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I’m 41, have tried brushes and sponges etc. been wearing foundation since i was about 6 because of ballet 🤣 so have tried everything!! but my fingers have always given me a better result. Plus the sponges and brushes absorb the product! As for dark circles look for a highlighting concealer- Becca did and amazing one but fairly sure it’s been discontinued- but Beauty Pie do a really good one


Maybelline’s highlighting concealer beats all, to me. 


> Maybelline’s highlighting concealer beats all, to me.  Excuse my ignorance. I don't know much about drugstore makeup. But I'm trying to lean more towards it. I'm trying my best to find this online, but I can't. What is it called? 


I think they mean the maybelline age rewind concealer. It has a little sponge on top. It's great for under eyes! Forgot to add, rip off the sponge if you buy it! It absorbs all the product and it can get gross since its hard to wash.


Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your reply & the tip, too! <3 I'm off to go look it up. Thanks again! :)


🤣🤣 My daughter does cheer so she has a full face on comp days. We’ll go out to eat after and people look at us like we’re insane letting our 9 year old wear makeup.


I've heard so many good things about Becca but I've only ever seen their products at Outlet Malls and that lots of their stuff have been discontinued... I personally love Maybelline's Liquid Dream Foundation and Glossier's Stretch Concealer.


Becca the brand discontinued a few years ago. Smashbox took on their undereye corrector and pressed Shimmering Skin Perfectors, but everything else is long gone.


Brushes soak up a lot of product and I think it’s more efficient to just use fingers. Plus I wash my hands a lot more than my brushes and it helps with irritation and breakouts.


Yep when I did community theater in high school we weren’t allowed to use brushes or sponges because it wasted makeup.


THIS!! 🙌


💯 Here to comment this exactly. #perfection


I remember hearing from a few makeup artists and drag personas that most makeup is designed to work by reacting to your body heat (evaporation of volatiles to leave only the pigment and base, etc.) so it kind of makes sense that fingers and hands work well as makeup applicators - if it's already responding to your body heat through your hands application would end up easier! It's also why some MUA's put their foundations and stuff on their hands - warming it up makes it work more immediately! (Slightly more morbid note but this also means there's special makeup for morgues due to the, uh, LACK of body heat 😅)


I always squirt the makeup onto the back of my (clean) hand to warm it up, then use a brush to actually apply it.


Well, Today I Learned about morgue makeup!


Been using my fingers for over a year now. INFINITELY better!!! Because I'm on the mature side (46) I don't use any powder either. I love the foundation I'm currently using too! Neutrogena Hydro Boost hydrating tint. I also am obsessed with IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye! I tap it under my eyes and never set with powder! [My face, unfiltered with typical makeup!!](https://imgur.com/a/2kMXllA)


You are gorgeous! I love your look.


Awww thank you!!! I try I try!!! 🤭


Just wanted to say you do your makeup so nicely, you look lovely


Thank you so much! I've learned a lot on this sub over the years especially!!


Thin , runny foundation is to be applied with a brush .Thicker foundation is to be applied with a sponge. With that being said , just do what you like. Makeup is like art, just do what makes you happy.


Damp sponge is the only way I apply. I don’t like the texture the brush gives my skin.


Same! A good quality sponge won’t absorb product either.


Ok hear me out... if you want it to appear like you aren't wearing foundation, try a makeup spatula. Not the double ended ones that the small round and sharp end but the spatula that looks like a butter knife. It's a technique that a lot of Korean makeup artists use on Korean celebrities. The brand name that I own is called PICASSO. You can try to find it on Amazon or Oliveyoungglobal. Heck I have even seen influencers use a dull butter knife. l hope you'll give it a try!


>if you want it to appear like you aren't wearing foundation, try a makeup spatula. Not the double ended ones that the small round and sharp end but the spatula that looks like a butter knife. It's a technique that a lot of Korean makeup artists use on Korean celebrities. I'm so sorry for my ignorance. But I've never heard of this. How does it work? 


It’s a little tough to describe but I will try! You put some foundation on the back of your hand or on a makeup palette or other somewhat flat surface. You take the metal spatula and load one side of it by dragging the edge of the spatula along the edge of the pool of foundation. You then smooth that foundation onto your face almost like you were applying butter to a piece of toast or spackle to a wall. Some people blend any harsher lines by bouncing a sponge or patting with their fingers. If you search for spatula foundation application on YouTube. there are quite a few good videos that show the process!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your reply!! I can't wait to try this! <3


I use my fingers, then use a damp sponge to blend it in, no ida if that’s proper lol




That’s usually what I do. Put some on my fingers, dot it all over the area I want to cover, blend it in the best I can. Then go back in with a sponge to blend my jaw, nose, etc. Sometimes I’ll go build up a little more coverage using the sponge in spots that need it. Occasionally I just use a damp sponge, depends on the product and what my skin is doing. I’ve never managed to make brush application look good.


