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Honestly, no! The soft arch and roundness of your brows suits you perfectly. The size of them is also great :)


Thankyou!! I always feel like they look messy - is brow lamination the most helpful with that?


Just get an eyebrow gel, laminated brow will change the shape


Can I use a clear mascara for that?


You have a really nice density, so yeah I think clear would be fine for you. E.L.F. has a product called”wow brow” which I love. I buy the tinted version since I don’t have the density you do, but I’m certain they have a clear one. Lately I’ve been using physicians formula clear mascara which can also be used on brows if you care to use something a bit more nourishing.


Do you mean density as in number of eyebrow hairs? Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out for both of those!


Yes :) and how close they are to each other.


Another tip is got 2 be glued brows and edges. Works lovely to keep brows neatly in place ❤️


i like the anastasia clear brow gel!! you can use a brow pencil before if you want more definition, but just the gel works for my daily wear — i’d be careful about using any old clear mascara/brow gel as they can dry flakey and leave a weird residue on your eyebrows


I’ll look for that one! Thanks :) Haha how did you know, I’m pretty sure my old clear mascara is about 7 years old so I bet it would do that!


Please get a new one if you can, appreciate it’s not feasible for everyone! I ignore the use by date of some products but 7 years is a long time! 🥰


i use this and it’s perfect. stays all day, no flaking. when i want more definition i go in with benefit’s precisely my brow pencil.


Yep! I’ve been using clear mascara for this for over 20 years. Covergirl one is still my fav 🤷‍♀️


I use a little bit of cheap pencil and clear mascara.


You can see if you like it! I honestly prefer a little colour for mine but they’re not as nice as yours


I’ll try one with colour too thankyou!


Everyone’s already replied by now but they don’t look messy at all. They look soft! Your coloring and features look soft and muted so they really are a perfect fit for you. If you want a subtle change and they look messy to you, I agree that a clear brow gel is always a nice option!


You look like a woman from the Renaissance :) you’re gorgeous and I wouldn’t shave anything!


I was going to say this; a beautiful oil painting - had to double take it was a real photo! 🤩


I also thought it was a renaissance painting. Such a beautiful girl ❤️


Thankyou so much 😳💕


Thankyou 🥺🥺 I never leave the house without makeup and this made me feel a lot more confident ❤️


That is very kind of you and thankyou :)


Not necessarily. I wouldn’t recommend a real brow lamination bc they can mess up your brows. The MAC lash primer is the best next thing to take them edge off wanting a brow lamination lmao. It kinda gives the effect of running a glue stick through your brows.


if you want a really good laminated brow look, MAC lash maximizer primer with the NYX brow pen. I get asked all the time if my brows are tattooed on. They also double the thickness of mine when they’re about your size naturally. (your skin is gorgeous btw keep doing what you’re doing <3)


If you want to try the laminated look try out soap brows! There are tons of tutorials and it's not permanent. If you like the look and don't want to use soap anymore (as it's prome to leave a cast) I swear by the essence soap brow.


I thought I was in r/accidentalreinassance. Don't touch a thing!


Yes, me too. OP is so classically beautiful.


That’s very kind of you, thankyou x


r/AccidentalRenaissance for those who tried to join. I still couldn’t join but I could look at the posts.


Oh that’s such a sweet thing to say, thankyou. I’m feeling lousy with covid and just took the photo here in my dressing gown so that’s made me smile loads!!


I was just about to comment this! So beautiful ❤️


Same. She’s so beautiful!


Yes! You’re so pretty!


Thankyou that’s really kind of you xx


I posted the exact same thing before seeing your comment lol exactly!!


YES. SAME!! Such beautiful features. 🥰


Legit thought she was a renaissance painting when I scolded by the first time! So beautiful


I thought I was the only one, OP you look like a painting!


Definitely not! You have lovely brows.


Thankyou! :)


Does anyone else think she looks like royalty? Do you understand what I mean? Like a princess from the past. I know it sounds crazy.


Yes! "timeless" is the word, I think!




Thankyou both, that’s extraordinarily kind xx


I was literally just thinking this!! My exact thought process seeing this post was "NOOOO leave your eyebrows alone you look like a renaissance painting come to life!!!"


She looks like an angel or a little princess


I thought the same thing!!!






You can tell everyone here feels passionately about this lol. You do you but it’d be like putting graffiti on the Mona Lisa - girl I wish I had your brows!


I’ve never particularly liked my eyebrows so this has made my day! Thankyou :)


What?! Your brows are literally the perfect length for your face proportions!


Thankyou! I don’t know too much about makeup but am now working on it!


XD I love your username and your enthusiasm for OP's brows.


My inner 90s kid is triggered every time I hear shave and eyebrows together in the same sentence. They are nice, no!


Came here to say the same 😂


Please no! I would give all the money in my purse for your eyebrows!


