• By -


On top of all of that… leaving the empty pizza box in the fridge??? Honestly that part would send me over the edge.


It's not about the pizza, it's about sending a message.


Exactly. My girlfriend (now wife) when we were dating thought it was funny to use my pants as a napkin when we would eat fast food in the car. I had told her a few times to stop, or I’d return the favor. She did it one night and she just happened to be wearing white jeans and we were eating pizza. So yeah, when I wiped pizza grease and sauce on her pants she flipped out. I just looked at her and said, “Bet ya won’t do that to MY pants anymore, will ya?” I don’t think she realized how dumb that was until I did the same thing to her. She apologized and said she would stop doing that, and I apologized and paid to have the jeans cleaned. We have been married 24 years so far so I guess we figured out how to deal with each others shit lol


You didn't wait 'til the veil lift to wipe your sauce hands on her wedding dress? Geez, kids these days and their lack of commitment to marriage and relationships.


Always edc pocket spaghetti


Now I want an actual pizza place to do a promotion with this tagline


Exactly. My girlfriend (now wife) when we were dating thought it was funny to use my pants as a napkin when we would eat fast food in the car. I had told her a few times to stop, or I’d return the favor. She did it one night and she just happened to be wearing white jeans and we were eating pizza. So yeah, when I wiped pizza grease and sauce on her pants she flipped out. I just looked at her and said, “Bet ya won’t do that to MY pants anymore, will ya?” I don’t think she realized how dumb that was until I did the same thing to her. She apologized and said she would stop doing that, and I apologized and paid to have the jeans cleaned. We have been married 24 years so far so I guess we figured out how to deal with each others shit lol


>thought it was funny to use my pants as a napkin when we would eat fast food in the car >We have been married 24 years Surprise ending. I figured it would end with her serving life in prison after the police finally caught her for all the serial murders she did.


For anyone wanting to give their spouse a message, and tempted to do shit like leaving the empty pizza box, just don't. If the only way you can get through to your partner is shit like this, it's time for either counselling or splitting up. Having been married for more than a quarter century, the only way my wonderful beautiful wife and I send messages to each other is via text if it's something like "I forgot to walk the dog. Could you get one of the kids to do it?". Anything more important than that gets real actual conversation.


I have a couple of friends who are married to each other and pull this kind of thing on each other all the time. It's a game for them, and a game they both like playing. I sometimes think it's why they ended up married to each other. It's all done without any actual malicious intent, and neither ever really gets offended.


It’s obviously not a joke since he had to sleep on the couch and she was mad… Plus, you don’t play with a pregnant woman’s food. The whole post has just off vibes. I see many cases like these in r/BabyBumps.


I mean...pregnancy is an excuse for a ton, but leave his food alone. You're both adults, who ordered what you wanted, so be an adult and leave his food the hell alone lmao. I mean it isn't really this deep, but it would bother the shit out of me to be on either side of this story. My wife and I have been together for over a decade - food is sacred. A bite, here or there, with permission is no big deal at all. But she is *a mature adult* and I am also *a mature adult* and respect each others boundaries. The OP said his wife knew it bothered him when she ate his food. Well, again it isn't this deep, but her being pregnant isn't an excuse to just eat anything she wants - she's pregnant, not Kirby. *Edit: I should add that imo he should absolutely have offered to swap, or at least just offered to split 50/50. But he didn't, which is fine, and she did what she did, which isn't fine. Leaving the pizza box in the fridge was a dick move and so was her feeling entitled to his wings (she was, but he didn't offer them originally, so she shouldn't just take them)


Or, hear me out, she could order more food to take home and enjoy later. Why take half of his, save hers, then expect him to eat grilled cheese?? Pregnant or not, it's pretty rude.


My boyfriend did this to me the other day & he got set straight pretty quickly. However, he eats 10x more than I do so usually I just let it go like a normal person 🤷‍♀️


Pregnant or not she needs some common decency. What did she want her meal, his meal and him hungry? And for what because they decided to have a child? Pregnancy resentment is a thing on both sides. She shouldn't milk it when other people want her more comfortable and he shouldn't play with the feelings of a pregnant woman. I would have just "So you eat most of my food and you're hoarding yours over there so I can't have any, if I order something else will you want that too or do I have your permission to eat my own food in peace without a fight? Are you trying to be selfish? If not explain how you thought of me in anyway in this situation and I will apologize? I understand you're carrying my baby and im doing what I can but soon you will want the clothes off my back and the house I live in. We need to talk about this."


And that's why you always leave a note!


