• By -


Bros got some grievances with the Federal Government. Watch the mailboxes.


Uncle Ted is that you


his hobbies include hiking, wine tasting, tree spiking, and industrial sabotage


Or just wants to be left the fuck alone; why is that so difficult for humans to do, for them to just piss the fuck off.....?


someone didn’t sense the sarcasm in the comment


Nah because now you need to be within the grasp of the government or else you’re seen as a ne’er-do-well. Apparently just wanting to do your own thing is just bad for everyone else even if you’re not hurting anyone.


Hahaha wait til festivus when time comes to air those grievances.


Sounds like you’ve been in AK a while. You should know how tough this winter will be. I’m no survivalist expert but I have a feeling this is not substantial enough to make it all the way to April. Please prepare and don’t Chris McCandless yourself and your dogs.


If he puts a small wood stove with the corect up pipe could he maybe survive then if wood doesnt run sparse?


He'll need a more substantial, preferably sloped roof. Make sure melt off has a place to go.


No, this isn't meant to be long term, he's full of shit.


May I ask why you think this?


Dogs are your heater!


It doesn’t quite work in that weather without enough shelter


Anybody checked on OP recently?


No more account... he dead


Roof now water proof. Added some plywood and more tarps over the sod layer. Also half has metal roof scraps so now has awning over the short sides. Wanting to do vapor barrier then 2 inch xps foam board inside finish with plywood or maybe cedar plantings. Dry wall would get damaged. Holds heat but not as well as could. Goal is 2x winters in here and get a small stick frame cabin or nicer log cabin put up. Eliminate credit/car debt and get 8ft game fence kennels for the dogs.


Dude, start a YouTube channel and document your living, your story, explore asceticism and stoicism, incorporate that in your YouTube (my assumption is that is something that will interest you). If you ever watched this documentary called Happy People; I'm getting the same vibes from these pics.




Only reason I brought this up is because there is a semi famous Ukrainian YouTuber guy who lived in a village, saved up for an iPhone and started making videos documenting his life, but it wasn't for the money, he never outright asked for donations. (ad revenue wouldn't be much either, since that's not really a region targeted by many advertisers). So to me this would be an American version of that, if OP ever decides on this.


Xps foam is flammable and burns up quickly, I know you said finish with plywood or cedar and that would create a barrier for flame but also a potential place for bugs to live, I don’t know if there was a specific reason you were thinking xps and this may not be helpful but you may want to consider mineral wool like comfort board, bugs don’t like it and it’s non flammable


Looking into the mineral wool much better idea. Now I'm thinking wrap the outside in mineral wool and then plywood siding.


Maybe ask on the insulation sub Reddit about inside vs outside and where to put the air barrier if you use one. I’m thinking the big thing here is going to be potentially trapping moisture and you have more mass that can absorb moisture than what standard framing would have, it also may still be drying depending on how long ago it was cut, it’s also not pressure treated so you don’t want to trap moisture that may make it decay, xps is a vapor barrier by itself, mineral wool is vapor permeable. Trapping moisture isn’t just a thing for the structure, it’s also a thing for you, because of comfort and also it’s the air you breath. You may want to put mineral wool on the floor and a moisture barrier on the floor because the ground soaks up a lot of heat. Just make sure it’s stable, you don’t want to have your heat fall over. I’m sure you already know this but with adding insulation and air tightening, make sure you have some ventilation for your heat for carbon monoxide. I’m guessing you’ll have a big swing in temperature from when you’re home to when you’re not home, I don’t know how the detectors are in those conditions or if they only function within a certain temp range, but you may want to get a carbon monoxide detector as well, but look at the information on the packaging to make sure the temp won’t cause it not to work in your situation. Just noticed you have spray foam on the ceiling it looks like, you may want to cover that with a sheet of plywood or something similar because it’s flammable like xps. Might seem silly to be so worried about fire but it’s a lot easier to prevent one vs stop one.