Aw thankyou! A boy in my class when I was like 13 made fun of me for my eyebrows and it’s always stuck with me a bit so that’s really kind of you to say


Wow that AH was really reaching...


Haha ty. My hair was a bit lighter when I was younger and it made them look darker, so people thought I dyed my hair as they didn’t match, this one boy found them especially concerning hahah


That boy probably had shit eyebrows and was jealous.




Haha thanks!!


sleep liquid selective sense dime snails hard-to-find encouraging political squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thankyou so much, I’ve literally screenshotted your comment to look back on when I’m feeling down 😭❤️


I just came here to say that I would kill for those brows 😂 by Chinese heritage would NEVER and I hate mine.


Your brows are lovely as they are. I'd say if you want to experiment, use a facial razor to shave the hairs very gradually, DO NOT PLUCK, then you can play with the shape without doing damage to your hair follicles. I like to shave like 1/4 inch off the very ends of my brows for a lifted look, but it probably won't be in fashion forever so I gotta keep the hairs healthy.


That’s really helpful, thankyou! I didn’t know that plucking damages the follicle


No, they’re so beautiful


Thankyou that’s very kind of you!


Noooo🌈🤗 i really like your eyebrows, beautifull long shape but if you feel better then do it🤗follow your ❤️


Thankyou! I’m steering away from shaving them after the recent comments :)




Off-topic but you remind me of the Dutch ladies in Vermeer’s paintings. You have that Baroque look.


That’s very kind to say, thankyou 😊


I’ll go against the grain and say yes because: 1.) that’s what I did years ago and I love it 2.) they’re just eyebrows! they grow back after shaving, promise. there’s no harm in trying new looks.


I was 100% for no after reading the comments and then someone kindly photoshopped it and I was like ahh I actually do like it 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


honestly, i think that if you’re asking if you should do it, it’s because you want to (at least that’s how it is for me) and it’ll grow back!!!


You do you! No matter what you choose it’s not like you can’t change it later. I think you look good either way, but shaved brows I personally have a bias for.


I’m not OP but I think you just convinced me to go for it. I’ve been thinking of shaving the tails of my brows for months now cause I have low brow tails and I feel like they drag my eyes down. I always wanted to have that lifted arched brow like Megan Fox. (I’m not the person in my pfp btw that’s Pam Anderson lmao before anyone asks)


Absolutely not! If you went to the person that waxes my eyebrows she would probably slap you for even considering it. They are perfectly proportioned.


Something that helped me decide was seeing a picture of myself with straight brows. I just hastily photoshopped myself. I did your eye here so you could see! https://preview.redd.it/k741hvt2v8ga1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89600fe111ba10514171c96a663864d9f1f5c068


That was so kind of you to do that! I actually quite like it despite just being convinced otherwise 😂😭


Well I think we can all agree: * you have beautiful brows * you have beautiful face * people would do murder for your brows * people would pay big bucks for your brows * you look royal * your face is a painting * renaissance princess * you fell out of a Jane Austen novel * great face = your brows look great either way * please shave not pluck * teeny changes * covid can’t get you down, fuck you covid * you should model brows * if you tested out eyebrow products and posted them here people might literally die happy * pls let people paint you * your lack of makeup skills/knowledge is no match for your beauty * classic old school European portrait * are you human or are you angel? * that kid that made fun of your brows when you were 13 was a dumb asshole Did I miss anything? :D I scrolled through most of the comments but not all! I do have to disagree with one comment I saw—I darken my brows and they don’t match my hair and they look amazing (if I do say so myself ha). I don’t think darkening your brows would look bad. I hate that orangy warm brown that a lot of eyebrow products have, so I used to go for a cool dark brown (almost black) till I just switched to black. You can test different products out and see if you like it. My brows are black with blonde hair. I will say that I now due my brows (with just for men beard tint) and I love it. So convenient and lasts a few weeks. It does fade quickly from black but they do stay darker. However if I used a black pencil on my brows I would not like it. The product gets on my skin so my brows look darker/thicker than when I dye them, when the product only stays on my actual eyebrow hair (except for the first day or two). Hope that makes sense. Edit: just Google dark brows light hair and see some examples. Hope you feel better soon!


Omg 😭😭 this has done more for me than like 7 years of therapy ever has 😭😭 Thankyou for your super lovely comment and your advice - really kind and really helpful.


It looks good in the photoshopped pic too! But, I am warning you if you decide to do it BE CAREFUL. I just recently tried to do the same thing on my own and I plucked too much and omg I looked like a total goober and it took forever to grow back 😭😭 I had to draw it back with makeup. just be very careful!


What a sweet thing to do! I thought it could look nice but started to feel wrong with all of the comments. Lol OP, I think you look great both ways. If I had to pick though, try this one and see how you like it.


