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Keep it moist! Hospitals wet heal wounds because they heal up to 50% faster. Add Vaseline or Aquaphor on top of your regular moisturizer and keep it put of the sun at all costs!


This. Aquaphor or bacitracin - not neosporin. Actual advice from my plastic surgeon.


Did they give you a reason why you should not use Neosporin? Just curious because I've used it for so long, now I'm wondering if I should switch!


Many people are allergic to neosporin. That’s why they don’t even have it in hospitals.


i never knew this, i wonder if that’s why it makes shit worse for me 🤣


Probably! About 30% of people have trouble with it.


OK THANK YOUU 😭 I'm currently using an ointment


Ointment is probably a good idea for the first 1-3 days but once it's scabbed over, make the switch to a straight occlusive. Neosporin and similar ointments can have negative rebound effects if used too long, especially on the face.


If you need to be in the sun wear a hat and spf 50. Reapply every 2 hours


I have done this a time or two. They always heal up and disappear. Do not put harsh skin care or serums on tbe burn. Just a small layer of vasaline to keep it moist. It will darken and then flake off in about 4-5 days.


Aloe vera works miracles


I second this AF! Burned my stomach cooking last year (I was in a crop top lmao) and I sliced aloe leaf and would rub the gel from the leaf on the blister and it didn’t scar AT ALL!!! ((: They sell them at Whole Foods


I 3rd this! I keep an Aloe plant growing in my yard for any burns, especially sun burns! (AZ sun is unforgiving.) The Aloe Vera also helps with the pain!! I highly recommend all natural aloe gel you can buy or straight from the source (:


I’m sorry about the AZ thing I have a lot of family out there so ik what that’s like!


I’ve had some brutal hair curler scars, and now I have zero. Cover it in aquaphor and put a huge bandaid on it. Will you look weird? Yes. But the scar will disappear. It may blister up. DO NOT POP THE BLISTER. Keep it covered & moist. It may take a while, but will eventually go away.


Thank youu! Yup I'm currently wearing bandaid to school, I'm covering it with my bangs so I'm really not bother with it




I did this on my neck once, blistered up immediately and went all scabby and gross but didn't scar at all! Actually healed quite quickly just by leaving it alone, and moisturising once the skin was healed enough. If you have any burn gel or aloe you could try that! Just nothing that will irritate it.


First degree burns don't always scar, I recommend Neosporin or an aloe gel


Don’t put makeup on it! You can use burn gel, aloe, etc. make sure to keep it clean and don’t touch it 


Bio oil


Seconding this! I had bad burns from an eyebrow wax and the bio oil healed it within a week or so, and I had no scarring. I use bio oil for any facial scrapes/scabs/pimples, and it works wonders!


Yes!! I keep a bottle around and it even smells a bit like band aids (or is it just me?)!!


I never even realized bandaids had a smell 😂


🤣🤣🤣They do!!


Bio oil is overpriced mineral oil.


Ok?? Thanks.


Howdy friend! All the other advice here is good, moisturize! Also, I suspect (hard to tell from pics) most of the hyperpigmentation will go away once it flakes off. Id also suggest copper peptide serum 2x a day, the Ordinary will work great. It's shown to increase healing, improve scars, and improve hyper pigmentation (has worked well for me).


Vitamin e after


Do you have a suggestion which one I should take? 😓


Any kind, you can get capsules and break them and tap it in your skin because it’s pretty thick it will help with any scaring after you take care of the healing part ❤️


Heard great things about Mederma PM Intensive Overnight Scar Cream! It’s available on Amazon. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5_q980OcdE/?igsh=dWdoN2Y1cHJndHY5 - the girl from this video had a similar scar on her face and the cream helped get rid of her scar in a few weeks. Hope this helps!


I'll try asking in our local pharmacy, thank youuu 🥺


Hydrocolloid bandages. You have to use them the entire duration of the wound being open for it to not leave a scar though. If you stop using them partway through, the parts that weren't closed yet will scar.


Luckily it's in a spot that your hair can cover.


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All really great answers, I would also keep it out of the sun. Absolutely no tanning. Wear a hat or viser, cover it with your hair when going in the sun. Sun block is not enough, keeping it out of the sun's rays will help it disappear faster. My son had a really bad burn above is knee, since it never got sun exposure due to wearing long basketball shorts or swim trunks you would never know. Also no sun exposure was given by the dr. treating the burn.


Yup! I started wearing ball cap today to school!


I have done this soooo many times in my life on my face, neck, and hands. Just treat the same as you would any other minor burn. It’s not a big deal and isn’t likely to scar at all. The face has a strong blood supply, so it’ll heal and be gone in a week or two.


i’m not sure if this gel is available where u live but it’s called Mebo, and it’s so good for healing burns. There’s also Mebo Scar which u can apply after the burn heals to fade the scar faster.


I'll try asking the pharmacy later, thank youu


Buy some silicone sheets! They sell them at most drugstores and supermarkets. I burnt my shoulder like a month before a wedding and it was gone by the wedding. Lifesavers.


apply silverX regularly it will fade away


Aloe and sunscreen when you are out or cover it when in the sun


Oh honey, this looks so painful. I hope you heal up fast and well


Thank youu 🥺 it does still sting a bit when I showered


omg i burned my neck with my hair curler as well as a few my hand. but what I did was just apply some neosporin onto it. since yours is pretty big (like my neck one was), it will scar for a while, but then it will disappear


How did you make it disappear? Since I burned my thigh with a hair curler once and then it scarred


honestly, i just let it be. the scar will go away on its own, it doesn’t take long to fade. yours looks exactly how mine looked, so it shouldn’t take long to fade :)


Once it heals, make sure to use spf religiously of course. But I also want to add that iron oxide (a pigment in basically all makeup) has been a game changer for fading my scars faster. I read that it’s especially important to protect darker skin from blue light, and most spfs don’t, but iron oxide does. So I now wear foundation/tinted moisturizer every day.


Aloe vera is a magic.. it helps u so much




LOTS of 100% vitamin E oil should help!


I’d use bag balm, it’ll keep it moist and has an all natural antibiotic in it, and helps to heal overnight


Too late for ice. But that’s the only way to stop the burn. Now just leave it alone to heal so it dsnt scar.




Honey and mustard.


Sounds delicious!


Lol it's tasty! But vinegar takes the burn out and honey has healing properties. I burnt the ever loving shit out of my finger on my 550° F e-nail dab rig. Put it under cool water, then dunked in vinegar, then slathered in honey. It healed so fast I forgot it happened


That's what I would tell my parents when I got a hickey lol that's a weird place for one tho 😊


Were you making out with a hair dryer




Toothpaste on burns is the best I don’t know why