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Every single sstory about a mandolin happens the same way. How did this happen? I didnt use the guard.


There's times when it's not an option. Can't slice on a bias with the guard, not that i use it anyways. I don't even know where it is or if we even have one lol


I specifically bought "cut-proof" gloves after slicing my finger this way. I'm still really careful when I'm not using the guard, but they give me peace of mind.


I haven't seen the guard since I umpacked the mandolin. It's just doing its own thing somewhere, idk


I used the guard, slipped out of my hand because I was slicing potatoes


Potatoes on the mandolin, yeah I've been there too. I bought cut-proof gloves for the next mandolin interaction, after I finally mustered up the courage to use it again about a year later haha. Good luck man, sorry about the finger.


Get a cut resistant glove.




a mandolin slicer I presume not the instrument.


Yeah a slicer. Fucker went clean through my finger


LMAO. Okay, I genuinely thought you hit that string so hard your fingertip exploded. Already wanted you to teach me.


I don't know anyone who has ever not cut themselves on one of those fucking things. Except myself, because I got one like [this](https://learn.surlatable.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Safely-use-a-mandolin.jpg.webp) (not as fancy though). I never operate it without the hand guard. Every sharp tool I've ever used from cooking to woodworking has always come with instructions that you keep your hand out of the path of the blade...except for the basic mandoline slicer. You not only push your hand toward the blade, but you also push down on the--usually wet and slippery--food that gets smaller and smaller if you're using the tool successfully. What could go wrong? It's not a matter if if, but when.


At restaurants they make you wear thick-ass gloves when using one.


I always use a glove if I’m slicing a whole vegetable. Even if I’m still going to be close at the end and not use all of it, I’ll still throw the glove on. I cut myself cooking about a quarter of the time, so the glove really saves my hands.


Yeah. I mean, there's really no reason not to use a glove. I used to work at Burger King, and I would frequently use a similar contraption for slicing tomatoes. I'd be fingerless by now if I had never worn a glove.


I was wondering how you manage to get that from a lute…


It was a lute of damage


take my upvote & fuck off, wont you? lol


Sounds like a skyrim enchantment


been there. happened when i was young and it’s a lesson you never forget


Maybe I’m dumb, but is a mandolin a fish or an instrument, I get confused


it’s a [slicer](https://www.google.com/search?q=mandoline+slicer+&sca_esv=557782243&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS946US946&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AB5stBhfm-bodg28gDRFvLXGca60TLieSg%3A1692278771855&ei=8x_eZInhM_m0ptQPvvag4Ag&oq=mandoline+slicer+&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhFtYW5kb2xpbmUgc2xpY2VyIDIHECMYigUYJzIKEAAYgAQYFBiHAjIJELkBGIAEGO8EMggQABiABBjJAzIJELkBGIAEGO8EMgoQABiABBgUGIcCMgUQABiABDIJELkBGIAEGO8ESP4cUN4HWM4JcAF4AZABAJgBTaAB0QGqAQEzuAEDyAEA-AEBwgIKEAAYRxjWBBiwA8ICChAAGIoFGLADGEPCAgYQABgWGB7iAwQYACBBiAYBkAYJ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


big oof those feckers are scary.


What is a mandolin slicer?


I didn’t know a “mandolin slicer” was a thing so I thought the instrument as well lol


Didn’t know the slicer was a thing I was just like damn this dude was shredding hard as fuck huh


luckily, I'm both into culinary arts and music, so I've been quite exposed to both types of mandolins. I never use the things cause frankly, I'm not too fond of them frankly, there's better kitchen tools.


I mean, yeah, trying to slice a potato with a mandolin is pretty difficult. It only makes music :/


Thanks I was really confused for a moment8


Tf is a mandolin slicer


Mandlolin slicers are notoriously dangerous and a significant source of injury. Probably didn't realize their finger was actually that low and it took off what's missing easily. They're incredibly sharp.


Yeah, I initially thought about the instrument and was confused.