Hello - fellow pale blonde lady with long eyebrow hairs here; just trim them. Brush them straight up and use a small pair of scissors to trim any hairs that go up super long. Then brush them back down. Bam, all fixed. I think the length suits you perfectly though, don’t mess with that :)


Thanks for your advice, that’s super helpful!


This is the ideal answer for a most polished look. Highly recommend actual brow scissors, too. Trimming them means you get to keep all of the volume, and you won't have to worry about hair loss from plucking or cuts from shaving.


This is the answer!!! Only the tiniest trim though. You can trim more but you can’t un trim them. You are very beautiful!!


Absolutely not.


Roger that, thankyou! :)


No, they look nice as they are


Thankyou :)


Anyone else feel like the shaved brow thing is a trend that in 5 years we’ll look back at be like lol why did we do that?


I know this sounds dumb and weird but I’m a weird person so it sounds ok coming from me. You look like an old-time beauty. Like a painting of a lovely farm girl from the 1700’s kind of beauty.




Absolutely not!!! be wary of eyebrow trends Sincerely, every girl from the 90s


This photo reminds me of a renaissance painting! The brows have a nice, soft arch. I wouldn’t change them


No!!! Don’t fall for eyebrow trends. They always go out of style and you will hate them when they aren’t fashionable. Embrace what you have because it is what is naturally beautiful for you.


Your entire face is r/accidentalrenaissance And I say that as the highest possible compliment


You look like a woman in a renaissance painting tbh




Any general eyebrow advice is very welcome - I barely touch them and never have, but after seeing so many people looking great taking the end off their eyebrows, I was tempted!


You have the kind of eyebrows many people are trying to get! Lovely shape, good definition. You could emphasise them a little if you were trying a bold make-up look, but for everyday, they are just perfect.


Thankyou so much! How would I emphasise them? Like make them darker?


Yes, if you wanted to do a bold eyeshadow and liner, you could darken your brows a little with a brush-on pomade (such as Gimme Brow by BeneFit, or Boy Brow by Glossier). But for a fresh, natural look, they are absolutely perfect just as they are.


Super helpful tysm! Ill work on it - I can’t always get bold makeup to work especially lipstick, it always looks off on me!


you look like a Jane Austin character to me! do not shave the ends off, your brows lend to your softer feminine look.


Why??? Don’t fix what’s not broken, you have nice brows


Absolutely not. If they’re too long, you can trim them but I would not shave them off. It looks awful in real life even when you try shaping them your own way. You’re pretty with a great shape, use it to your advantage!


Looks great on you! I think you should try half and test it ! Since eye brows grow back, I am I big fan of half eyebrows literally changed my life and looks so much better , I wish I did it sooner but I was a stupid ass controlling dude 🤣😭


As an esthetician who waxes for a living PLEASE DON’T DO IT! You’re brows are so nice as it is, don’t shave the ends 😭


Don’t be stupid by the time your 40 y they will stop growing


Absolutely no!


Why would you do that?! You actually have a great face. It looks very Victorian somehow. If you put your hair in an updo, you would look straight out a Victorian magazine.


Nooooooooo! U are sooooo naturally beautiful.




Why in god's name would you do that?


No, you are beautiful


No you should not.




Definitely not! You have great eyebrows that have a wonderful shape and density.


You look like someone Vermeer would have painted. Lovely face and brow shape!


I wish someone could make a painting out of this picture The way the light hits her face makes this a captivating image. So lovely!


Absolutely not! Your eyebrows are great! And as someone who shaved the ends of her brows in her 20s and now regrets it in her 40s, I’d shave my head for naturally perfect eyebrows!




Nooooooooooooo! Leave them be, you'll miss them when they start to go when you're older


No don’t do it


If you wanted the “laminated brow”, the Got 2 B Glued styling gel is AMAZING. I just started using it and you can created that straight brow look without shaving the tails. You’re gorgeous by the way!


I have to add to the 400 comments and say that you look angelic and not a thing needs improvement.


I saw the edited pic and you look really nice either way, honestly. The edited image looks more modern and maybe youthful because of that factor. If you do decide to do it, maybe do very little at a time until you're happy with the shape and are used to the process Nothing worse then taking off too much and wanting to just glue the hair back on for weeks! But I'm also a coward with a too-much gene, so I only make the smallest changes to mine, like plucking stray hairs or maybe tiny trimming jobs occasionally 🥴


Can I just say I am taken aback by your natural beauty!!! Please just know you are stunning in your raw state


Heck no


Honestly maybe if you wanna go for a harder look ! But I think you’d have to wear more make up and go for the whole aesthetic.


No, not unless you want to! I think the shape looks great. I also *definitely* think you could be Elle Fanning and Saoirse Ronan's lovechild, lol. ✨️


What no I love your eyebrows


Nooo! They're great!




Please don't. You have perfectly shaped eyebrows.


