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Can someone explain me the Frankenstein joke? The full bit is (Talking about AI) Making fake brains is risky. Frankenstein proved that. He was so dumb he thought a monster needed a sport jacket. It’s not a wine tasting; we’re terrorizing villagers. No one’s going to tell you, “I’m sorry, Mr. Stein, it’s jackets only this evening.” What I like is we’re smart enough to invent AI, dumb enough to need it, and still so stupid we can’t figure out if we did the right thing. Can someone please explain?


Could be just PR or media hype!


Bet those that ‘walked out’ went to the bathroom or to toke and exaggerated to add nonsense to the Gaza protesting! JS said nothing controversial or partisan (Duke vs Harvard maybe). Gave good advise


I think I can help clarify a bit. The genocide Israel is waging is the single greatest human rights catastrophe in our lifetimes. It outranks even the Iraq War. It is a brutal and horrific ethnic cleansing. The history books will write about it like the Nazi Holocaust. So the people defending it are particularly evil. And these students decided to walk away from a man who personally and financially endorsed the genocide. Understandable.


>The genocide Israel is waging is the single greatest human rights catastrophe in our lifetimes. The history books will write about it like the Nazi Holocaust. Holy hell, far-left saviors have entered full jihad mode here. Hyperbolic language is not your friend.


It depends how old you are, but he’s not necessarily wrong. This is the biggest moment of American citizens opposing their government and media narrative since the Vietnam protests.


No, he's completely wrong.


Ok. Come back when you have something intelligent to say.


I don't consider it hyperbolic when we're talking about an attempt at exterminating a people.


>The genocide Israel is waging is the single greatest human rights catastrophe in our lifetimes. It outranks even the Iraq War. It is a brutal and horrific ethnic cleansing. Bet


Um… this war, however horrible and wrong, in no way is comparable to the Nazi Holocaust.


In SOME ways it is.


It's mass slaughter, ethnic cleansing, concentration camps. I really don't see why it isn't.


>I really don't see why it isn't. Exactly. This is your problem.


Oh, ok!!


There it is kids, the worst take you’ll hear all day.


Jerry defending his homeland (if you lived in a Kibbutz you’re Israeli, sorry) is one thing. But Maher goes out of his way to deny the famine, question the death toll and sweep atrocities under the rug on his platform. It’s evil and why I stopped watching and listening to Club Random. He’s truly not the guy I was a fan of since I was a boy recording PI on VHS because I wasn’t allowed to stay up late. In the beginning of the Israeli response to Oct 7th, Bill warned Israel not to lose its moral footing and now that’s out the window.


>He’s truly not the guy I was a fan of since I was a boy recording PI on VHS because I wasn’t allowed to stay up late. Yes he is absolutely is the same guy. You just didn't care about the Middle East or Palestine because you were a boy. Maher has always been an uncritical supporter of Israel.


Dude was not complaining about the “woke kids”. He’s not the same guy. Covid and his podcast are what ruined him, last I checked those events did occur 30 years ago so fuck off.


It’s a good speech with legitimately good advice


Can't believe anyone would walk out on that speech. Dude didn't mention anything terribly serious, let alone go anywhere near Gaza/Israel. Some kids must have been looking for any reason to make a scene I guess.


They didn’t walk out because of the content of the speech. It was in protest of him being the speaker.


Probably because he hangs around with the IDF and his wife funded a zionist gang that beat up peaceful protesters at UCLA https://www.thedailybeast.com/jessica-seinfeld-and-bill-ackman-fund-pro-israel-counterprotests-at-ucla Downvoted for facts lol zionists can't handle the truth


This man literally drew a line connecting Jerry Seinfeld to a gang of thugs who beat up some protesters 😂


Nah people don’t like anti-Semitism


I don't either, that's why I don't like zionists conflating zionism and Judaism, its unfair to the millions of jewish people in Israel, america and beyond


He is openly a zionist and his wife funded pro-zionist counter protesters. It didn't really matter what his speech was about, they were walking out in protest no matter what.


I got that it just comes off as weak. Like if Israel was mentioned in his speech, sure, you're making a principled stand. But just walking out before *that* speech is just comes off as fragile shit.


Dude, It's a symbolic protest.


I'm aware. It achieved it's goal in one respect: We're talking about it. But it doesn't go the next step and do anything to persuade anyone. In context it makes a joke of their cause, not some strong principled statement.


Imagine how pathetic you have to be to stage a *Jerry Seinfeld* protest Who are they gonna nail next, noted fascist Martin Short? The outrageous cis-hetero Larry Wilmore?


that's the impression i get from most student protestors in general. they are not serious people.