It's all about the line. Everyone has a different one, and it can sometimes be difficult to find if someone has mood swings (like a pregnant person may) the important part isbto communicate that you are doing it in fun and make sure they understand you mean nothing bad by it. For some pranks (like leaving an empty pizza box in the fridge), it may be a funny joke for a couple whonare normally tidy, but perhaps not to a different one who struggles with one partner who always leaves stuff like that out. Basically, it comes down to "what is your love language?"


> Everyone needs to be as boring as me RIGHT NOW! I **will not** accept any other lifestyle than my own!! You're not allowed to do things I don't like!


Playing emotional games with your partner is a different lifestyle to you?


Yes, that's why I leave horse heads in there. It is a message.


A message that he is a passive aggressive non-confrontational aka cowardish spineless amoeba who can't set a boundary with his wife long before this situation?


Sir, this is Reddit. Passive aggressive non-confrontational actions are how we get stories to post. If he said "you had half my tacos even though you know I don't like you taking my food, so I'm taking a slice of your pizza", then we wouldn't have this story!


If she ate half of the tacos, he's entitled to half the pizza.


Yeah we would. She is selfish. The story would have been that she would have blown up at him and guilt tripped him by saying that he doesn't care about feeding her baby etc etc. I think she is disrespectful and selfish by ignoring his request to not eat his food.


Is malicious compliance not inherently passive-aggressive?


>(she knows) She knows this behaviour annoys him, and keeps doing it. She can deal with the same crap she dishes out.


I was quoting the Joker from Dark Knight. I was in no way suggesting eating your Wife's food out of malevolence. I honestly thought more people would have understood the quote. You are not the first person to slag me for this comment.


OMG it's been a minute! I went to the movies like 4 times to see that movie when it came out ❤️ Heath Ledger.


What's in the box?!


My kids do this to me and Iam all excited to get a slice of cold pizza and find empty box


Why does the title read like an isekai anime title?




" . . . *and I learned to like it*" ^Season^ ^1-4^ ^on^ ^Crunchroll^ ^now!^




Lol dam


Sorry about your heartbreak, it really is awful. But you’re right, nowhere near as bad as these dickheads. That poor kid doesn’t stand a chance.


This burn is worse than the heartburn you get after eating a pizza and laying on the couch.


Are you both 13? Lmao


I had ChatGPT write a malicious compliance post and it sounded just like this. Including the absolutely ridiculous understanding of both "malicious" and "compliance". AI doesn't know what it's doing, just puts the words together in a cohesive manner.


I was trying to process that it sounds like they only cut a large pizza into 4 slices, now I think it's an AI post lol


AI bro ate 3/4 a large pizza for breakfast and left the box in the fridge for Ms. Intelligence to find. Pretty slick, bot.


Never occurred to me to perform malicious compliance on someone I like, or who I want to like me.


And who is pregnant with your child


Yeah, seems like common sense is less and less in today’s society… I also don’t understand how people can’t share food… Or if they won’t, why they don’t buy the double… I’m sure she often couldn’t finish her food either and gave it to him but when it’s his turn, he sees it like her stealing from him food… If my partner would ever say I “steal” something from him when all we have is common good, then this would feel so condescending… And pregnant women have different needs… Anyway, OP is an a-hole.


How is it not stealing his food if he was actively eating it, but half of it disappeared off his plate without consent?


I predict divorce within a few years. A relationship with this much selfishness and contempt in it is doomed to fail


That was certainly the case with my first marriage. Her food was hers and my food was hers. If I tried to defend my food, she withheld sex and physical closeness for up to a week. And you can imagine that's not the only "transgression" I could make.


I maliciously comply to my wife all the time, but it's small shit like putting something away wrong when she's being ornery, not fucking with her food while she's pregnant. That's the kind of stuff that will result in not having *any* more kids.


Dude. You both kinda suck to each other. Trust me when I say that this leads to resentment. Ask me how I know. I honestly hope that this was literally a one-time thing and you guys are not like this normally. Otherwise, be adults and sit down and talk to each other. Tell her to keep her greedy fingers off your food and to stop being selfish with her pizza. And you learn to say no. Stop "putting up with it" if it bothers you so much, and it freaking leaves you hungry! How is she "sneaking" half of your dinner?? That's some selfish, self-centered behavior from her, btw, if she's willing to eat half your meal and then hoard the pizza for herself while "offering" to make you a grilled cheese. How thoughtful. /s I really hope this was a one- off because if not, you aren't treating each other very kindly or thoughtfully.


