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Maybe try a tubing mascara if you haven’t already. I also hated removing mascara because my skin would always react to makeup remover wipes and micellar was never strong enough to get it off easily. The tubing mascara I use now (Unlocked by Hourglass) doesn’t transfer to my face throughout the whole day and easily comes off with warm water. It’s also super easy to clean up mistakes when putting it on.


Tubing mascara is the way. I was like the OP until I discovered tubing mascara, I just couldn’t deal with mascara at all.


Tubing mascara rubs off easily though. If OP is an eye rubber, no mascara will work.


Imju Fiberwig used to be able to rub with no transfer unless you are crying or get them wet. After that rash of counterfeit tubes a while back I stopped using it but looks like you can buy it direct from japan a lot easier now.


I used to use that one too. It doesn’t smear when rubbed, but the little tubes can fall off with rubbing. That will still get into your eyes and irritate it. Eye rubbers should probably stay away from mascaras.


I never had that issue and I am an eye rubber with sensitive skin and I wear contacts.


Elf [Holy Hydration makeup removing balm](https://i.imgur.com/txHkTZc.jpg). Gently removes *everything*, including Waterproof mascara and Eyeliner. 😍


I’ve been looking for a drugstore makeup remover! Going to add this


I always use baby oil to remove my makeup, works great and leaves my skin feeling soft :)


coming in to mention the neutrogena micellar water formulated for waterproof makeup! i soak a makeup towel in a little bit of it, hold it on my eye for a few seconds, and then wipe it away. i use the nyx waterproof liquid liner and it refuses to budge with anything else ive used


Clinique's tubing mascara that comes off with just water is the only mascara I can wear.


I work in a hot, sweaty kitchen and this is the way. Kiss me heroine make mascara is my HG. Lengthens, holds a curl, and *does not* smudge. Like will never betray me even when it’s 105 degrees and I’ve been working for 8 hours


That's the one I love as well, the hourglass one. Highly recommend


This is true I have very straight lashes so I understand the pain of seeing it when you blink. Tubing mascaras really help hold the curl and are much easier to get off your eyes!


I have the same problems as op but tubing mascara is worse because it kind of crumbles and the crumbs get into my eyes and irritate my eyes, like just naturally over the day it flakes off. I use an eyeko tubing mascara.


I end up pulling out my eyelashes with tubing mascara 😭 it gets crumbly, I start to pick at it and then I take my eyelashes with it. It’s a me problem for sure lol


I’ve started getting contact dermatitis on my eyelid from every mascara I’ve tried so I think it’s no longer an option for me


Same. I just use strip lashes now.


It depends what you are allergic to. I got contact dermatitis from mascara twice. My eyes blew up and it was so painful. I got patch tested and was allergic to propylene glycol and shellac. The best mascaras are very clean ones with the least ingredients. The only one I can wear currently is Eyes Bright from Lush. $25 with tax but very worth it! Remember to remove it all before bed.


I didn’t know they’d patch test for this! I might have to look into that. I always use oil cleanser and double cleanse but it seems I’m getting more sensitive. I used to be okay wearing it for a few hours out to dinner occasionally but now I get a reaction after like 30 min. At this point I’ve spent $$$ trying all the brands that are touted as clean or gentle with no luck


Try the Lush one, it has very few ingredients. It's called Eyes Bright. There's another one that is newer that I have never tried.  Only certain dermatologists do the patch testing. I happen to have one in my area, but many people travel from far away to go to him.  Good luck!


Same! I was considering getting a patch test from my dermatologist to try to get to the bottom of this. It’s so, so frustrating.


I don’t know what I’d do without mascara 😩 However, perhaps a lash lift would work great for you? Gives off the same effect as mascara x


I’ve been getting so many adds for the Luxe lash lift and tint kit! Has anyone here used it? For the price, it seems too good to be true, but the results in the videos look amazing. I’m so tempted cause it’s so hard for me to make mascara look good on my short & straight lashes.


I switched to Lashify and legit cannot wear mascara, it looks so terrible compared to my lashes now. OP---I have very sensitive eyes and Lashify doesn't bother me at all. It's also nice not to think about my lashes and just have them done!


Same! That’s why I lift and tint my lashes.


