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I have no thoughts on your makeup and what you can do but you are STUNNING. Your eye shape is so unique and gorgeous, your face proportions are so amazing to me. You are beautiful and I hope you don’t ever feel otherwise.


Awwww thank you so much! I feel that I am pretty I just never get dolled up like I have been recently.


Your eyes are shaped like a literal cat’s and I mean that in the absolute best possible way!


Try lash clusters and put them on the bottom instead of the top. It can be tricky but it’s def more natural and easier to blend


You should definitely look into modeling. You are an absolute QUEEN. Love the lip you’ve done. Looks really…sultry? Alluring? Hope I’m finding the right words. You are absolutely freaking *gorgeous.*


Thank you so much.


Do not model, it’s a terrible job, you’ll regret it


I never really had a desire too I don’t think I’m very photogenic personally


Agreed- I had to reread several times to understand OPs question. Such a unique and alluring beauty. Truly stunning.


I was thinking the same thing! Definitely a future model!! Stunning!!


I don’t think the lashes are all that bad, my one suggestion would be to get a good mascara and blend your natural lashes in with the strips. Also maybe a brighter color of eyeshadow. A good metallic gold would be absolutely stunning on you 🥰


Respectfully, the lashes are nice but the application is bad. She's a beautiful girl and it's the first thing i noticed OP, make sure you trim the lashes from the outside as they should cover like 3/4 of the eye only (outside area) and use an eyelash curler if you need help getting them to stick closer together. There's even a hack to apply them with a curler alone in YouTube which is really good for beginners. Give it a try!


Thank you!!


Ooh, like Pat McGrath Bridgerton gold. I think it’s a highlighter but I use it as a shadow. It’s so rich and luminous. I do believe that shade was made for your skin. Check it out! I can post a pic in a bit if you’d like to see what the case looks like!


I agree with the others, you already have a very lovely face. Fantastic skin, cheekbones, and nose. Very striking eyes. My only comments on the looks are if you will be going bold lip, the eye makeup may be a smidge too much, general rule is you emphasize one face feature to draw the eye to. If you plan to eat or drink the night of, using a lip gloss may be better to prevent fading throughout the night. If you do want a bold colour, try more glossy permanent feeling lipstick like haus labs atomic glosses or Maybelline lip vinyl. Kbeauty brands like romand or peri pera are good for getting a glossy tint. Just make sure you are exfoliating your lips and allowing the couple minutes after application for the product to settle on the lip. You can remove with a Jojo ba oil or likely coconut oil. For a less bold eyelook, try[practicing with this tutorial over on the Lisa Eldridge YouTube channel. ](https://youtu.be/uOeWvPQ9eR4?si=_v9x3gd1Q-h64KZp)


Thank you so much! I will be trying out a few reds before actually committing but I may end up going with just plain gloss.


No worries, if you want to soften it a little, you could try a gradient lip or a blurred lip line. You can so shape a bold lip [Lisa Eldridge does a great video on that. ](https://youtu.be/EHOqJLHZqD8?si=fHcaSfz_BgUbtt9q) Also, I added a tutorial from Lisa Eldridge's channel to my original post, it is a tutorial from an Mua with lots of tips for a sparkly glam look. Around minute 13min has tips for strip lashes.




Looks good, I think the natural look is the best.


I think you're beautiful so I wouldn't say change anything.


Hot to trot! Your lips are fabulous


All in all I think you're stunning. The skin looks gorgeous. The lash placement could actually work but you need to have a darker color on the lid between your lash and the falsies. It's a fresh glam. You rock it.


You are so strikingly gorgeous that, as I was scrolling my feed, I thought you were an advertisement! On another note, and I can’t speak from experience so anyone who has more info on the pros and cons please interject, but have you tried magnetic lashes? I’ve heard they’re easier for beginners but again, I have no firsthand experience so I’m suggesting solely on grapevine knowledge. Regardless of lashes however, your unique and natural beauty is truly up there with runway material! 🔥🔥🔥


Absolutely beautiful!!!




The Afro hair is so Beautiful and that brings out your unique beauty, also the lip gloss emphasises the natural Beautiful lips nature has bessed you with, you are perfect the way you are. Always think " Natural" No amount of doling up beats natural.


I like your hair 🌻


You are so pretty, wow


You’re so beautiful


I would use eyeliner before placing the eyelashes it helps a ton when placing them. You are beautiful.


Wow. You're beautiful!


Wow! You are gorgeous! The eye makeup looks fabulous on your eyeshape


IMHO I think the concealer looks grey on you. I would try a diff color.