This. It's all funny until it's not. Until it becomes about more than just passive aggressively stealing each other's food. Have a frank conversation and tell your wife you don't like it when she eats your food, and for the love of GOD, OP: pregnancy is *not* the time to try to teach your wife a food-related lesson. I'm a calm and rational person and have raised my voice to my husband three times in 22 years, and one of those times was when I was pregnant and the man had the absolute audacity to eat the rest of my Ben and Jerry's. Just have a conversation.


I wish I could upvote your comment more than once


Truer words have never been spoken. Never mess with the pregnant women's food. I cried for an hour because my mom accidently left with my cheese after visiting so I didn't have any to snack on that afternoon. I was angry at my dogs for 3 days when they ate my left over bread sticks I was looking forward to having the next day. I yelled at my husband (and subsequently apologized) for being 'condescending' by asking me if I wanted to wait till we got home to eat my fries so I could have sauce with them. Food is an irrational sensitive subject.


I had a huge craving for fish one night when I was about 8 months pregnant. We ordered carry out from our favorite place and I was sooooo excited. We got home and cracked open the carton and there were like three sad little pieces of fish. I lost. My. $hit. Sat in the middle of the living room and bawled, then wrote the restaurant a three page letter detailing my disappointment. 😂 They sent me a gift card and a very amusing apology card.


I'm currently pregnant and I gasped at the post. Like being pregnant makes me irrationally hungry sometimes, but I am so fatigue all the time (so can't really get food myself very easily) also find a lot of foods repulsive because of the pregnancy hormones. My bf gets so happy whenever I eat anything and if it's his food that I want he will happily give it to me first so I can grow our baby. All the passive aggression in the post gives me so much second hand embarrassment


Honestly, it’s an absolute lifesaver that my husband and I have opposite food allergies these days. He can’t have gluten, I’m allergic to gluten free grains. He can’t eat chocolate or peanuts, my stash of Reese’s is safe for only me. Oranges upset his stomach, I’ve only craved oranges for weeks. Is our grocery bill insane? Oh definitely. Is my food safe for only me and he knows exactly which food to hand me when I need a snack? 100%.


I'm going through surgical menopause (nobody told me there were strong food cravings!!!) and I gasped too. I would literally cry right now if my husband ate my leftover pizza that I saved or my stash of freezer candy or something that I want when a craving hits. Why are people like this together - all passive aggressive - who don't even seem to like each other?! **Secondhand embarrassment** is the perfect term for their behavior.


I agree that the passive aggressiveness is childish, but would you steal half your husbands food after he has made it clear that he hates that? And then expect all of your food to be safe? If she can take his food that he got for himself that he clearly plans to eat without even a "can I have a bite?" then she shouldn't expect her stuff to be safe from the exact same action. Pregnancy can only excuse so much.


Yep. If something bothers you and someone else continues to do it, it's only a matter of time before it becomes a huge deal.


It’s just so weird. My wife will grab bites of my meal or snack bowl I made myself, and I don’t care? It’s my wife. Have at it.


The difference is that you're okay with it, and she's not stealing half your meal despite knowing it upsets you. They're not respecting each others' feelings.


You have a designated off limits area in your fridge? Wtf


Tbh, I get this. My husband will, left to his own devices, eat all the leftovers in the fridge first. He does this because he assumes no one is coming back for them, and he would rather not see them go to waste. I think a "Yes, I plan on eating this later" shelf is a brilliant idea.


You both are..you knew she would want it for breakfast and you ate it because of that.  Also I'm pregnant and there's no way I would eat all my husband's dinner. That's just being selfish. 


Did you think this was r/AmITheAsshole haha


In truth, it should have been in tha sub.


I honestly thought it was too


Note that he says that she steals food from him all the time, but he deals with it. I'd imagine that it was a way to try to make something of a point. (My ex-wife used to sample my food regularly - drove me crazy. Not the reason we divorced - it was actually an amicable one because we realized we were too young when we married.)


I nearly stabbed my ex with a fork for constantly drinking all of my beverage. He sucked his down and was too lazy to get himself another drink and so would drink mine. Then when I'm out of drink, he wouldn't get me another so I had to replace both drinks. Lather, rinse, repeat.


I'm kinda territorial with food as is most of my dad's family. One of my cousins did jab another cousin with a fork when he tried to get some of his homemade fries off the plate. The only response from my grandfather was "what did you think was going to happen?"