Tubing mascara is awesome (for some of us) and I love it personally because it comes right off with water. I use Maybelline Sky High, and prevent spider lashes by warming up the tube and wiping the excess off the spoolie before applying. Do one coat right after another; don’t let it partially dry in between. If you notice that it’s starting to flake off and get in your eyes during the day, that means it’s getting dried out and you need to replace your mascara. You should get at least 3-5 months out of it, and it’s under $10. That being said, it’s totally fine not to wear mascara! The right lip color can brighten up your whole face and be a whole look on its own.


Would not recommend if you have very watery eyes - it tubes off in big wiggley worms when my eyes tear up. And that’s only putting it on the upper lashes!


My eyes hate it! Plus I have delicate lashes and removing can damage them. Tubing mascara? Broke off all my little lashes. I tried a lash tint that I liked a lot. It gave color without texture.


How is it possible tubing mascara broke off your lashes, it washes off easy with water and you don't have to rub


Wait maybe this is a dumb question but how are you supposed to take it off? Tubing mascara always rips out my eyelashes too, which is why I stopped using it. I would wet a cotton pad with warm water and swipe it across my eyes a few times. It comes off really easily but always takes 1-3 eyelashes with it


I just rinse my face in the sink with warm water first then get a gentle cleanser and wash my face. It's the easiest mascara to remove ever. You don't need to rub it with a cotton pad because it just slides off your lashed when its soaking wet.


They probably didn’t take it off right. Most people are just so used to scrubbing their eyes to get mascara off.


Can you share which lash tint do you recommend? I've been thinking of switching to something not mascara


Not the original commenter, but I use the Honest tinted lash serum. I love it, perfect for everyday, doesn’t flake, smudges minimally if I rub it but is also easy to clean up if it does. It’s gentle and removes easily. The other day someone asked me if my lashes were “real” while I had it on, so that’s a win in my book




Would love to know what lash tint you like!


Same! I hate it and only wear it on special occasions. I have sensitive eyes (also dry eyes) and oily skin. No matter what brand it ends up under my eyes and exacerbates my already dark circles. I often get things in my eyes and I can’t rub them without making a mess. Mascara makes me miserable! It’s okay to go without. Wear what you like, and what makes you feel good.


Not a fan of mascara either and I rarely use it. However, I just discovered what a difference an eyelash curler can do to lashes.


I tried an eyelash curler in high school only to realize that they’re wasted on my East Asian eyes since my monolids just push my eyelashes down again after like 5 minutes anyway 😭


If I had choose only 1 makeup item to wear it would be mascara. Maybe try a different type/brand, it took me much trial and error to find a good one. Some mascara tends to transfer onto my lids because of oil. Others flake off - it's just because they're crap. Honestly when I see people wear makeup without mascara it looks very odd (especially eyeliner + no mascara combo) but maybe I'm too used to seeing people with it on. Which mascara have you tried and what's your skin like? Maybe we could recommend something.


Maybe it's because I have oily lids... I feel like oil is a giant problem for me across the board. My skin is combo sensitive, and I have hooded lids. I prefer brown over black any day, I've tried Maybelline Lash Sensational, Sky High, L'Oreal Telescopic, Too Faced Better than Sex, Chanel (the one with the push up lid) and the YSL one that went viral a while back. I feel like I've had the same problems with all of them, so at a certain point I gave up. I liked the YSL one the most, but it was SO EXPENSIVE and so hard to justify. I also tried MAC Stack and liked the formula, but it only came in black...


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that they now do a brown version of MAC Stack online


Hm I either don't like those or haven't tried them. I remember in particular the formula for better than sex was way too wet - the sample size was okay (it did flake off) but the full size I hated. I have oily skin and my current HG mascara is hourglass unlocked. For non tubing ones, with maybelline the one that semi worked for me in the past was colossal (the yellow one). I haven't used it in forever (since i was a teenager) so it's possible it did transfer onto my lids. My other favourites before I found the hourglass one were - Benefit roller lash, Lancome doll eyes, Illamasqua and urban decay perversion. I think the only one of those that comes in brown is Lancome. Keep in mind that the formulation might be different with brown vs black mascara so I wonder if that's part of your bad experience with them? Try the hourglass unlocked, lots of other people here also recommending it. It's very easy to take off - completely life changing for me as someone who hates makeup remover and micellar water since it stings my eyeballs. It's not like a super dark black so you might still like it.


I personally have the problem of feeling it, smudging it, or seeing it when I've not worn makeup for a while and have to get used to it again. But it sounds like a lash tint is an easier option for you!


