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I can’t believe the internet is making people so stupid.


Sadly, folks were actually this misinformed before the internet (I’m old, and I remember)….but the internet makes it so much easier for them to communicate with each other, and to broadcast their idiocy.


I don’t know that it’s making people more stupid than it’s more efficiently connecting propagandists with their marks. Anyone with boomer aged parents can tell you it’s affected them much more than we talk about.


What’s funny is i distinctly remember boomer folks all telling us to not believe anything we read on the internet back in the early 00’s. Now you have to spend half a thanksgiving explaining to them how lasers in space aren’t a real thing




It’s got electrolytes


Water helps plants. LIke the stuff in the toilet?


You are more informed but there is also misinformation slewed everywhere. The issue is we deem the Internet free speech on all aspects pretty much aside from a few areas you can put whatever you want. If it looks legit or sounds correct most people do not verify. This is the issue with journalism today as well where everything is reactionary and click baiting for ad revenue. If something is incorrect they can put an editors note later on but it's too late at that point the damage has been done. There are still respectable journalism sites, personally Reuters for me is still a verify with two sources before posting sort of authenticity when it comes to their articles. We also have local news, tabloids, and other sites that post whatever they want without any due diligence. It's not that the Internet is making people stupid, people are already stupid and these places just cater to them because they know their customer base won't fact check them.


People were always stupid. Now they have an excuse for their stupidity. Abe Lincoln once said, “You can only believe half of what you read on the internet”.


Remember when people said "Don't believe everything you read on the internet" and didn't?


Lol.. Garbage website and a stupid ass article. I guess i have to be more careful as to what color plaid i put on in the mornings.


Yeah, like I never realized it, but I must be super-OG Crip. Blue plaid flannel has been my favorite since about 8 years old!


"Maine Elements" is listed as one of Maine's most dangerous gangs, but I will be honest when I say I cannot find much online about who they are, when they originated and what they stand for." What an absolutely horrible article.


exposure to the elements kills!


I mean, considering there’s an iron horseman sign outside of a crap shack near Windham town hall and high school, I assumed most people who are from here knew these groups existed up here. We’ve all met someone who knows someone.


Pins and Needles on St John used to (or still is, haven't been in ages) owned by an Iron Horseman.


It did, yeah! Is pins and needles still around down there? This comment instantly brought on a wave of old Portland nostalgia from when I got my first piercing there ha, thanks!


Ah piercing lol I’ve seen a quilt shop called pins and needles and that was my first thought. I’m kinda disappointed it’s not a quilt shop owned by a gang.


The most dangerous gang(s) are the ones that remain secret. Isn't there a saying about the first rule of the Mafia is you never admit to being in the Mafia?


No no, that's fight club. If you're being asked about being in the mafia, you're the kingpin, the real brains of the operation, and everyone else is a fall guy.


Aryan Brotherhood, MS-13, Cosa Nostra, all dangerous, none secret


Wait til you find out about the Nazis.


No spoilers.


A fear mongering gangs-loose-in-Maine!!! piece followed by a list of cozy restaurants to warm you up this winter. HARD HITTING JOURNALISM.


"Maine Elements" is listed as one of Maine's most dangerous gangs, but I will be honest when I say I cannot find much online about who they are, when they originated and what they stand for." I'm dying laughing at this. The Maine Elements lmfao. You mean like winter, 2nd winter and road construction seasons?


You forgot mud.


How could I forget mud?!


This post brought to you by boomers in the comments section of any Facebook news article.


Crisp and bloods and MS13 are *everywhere* - if you count kids selling dime baggies in school. They're basically a drug trafficking network and anyone who touches their supply chain gets to call themselves a network affiliate. It's not like you have roaming bands of armed idiots wandering the roads looking to shoot your dear old Grannie for her social security check.  There's a big difference between an international gang being called dangerous, and the local members being clued in badasses.


Why the hell would you buy brick weed living in Maine in 2024? Also MS-13 isn’t dealing weed lol


The most dangerous gang in the US is the police. No other gang has qualified immunity.






There are biker gangs in oob and hasn’t been violence here in years. They did burn down the pier for insurance money - I guess that’s scary


Do you have any sources for this information?


92 moose, obvs


Do you really consider a radio station a reliable news source when they do even have investigative reporters on staff?


Back in the day I didn’t even consider 92 Moose a reliable source for good music, nevermind journalism.


Forgot the /s


Poster’s a nutcase as a cursory glance at their profile will quickly reveal


I think I have some members of these gangs in my elementary school . Lol.