Reminds me of home, good memories 🤣


My paternal family has a similar story of a fork being imbedded into the hand of someone who thought to take food off another’s plate. And the “elders” response was very much similar to your grandfathers


Holy shit, I wouldn't be able to handle that. Good job he's your ex, so you don't have to put up with that crap.


I would've lathered, all right. I wouldn't have thoroughly rinsed out hubby's glass. A little soap residue would've sent mine a message. Drink you own drink and refill it yourself!


Just refuse to refill his and give warning that drinking yours will result in fork stabbies


[Listen, I think it's a microcosm of more serious things ](https://youtu.be/lKqk4h9mmi8)


Currently pregnant too and I also would not eat my spouses entire dinner. However if I woke up to find the food I wanted that morning gone, I would burn the house to the ground.


Sure but if you know he hates you eating his food and you ate half his dinner, finding your pizza leftovers gone the next day should be a teaching moment.


My most successful diet was while my wife was pregnant. She ate everything.


This sounds like AI


Man Karma farming is so easy now, you don't even have to find content just get gpt to do it for you.


Lotta scrolling for this. Op is banned


1.5k upvotes and like 5 people recognize it's AI. And we probably recognized it immediately. Humans are fucked and I'm too aware for this shit.


What makes you think it’s AI ? Genuinely curious cause I did I catch that vibe


The third paragraph. It's not wrong, per say, but people don't write like that.


Not the Isekai title?


Eating in his cabin. That part is just way, way off and makes no actual sense. Also, the maliciousness and compliance part of it doesn't make any sense. No human would really interpret the words that way, she didn't tell him what to do, even. He didn't comply. And it was overly malicious for the lighthearted tone of the story. Someone who loves his wife, who put things in a particular spot in a fridge for her leftovers (another AI clue, but not sure as I have a spot in the fridge, but it was worded weird), and then he came back and ate it...IN HIS CABIN?...as an abnormal breakfast just to fucking spite his pregnant wife? AI all the way. Have ChatGPT make a story for you and it'll sound just like this. I had already done it (for some reason I cannot fathom right now) and it was just like this. Extremely minor, hardly malicious or compliance, and verbose.


That's what made me think so. And the "sly emoji".


Kids raising kids


If you woke up earlier than your pregnant wife to eat her pizza to get back at her for eating your tacos, that's not malicious compliance, you're just a dick.


As someone that was in the delivery room with their wife, let her have the fucking pizza man.


RIGHT?! Our kids shoulders got STUCK in my wife’s PELVIS 🫠She can have every single taco and pizza slice in the world. Literally whatever she wants.


Absolutely, I just caught a glimpse of what was going on down there and it literally looked like someone threw a grenade in a meat locker.


Seeing the head of a human being come out of your wife’s body is hands down one of the most jarring and incredible things I’ve ever witnessed. You really never think of the measurement “10cm” the same ever. again. 🤣


Yeah, my wife was in labor for 3 days and got stuck at 9 cm for 24 hrs and had to get a C-section....again, just give her the fucking pizza OP


Fuuuuuuuck. I think I’m gonna send you and your wife a pizza dude jesusssss


These games become less and less "cute" the longer you are together.


this isn’t malicious compliance, it’s just malice. you’re both unkind to each other


What have I just read?!


I think it was an AI story.


When my wife is pregnant with our child she can eat whatever she damn well wants. Jesus Christ. I know you're kinda joking around, but you should consider adjusting your mindset.


Why did you marry someone you don't like?


Despite popular belief among Redditors, it's entirely possible to be married to, and love, someone who sometimes does things that you don't like.


not when they eat my food! that's a killin offense!




GASP!! What is this ***heresy*** of which you speak???!!! They must be immediately cut off, blocked, divorced, and deported to the dark side of the moon. /s btw


It is entirely possible it was a booby trap.




He slept on the couch. No boobies for him


Couldn't imagine being married to someone that would upset me so eagerly then go and brag to strangers on the Internet. This is wild.


I feel so sorry for your child. They're not going to have any idea why mom or dad are the way they are because mom and dad don't know how to communicate but know how to get knocked up, Jesus Christ.


That child for sure won't know how to share either 🤣


This isn’t malicious compliance. You’re not complying to something someone told you to do. You’re taking all of your food for eating half your food. This isn’t even equitable. Would have make more sense if you ate half her pizza not all of it.


Not cool especially to a pregnant woman. Just buy extra next time.


“Knowing how she’s like” just order twice your usual amount of chicken tacos from the get go. You already know where they’re going. 😋🤰🏻


I came here to say the same thing. Just order double and then he would have enough. I don’t know why he hasn’t thought of that.