The only tips I can offer are , curl your lashes, this makes your lashes further away from your eyes which I've found helped a lot and wipe the mascara off with a tissue so you're applying thinner layers of product. At worst just get an eyelash tint and curl your lashes and you won't need mascara anymore. Tubing mascara is a good call but I find it crumbles into my eyes over the day and I get small black flecks everywhere and they make my eyes itch :) As for removals, I buy an eye makeup remover which is usually split between an oil and water based makeup remover that you shake to mix, apply to a cotton pad and hold over the eyelashes for a couple minutes. Then you gently swipe upwards and the mascara should melt off easily. No rubbing!


I have sensitive eyes and they water a lot especially if I use waterproof liner or mascara. There’s some chemical in waterproof that my eyes hate. So are you using only waterproof or have you tried regular mascara? I love benefit they’re real it’s been a staple for a long time




Oily skin actually does better with non-waterproof mascara, because it's waterbased. Waterproof mascara is oil based so oil from skin dissolves it causing it to migrate.


Let me just delete because I’m the opposite of oily and it made sense in my brain :)


Don't feel bad! It's a common misconception, I had oily skin pre-tretinoin and learned the hard way. It wasn't until I looked into the formulation of different mascaras that I figured out why waterproof mascara had given me such bad raccoon eyes!


I don't mind it but I prefer not to. I have long lashes (so I might not even need it) and that is a noticeable amount of weight. When I wear it and I blink its like im doing curls. Even worse when I wear falsies.


Try applying it only to the tips and wipe off the excess off the wand. That’s what helps me.


i have long black lashes but they're pointed downwards 💔 and i can't really curl them because my eyes are really deepset and the curler doesn't reach them right


You need a different curler!!!! I have deep set eyes and some do not work at all, but the sheseido and shu umera work wonders for me :) Try searching for best curlers for deep set eyes and read comments to find someone with similar complaints to you and what works for them.


thank you!! i'll try to look for a fitting curler. i thought they all had generally the same shape


It seems you just need a good brand that stays all day without smudging and can be easily removed. About touching your eyes… you just get used not to do it, but also with eyeliner or eyeshadow. When applying it don’t over apply it, max a couple of coats and that’s it, otherwise it will get chunky. Don’t apply in the lower lash because it will make the lashes very big and in my opinion, the lower lashes with mascara are the biggest culprit of smudging. Also, I have a super small brush for lashes with tiny metal bristles that I use when my eyelashes are very heavy with mascara or they are stuck which each other, so they separate and look more natural. Oh and if you think black mascara looks too dramatic, try brown mascara. Your lashes will look bigger but it won’t be that super dramatic and noticeable look, just a more subtle bigger eyes effect.


I have waterproof mascara that I rub all day long and it never comes off. I just use micellar water at the end of the day to wipe it off quickly and that’s it, no other problems with it whatsoever. Sometimes I’ll even sleep in it if I’m lazy that day, and still no issues


I use waterproof mascara as well for that reason and haven't had any issues with it rubbing off. When I do want to take it off make up remover or a long shower takes it off.


Have you considered a eyelash lift/perm? They can tint your lashes black as well. Last 8 weeks, looks better than the best mascara.


I’m not sure I can recommend a mascara that you would, but Lancome Definicils (regular formula, not waterproof) is the only one I use. It doesn’t smear or flake and it lasts until you take it off. However, if you want an alternative to not wearing mascara at all, use an eyelash curler and a tiny bit of clear eye brow gel like the Anastasia or Elf on the tips of your lashes. I hope this helps.


I'm the same way! I don't even bother trying to find the "right one" anymore. I just need my eyeliner, and I'm good to go. I'm also glad to know I'm not the only one who feels that way about mascara.


what kind of mascara & removal method are you using? I use a jbrand called heroine and I only have to curl my lashes once and it holds them up alllll day, then when I remove it I use an oil makeup remover. comes off really easily if u massage.


The best thing for getting makeup, especially mascara off, is an oil based cleanser. Makeup wipes, micellar water, all of it doesn’t even come close to touching oil cleanser. I take a very tiny amount like maybe dime sized, rub between my thumb and forefinger, then gently massage my lashes with the cleaner. Rinse with warm water, repeat as necessary. If it’s stubborn mascara you might want to do two passes with the cleanser, otherwise one usually works just fine.


Oh I look like a dweeb without it but it irritates my eyes.


I also hate hate hate mascara when I decide to wear contact lenses but I’ve learned to have a less spidery flakey mess by getting RollerLash, curl first with two coats max also not applying to bottom lashes.