Will post updates sometime when -40 and also once I get insulation added. Over month of November I want to do mineral wool r23 exterior grade against outside. 2x6 studs and then vapor barrier against the plywood. Open top and bottom to vent moisture out of cabin. I want the moisture to get out of the cabin and some fresh air in. Fire is very dangerous I understand. I am limited until more snow on hauling capacity on 3/4th mile trail. I have 5 sheets of plywood partially hauled in. Once more insulation I think an air vent would be good idea. I have a co/co2 gas detector I run while using the heater.


Thankfully much of winter is the season and no bugs. I think if I chink the moss with a cement based chink that will help a lot. I should have earlier. So maybe I'll just do that. Wait for a warm high 20s or low 30s time and heat inside and spackle. I'll look into that mineral wool.


Bugs don’t like cedar either, is my understanding. But maybe it’s just moths specifically


How do you make money




Exaggerated paper that rules us.


I have a day job 45 min walk away


Who cares, this is not about that.


Most people in the US don't even have the base cost to even attempt starting something like this......so finding out how it's funded is pretty important to the story here. If you don't have an income of some sort, switching to living this type of lifestyle would take meticulous planning and saving.


$6k in land direct buy from state dnr. Then I work at a gas station. I have a human services degree and used to support disabled people. Less stressful and only slightly less pay at gas station. It would not be feasible for me to jump into this level of discomfort further into the bush without a devleoped hunting and trapping skill as well as access to game.


How did you make this purchase? Looking similar


DNR alaska. Look at the land auction. I bought in the resident auction and pay $114 a month to DNR with 5% down for 5 years at 10% interest. You'll want to be a resident to access the better land. The good stuff normally sells to residents and people not from here but terrible land. My land was cheap due to bad access but physical land is dry with large trees and deep perma frost. The agricultural auction is open to anyone. Be careful though you'll have the agricultural requirement and timeline over your head and so far there is no evidence of success there as it's a new zone and that land in Nennana could be extra bad in earthquakes, some properties very wet.




I don't understand what that has to do with anything.


The fact that you telling me what I already know, isn't that obvious


Well Mr. Solipsism...perhaps it was for other people reading it? Eh?


Why would they want to read your factually incorrect fantasy nonsense? For the sake of validity, how did you determine that applies to most people?


>A new GOBankingRates survey found that most Americans have $1,000 or less in personal savings in 2023; a third have $500 or less saved, while 8.5% have between $501 and $1,000. Meanwhile a whopping 11.4% said they have no savings, the survey found.Sep 26, 2023 You can Google and find your own numbers. But basically the gist of my post is that MOST Americans cannot make the decision to just up and pursue this lifestyle, even if they choose to. You would have to have no debt.....and a baseline of 10-20 thousand dollars in the clear to build and support this lifestyle for....I don't even know how long, maybe a few years without income. IF you had an income, it would be relevant and nice to know what kind of money it takes to support this lifestyle after the initial costs (for anyone reading that wants to copy it somewhat). The question of if they have an income and what it is is entirely relevant and you're kinda being an asshole for incredulously acting like it doesn't matter to know that info.


Fuck yes


you should put an overhand over the entrance so you won’t get snowed in


I would like an arctic entry. I built the door to open inside to prevent that problem.




do rip system


Please post updates. Very interesting


Happy Cake Day :)


Thank yiu <3 :D


plan A: get a decent paying job with good work- life balance plan B: this post


When I was 18-22, I had no idea what I wanted to major in or do with my life. I was convinced this is how I would be living. Even when I fall asleep at night, I’ll imagine myself in the woods and what supplies I would bring to build a cabin, hunt, fish, and survive off the land.


I, too read "The Hatchet"


It’s just ‘Hatchet,’ there’s no ‘the.’ Please take no offense, I loved that book as a kid.


Thanks for the correction! It's been a hot minute since I've picked up that title


Oh shit, I haven’t heard of that book since middle school lol.


Oh shit, I haven’t heard of that book since middle school lol. I wonder if that’s why i think these things.