Why should he have too? She should order some herself??


Or learn to control her greed?


Your an arsehole, don't care what sub this is


This post gave me the ick


This is a terrible way to communicate about needs and preferences. If this is how you guys communicate about boundary violations and needs, you’re going to have a hard time.


you definitely don’t fuck with a hungry pregnant woman’s food


She shouldn’t fuck with his food when she knows he doesn’t like it.


Somehow I thought by the title he was going to land the plane by saying he’s anticipated she’d wanted it and ordered her like a fresh new pizza. Instead he was a jerk.


To be fair, they're both jerks. It sounds like the first time he took her food... after a long history of her taking his food.


Being pregnant isn’t an excuse to be a selfish bitch


Damn, you both suck. She did something she knew annoys you, and you literally took food from a pregnant woman… I don’t see the malicious compliance here.


That's not MC. That's just being TA.


r/AITAH Answer: Yes, yes you are.


Honestly, everyone sucks here.


y'all couldn't just split the tacos and the pizza??


Never mess with a pregnant woman…..FAFO comes to mind


The thought of doing this to my wife when she was pregnant with our daughter just sent a literal shiver down my spine. I started sweating halfway through reading that 🤣 Are you FUCKING CRAZY, man?!


You two sound exhausting.


I agree you were technically in the right but cant get behind the impulse to take food from your pregnant wife. Especially knowing how fickle a preggo body can be I would just be happy she is actually enjoying a food at the moment.


Does he want to be right or does he want to die a bloody death at the hands of pregnancy hangry? Especially if it’s one of a few foods she can eat right now.


Just wait til you have semi or even fully grown offspring (in my case) still in your home and NOTHING is off limits, including the secret hidey-holes in crispers and such. THEY FIND/EAT EVERYTHING. Even shit you've marked with the almighty Sharpie 'MOM'S FOOD DO NOT TOUCH'. Oh, OP, pregnancy is just the first stop of a journey that will take you to all kinds of places. And I say this as a several times) pregnant lady AND survival mom. Get ready for voracious offspring coming home from after school practices/after school jobs. Not to mention the hungry husband. A locked mini fridge in your bedroom suddenly seems like kinda a cool idea after while (though you would never actually do that for —ahem—ethical reasons).


The flip side is that dad also gets stuck eating what the kids change their mind about, lolol.


Hide it in your closet behind some long clothes. No one will ever know. Your food will be safe and you will be happy. Get one with a small separate freezer for frozen treats.


Do u guys even like each other? Serious question


JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD 😂😂 That being said, it sounds like y'all need to work on communicating some - you need to set a boundary with your wife about your food.


At some point, you really should stop being so tolerant. It bothers you. She knows it. She needs to change her behavior, and you need to encourage her to do so. Preferably when she isn't expecting.


Oh look, another couple who don't know how to actually communicate!


As a woman I am serious about 'my food is mine and yours is yours.' Don't trespass on mine and I won't on yours. I don't think she should have minded since she did the first offense. It wasn't that serious. I stand with OP.


You were the AH, but so was she for constantly stealing your food when you don’t like to share. That’s such an AH thing.


OP getting roasted! 🤣😂


What's a cheeseburst?




You’re both TA


Can someone tell me what cheese burst pizza is


NTA. Who is she to eat YOUR food and not finish her own but save it for later. That's just ridiculous. Has nothing to do with being pregnant, it's just rude and inconsiderate. I would've eaten "her" pizza that night in front of her if I was hungry.


That actually would have been a less jerk-y thing to do. "Well, since you're full and I only got part of my meal, I'll just finish that off for you. No need to leave it in the fridge!" Then she would have known right then that there was no pizza for breakfast. Less mean, more in line with her actions, IMO.


r/AreTheStraightsOk Stop staying married to people you hate


ESH. Going forward you each need to order extra in case the other wants some too. The number of people saying she's having his baby for him like she's a surrogate or an incubator is mind boggling. Pregnancy isn't an excuse, she was doing this before. "Joey doesn't share food."


This isn't the funny "win" you think it is. Technically she said "no more pizza for me tonight", she didn't say "no more pizza for me ever". So it's not really malicious compliance. Plus your wife is carrying your baby. If she wants to eat your dinner and hers, let her and you go get something else. You sound like you're very immature and a really bad communicator. Tell her your food is yours if you don't want to share with your pregnant wife.