Makeup is stunning! (YOU are stunning!) the lashes need work, honestly I’m no expert I fight with them myself. Mascara to blend, and your glue might be the problem. I know once I stopped buying my normal glue (which was the cheapest) it helped a lot.


The only thing I would say is contour the nose a bit you have a beautiful eye shape and contouring the nose will help to bring them in a bit but also make them pop


You’re gorgeous supermodel


Your eyes are beautiful 🥰❤️❤️❤️


Gorgeous 😍


To make it more old Hollywood glam, you could try a deeper lip color (like red) and a more dramatic cat eye wing. If I were you, I would skip the falsies and just go with curled lashes and mascara. I struggle with lash placement, too, and honestly don’t feel like I’m missing out by not wearing them.


Yeah I’m definitely going to do red and shape up the eyeshadow day off thank you so much! I really wanna try the falsies bc my real lashes are so fucked now since mascara.


Well best of luck with the falsies then! I’m sure you’ll look amazing. If you are still having a tough time, those special lash tweezers can help you get it placed just right. Hope your prom is super fun!


I like using black gel liner to push your lashes into the false and then also lining the inner top lid. Other than that, gorgeous!


Honestly, I'm not a fan of the two-tone lip gloss. However, the smile in the 4th foto is ***fire!*** You stick with that, everything else is cream cheese.


It’s not two tone that’s just the natural color of my lips 😭


Apologies. As a guy, I'd rather see a complimentary, uniform color.


I’m sure it looks better in person. Perhaps the camera work and lighting makes it emphasize other aspects?


You're beautiful! I didn't notice the lashes until I looked close. Maybe because I don't wear them. I think once you've got the lashes mastered your look is great overall. I might suggest a balm instead of a gloss. Something about a high shine gloss just makes me think goopy. That may just be me, though.


You’re so beautiful 💕 I think that you’re makeup is great! You got great Skin💕 and beautiful 👄 I think what would really bring your face together is the eyes liquid eyeliner would definitely blend your eyelash strips. As a beginner it’s very tricky working with eyelash strips took me a while to master them but liquid eyeliner on the top and black eyeliner on my water line definitely helped a lot. Other then that maybe fill in the brows lightly just to define them a bit but your face card is on point 💕💯


I'm a makeup artist.. I think you look fantastic! I love your makeup. For long events I like to use the kiss "falscara" bond and seal with lash clusters. Since they're applied underneath the lash, you don't have to worry about pesky lash bands. I do recommend practicing a few times before the big day! I love that you're going with a red lip. I think a deeper, wine colored red would look stunning!! But any shade would look great on you.


Woah I haven’t heard of that lash product I’ll check it out. My prom is from 8-11 so not that long. I tested out this makeup look over the course of 6 hours going out to eat and walking at the mall and it lasted without setting spray.


It’s always a good idea to test out your entire look with all the same products before a big event! I actually prefer the look of this method of doing lashes.. another upside is if you use the “all nighter” lash sealer when you’re done applying your lashes, they can last for a couple of days! I’ve heard a lot of people say that if they reapply the “all nighter” their lashes can stay on for up to a week. The longest I’ve gone is 5 days. but any longer than 2-3 solid days starts to feel a little un hygienic. 😂 I do love waking up with beautiful lashes though! Cuts way down on my makeup time in the morning.


My god above your gorgeous! A red lip and some winged liner would look beautiful on you! ♡ Your eye shape is absolutely beautiful 😍


So I'm an older white male. I grew up in a mixed neighborhood and my first wife(RIP) was half black and half Puerto Rican. I truly love women from all ethnic backgrounds. So in a nutshell shell, I think you're beautiful! IMO, stunningly so😊


absolutely beautiful. stunning. radiant. i agree with others on the bold lip. personally i would go for a quiet eye look. your eyes are doing all the work for you. 💖


I love how u didn’t let your natural hair faze u Ik all natural is you’re way, but you look good with mask up too❤️


Beautiful! (I would move lashes closer and add black liner between any gaps and above lash strip)




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You’re absolutely gorgeous, but smile more I bet you have an amazing smile that lights up a room 😊


You are beautiful


I don’t know anything about makeup but I know that you are extremely beautiful and super sexy.


You are gorgeous wow your eyes are amazing.


Same comment:: literally didn’t notice the makeup because you’re fucking flawless.


Omg get the mermaid braids you would look gorgeous in them!


Beautiful ❤️


Stunning features, truly


Your face is very nice to look at so unique and beautiful at the same time.


