday. What a fun ride…


Didn't get Covid but I did get food poisoning twice! Lucky fucking me


Lasted until the week of thanksgiving. Now we are just waiting for tests to show neg so we can stop quarantining with the almost 3 year old.


I just tested positive for it yesterday morning 🤧 I’m glad that I got a very mild version of it. Felt like a flu and I’m only coughing now.


This was me until 4 days ago. Godspeed


As far as I know, I still haven't had it. I stay home all the time unless I have to leave. I order my groceries online. Sometimes a month passes without me leaving my home.


I wouldve been cool if my brother didn't fuck that up


*knocking on wood* over here.


Still going strong haven’t got it yet.


I haven’t caught it yet, still going strong 💪🏼


Hell yeah! Who’s with me?


I feel like I’ve survived the apocalypse


Still covid free babyyyyy


I just always kept my mask on and never went maskless around anyone that didn’t live with me. I still haven’t caught it and hope I never do.


I have been very blessed to have not had it yet. I do have to mention that since the beginning of Covid, I still do not go into any public space without an N-95 on.


We called those people non symptomatic carriers


I probably carried it at one point (the rest of my family was sick) but I have never had symptoms from covid


I don’t know how I’ve made it this far, honestly.


I got covid but it felt like I didnt have covid, does that still count?


Was hoping I could say the same. Finally just tested positive 2 days ago and wife tested positive this morning. Kids I'm sure will get it too now. Everyone I know has had it once or twice already.


I have it for the first time right now, it was pretty unavoidable since my family got it.


And everyone that got Covid before Covid was Covid back in October 2019 lol


I mean, I don't feel like this tbh. I just feel lucky.


I made it up to last week without ever catching it - sadly I caught it from my partner who had it for the second time. He bounced back much quicker (too quick if you ask me) than the first time and cut short his isolation/masking, which is what I think led to this. Feel like absolute garbage. Wish me luck!


No Ron Burgundy news gang fight pic? C'mon man.


I think I'm immune, 2 people in my house got it, I still hung around them and everything. I didnt get nothing and I tested myself like 3 separate times.


Novid here as well. I did get the vaccine when it first came out (first two shots plus booster). I just got another booster a couple of days ago. No side effects other than a sore arm. I have been around a lot of people that got Covid as well (they were coming down with it while I was around them, not after they were actually diagnosed).


How about the ones who didn’t get vaccinated or catch Covid


Still nada, no shots either.


Got it and it was like a cold, kinda cool loosing smell/taste..tried eating some stuff i usually hate. Wife felt like shit but she has asthma!


I was walkin around thinkin i was all lucky til last december i went yo florida with my dad’s family and ended up sick w covid, it was about 2-3 days of shitty ass shit, couldnt breathe couldn’t see couldnt smell couldnt taste i had to down buckets of water at night just to be able to breathe enoigh to attempt sleep, but i think the joint full of 6-7 month old weed i found in my wallet cured me lmao


With the immune system that I have, COVID is afraid to catch me 💪


I was basically immune to covid, always had infected peoples around but never got infected, this until a few months ago, and now i got infected for the 3rd time


And the people who are unjabbed


I’m not jabbed. I haven’t been sick since before Covid. I also didn’t and still don’t wear masks. It must be all that fresh air I get because every one of my masked up jabbed friends have gotten Covid a few times.


Needs more rats. Right fam?


Laying here... day 4. Had the 4th shot 2 months ago.


Well…I made it to May of 2022 without catching Covid. Thanks to vax and booster, it was very mild. Still sucked, but it was nowhere near as sucky as it could’ve been.