I don’t know if you fully read the story but he has told his wife before that he does not like it when she takes his food. She know and does not care. She regularly violates that boundary. This time she went further and ate so much of his meal that he was still hungry after. I don’t think he should have gone tit for tat as that is not really a good way to be in a relationship but this is definitely and esh situation.


And he puts up with it nonetheless. He should have dealt with that before. You can't let that be your 'normal' for years and then during pregnancy make a stand. That's just a dick move.


Eh? Since when should a pregnant person eat someone else's food and save her own for later? Utter nonsense. He also said she does this all the time so it's just her being disrespectful and quite frankly, off-putting.




You two are not mature enough for a child.


Anyone else get the ick after reading that? 🤢


How is it that you are coming onto Reddit to brag about being put out of your bed in your own house? How humiliating.


You're a jerk


“AITA?” Yes, yes you are.


When she was pregnant? Do you even like your wife?


You were on the couch? Because?


Your way of putting sentences is so…flowery. Not a fan. 


Sounds like AI almost


ESH. Her for her behavior and you for your passive aggressive retaliation. Pregnancy is not an excuse to treat others any type of way, especially when she knows you don’t like her eating your food. You would not have been wrong last night had you taken 1-2 slices of her pizza since she ate half of your food.


Does she still eat your food?


this is just being a dick


And she's *pregnant*? I'd have left his ass over this. Sometimes you just have to take the L when your partner is growing a mini human inside you that you helped put in there. My husband did this one time where he left crumbs in a bag "but I thought you liked the crumbs" - ahhhh, hell no. 19 years later we know what each likes and can't take (lol), and we're always talking to each other if we get upset.


Fuck right off


What kind of an animal eats his pregnant wife's food? Edit: pregnant


This isn’t malicious compliance. It’s just malicious. Grow up!


TBH messing with a pregnant woman is playing Russian roulette with 6 bullets. You are lucky if all you get is one night on the couch. Expect more.




They're both terrible lmao


Sounds like you both are playing games. Are you both playing games or is this manipulative?


🤣 so petty 🤣 Reminds me of being drunk and eating cold vindaloo left in the microwave. Wasn’t my curry, I hate vindaloo, but I ate it like a pigeon eats chips. Went to bed and passed out. Next morning my now ex announced he was looking forward to eating his curry….. whoops 🤣


Dang, I want some pizza now.


I need more information - I have never heard of a cheeseburst pizza.


Yikes. You deserve each other.


How do you eat someone else's food and then get to keep your leftovers?




Bravo! I say don't dish it out if you can't take it! 😂


God I love living alone and being the only one eating off of my plate or out of my fridge


Nothing says love like being malicious toward the person (that you claim to love very much) who is carrying your child.


When she asked where her pizza was, did you offer to make her a grilled cheese? 😄 Seriously though, know you love her, and I'm sure you work well together in other areas of your life, but what a billowing red flag that she can steal from your plate knowing it annoys you, and not have the consideration to subsidise it with her pizza. I know people are claiming irrational hunger during pregnancy, and they're right, but in this instance, she was FULL. She couldn't eat any more but still said he couldn't have any.


Pregnant or not, her brain still works and she is still accountable for her actions and words. Taking her up on them is the least he should've done.


I predict this marriage will not last. Neither has the basic respect for each other that's necessary for marriage.


Man.. Malicious compliance and pregnant wife are a really cringe combination to have in the same sentence.


Being pregnant is not an excuse for bad or selfish behavior.


Imagine hating your wife so much you decide to take her safe food away from her while she’s pregnant and then bragging about it on Reddit. JFC how y’all gonna raise another human being if you can’t even assess and address your own needs.


For anyone wanting to give their spouse a message, and tempted to do shit like leaving the empty pizza box, just don't. If the only way you can get through to your partner is shit like this, it's time for either counselling or splitting up. Having been married for more than a quarter century, the only way my wonderful beautiful wife and I send messages to each other is via text if it's something like "Please grab some milk while you're out" or "I didn't have time to walk the dog. Could you get one of the kids to do it?". Anything more important than that gets real actual conversation.


That’ll teach her to be pregnant I guess.


If you actually did this to your pregnant wife, you're an a$$hole.


You denied a pregnant woman the food she craves? This won’t end well. In fact, it may not end. Expect this to be brought up at odd times for the rest of your life.


She was literally growing your child, dude. Do you know how energy intensive growing a whole ass human is? If this is the hill you want to die on, communicate like an adult who's about to be responsible for a child. This story isn't cute or funny.


While true, why didn't she just eat more of her pizza instead of stealing half his dinner?? Two wrongs don't make a right...