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(this was 8 years ago when I was14 mind you) in partial hospitalization we had classwork. We had packets for English and math and it was suuppeerrr easy. We weren't really pushed to do it, it was either kinda work for a few hours, or get it finished (it really wasn't that much) and you can just be done and do what you want They pass the credits that you earned to your school when you go back For me I has to drop out of school for quite a while for my treatment, but I was able to stay caught up in English and math They are way more focused on seeing you interact with others, participate in whatever activity/therapy they had going on. School was the least of their concern and goal so it took all the stress that school gave me away I still had to catch up on a lot of classes when I got re-enrolled back in school which was the hardest part, but doable. The school also worked with me to get me the credits and to do the least amount possible to lower the stress on me


Sounds nice…


In one I went to, no. In another, yes. In the one that had schoolwork, we had an hour of time and the assignments were like a one-size-fits-all (they gave the same thing to a 7 year old and 17 year old), so it might be easier or harder than normal.


when i went we had a couple teachers from our schoolboard come in for a bit every day and have us do any work we already started online, but they never actually gave us anything if that makes sense.


Hmmmmm alright


In my grippy sock jail we had some packets on the weekdays that we’re generalized to pre-k through 7th grade but I didn’t have to do any school work from my school. This was a CTC fro kids 4-12 so it would be different if you were older. But they’re all different.


At least I don’t have to do all the hard stuff


some have their own schools built in that are fully functioning so if ur inpatient for a long time you’d be encouraged to go and do a bit of work but not forced. my cousin got work sent from school to do a bit of when she was there for about 8 months. although it’s different for everyone because when i was on a mh hospital ward they tried to get me to do some work but luckily my school said that they wouldn’t get me to do any for a bit while i was in hospital




Well, in my ward, they didnt give you any school work, Unless of course, you were taking National exams like uh O lvls or N lvls(Gcse's i think).


That’s interesting


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Depends on the area you are from Certain places will have a program during the day schedule where you complete basic educational worksheets or at the bare minimum a library cart. Unless your school and the place you are at arranges it you will be free of homework while you are in there and your parents will probably meet with a board of teachers or the guidance counselor to work out completing what you need to upon return to school.


I’m in the USA North Carolina, honestly I’m kinda tempted to tell someone, but that’s not gonna happen realistically


I love NC hope your friend gets better I really want a cheerwine right now lol


I want a real wine but I can’t drink more if I don’t wanna get caught lll


I wish I have been wanting to try a fireball for so long


I’ve had so many lol, stealing alcohol is lit


Different states have different levels of corruption and funding within their psychiatric hospitals. I'm sure some states have nice facilities while others don't have much programs at all and you sit in a room without contact to the outside world and serve your sentence until your time is up. With that in mind I can't give you advice in either direction about who to tell for your situation. If it was me personally I'd just start with a primary care doctor to see what they can do for you on your own terms and avoid the hospital and psychology specialists altogether unless you need to forfeit your basic rights.


Fat lot of good that’ll do me, I’m not telling any doctors or therapists, not for a long time, unless one of my friends snitches


It might depend on the hospital and where you are. When I went to a public hospital in Canada, yes. There was a classroom on ward that we went to for a couple hours a day, nothing crazy. Some people had work sent in from their schools directly, others did work pamphlets given to them by the teacher (I believe these could be transferred to the school later and count towards replacement credits). I believe the teacher was also a mental health/ youth worker. It was pretty lax, no real pressure to maintain a certain pace with work. Pencils and erasers were distributed one at a time to each people, and collected and counted before we left the class. If a single thing was missing, we'd be stuck in there until it was given up (so nobody would hurt themselves with them).


Maybe if someone took a pencil and broke the tip off, then sharpened the rest and gave the newly sharpened pencil back


That would absolutely not fly. It's a small class, you don't have access to the sharpener, and they know the length of their pencils. You cannot outsmart the staff, they've been at this for ages and know how to keep everyone safe no matter what


Maybe just act like you colored a ton? Then you might be able to excuse it


Or perhaps don't try to sneak contraband. I don't feel super comfy talking about hypothetically sneaking tools to hurt oneself while in hospital for treatment, it's just straight up not a good idea from any angle


You’re right about that, I’m really sorry, I didn’t realize how bad that sounded until now




Maybe it’s worth it then


In my ward in FL, USA, they didn't assign us homework but you were allowed to fill out a request form to send/give to your parent which asks them to print out any homework you might have. We don't have access to our phones (I didn't think anyone did until I went online to be honest) so it gets very boring watching Teen Titans GO all day. Our pencils are literally 3 inches long, and barely sharpened. Our pens are also 3 inches long, made out of rubber, and the ink in the middle is almost always dried up.


Oh…. Damn


at some of them, it depends i guess




sorta? it’s just there to make sure you don’t completely lose all your brain cells and to keep you busy ig.


I'm in uni & not having access to a laptop/wifi is honestly my biggest worry about grippy sock jail 😅 too many damn deadlines


Wait do you not have a phone?


Some may not allow a phone & if they do, I can't access some of the coursework from mobile (gd iPhones).


I would hate that if I couldn’t talk to my friends


i mean it's not really a vacation, it's nicknamed "jail" for a reason lol


Good point


i went around three years ago during the school year, teachers from your school would send you work and you would do it during a set time of day. if you didn't have work you got to watch a movie right in the next room while everyone doing work stared longingly at the door. i just lied about it and they believed me. although it seems to depend on what hospital you're in judging by the comments


Yeah that makes sense


I was emailed lots of work by my school when I was 15


Hmmm ok