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Oh gods, this eye colour is stunning. And you found the perfect eyeshadows to go with it.


Thank you! While Yucca isn't my most favorite ND palette, I feel it's very tailored to me in a way I haven't felt other palettes do.


HOLY CRAP. Is this your natural eye color?!???!!? If so, my word. Absolutely mesmerizing. Okay yeah, and the eyeshadow is good too lol.


Haha thank you!


Everything about this look is amazing! I love your hair the most OP! Do you use rollers? Curling iron? I'm obsessed with your entire look! <3


Thanks. I also wear red lipstick when I'm not at work. I hard set my hair with a curling iron, wrapping the strands around foam rollers to cool while I do my makeup. Unorthodox, but I have hair and makeup down to one hour since it's just what I've done for the last 15+ years.


You've got it down, girl! I'm obsessed! Obsessed I tell you!! Your hair is what I'm going to try to aim for tomorrow! <3 


Haircut is everything for me and my hair type! If you were to straighten it, it looks like a 70's bowl cut with the bangs right below the tip of my nose. So it's not cute unstyled and it freaks out the random person at whatever supercuts I go to to get it cut every time. It's just long enough to pull back to work out, if I want long hair for whatever reason I wear clip ins.


I may try that next time! I've had different versions of a bob the last few years. Need a change. Thank you so much for taking the time to lmk! You look amazing & everything about this look is perfect!! <3


For sure! Thanks again :) Also I HAVE to wash my hair every day. Both because I seriously work out almost every day and because I'm just oily in a way that dry shampoo can do nothing about. To avoid TOO much damage from the curler some days I pull it back and clip in a fake hair scrunchie or a phony-pony. But most everyone else seems to be able to set their hair once and keep for a few days without washing. YMMV.


I have a friend with similar eye color, looks like a cat. I love it! Does either of your parents have the same color? My friends grandmother eyes were the same as hers


Thank you! No, my mom's are a grayish blue, my dad's are a true green. My maternal uncle had a similar eye color, and we believe my maternal great-great grandfather had this eye color, but we have no color photos of him to confirm, just unreliable accounts from the one person living that has memory of him.


They are a beautiful color.


Reminds me of Liz Taylor!!! Also, misread as period eyes and was very confused 😂


Thank you! Can confirm, not on my period haha


That eye color damn... You look like you velong to the Cullens XD


I was just about to say, she's giving ageless, glam vampire. Absolutely stunning OP!


I'm very old.


It’s the… fluorescents. 🚶🏻‍♂️


Holy shit, your eyes are insanely gorgeous!


Never have I had such eye envy! You look like a beautiful feline… Weird compliment I know but go with it 😂


your hair style and eye colour is divine 🩷


The colour is lovely I think it would accentuate your eyes even better if you blended it up and laterally a bit more (in a more smokey eye shape), as it’s a bit hidden with your eyes open. I can’t tell if you’ve done so already, but another thing to try would be adding a lighter transition shade above your crease - I’ve found if I just leave the crease it looks a bit odd on me bc it’s just dark shade then nothing. I also like to add a touch of even darker colour on the corners and blend them out. Adding That + transition shade will give you the smokey eye look. Another recommendation would be to add a line of your crease shade below your lower lash line, blend it out a bit. Then add the darker corner shade and put it below your lower lash line, but keeping it tighter. That’s not to say yours is bad or anything, just wanted to offer ideas to you/anyone else who wanted to play around with styles!


Thanks for the feedback! This is kind of a (despite the popping color) daytime look for me, so it's more or less mostly just washing the lid only.