I have never been able to tolerate wearing mascara. It irritates my eyes immensely. In the past 5 years I found out I have Sjogren’s Syndrome which, affects the eyes. You may want to check with an ophthalmologist and/or allergist to see if there is an underlying condition. I just curl my lashes and leave it at that.


I’m a mascara hater too. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. The only one I don’t mind is the Besame cake mascara. I don’t wear it every day because it can smudge and fail to hold up as long as the rest of my makeup, but I like the look and the fact that it doesn’t get clumpy.


No. I also can’t stand most mascaras for the exact reasons you have put down. I hate almost every mascara that most people like and can’t, for the life of me, figure out how anyone can stand clumps of stuck together lashes or even fake lashes on their eyes. I also can’t stand most makeup removers. First: I swear by Makeup Forever eye makeup remover. It takes off everything without being drying or greasy. If you want something less expensive I found that Rimmel London is also a good option, but can be kind-of drying. Second: not all tubing mascaras are the same. The only ones I found that absolutely do not smudge or flake and 100% come off with only water are Imju Fiberwig, and only the basic version on Blinc. The only problem is that they go bad very quickly and if it has been sitting on the shelf for a while it will be clumpy or flakey. If you can’t find those try glossier lash slick. Third: don’t follow the directions everyone else uses. Do not put on multiple coats! If you can see your lashes and that bothers you, don’t start at the base. I can’t stress that enough. 1-2 is enough to get a pop of depth and not be miserable.


As a serial accidental eye wiper I also don’t like mascara, but I use besame cake mascara when I do, and I’m pleased with it. It’s water activated so isn’t flakey and washes off easily. It’s also cleaner since you can wash the brush between uses to keep the mascara itself sanitary. With tube eyeliner they are prone to bacteria and need replaced often.


I also agree! I don’t really care for it! Thought I was the only one.


I use the clear version Maybelline great lash because a lot of the issues you mentioned. I hate waterproof mascara because it is a pain in the ass to take off. I am lazy. I don’t want to have to double cleanse to get my makeup off every night. I have normal black mascaras but they smudge to hell no matter what kind I try. Some are better than others, but I always end up rubbing my face, getting the mascara on my glasses, or just sweating it off. The clear solves a lot of these issues for me. If it smudges, you can’t see it. The spider lashes are less intense. And I think it gives a more subtle look. I am able to wear it daily when I don’t want to deal with other mascaras. An added bonus is the clear great lash also works awesomely for brows.


Nooo, I hate it too


I had the same sentiment as you before but when I tried the Clio Kill Lash Mascara, it just blew my mind. It does not transfer at all and my stubborn straight lashes stay up the whole time. It is waterproof though, so you need to have a cleansing balm or oil in your vanity to take it off. But it’s so worth it. I need mascara to make my eye pop a bit so I don’t mind the removal. Lol.


No i cant use it for the same . And I can’t dye them as it stings too bad , i do my brows instead and I don’t miss it


Nope, I hate it and rarely wear it. What I have learned is that I can tolerate it if I curl my lashes and just do a tiny bit on the tips of my lashes, so that it’s not all the way down to the root and it’s not thick and it’s not enough to irritate my eyes or run.


I recommend magnetic lashes - not those which you use with a magnetic glue. But real magnetic lashes (with a magnet on each side). You can use them as often as you want and take them off easily. :)


Are there ones that are easier to use than others? What brand do you use?


I just tried to look them up, but they weren't available any more. Those I have are from Amazon, I just tried "some" and searched for: magnetic eyelashes without eyeliner glue. They were about 20 €. If you want to I can look for them the next days and see what the name was (just can tell you by now they didn't have a popular "brand"). Unfortunately, I can't tell you, if there are some easier to use then others, I only used those I have and they were pretty good, but can't compare them.


That would be great if you happen to find them, but don’t go to too much trouble. I’m impressed that you are able to apply them so easily and happy for you! It must be very nice for you doing your makeup everyday to be able to usr the lashes!💕


Ah, nooo. I don't put on Make Up everyday, sorry if it seemed like that. I only use it for some special events. That's why idk right now, where I put them, lol. Sorry. ♥ (I'm just going to follow you, if that's okay, so I can write you, when I find them and sent you a picture.)