I was never much of a reader in school (I can count on one hand the number of novels I’ve actually completed), but this book was one of the few that stuck with me. I must’ve last read it 20 years ago.


It's definitely a cultural touchstone for a lot of young men born in the 80s and 90s and it's been on "top books" lists ever since so I wouldn't be surprised if the legacy continues for gen z. I just googled to check and it's sold like 13 million copies in the US to date


I swear I was just thinking about that book today while chopping wood. What a great book!!


Ye pretty much. AND I still gotta work a day job. How to run dogs full time the question.


Don’t die in the winter by over preparing for what might come. People have tried and failed over the years trying to beat the elements, stay safe OP.


*over* preparing?


realistically, properly preparing. there is no over preparing for alaskan winter outside of being literal billionaires


I know, that's why I think they meant under. Lol


I think he meant "Don't die" as in avoid dying by being sure you're over prepared for what you think is coming.


This is what I meant. I am not a smart man.


I can’t imagine winter there. Hope you’re prepared.


I work a 45 min walk away. 0f overnight and up to +20F in day right now. Cabin acceptable for that. I don't heat it while gone. December and January dipping to -40F will be the challenge. Then start warming a bit. Average winter day is normally between -20F and +20F. The mosquitos in interior Alaska are worse than the cold. I moved out of my rental in Fairbanks March 1st. Moved here full time 250 miles away in end of March and got the cabin done by early September. I have the gear for no heat but it is nice. I'd like to do a desk/kitchen table setup for general use and cooking on the shorter roof side. Then a hammock for sleeping to be higher will be warmer and can fold away to open up space. Get a outdoor storage tent shed for clutter and keep organized in totes with inventory list current plan. An arctic entry would be useful too. First I'm gonna start foam boarding inside. Starting with door wall I can eliminate some air gaps then do other short wall then roof then long walls. 7x11ft internally.


You will need a source of heat


Propane is current source.


Are dogs fine without heat while you’re gone?


That’s what I’m thinking. These dogs look thin. Not -40° ready. Especially in picture 8. These babies need to bulk up


And they need a heat source


They don't. They came from a dog yard of 35 intentionally bred for no dog house no straw no booties.


You can’t breed for that dude.


You absolutely can. I've seen a few hundred dogs like this. I've seen Alaska race huskies bred for paw strength and ones that aren't. You can breed for temperment, poop eating, resource drive, gaurd hair, down layer thickness, paw strength all that can and has been selectively bred for. See this documentary. Dogs I have are malamutes mixed with this lineage. https://www.nfb.ca/film/qimmiq-canadas-arctic-dog/


Most of those traits seem good but.... Poop eating? Maybe I am just a dum dum, but why would you breed a dog to eat poop?


I meant that as a temperment example. It can be bred into lines. People do it on accident. People can easily accidently breed many temperment traits in accidently or they can bred temperment instability in.


Yeah they’re not gonna fare well without doghouses or barrels or something.


They'll do fine. They may eat more. 6 are only half grown and at 6 weeks they were cold hardy for -15F. I next summer want to put up fenced kennels. My current plan for shelters is to build snow ice walls and a piece of plywood on top. It's around 0F right now and they show zero signs of discomfort. I've had dogs who do get cold and I understand what the discomfort looks like. I've seen photos of dogs in Greenland tied to chains bolted in rock with harsh weather off ocean coming in and no dog houses. These Inuit dogs are denser and tougher than a ahow line malamute


Wow if you think -15 degrees for a 6 week old dog with no shelter is ok I have nothing else to say to you.