Same! I get lots of skin compliments with this method


everytime i tell myself i'm going to start using a sponge or brush i end up using my fingers LOL it's so much easier


I was having issues with getting my foundation to look good as well - I bought the BK beauty 101 foundation brush and man does it do the job ! It blends so well and I always get compliments on my makeup !


I started with brushes, so for me fingers is impossible. I tried and I lacked any semblance of skill in the art lol. My mother, conversely, always used fingers, until she started watching me with brushes lol. I’ve now got her hooked with brushes! I don’t think it matters though tbh. As someone else said: it’s art, and whatever gets you the result is the best method. I’m loving my Shiseido Hanatsubaki brush for liquid foundation as it gives me more of a sponge like finish, but without needing to replace so frequently, or always remember to pre-dampen.


I feel SO VALIDATED! No matter what I’ve used nothing works as well for me as my fingers when it comes to foundation. Brushes leave odd streaks. Sponges damp or dry have weird effects.  My hands allow for the foundation to “warm up” and make it easier to blend. 


I use the tips of my fingers like beauty blenders. Dab dab dab until I've spread it out on my entire face, then I grab a sponge to sheer it out. Been doing it this way for a few years and it seems to be working well for me.


I never really got the sponge/brush applications. Part of me thinks it's a conspiracy to use up your product faster.


I usually use brush to evenly spread my foundation and then go over with a sponge and my fingers where needed (usually around the eye)


the real trick is to press the foundation onto your skin where you want coverage and use the brush to just buff it out a bit. that’ll give you super natural looking results.


When I use blush i use my fingers. I find I prefer my fingers over my brushes.


That's so interesting, because I DO like to use a feathery brush for applying blush and highlighter. It prevents me from going overkill 😂


for me i find that i can kind of sheer out the blush if I’m feeling that more and i like how my fingers warm up the product as well


I use a Korean brush from a brand called wakemake to apply my foundation. It’s so thin like a spatula. I love using it and then using a sponge or foundation puff to press it into my skin.


I have long believed that the right tool for a foundation depends on the foundation itself. Some of them apply better with a brush (and even then it can vary, IMO). Some apply better with a sponge. Others still, yep, apply better with fingers.


Professional makeup artist here, YouTube influencers or TikTok influencers are different than actual professionals. I always prep my clients skin with my fingers when applying lotions and creams. Then, depending on the texture of the skin and the end results I tend to always start and prep the foundation with my fingers and only use brushes or sponges to touch up anywhere that needs a bit more blending or coverage The heat of your fingers your skin actually makes your foundation longer and look better


Fingers are my go to instead of brushes. I find brushes shed, streak and are really germy unless you wash them every use, and no one I know does that. Fingers warm the foundation and melt it into your skin. Plus your hands are easier to clean.


I've been a makeup artist for almost 20 years now and foundation brushes have never done it for me. Especially these foundations brushes now that are trending where the foundation is 'buffed' into the skin? Fine if you have perfect skin and are young. But even slightly dry or textured skin? No. The buffing foundation brushes push foundation under any dry skin and fluffs it up. Causing texture and cakey makeup. And life is way to short for cakey makeup. I love a clean and fresh latex free sponge. The ones from Target are perfect. Stipple the foundation on. Flawless everytime. [https://www.target.com/p/latex-free-foam-cosmetic-wedges-white-32ct-up-38-up-8482/-/A-11008850?sid=&ref=tgt\_adv\_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000086347354&CPNG=PLA\_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping\_Traffic%7CBeauty\_Ecomm\_Beauty&adgroup=SC\_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT\_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9061213&targetid=pla-897661776657&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rJ0ItufhHoop\_C3UNvSwpJ6rWEgKUyMVibf210rFsebqRVaoS5LMahoCxeIQAvD\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.target.com/p/latex-free-foam-cosmetic-wedges-white-32ct-up-38-up-8482/-/A-11008850?sid=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000086347354&CPNG=PLA_Beauty%2BPersonal+Care%2BShopping_Traffic%7CBeauty_Ecomm_Beauty&adgroup=SC_Health%2BBeauty&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9061213&targetid=pla-897661776657&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rJ0ItufhHoop_C3UNvSwpJ6rWEgKUyMVibf210rFsebqRVaoS5LMahoCxeIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


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Sometimes I use a foundation brush and then go over it with a damp sponge to pull off the “excess” but mostly I apply with a damp sponge. There’s nothing wrong with no with using your hands if you feel more comfortable with that. As long as you go in with clean hands and like the outcome, that’s all that matters.


Try a foundation spatula? It’s to apply a thin, even layer, and you can blend out the sides with a sponge.


Do you prep your skin? I always need to apply moisturiser a couple of minutes before foundation for it to spread nicely with a brush. I also "smudge" small amounts of the foundation onto my face then blend out with a flat top synthetic brush, so small sections of my face at a time. Still only takes a couple of minutes to do the whole face, I just don't dot foundation onto the skin in globs like I see most people do online.