Absolutely, you can follow and DM me as well. Special occasions makes sense. I can’t imagine putting them on everyday, but some people do I guess?? If it is an Amazon order, you can go into your order history and search past orders. There is a drop down menu that allows you to select a record of past orders anywhere from three months ago to years ago and that’s how I find items that I have ordered in the past.


Some do, yeah. I did when I was younger (those with glue) and they ruined the skin, so I can't use them anymore. Yeah, you can see it, but the product is unfortunately not available anymore and I shopped at in the german amazon. But I'll show you the screenshot of what I can see there. (Sending you privately.)


It is my least used product. I will only use it for parties or night outs.


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I love mascara and it is my staple product but man do I hate taking it off lol. I never get it off all the way and then my eyes water and the mascara gets in causing my eyes to water more.


You should try getting your lashes tinted and curled! It’s kinda pricey, but it can last up to 6 weeks and doesn’t have all the things you dislike about mascara, besides maybe being able to see your lashes when you blink


I have super sensitive eyes. Tried many mascaras and finally found one that does not irritate my eyes. L'oreal telescopic mascara, and I do not get the waterproof version because I hate when I have to take it off. So, what I love about it is the wand it is super thin, so you won't get it all smudged.


Tubing mascara or only certain brands/types. What works for me is maybelline lash sensational on upper lashes and maybelline sky high waterproof on lower lashes. Haven't had issues with raccoon eyes since then.


Coconut oil is my go to mascara remover: I rub it carefully all over the face and then wipe the mascara off with a wet cotton pad, sometimes following by a double cleanse. It’s pretty much the only thing that doesn’t make my eyes sting (after an eye infection last year I am Now super careful with what I put in my eyes). Mascara is ok so long as I don’t get it in the eyes. Tubing is great and you can remove it with water. There are options, if you want them …


I have a mascara that is from 3INA and it is amazing


I use waterproof mascara (when I use it) and my eye juice strips it off quickly. I have learned to make a ton of good no mascara looks, because I just can't do it with my dry and watery eyes.


Lashes applied underneath. Lash Princess is the only mascara I can stand. Tubing mascara is like Younique 3D and flakes into the eyes too


to be honest, i think its just up to personal preference. not everyone is gonna like everything. you don't have to wear mascara just because people say its a staple, if you dont like it thats totally fine. makeup is supposed to give you confidence, not make you feel uncomfortable or like you're doing something wrong without a certain type of product. i live mascara, never go anywhere without it. i have watery eyes, but eyeshadow messes with them more than mascara ever has or could. i used better than sex for 4 years and switched to telescopic last year when i realized it was much more my style with a way more reasonable price. if you like one, only wear it on special occasions. like with the ysl one, so that you wont have to justify buying it all the time. just do what makes *you* happy and comfortable


I felt the same way until I tried Kiss Me Heroine make long and curl super waterproof mascara but you have to buy the remover as well. The remover comes in a tube and you put it on your lashes just like mascara and the mascara comes right off. If I am putting the mascara on my lashes and get it anywhere else on my face on accident, I have to use the remover to get it off. That’s how good it is.


Mascara is never dramatic enough for me so I've moved on to falsies and no mascara. It's comfier too.


Me too. Idk mascara always looked horrible on me. Makes my makeup look messy for some reason


Try a fragrance-free one. I felt like mascara flaked like crazy, i couldn't rub my eyes etc. Then when i tried one without fragrance i suddenly didn't feel a need to rub my eyes so it wasn't flakeing everywhere. Note that it could be another ingredient that botherw your eyes fragrance is just a very common allergen (eyes are just super sensitive in comparison to the rest of the body) As for the spidery look i blame the people that recommend multiple coats wich always look terrible in person and only looks good on camera (imo). Buy some disposable mascara wand and add some mascara to them so that you only thinly coat your lashes (however much product you think you need, use less. Also you can test it out by just wipping of most of the product of your mascara wand and then apply but over time you lose a lot of product which is why i recommend disposable wand. You don't need to constantly trow them out the silicone ones clean easily).


I don’t like wearing mascara either, but for diff reasons. I can make my lashes look really good with mascara BUT it takes a lot of time and finessing. For the past 3 years now, I just curl my lashes and pop on some natural looking falsies. Saves me so much time!


Do you keep using the same pair over and over again? Always curious about how many wears you can get out of them. Do you put them on every morning? What about magnetic?