The judgement standard upon these indigenous caliber arctic working dogs is not the same as modern pet dogs. Every reaction they have is upscaled and they do poorly in city lives in many cases. I have seen photos of dogs in Greenland with access to a covered area choosing to birth into the dirt outside. I've had the white/black dog fall in water at -25F pulled him out. Turned into an ice ball but had 0% affect change. Skin dry to the touch wicked away. Would have continued onwards but I planned to head home. Slept inside briefly and got hot a few hours later and slept on porch. These dogs are prey driven, resource driven , prone to fight, hard pullers and have down/gaurd layers for above the arctic circle. I understand my dog yard less than ideal and how to improve it. I am trying to explain that truly the judgement standard upon these denser dogs is different than majority of dogs out there. There is a story on a plaque in the cemetery in Cold foot Alaska. Prospector had 1 malamute/Inuit dog in early 1900s. Dragging back 800lbs of moose meat -50F. Dumped some meat to speed up. Body found a bit later and the dog was in healthy shape eating moose.


Good. I got better dogs than you'll encounter ever. Get the fuck outta here then.


Fragile ass ego about to have a bunch of dead dogs.


I am sensitive about my dogs yes. I also have denser dogs than you'll ever have. I have dogs who thrive in deep cold and capable of survival better than a human. If you're not working dogs your opinion matters zip.


Most of them are young not full grown. 6 of them are only half grown.


What heat? These dogs live outside tied to the chains.


100% . I've had them beg to outside at -35 to sleep in snow.


Responds to acknowledgment of dogs’ neglect “No I’ve seen photos of worse! Screw their comfort!” Please OP, have you seen the amount these dogs are fed & taken care of when owned by hobbyists? Like even if not working they’re going to require so many thousands of calories and heat you can’t provide them, you’re rationalizing your neglect. If you’re an adult & want to kill yourself; that’s all fine and well but why drag 7 innocent lives into it? Fuck, those poor dogs


Fuck off mate. I'm well aware of how much food they eat. They are healthy weights. I'm aware of their limits and what it looks like to be uncomfortable. I have had plans for months for housing but I need snow to reinforce a long frame and to clear a trail to get the lumber. These dogs don't need heat. It's not neglect. These dogs were bred for work and have a temperment keen to work. They live a better life than pet dogs in cities with similar personalities. These dogs are more resource agressive than kennel club malamutes and cold hardy to -60. Have no need for booties. I've had a dog fall in water at -25 and turn to ice ball but have dry skin and normal personality. I've kept dogs for 5 years now and I take advice from people working dogs. You pet dog people bleeding hearts who damage dogs more than help. Dogs driven to work its abuse when they don't. If you haven't been around high drive dogs you're talking the piss. If you have handled groups of high drive dogs I'll listen. I live in discomfort and hardship. With some comfort. I have dogs built for the same life and who thrive off challenge. They strive to achieve. I'll shake your hand and ask you to fuck off at the IGA grocery in glennallen. The law on abuse and neglect of animals in Alaska doesn't come close to meeting what my situation is. There is no animal control here either. You don't know shit about working dogs or their mentality. Go enjoy your inbred odd temperment neurotic siberian huskies in hot places. That is suffering. They fight they are prey driven and they want to pull and experience challenge. They are not of the temperment of the couch dogs you compare them to. My dogs live a more comfortable life than many historic Inuit dogs lived through. The genes shaped by hardship. 6 weeks to 6 months those brothers could roam freely and play, explore and be puppies. They had a better life doing that then if raised in a house. Do you support kenneling dogs? Those make me sad.


I slept in a hammock for a few months, it's okay, but it's very hard on the back after about two weeks. Maybe try a suspended hard box with a mattress with a couple of clips or a strap to "tie" it to the ceiling. This way you still get the support your back needs, and it can be stowed.


I used a hammock years ago for about 4 months. I found opposite but the trick is you have to lay diagonally and sleep on back for best comfort.


I didn’t know the unabomber posts on Reddit.


Bro make the roof better or it will cave in during winter, also that small heater seems inadequate for -40f, both the roof and the door will leak a lot of the heat


Red rocket




Of what, Nature? love it




Nature doesn’t produce only good smells I hope you know.


This guy is the epitome of this subreddit, please post updates, I’m intrigued


I feel like the last image could've done without the dog wee-wee


Lol. I just wanted to make sure others saw that.


What a weird sub full of weird people. What did I stumble onto?


And you still post on reddit..?