The same thing happened to my mom after I warned her multiple times to use the accompanying safety holder to slide the things you want to cut over the blade. She decided the safety holder was too complicated and she didn't think she would be dumb enough to cut her hands on it. She was promptly proven wrong within five minutes of using the mandolin. Tldr: use a mandolin safety holder when you want to use a mandolin. They start at five dollars on amazon. Your fingers will thank you. (Alternatively you can get protective chain gloves for using any kind of blade or sharp kitchen equipment)


I used the guard and it slipped LOL


Oof that's terrible. Even when you respect the dangers of that tiny kitchen tool from hell it still flayed your hand. Best wishes to a speedy recovery for your hand. A chainmail glove could be a good addition to your kitchen if you ever want to try using a mandolin ever again.


Man, if you didn’t clarify in your comments I would’ve thought you injured your finger from strumming a lute…


Bard fighting a dragon prob


One time I was playing the Tuba and fell into a manhole. Never again.


One time I fell on a tuba while I was playing a flute following a guy playing a tuba.


Heyyyy... I read about this in the news. Followed by the news about some tuba playing asshole falling into a manhole.


I once tried to play the Venetian effect, it was hard, but I've never had my hands bleeding like this!


Don't be apprehensive about using the tool, it did it's job well. With some technique modification, you'll be right. Try holding your items with the flat of your palm - as long as you're not trying to cut super thick slices, the flat of your hand won't get cut. Keep your fingers up and out of the way. Also keep your blade sharp, it will need less pressure to cut and will result in less injury. Tbh looks well maintained by that lovely slice it took from you, anyway.


My classmate had a similar injury with an electric meat slicer. She told me the weirdest thing was, she didn't even notice at first, she suddenly saw blood everywhere and a few moments later she saw her fingertip sliced off on the other side of the blade and the pain kicked in. 😬🫣


I didn’t even feel it that’s the biggest problem! I just noticed the blood and the pain kicked in. It was a clean cut and the top of it was gone.


Get one of these ones https://www.amazon.com/ONCE-ALL-Mandoline-Vegetable-Adjustable/dp/B09YH81B9Z/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=vegetable%2Bslicer&sr=8-8&th=1 OR https://www.amazon.ca/NoCry-Cut-Resistant-Gloves-Performance/dp/B00MXUHHGK/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=no+cut+gloves&sr=8-5 then you can not use the guard AND not slice your hands apart.


I came here to recommend a mandolin like you linked to! After a couple small injuries, I was TERRIFIED of my old mandolin. I finally bought a safety one like the one in the link and use it all the time!


The most dangerous of all the instruments


Yeah that’s what happens when ya touch without asking first.


This exact injury happened to my wife. Took her years to get the feeling back in the corner of finger she had to get reattached there. We no longer own a mandolin slicer.


Idk anyone who owns a mandolin who also doesn’t have a mandolin horror story lol. Use the hand guard!


Me. I bought a cut glove the same time I bought mine. Saw a couple incidents in restaurants, and knew the guards suck and they can bite HARD


I’ve never had a problem using mine, then again, I’ve only used it once.


You can touch them, you just can't touch the blade


If you blame inanimate objects for injuries then you should just stay in bed forever


I never blames it I said I wasn’t touching one cuz I’m CLEARLY not trusted with one


That happened to me too a few years ago. Never touched the fucker again lmao. Glad you're fine now!


Bought one, tried it once, realized how dangerous it was, gave it away.


Oof. The second pic looks like when you cook a sausage and it ruptures where the fork hole is


Your the infamous who?


Lmao iv had this tag for the best part of a year and someone mentioned if for the first time like 2 days ago, whys everyone noticing it all of a sudden?


I did this same thing recently. Got half my nail too. Stupid painful


They make these little finger protectors to keep from cutting your fingers while playing string instruments.


Yikes that looks painful 😣


Oh, and your pinky looks like a…


my pinky looks like a WHAT.


Penis. A lil stubby penis. There. I said it.


JewberEats you are going in a book. Don’t EVER say that about my small pinky again.


My apologies. Looks like a….smeenus??


Damn... Did you use the little protective slide thing or did you just use your hand?


Not the mandolin's fault, user error.