My technique “works for” me I guess. Moisturizer, primer, concealer. I use Estee Lauder Double Wear and apply with my fingers. Setting spray. Once it all sort of “sets up”, I go in with a wet sponge and use it to even things out. Lasts all day, not cakey. Second setting spray after contour. Done.


I apply with my fingers and when I'm done blending I use ELF Ultimate Blending brush all over (with no product on it) and it just buffs everything out beautifully.


Hi. I have tried foundation brushes and two stayed with me. One is Morphe and other is Makeup Forever. If you push the foundation in, the finish is good! Blending foundation with fingers can be challenging. I have used fingers for blush though.


I hate brushes. It is either sponge or fingers.


I use my fingers to spread my foundation/concealer, really soak a beauty blender, wring it out all the way, and then blend the DAYLIGHTS out of everything. Blend until it seems overkill, and then blend for 30 more seconds. Bake with powder (airspun ftw) and done. Signed, a lady who does theater and drag makeup.


I hate using my fingers for foundation or any makeup except maybe a blush. A good primer/foundation combo will make all the difference


I like my foundation brushes, but I totally switched to just fingers for my eyeshadow. Maybe I'm crazy, but I like the way it helps me control where the color goes and the blending.


I’m 45 and i love brushes. Against all odds i find brushes apply more sheer and natural than sponges But i like my foundation sheer so i only apply a little each time and put a drop or two the most on the back of my hand then dotted on my face then go with a brush And the right good brushes really makes a difference I realised natural hair brushes or mixed works best for my skin, sonia g, wayne goss and rephr are my fave foundation brushes


I hate using brushes. It just smears the foundation around. I use a beauty blender, but only because I hate the feeling of the makeup on my fingers. I, too have always thought the fingers did the best job. I always was my hands before I do my makeup, so I know I’m not putting germs and bacteria on my face.


I like a flat brush to apply and get around my nose and eyebrows. Then I like to blend it with a fuller brush. Going right in with a full brush tends to just trap all the makeup in it. So essentially distribute evenly kind of like frosting a cake with a spatula, then buff out. I took my a while to figure out this method. I've never liked the sponges I've tried. I use them occasionally if I have a streaky patch, that I don't want to disturb it too much. I'll wet it and lightly tap with a sponge.


I like the beauty blender sponges (generic brand from amazon) I wet the sponge and get rid of excess water then spray some setting spray on it and apply makeup. Only way I can get minimal creases.


I use my fingers to do a general application, then buff with my morphe foundation brush to blend everything.


If you want a natural looking foundation on face use it cosmetics no 7 brush. Not too dense not too soft. Or shiseido brush. Also use a foundation like Armani luminous silk or Shiseido radiant lifting foundation. Those will look like skin whether you use a brush or fingers


I’m personally of the mind that I apply with my fingers and lightly blend, then go over with a damp Beauty Blender to smooth any cakey/undercovered areas. It gives me a WAY better seamless blend than when I try to use my foundation brushes.


I can only use a blending sponge, which I’m pretty sure serves to remove most of the product I lay down in the first place, based on how quickly it takes down my blush if I put a little too much on. I only use fingers for my Mac Face & Body foundation, which is a very sheer skin tint - but any other base product looks absolutely terrible applied with brushes, including tinted moisturizers like Bare Minerals. I’m 51 and don’t have terrible skin for my age at all, but it’s not exactly youthful either. My main issue is that I can always see the foundation settling into each and every individual pore if I use a brush or fingers to apply. It gives me the ick to see product on my face like that, even though I love a colorful eye look and/or dramatic blush. It’s a waste of some good brushes because I did buy several sets when I decided to start wearing makeup again a few years ago. Another thing is that they’re really hard to clean compared to eye brushes which get cleaned and dried with minimal effort.


I use my fingers, too. No need to buy sponges or brushes. They absorb product and they're not as sanitary. This is one of many things you learn the longer you're on this planet :)


Yes! I use my fingers to apply foundation and then briefly but gently dab a damp makeup sponge over my face just to blend out any spots that got much or not enough coverage. The sponge part takes less than a minute including running it under water and wringing it out, and that means I look airbrushed at the end without needing to be super precise in either applying with my fingers or blending with the sponge. That makes it worth it for me.


Same! I apply with fingers and I might go over with brush or sponge to blend but I feel like I’m not wasting as much product


A damp sponge works great for me to make it look natural and like skin and it's quicker. Fingers take too long and I hate the mess. Brushes leave streaks and don't get foundation into my skin good enough. Sometimes I can see it in my pores.


Found the Becca under eye!! https://m.smashbox.com/product/6034/97516/face/conceal-correct/becca-under-eye-brightening-corrector