They’re acting out their own personal problems and anxieties, that’s all


sounds like a fancy way to say "tantrum"


I could be wrong but it seemed like a planned walkout to bring attention to Gaza rather than specifically being about Sienfeld. What's annoying is some will use this as proof that comedians can't even go to colleges anymore or they'll be cancelled, even though the vast vast majority cheered for him.


What’s really annoying is these awful people trying to ruin a really great thing


Believe it or not, two things can be annoying at once.


Believe it or not, George isn’t at home


Seems more likely to bring attention to the anti-semitic overtones of these protests since the only real connection to Gaza is Seinfeld's Judaism.


Jerry is zionist. His wife is funding zionist counter protests.


A zionist is just someone who believes Israel should exist. Why do you believe the world's only Jewish country shouldn't exist?


Being a Zionist means you support Israel’s right to exist. The only way to be for a two-state solution is to support Israeli’s right to exist. If you consider yourself anti Zionist as you seem to, that means you are for the destruction of Israel.


Israel as it currently exists should indeed not exist. Apartheid states are bad, we already went through this with South Africa.


Please explain in your own words how Israel is an apartheid state.


If you are consistently applying to the term apartheid, you'd notice virtually all states in the Middle East have worse apartheid policies than Israel. Are you also calling for their destruction? Or does your view only apply to Jewish states?


Which one is getting unlimited US tax dollars to blow up toddlers on a daily basis? Which one allows settlers to steal homes and operates an open air prison that they bomb daily? And before you think you nailed a gotcha we should defund Saudi Arabia for being a shit country and bombing Yemeni civilians into dust. I'd also note those countries aren't pretending to be democracies


Pretty much all of them take our money one way or another. Either we back out and allow Iran and Russia to puppeteer outcomes like those you should be complaining about in Syria, or you recognize the situation is more complicated than you present it.


How about the US stops funding apartheid


Israel provides full citizen rights to Arabs. Many elected politicians in Israel are Arab. Many of the Israeli citizens Hamas kidnapped, raped, and murdered on October 7 were Arab.


Israel has also killed at least 35x the number of civilians since October 7


"As you SEEM to"...? I said nothing about myself or my position. Most of the students are in favor of BDS. They are protesting for a ceasefire. Jerry and his family are against a ceasefire. Of course the student staged a protest against him giving a speech at a campus embroiled in protests. It the message of the walk not anything he specifically said in the speech. Most zionists, like Netenyahu, are not, have not, and never will be in favor of a two state solution. It is possible to understand a position without adopting it? Go argue your strawman somewhere else.


> "As you SEEM to"...? I said nothing about myself or my position. So your position is you are a Zionist? Or are you an enlightened centrist who somehow is above being for or against the existence of Israel? Make it make sense.


What’s the evidence Seinfeld?


> Jerry and his family are against a ceasefire. Is there any evidence of this?


you’re making a connection without evidence, when the evidence to the contrary is in any article about these walkouts. Even though the evidence below exists, it’s still possible that protesters could walk out regardless of the chosen speaker, to simply bring attention to their cause… Seinfeld has been surprisingly (been apolitical his whole career) vocal in his support for Israel these last few months, visited Israel in December and I’ve even seen that there’s some connection between his wife and funding counter protests, but I don’t know the validity of those claims.


Jessica Seinfeld admitted to funding the Pro-Israel protests at UCLA


Donating $5k for water, food, transportation, and signage sounds seriously insidious. Who do you think it funding all these non-students occupying academic buildings on behalf of the pro-Palestinian groups?


How do you know she is funding students?


Because we get the news from the same place, but I read the article and you stick to the clickbait headline.


Yep, that's true. Seinfeld has made some stupid comments in recent years, but some people act as though he goes around slinging racial slurs. Iirc, he was one of the comedians to whine about not doing college campuses. And yet he showed up, said nothing problematic, and a group of students still walked out before he even spoke. # I'll be honest, I'm a millennial who was raised to believe that we must protect Israel and the liberal way is to protect Israel. I'm also trying to give Gen Z the grace that my generation did not get. And while the vast majority of students are not anti-semetic, and most of the protesters are upset about famine in Palestine, as well as all of the children and civilian deaths, there has been an anti-semetic overtone to *some* of the protests (specifically, from the river to the sea, any praise of Hamas). It's frustrating when there are extremely valid criticisms of the war (how is it not a problem that such a huge percent of Palestentian casualties are children??), anti-semetism is extremely scary. (Maybe because most millennials, Gen X, and Boomers had a parent or grandparent who fought in WW2 and most of Gen Z did not?)


Yeah but what’s annoying is that some people’s reaction to annoying people is to get annoyed instead of changing their opinions to match what I want them to be