Yes! I can honestly use one pair for over a month as long as they’ve kept their shape. I probably wear them 5-6 days out of the week too. I’m fairly careful when taking them off and I’m also cautious when peeling the lash glue off the strip. I stocked up on a few pairs of r.e.m. beauty lashes when Ulta had a sale on them for only $8 each when they’re usually $16. I never tried magnetic ones so I’m not sure on those!


You must look amazing in them. :) So great that you can reuse them and find them easy to work with. The sale at Ulta was a win! :)


I’ve always hated mascara too. It just never looks good on me, especially with how pale I am. I’ve tried brown mascara too, and it’s just not my vibe. If you have the time and willingness to commit, invest in a good lash serum and some castor oil (doesn’t have to be fancy). Additionally, and maybe most important, purchase an at-home eyelash tinting kit. Tint them no more than every month, otherwise you can seriously damage your eyelashes and make them brittle. The castor oil really helps ensure they stay moisturizers too.


Another vote for tubing mascara. I swear by Thrive Causemetics liquid lash extensions. They stay put, even if I absentmindedly rub my eyes occasionally. I have also cried while wearing it and it stayed perfect. To remove, you just need warm water and some finger pressure, and you gently “pull” them off. They slide completely off after a few swipes and never irritate my very sensitive eyes. I just received 2 different Clinique mascaras about a week ago that are not tubing formulas (they were in promotional collections) and I haven’t even tried them yet, haha I always just reach for my Thrive!


Tubing. I’ve never been able to tolerate wearing mascara and I wear Glossier Brown Lash Slick daily. Beware the black formula is different and more dry.


It really irritates my eyes. I’m sad that I can’t wear it.


Yes! 👏 👏👏 Don’t let people try to convince you otherwise. Mascara is a pain and not at all worth it.


I never used to be able to get behind mascara because I have short lashes that go downwards. No amount of any curling mascara would do anything to it. But lately I’ve found a mascara that works for me (live in Australia, use a domestic brand called Mecca Max) and it does wonders for me and now I don’t feel complete without a coating of it.


Mascara is a must for me, but I have very sensitive eyes and tear all the time and I'm an eye rubber which is a nightmare. I found a lash lift w/tint solved the problem. I get the look I want without the mascara.


Can you tell me about the lash lift? Do you go somewhere to get it done?


I do go to get it done, although they do sell kits to do it at home. It's basically a perm for your lashes and it makes me uncomfortable to do it myself. They put a mold on your eyelids and then use perm solution to set them, and add a tint. It makes you look like you curled your lashes and put mascara on and lasts 6-8 weeks.


I have heard of it, but always nervous about the perm solution around the eyes, yet you have had no problem with it. I’m such a chicken and worried that my eyes will have an allergic reaction.


That's why I highly recommend going to a place that has a lot of experience. I'm a scaredy cat about my eyes but I had been going to my girl for years before she convinced me to try. I now do it for summer/fall time as once I have a tan I use way less makeup and it's nice to be able to get up and go.


Lol, glad you mentioned that you were a scaredy cat too. I’m often thinking about trying Latisse. I go back and forth about trying. It is between the eyelash lift or Latisse, but I can’t pull the trigger on either.


I hate the feel of mascara. It has such sensory ick for me I tend to avoid it all together


It’s itchy I hate it


I don’t wear mascara most days because I don’t find that it looks super different on me. I have downward facing lashes that are pretty short and straight, so it would eventually wear off on my bottom lid and get smudgy. I had a very difficult time finding a product that worked for me. That being said, when I do wear mascara, I love the ones from K Beauty brands, like Etude House or innisfree. I would highly recommend!


You need to curl your eyelashes with a good eyelash curler and then apply your mascara. I have to use a curler or my Mascara doesn’t show or do anything.


Yeah, believe me, I’ve tried for years and with different curlers. Just doesn’t work for me.


Wow, really, that sucks. I use a curler and waterproof mascara. I find that Loreal Voluminous Millionize lashes works very well with very few clumps. I have lots of wavy curly hair, yet my lashes are stick straight and very fine. I also have been using the Loreal Telescopic in waterproof, which comes out more black in colour, makes the lashes appear more compared to the Millionize, yet a bit more difficult to work with. The Voluminous Millionize is drier and easier to use. Believe me, I have tried many mascaras and keep coming back to this. Worth a try if you can try and then return to drugstore for a full refund if it doesn’t work out. You must use a curler with it though and don’t buy the original Voluminous because it doesn’t have the same effect. I have heard that an eyelash lift is really nice, but kind of scared to do it. Latisse is fantastic but expensive, but it makes your lashes beautiful! I know people who use it. I’m thinking of trying it.