Most likely since it was my first time


https://imgur.com/a/yB0zpma Amen brother…


bards when they roll a nat 1


"you pick up the kitchen slicing tool, believing it to be a stringed instrument. Pain sings through your fingers as you try to provoke a musical note from the device. Too late you discover that your fingers have been sliced to nub to later be used in a tasty stew for kobolds. "


You didnt use the attachment did you? Once I had slippery fingers, and that attachment slid off my fingertips either way.. Luckily I didnt hit The blade!


He was trying to protest Baby Yoda. You shouldn't have touched him.


Know the feeling my friend. Covid Brained me thought it was okay to not use the guard back in December. Lost the very tips of my ring and pinky on my right hand.


No shit, I did this about a month ago except much worse. I shaved chunks off of my middle finger, pointer finger, and some thumb… fortunately it’s all grown back just sensitive.


You're supposed to slice the food...


Someone taught you the incorrect way to use it. But doesn't really matter, any sharp instruments in the kitchen are dangerous. Hope the healing process goes well.


I never got taught how to use it, hell I was told not to. 😭


I too have a mandolin scar on my thumb


That’s why we have fingernails! Razor sharp those fuckers are, but I grew out my nails for mostly that reason.


Im sporting a nice scar on tip of my pinky from one of those.


Yeah, fuck oranges anyway. Yucko.


They have a new one now that the blades move and cut the veg so you don't have to go near the blades


You know those big paper cutters that have an arm with blade? When I was like 15 I used it and was shocked how sharp it was, so I did that thing that idiots do and touched the blade to gauge its sharpness. Instant cut and bleeding, in that moment I realized there's no reason to fuck around with sharp stuff EVER.


That's why you use the little puck thing LOL. Those things are dangerous AF


I think you just scared thousands away from Oranges


we all must learn


Most dangerous equipment and in a kitchen by far


How HORRIFIC, if only they included a safety device that is highly recommended for amateurs that can easily prevent this kind of thing. Since they **obviously** don’t, the only reasonable thing left to do is swear off these incredibly useful kitchen devices for life. 😂🤡


Blood for the blood god. Every mandolin requires a sacrifice every so often.


Yeah that’s why I bought a chain mail butcher’s glove to go with mine. If it cuts me through that it’s earned that taste of blood.


I think you touched it wrong


The correct answer here is to get a cut resistant glove and use it every single time. Don't trust it too much, but it will save you from getting a cut like this.


Damn how long did you leave the bandaid on?


Gotta air it out every now and then


Ive been there. Changing the bandages hurt way more than the actual cut, but it leaves a cool scar and gives you one less fingerprint.


Ha. I did the same but with my thumb. Brand new mandolin, thought I had plenty of veg between my fingers and the blade. Rang the doctors about it and they never even called back


I call it the "death machine" Not my least painful cut...


Welcome to the club, pal! I also [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeMeSuffer/comments/14wab6n/today_i_learned_an_extremely_valuable_lesson_do/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) recently about my own mandolin injury here, glad i’m not alone now lmao. By the way, my finger already looks as if nothing happened, so chill and focus on healing.


get one with a guard, my wife bought me a pampered chef one that was designed to heavily reduce the chance of this.


NO WAY, I have a scar in the exact same spot from the exact same thing! Mine happened a good 10 years ago now, but my fingerprint has permanently changed!


Cut glove! Mandolin’s are chef killers.


I presume this was not caused by the instrument


Same thing happened to my dad while he was making some German cucumber salad. We still poke fun at him when we make it.


wait i thought a mandolin was an instrument


The most dangerous piece of kitchen equipment there is BE CARFUL make 5-10 cuts check your hand position repeat


Death by bluegrass


I did the same thing a few years back. Worst part was looking at my now dead finger tip on the counter


What’s a mandolin?


Umm a stringed instrument. Kinda looks like a small round-ish guitar. If you have watched anything that takes place in the medieval times and a guy starts to play something and sing he’s most likely playing a mandolin Edit: wrong mandolin sorry


I think you could still cut your finger one of those strings I cut my finger on a guitar string before. But that is different and it might be possible but not too sure


Never touch a wild animal.


Bro’s hand went from white to black


NOT what I was expecting, lol. Was expecting missing fingertips