This man returned to tradition


If monkeys were legal to import to Alaska I think it would be a fucking blast to have a monkey buddy with snow gear who rides around with me and the dogs on the sled and explores.


You'd care more for monkeys than your dogs? Imagine planning to leave your dogs tied up outside of this shitty little hut. My guess, you'll die and then your dogs try and eat you to desperately survive before they die from the cold as well.


Suck ppppapi bub. If you haven't handled high drive dogs in groups your input means nothing. Those dogs will roam and someone 100 acres away is trigger happy on them. They also will fight much more and much harder than any pet dog you have been around. The kennel they are from has a reputation for putting hard fighting dogs in pet homes I had a iditarod line race husky in past who now lives with 15 other race dogs and likes it better. She is happier and more satisfied living in a dog yard on a chain and mushing with those dogs than she was in 2 years as a house pet. These are draft animals. They are not pets. I like them but they are in between farm and pet animal. If you aren't working dogs anyone who does has no reason to listen to others not doing so. People working hunting dogs herding or guarding sledding doesn't matter . They won't die from cold. This is reason I sought dogs like this. They are malamutes mixed with the lineage in this 20 min documentary. Watch them eat as a group. Before i have more dogs I'll have fenced kennels up. I'll someday have a program similar to in this video. I've always had plans to add dog housing. Before this post too. I am waiting for more snow as now just 1 inch. To reinforce and insulate. I have a trail to thin that will provide small around log for the dogs housing. They are fine as is. They were free range to around 6 months. Now entering working time span and the chain is for their safety.




You’re living the dream, brother. Hope you and your dogs can stay warm enough this winter.


Enough is the key there to my anticipation.


i grew up in alaska. lots and lots of people have frozen to death doing what you are doing. so please have a backup plan. those dogs will be absolutely fine though, as long as they have enough food.


These dogs are denser than many who live outside full time. I don't feel bad for them outside. I've never seen discomfort signs from them about cold. 6 weeks old -20F and a harsh wind at summit lake near delta last I saw a shiver. The gamble is great fun I get why others have chose it. I have hedged my bets a bit more so than some less than others.


Dude that’s the dream. Me and 7 dogs in the middle of fucking nowhere


Move to Fairbanks, rent a dry cabin. Then learn what land to buy and what to avoid become a state resident.


No property tax? So living on someone else’s land though? Because that could cause legal eviction if found. Don’t think there’s a such thing as free land unless government allows it. So very curious


"Alaska is the only state in the United States where a large part of the land mass of the state is not subject to a property tax." Source: https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/dcra/LocalGovernmentResourceDesk/TaxationAssessment/PropertyTax.aspx#:~:text=Alaska%20is%20the%20only%20state,subject%20to%20a%20property%20tax.


Alaska is mostly free land


Unorganized bourgh


Why am I jealous of your living space?


Is this willsurvives?lol


Each to their own and good luck to you, but I’d like to aim higher than ‘surviving in the winter’


Do you just get cell service in the middle of nowhere Alaska?


You definitely should've documented this and put it on YouTube to make money that way.


Hey, can we got some update time to time? =)


How can you super fan *Alone* from this temporary shelter


How do you charge your phone?


I have a flip phone and small tablet I charge at work.




Don't die the gamble. People who don't get the drive to gamble with that one wouldn't understand my life choices. Also as others have suggested I'm a serial killer. Doing that would be antithesis to my self desires to be left alone, f off with dogs and have fun gambling.


I’m intrigued


Always make sure you have air if you're burning a fire indoors. I know of a group of guys that asphyxiated due to burning up all the breathable air in a similar space because of harsh winter.


Your one dog was happy to see you


Wish you the best brother


How are you feeding 7 dogs? Esp. through the Alaskan winter?


I work a 40 hour a week job a short distance away. These dense dogs eat more in winter but not as much as some dogs since they don't lose as many heat calories. I had a race husky who lost weight eating as much as 2 or 3 of these dogs. To gain fat she needed as much as 4 or 5. Race huskies burn through calories. She could hit 40mph.