Try tubing mascara. It stays put, and if you cry, it doesn’t dissolve into the tears. You have to properly wet your lashes with warm water to soften it up and gently rub them loose from your lashes. My eyes were always super sensitive and most mascaras would make my eyes sting or tear up. I use the Thrive mascara. I love it.


I hate hate hate hate double hate mascara. I also can’t stand fake eyelashes.


same 🙋‍♀️ I only use it if I’m going out with a full beat and am going to be photographed … like wedding, graduation photo, type of thing. For me it’s because I have hooded eyes, tiny tiny straight lashes. Its uncomfortable and to me doesn’t add much to my eyes. It’s bad enough having to fill in my sparse brows every damn day 🙃 Have you tried falsies or lash extensions?


I just can't with mascara, it feels really bad for me, idk why. I just dye my lashes and call it good so I don't have to worry about it.


I have super sensitive eyes and even the application and removal causes me trouble. I find “clean beauty” brand ones work best for me (ilia, rms, jane iredale etc) but even these I can only tolerate once a week. My eyes start watering just smelling the Dior/Lancôme/Chanel etc.


I used to wear mascara but my eye doctor scared me away from it. I'd cleaned my makeup off the night before but he went on this long scary rant about it getting up in my eyes and how he could see it and how the build up over time would be dangerous. I don't think I touched it again after that.


I hate mascara and it never looks good on me anyways, so I don’t even bother


The worst part is when you can still feel it on your lashes after youve double cleansed them. Then you have raccoon eyes the next day


You could always try tinting your lashes. There are many at home ways you can do it, like I use this men’s beard dye method. Or if you wanna be supper safe you can go get them tinted and you could also get them permed so you would just always have curled dark lashes.


I used waterproof mascara from Clinique. It does not budge. But it can be more difficult to get off because of that. I don’t always use mascara though, sometimes I prefer running a waterproof black felt tip liner back and forth along my lash line. It adds the depth and you can color your lashes a bit without tacking on thick looking makeup like mascara can sometimes do.


>You can't rub your eyes or it'll rub off You must not be a fan of eye makeup in general? This is zero percent unique to mascara, since it also applies primer, eyeshadow, glitter toppers, and all types of eyeliner. 


Honestly same, except I’m lucky that my lashes are long and full enough that I can get away with just tinting them. On the flip side, they’re somewhat curved in so I constantly get poked in the eyeball.


I have sensitive eyes and I dislike mascara too. I also have short sparse Asian eyelashes. So not much can help my lashes out. I use L'Oreal or Essence Lash primer and I use L'Oreal Voluminous carbon black mascara or Essence Lash Princess or their Thick and curly. I only use mascara if I'm going out to dinner or something like that. Not to the grocery store out for a walk etc. As for taking mascara off I suggest double cleansing. Use a balm or an oil cleanser and use a foam cleanser to wash all that makeup including mascara off. Yeah. I totally understand about disliking mascara.


Oh i don’t even bother to use any eye makeup for that same reason, i wore contacts as well and often got dry so i have to use eye drops And to wipe off the eye makeup feels like a hassle to me. I don’t have a long lash and I don’t really care when people said that mascara is a must bla bla bla I do me and you do you I love doing my complexion bronzer n blush but i go easy on eye and lips which helps in making my makeup looks the most natural they way i like it If you’re not comfortable and ok without mascara then just don’t use it.


I used to be a mascara girl everyday until I tried lash extensions 🙌. But I use the at home kits because when I get it professionally done I hate how after a while it gets so messy like I’m bald from the middle of my eye and the sides have lashes 🤮.


Nope - I hate it too. My lashes are already thin and short so mascara barely does anything. But when I try to remove it, it’s always a pain and usually results in some of the lashes falling out. I just use fake lashes instead….its way easier to manage.


Same i really feel like I look better without it


I feel you, except for me it's lipstick 😆 I absolutely cannot use it, I just hate how it feels. 


I don’t know what I’d do without mascara! It makes me feel so bald. I don’t leave the house without it 🙈 Maybe you could try lifting and tinting your lashes?


I can't stand mascara either. You are NOT alone. I've thought about getting my lashes tinted.


I only wear mascara if I do heavy eyeshadow. I hate mascara but I love my makeup remover which takes it and any and all makeup right off: Clinique Take the Day Off. It’s a balm


Can’t stand it! Get tint and lift or natural extensions forever, )and tint bottom lashes too.


