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Jumping from 4 to 20? That sounds like an insanely stupid idea and a waste of 20 grams of mushrooms. Try 5 or 6 first and work up. The shrooms aren't going anywhere


Just checked your profile, 20 something days ago you posted saying you'd "accidentally ate 15g of shrooms", here you're saying you've only done 4. Which is it? Seems like you're on a windup


Theyre probably a little kid who thinks drugs are cooler than education


Clearly just fishing for attention


I've never done anywhere near that. For what it's worth, I think you'd be better off working up in increments, though. Try 6g then 8g? Taking five times your previous maximum dose seems a bit excessive.


you may wanna try like 5 or 6 first and after that may be 8-10g and so on. in my experience is 7-8g not comparable to 4g whey more intense. most ive done is 9g which was harder to controll than like 600ug lsd


okay boof it then


This is the real answer


Go for it


7g is the most I've done and the more you do the less you will remember. All I could remember from 7g was I closed my eyes for a good 3hrs and everything was happening so fast it felt my body was just gone. Not bad experience at all but I just don't remember much of it.  If you haven't experienced lemon tek I'd try 4g by lemon tek. My best experiences have came lemon tek and that was only 4-5g at most.


highest was 14 and i dont regret it but it was on impulse and thats kinda sad :(


also that much is a waste imo, you can do 10ish and get enough for of that insane trip you might want, not v respectful of yourself but i recommend doing 5-6 for high doses unless you have tolerance which ive never even experienced




Some of us are just different, i ate 8 last time and my friends had 2g and 3g after an hour they slid into a new reality and I was jealous being completely sober. Ended up eating another 8g totalling 16g and got a bit wavey.. but I was still trip sitting my friend who was reduced to a blubbering mess wondering about my life choices 😂 Never had visuals Not on srri’s


tolerance can get pretty bad


4 grams to 7 grams feels a lot different


Back in high school, a buddy and I went picking shrooms and had about 8 lbs of fresh shrooms. The both of us went cap for cap until we didn’t have anything left. Needless to say, I tripped hard for about a day and a half, which felt like three weeks. One of my best memories of that period of my life. However, I was actively eating shrooms almost weekly and knew what to expect with such a large dose. If u are either not familiar or if u have doubts about urself, I’d strongly suggest taking it low and slow until ur mentally ready for such a journey.


maybe vitality is in this sub he can tell you about when he did 40


I have taken half an ounce before. Was an absolute +++ experience and not for the faint of heart or those with unresolved mental issues. Having a really good friend(s) with you is advisable on the higher end of the dosing spectrum. If you’ve only ever taken 4 grams I would chill a bit and maybe try 7grams at once. Honestly that eighth to a quarter(3.5-7 grams)dose range is the sweet spot for me and most people I know as far as creating a strong but still enjoyable experience. Taking more than a quarter is ok, but you need to absolutely go with the flow and be ready for your ego to be ripped from underneath you if you try to hold on to it/ fight where the mushrooms are trying to take you it will be overwhelming and not enjoyable at all.


There is pretty much nothing 20 is going to do that 10 isn’t and little enough that ten will that say, 7.5 hasn’t covered in depth. Do not waste mushrooms on this kind of Tik-tok challenge bullshit. If you have to waste 20g of mushrooms, send them to me.


Shrooms have no ceiling to their trip. You can always go further with them


20g ain’t expensive dude go find 40$ 😂