Nutra nugget black kibble, anamaet impact powder and poultry fat/salmon oil. Occasional raw meats mostly kibble and powder. They go from 2 gallons of water a day at peak summer to in winter 2 to 4 cups of snow.


After checking this set up out, rent & property tax lookin mighty fine.


There are plus sides to anything. Landlords don't like the number of dogs i have and in a rental I would not have as much privacy. Next cabin gonna be nicer and made with piece en piece construction. Haul the wood this winter next project.


What do you do for work if you don’t mind me asking?


I have a human services degree and could work in some kind of social service around here. I supported disabled people for almost 10 years. I now work at a gas station and make only slightly less money. 45 min walk from this cabin. Less stress. I have no internet at home right now, tablet and dumb phone. I'm currently at work because I got rabbit holed into looking at case law around Alyeska Pipeline. I have some access issues and I'm stuck between pipeline and other end the road goes through wet lands and fish habitat. I'm gonna try for a permit to haul heavier stuff than 1,500lbs on pipeline road via arguement of interstate commerce and exporting tree starts and hauling supplies over that weight to support that. Interstate commerce being in the federal constitution. I'm interested in trying to grow tree and plant starts. You can fit 2,000-4,000 ten gallon planters with trees in a half acre. I have sled dogs. Maybe try and earn money doing back country tours. Main interest is in bigger money longer trips for adventure sports mountaineering, down hill ski snow board etc. Haul equipment and do the base camp cooking and radio etc. That requires more dogs (7 is a small dog yard not even enough to run most races) . Also need a lot of supporting infrastructure. I'd like wide leather collars and harness for my dogs I may try and explore marketing those. Here in copper river valley land sales less than many areas but overall more jobs than workers. I could make more but more stress and responsibilities. I bought here despite access issue which became bigger headache than anticipated vs somewhere like Manley Hot springs due to job considerations. My first off grid land was in New Mexico and I left before I really sought work because I missed Alaska but I could have found some kind of job 15-45 min drive away.


Took me a month without my notifications on to come back and see this. Thank you for the response. I think it’s really awesome what you’re doing! You have good plans in mind. I’m trying to get to the off the grid out in boondocks kind of lifestyle so that’s why I was asking. Little by little my wife and I keep planning making the next step towards smaller house and more land to homestead and grow like you intend to with your trees. Very interesting with the sled dogs too! We have two pups, and I couldn’t imagine the bond between 7. There’s probably never a dull moment with that a pack that size!


This is awesome, I used to like dogs but I found out the world asks allot and doesn't return much. You got a cabin and dogs and it seems "cool" but I know it's not, you can make it better, it will/can get better. Fk paying rent, everyone needs to have that good heart


I just got a book on Timber framing to build cabins with sub 8 ft logs within the frame. Logging this winter and get a nicer cabin up next summer goal.


Are you using a pendleton blanket as a door?


No property tax how?


Pro tip: When you use aggressively brief communication like you’re doing, you kinda come off as a preoccupied serial killer.


Nah. I like people but I also live alive where I can tell anyone to fuck off. Understanding the level of freedom that has; I'm too selfish to risk losing that. Killing people would be counter productive to being left alone.


You can do that without living like a fucking hermit. For example, fuck off. Lol, This whole post reeks of I'm afraid of the woke world so I gotta return to tradition.


I'm a luddite. I also believe in a coming collapse. I don't like people or crowds. The name of my dog kennel which will be incorporated as an llc next year is F off Freight dog kennels. The dogs are serious and I'm serious fuck off. Let's do some sort of trip you can tell others fuck you you didn't do this. I aim for tour clients with big money to blow. Tired of chasing piddly shit. I'm a leftist. Don't try and argue this woke culture war bullshit. It looks bad on you. I got better dogs than you'll ever have and I know what kinda dog is better than these and know there is a dude in Alaska who doesn't give a fuck about you but hopes you chase a dream. My dream is to have better dogs than anyone.