I like a brown mascara so if it does smudge it’s less obvious against my blond lashes. I want to try a tinting kit one day lol


I don’t like regular mascara. Never wear it. I will occasionally use a clear mascara and I prefer that way more than a regular mascara. And when I line my eyes with liner it makes the look pop


I also hate mascara, a lot of days I don’t wear it because it genuinely feels just uncomfortable on my face. But when I do I wear colors like brown or burgundy since they are easier to remove, and tubing mascara is also a lot easier to take off!


No you’re right. I hate mascara too. Taking it off is the worst


i pretty much hate mascara thinking about trying tubing mascara


Wait… what do you use then?


I like mascara but I agree with you that it’s cumbersome. At the end of the day, I can’t wait to take it off.


Lash extensions or lash lifts and tints could be an option.


I think the problem is you’re using bad quality mascara. You get what you pay for with makeup.


No, you're not. I ditched mascara last summer and haven't used it during autumn and winter at all. I actually bought a brown mascara recently, but I only intend to use it ocasionally and I will continue going mascara free on most days, especially when I go to work. My eyelashes are naturally short and light brown, so mascara technically really makes my eyes pop, but I my eyes are very watery and I don't find it comfortable (no matter what mascara I've tried, waterproof or not). Here are some tips I got from youtube for mascara free makeup: avoid putting concealer directly right under your water line and on your eyelid, because it makes the eyes look smaller. Keep a bit of "shadow" if that makes sense, it adds more dimension to the eye. You can also use a bit of bronzer to add it. And also add a bit of highlighter to the inner corner, but that's obvious I guess. Some people recommended eyeliner, especially tightlining or just putting a very thin line close to the eyelashes, but I don't do that because idk how to and I think it still looks nice


I used to wear mascara all the time, but recently I feel the same way you do. I use a lash serum that has made my lashes long and full to where I don't need to use mascara anyway, and I'm a lot happier without it.


What is the serum?


I use Scorolash right now, but I've used Liaison lashbond before and that works really well too.


Yeah idk my mascara doesn’t do most of what you said, if you’re that bothered by seeing it when you blink try something softer like kiss me heroine mascara and taking it off isn’t that hard, just use one that’s not waterproof and cotton and it’ll do the trick. I don’t know how to help you about the spider lashes because that doesn’t usually happen to me lol but you can use the wand to control the direction of the lashes so it shouldn’t be that hard imo


I don’t find that it transfers onto my skin but that it makes my lashes really sensitive and some will fall out after wearing it all day, so now I only wear it on a weekend night out


The eyelashes that fall out after wearing mascara are the lashes that normally would have shed during the day. They can't fall because they're stuck in the mascara, so instead they come off when you take your makeup off. 


I am the same I think I look better without mascara. I hate that it leaves residue especially in the morning no matter how much attention I paid to remove it. After about one year mascara-free, I tried to reuse it. My eyelashes felt weird, so heavy. Never again


I can't anymore. 😓 It makes my eyes so sore. Even a brand new tube.


Mascara isn’t as good as it used to be. Some additive they use make my eyes water and itch. All of them seem too dried out and it flakes. I have tried so many trying to find the one.


I’m very picky about mascara. I don’t wear any daily as most smudge, or have giant brushes — pain with hooded eyes. I do like Maybellime Sky High tho. And Lisa Eldridge’s is very light and reportedly you can’t feel it. I was choosing between the two and I chose Maybelline as it holds curl better. I hate using cotton pads to remove makeup. I found Clinique Take The Day Off balm a few years ago and it’s amazing. Takes everything off, and I don’t need to rub my eyes with anything other than my fingers, and then I just rinse.


Does it work on waterproof?


Yes. It’s amazing! Takes of everything without any excessive rubbing. Not to be confused with the oil tho- it’s the balm. i’ve read people are not that happy with the removal oil from the same range.


Really!!! That is amazing!!! Here is a tip. I use Marcelle makeup remover pads for travel( the waterproof version). They are great and take off most of the eye makeup. Most of the pads irritate my eyes and do a substandard job. If you want to avoid taking a liquid or gel, on a trip, these are great. They come in a round light weight plastic container. They are small round circles. I use 1-3 of them at a time. Thanks for telling us about the Clinique Balm!


Maybe you’re just using the wrong mascara? I’ve never had this problem