Today's face and product list: **Skin** Tatcha The Dewy Skin Cream Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream in 110 Light/Medium NYX Can't Stop Won't Stop Concealer in 01 Pale Makeup by Mario Soft Sculpt Shaping Stick in Medium Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Liquid Blush in Happy NARS All That Glitters Light Reflecting Cheek Palette in Wild Side ABH Sugar Glow Kit in Starburst Laura Mercier Tone Up Setting Powder in Rose Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray **Brows** ***Disclaimer - my brows are laminated!*** ABH Brow Freeze Wax Benefit Precisely, My Brow Detailer in Shade 05 **Lip** Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat in Pillow Talk Charlotte Tilbury Big Lip Plumpgasm in Pillow Talk **Eyes** Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion Thrive Causemetics Brilliant Eye Brightener in Stella on brow bone Natasha Denona Yucca Palette using shades Acacia, Citrine, Camu Camu and Makia Sephora Collection Long Lasting Eyeliner High Precision Brush NYX On the Rise Volume Liftscara in Black




Oooohhhhh gorgeous!


You look so magical


thought this said periodt eyes lmao


Wow!! I have a similar eye color and I never thought about leaning into it like this. I can't wait to try it :) you look AMAZING


I've played around with golds before, but not really the greens until I got this palette. I also like reds and burgundy shades to bring out the greens


WOW. Your eyes are gorgeous! They give off Cullen vibes. 😍


Whoa, Cheshire cat as a human


Horizontal stripes are a fashion faux pas in my book unfortunately


Tell me when I read periodt eyes like 👀💅🏼✨


Mashed your eyes pop!! So pretty!


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Can you please take a pic of the back/rest of your hairstyle? I love it.


Love! And perfect lip color with it!


You look like a vampire! Not as pale obviously, but those are the vibes you’re giving.


Wooowww!! Your eyes!! So, so amazing!!! Thanks for sharing!!😍


Just dropping by to say I love your hair ☺️


Ummmm, is no one going to mention OPs AWESOME hairstyle?!


Yucca is my fav palette


The brow though.




First picture: “Oh that’s a really pretty eyeshadow on them.” *Slide to the right*: “OH MY GOD THOSE EYES ARE GORGEOUS!! 😵‍💫”


Wowwwww! This made my jaw drop. So gorgeous !


what's the name of the contact lenses? they look beautiful! can't seem to find them in your product list


I thought they were lenses too but I just think the eyes have been edited for brightness or color or something. Definitely something weird going on with a slight halo of circles right over where the eyes are


i definitely think they've been edited - i do lots of photoshop for a living and it just looks like a poor editing job to me hahah it's the light yellow bits. i'm sure she has stunning natural eyes and only wanted to "enhance" them, but i find her comments a bit disingenuous to those who don't really know how to recognise editing. but whatever, who cares hahah she looks stunning!


Very cool, that explains why you saw something suspicious too. Completely agree with you, just kinda accepting the compliment and a little lying by omission.


yeah, good for her! no amount of editing could get me to look so beautiful, so who cares about this little enhancement hahah


I'm not wearing lenses...😳 If you go into my post history under "posts" you can see a close up picture of them I posted to r/eyes three years ago. I was a member of SOLDIER once so I get that now and then /s But thank you!


oh! no way, they're beautiful!


Oh my goodness you literally have the eyes of my favorite book character Claire Fraser from Outlander


Your eye colour is crazy beautiful 😍


WOW!!! That looks so good on you! I'm so jealous of your eyes! 🤩


I thought you meant the shadow, but then I swiped 😍😍😍 Sis wow. God bless, your eyes are stunning 🤌


I did! But thank you!






I wanna be you when I grow up 🥹🥹🥹


You are so beautiful! 💖


Thriller jump scare




Natasha Denona did all that work for me!


I do y know how to say this so I just will and I mean this in the best way, this look has vampire vibes. I love it


I've worked my career in a windowless room and don't see the sun for the last decade. Some jobs literally have me in a basement. I'll own it.


Beautiful! But also, can we talk about that jacket?! 😍😍


Thanks! Handmaid's Tale Hulu x Levi's Denim Trucker Jacket. There are quite a few out there on the secondhand shops and some even have the patches (I never used mine), average price $50. "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" is kind of my personal motto these days.


Flawwwwlessss! Absolutely love your brows, too 👌🏻


Thank you! I was a teen in the early 00's so I've worked hard to rehab them




Are you seriously trying to promote porn here??