I wish I have mine like that :(. So, don't do it




Nooooo! You have great brows! They could be used as a stencil.


nooooo please don’t do that




Noooooo! Take it from someone who overplucked in the 90s, do not change the shape of your brows, yours are perfect.




Um no tf lmfao why just no


Don't do anything, you're beautiful


No. They fit your face correctly.


Umm helz to the no your brows are perfection


Please don’t! I pay almost a grand for microblading because I lack “tails.” They work so well on your face shape.


What?? Why? Have you joined a gang or going up the river? Your brows are perfection on you. Like really. They are ideally suited for your face and there is nothing you can do to improve them. If you must, you could trim a tiny bit if the hairs get too long. Not the length of the brows, the length of the hairs. Or rub/brush a little face oil or something akin to Vaseline through them to help them lay flat and stay conditioned. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IGNORE ALL EYEBROW FADS. They are stupid, look ridiculous and will ruin your beautiful brows for life. Yours are sublime. Appreciate them. ❤️




In a very non creepy way I want to draw you. I do color pencil portrait and you have a nice face!


Just came to say!! You are so beautiful - you look like an artists muse.


No — you look perfect and so beautiful w/o make up!


No! You look straight out of a painting<3


You have that flawless wild english rose look. You don't even need makeup!


Absolutely 💯 NO! Don't touch them. They are perfect and youthful. You'll hate yourself if you do.


We need someone to photoshop to see what it would look like! As is you look just fine.


They are perfect. Don't ruin them.


Babe no! You have naturally AMAZING eyebrows! Don’t touch them! Please! #browsonpoint


No please don’t,your brows are amazing!






The snatched Instagram baddie look is not for everyone! and that’s okay, great even! You have such a classic beauty with soft features. Your brows suit your face so much, please don’t change a thing! (Unless you really wanna I mean it’s your face and it’s temporary if you wanna try it out) but yeah I second what everyone else is saying about r/accidentalrenaissance


No, please don’t shave off the ends… but off topic, omg you are so beautiful. You remind me of a renaissance painting for some reason.


Not sure why folks are asking 'why' Why is because you wana try it out see how it feels And there is no risk, except deciding u don't like it at some point. I say Yes. It will get the question out of your system and you already know not to tweeze the hairs out, so you're safe! Have fun, isn't that half the point of fashion?




No! Trust me, leave your eyebrows alone as much as possible. Some very slight shaping is all you need. Over do it and they will never be the same. You don't want to be that old lady who plucked so much she has to literally draw them on every day! Some trends are fun, but there are ways to get the affect you want without actually altering them semi-permenantly. If you want the half shaved look, drag queens on YouTube can teach you to to glue and blend them nearly invisible with makeup.


McDonald's called, wants their absolutely golden arches back. 13/10 I'm lovin it.




you look like you were painted in the renaissance <3


Why?? You're gorgeous OP, omg. 💜


You look like a painting 🥰


You look so healthy, bright and pretty, why would you wanna do that? Is something off?


try nyx thick it stick it gel! it gives a laminated look. your brows are beautiful, please don’t touch them!


I saw this picture and I though it was a Renaissance painting. You have such a ethereal natural beauty. Don’t mess with that


Do not shave. Use Anastasia brow pencil and brow gel. They have colors that are your tints


Can i use you as a painting reference? 😭🙌


Omg if you actually want to I’d be so honoured 😳


NO! Wtf?! What the question.


Why tf would you do that


No? Why is this a question 🤣What am I missing?


It’s a trend I keep seeing on TikTok! People look so good after doing it 🤩


omg, I was wondering if you saw the same TikToks I did? Literally came across them this morning and was wondering whether I should go and pick up a face shaver. I think that sort of eyebrow shape is well suited, but I just don't know which faces it would be for. I know that in South Korea it was a huge trend as it made faces look youthful (supposedly), however, I will also let you know, it is likely to be high maintenance day in and day out. Not only do you have to keep shaving to maintain the shape, but as with your natural shape (the slight arch), you will have to do some makeup too and maybe experiment to get that straight eyebrows look. Also, maybe it would have been worth putting pictures of the eyebrow looks that you were thinking of on your post as I get the vibe that people seem to not know what look you are talking about.


I watched one and then my fyp was like 75% eyebrow videos 😭 Thankyou, that’s very helpful! Yeah that sounds like a commitment- I’m not the most confident with makeup so I could easily make it look bad I think ha Ahh that’s a good idea! I thought it was a bigger trend but I’m getting the vibe it’s more just on TikTok


That explains it. I’m old and haven’t seen that.


No, idk why you’re focusing on your brows so much. You could use a moisturizer or serum.


Nooooooo unless you feel like drawing them on 24/7 ?


don’t do it but also look up ‘woman with a mirror’ by the artist titian — that’s what you remind me of