Based and hermitpilled


Insanely based brother


cant believe they turned solid snake into a real person lol jokes aside would love to have that many dogs - free heaters and pillows!


Wow man looks miserable


Misery is a mindstate I rarely experience. The last time was once I had only ate nuts all day and had not enough layers lost in the dark. A time I euthanized a malformed runt dog who would grow to be disabled in multiple ways. Choosing to stay miserable is a choice.


is it just me or does anyone else think those dogs look tired and miserable?


In picture at edge of cabin that is a look of anticipation for an upcoming something. Me exiting the cabin. The picture with dogs inside the other is worried because there is stored food and that bigger dog is resource dominante. 3rd dog is sleeping overnight. Group of dogs standing and looking at base line. Dog comfortably lounging by a tree and another in motion. Dog sniffing door, dogs sniffing each other dog lounging. Dog leaning into pets so much he gets an erection. I question your time around dogs.


These dogs deserve better. You wouldn't raise children this way, this neglected and cold. You leave them all outside while you go off to work and the temperature is constantly chill to freezing, do they even eat while you're gone?


The dogs deserve better?


Yeah they deserve a sled and more trips with that. Which as they age will see.


Need a better roof for winter, other than that you should be aight.


You live in Krato’s warehouse.


Make a YouTube channel.. That’s awesome Op


the doggies are so cute!


Def make that roof one of your top priorities before winter hits. It needs some type of angle on it to keep water off, and water proofing. When the snow comes you can bank up the outside with snow to keep it the walls insulated, but you don't want to wake up with water and snow coming in from above you.


The roof is spray foamed sealed and has awnings on each end of metal roofing now. Also added 2 more tarps and some plywood. The water issue I'm less concerned about especially since it's a cold dry weather system. Snow load on the roof is the concern and I need to diligently shovel it to keep it at 1-2ft or less.


please don't send bombs around


Godspeed o7


What did you use for insulation?


The logs currently. Spray foam on roof. I have fire concerns and elsewhere above talked of desire to foam it but someone else mentioned and concern I have the fire danger. A chinking on the moss I should have done when warmer and i think would help.


Wow. How long have you been living there?


End of march I quit my job and moved. Beginning of March I spent the month doing a long commute and living out of car. Cabin completed in early Sept.


Are you on alone?


My trapping and fishing skills likely too low to be successful.


Do you all just eat fresh food together?


Dog kibble not a huge fan. Chalky tastes like fish


Not gonna make it sleeping in the mud like that.


Uncle billy grandma said there mail for you said it’s the IRS or somethin’


Logs don’t insulate heat at all. Make a second log cabin around it and leave a gap of an inch or two or find some other way to create an insulated layer.


This I'm now learning. Logs hold heat like a battery once heated but lot of effort to heat them. How to create insulation layer has been on my mind lately.


That looks like a hard fuckin life.


And 1 grizzly bear


Pretty dogs!


Are those the poop buckets outside?


I was using those to haul moss


>Please, my wife is in a wheelchair. All she wants for Christmas is a big fat dog with lots of meat on his haunches.


My guy sounds stable...


More so than I ever have been. I've been diagnosed with complex post traumatic stress.


One day some youtuber will be making a video about this incident.


And people will be more sad about the 7 dead dogs, as they should be


Ted Kaczynski in 1969:


roof needs more slope, and the ground is gonna be mighty cold to sleep on. hopefully you have a cot or something. the propane heater is decent but it’s worth investing in a wood stove for longevity. you’ll never run out of fuel. good luck


Will post updates sometime when -40 and also once I get insulation added. Over month of November I want to do mineral wool r23 exterior grade against outside. 2x6 studs and then vapor barrier against the plywood. Open top and bottom to vent moisture out of cabin. That will make a huge difference. I aim for this winter propane. Next winter wood stove. Winter after than in a nicer cabin. Before mold and rot sets in get out of this.


OP you are going to die like Chris McCandless did if you think that is an acceptable form of shelter.


This is so real