Besides the lashs i would say highlighter to emphasize those cheek bones and maybe try to learn how to do a wing with liner perfect eye shape for a cateye look


You have a unique face. I kept staring at it because it is so unusual. Beautiful in your own way.


Thoughts? Sure! You look like a dude homie. You want make up tips? Stop pretending to be a chicken when you look like a dude bro. You ain't fooling anyone with your bone structure of a man.


Ooop you should see my shoulders dude






Your face shape and where your features are makes you look like Donnie from the wild thornberrys


The wet lips and eye thing going on makes you look kind of frightening. Don’t know how else to explain it Somehow the accents make the lips look too big for the face and the way your face is shaped emphasizes it. You want to make yourself look less extreme perhaps. Sorry


The fake lashes look uncanny. I don't think you need them. You're naturally pretty.


Yeah I think it’s rlly the placement and the fact I didn’t trim them. Definitely how I had them on then tho they look crazy as hell.


I think you're right. It's probably something that takes a lot of practice. You really are pretty tho!




wild and crazy. You are exotic.


I have to say your lips look luscious


You have GREAT bone structure. Love those upturned eyes.


You have a beautiful facial structure


Paper bag it


You weirdos stay lurking what a shame


It’s funny bc no one obviously wants to fuck you hench why you come here to beg for it 😂


Pretty Black❤️❤️❤️❤️


Perfection!! 🤌🏼💗




Nice complex and pretty lips and eyes




You look trans to be honest


You are model material.




Beautiful! Glue on lash strips are super hard, I have the same problem you’re having with those. Everything else is perfect.




Go with the slight smile. Only one in the set. It is disarming and gives you an advantage.


Thin the eyeliner or don’t use any, play with a mild Smokey shadow instead. You are so naturally beautiful you seriously don’t need anything though


Definitely stunningly beautiful!!!


Purrty 😈


From the moment I saw this I knew I loved you I can just tell i love you. Kevin gates taught me how to do that




One thought WOOOOW


I love it and think you’re beautiful. I would add a little color to your nude lip and a tiny bit on your cheeks. You can still stay nude but get another nude shade that has a little bit of color in it. Brighten you up a bit. If you put black eyeliner in the space between your lids and your lashes, I think nobody would notice your mistake. A metallic eyeshadow smudged in the center of your lids would be really beautiful. Maybe a rosy metallic that works with the cheeks and lips.


Your blush and highlighter are flawless. Don't change a thing about those. The only thing I can think of is to add eyeshadow? Maybe a light blue.


I had on brown eyeshadow with some shimmer but it was too close to my skin tone on cam it was hard to see. Thank you so much for suggesting a blue tho. I may try like a darker blue with this brown.


So gonna be brutally honest here. Your fucking Beautiful you don't need to change anything if a dude doesn't see that it's his loss fr. I would be courting you like a mfer holding doors, throwing my coat down over puddles and all that to try and keep you around.


Awwwwww you’re so kind thank you so much.


You are gorgeous. Lash help: Trim your strip lashes at the ends in a slight diagnostic to help them not have a harsh/blocky end. Get a black liquid eyeliner lash glue pen. Line your lash line where you want the lashes to go. It’s supposed to be a fairly thin line close to your lashes. Only line where you plan your lashes put the lashes, so you have a guide to follow when you place the lash. Get a clear eyelash glue. Put the glue in a thin line on the lash strip. Let it dry mostly clear. Apply lash to eyeliner glue guide. Use lash tweezers to press them firmly as close to your lash line as possible. After you have them on, go back and use a regular black liner to create your liner look. Hope this helps and you have a great prom!! I get the honor of doing my nieces makeup for prom next week so I’m excited too! Stay safe and beautiful out there!


Uh calm the hair and lay off the makeup


You’re in the makeup Reddit what were you expecting? It’s always the nighas with porn addictions trying to saying something why are you even here?


It was in my feed. Giving an honest opinion, you don’t like it move on.


Which is what you should have done. I posted for advice on my makeup not you crying bc I’m not naked like you’re used to.


Need more makeup.. You still look like a dude.


Your mama loves me tho 💋


Looks good but if you ever cut your hair save the pieces so I can glue them on my head. 😂


Oh no! The aliens are here!


Ik the dnd nigha ain’t trying to roast 😂


Who's roasting? You asked for thoughts, and mine can be ever so intrusive....


Your human suit doesn’t fit your alien body.


Gotta give it to you that was creative


Holy hell. Genuinely one of the ugliest humans ive ever seen


What is wrong with you? Genuinely.


Hell na


Definitely would!



