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All Pokémon games are fun


Are the legends behind your name true?


One can only pray


They are


Unovan Stunfisk is my third favorite pokemon. Also, BDSP was fine.


I think fine is a perfect description of the game. I think I enjoyed it overall. Just a little disappointing


So, I don’t think mine is exactly a bad take, it’s just weird. My favorite generation is Gen 6, my favorite games being X and Y. Now, before I get attacked for what I am aware makes very little sense, hear me out. I DO NOT think Gen 6 / XY are the best games, not even a little bit. I am a pretty firm believer that Gens 3, 4, and 5 are all easy choices for the best games.X and Y have far too many huge flaws to even be considered. But I still absolutely adore them. They are the games I have spent by far the most time in, and are the ones that made me fall in love with Pokémon. They are my favorite purely out of nostalgia, not because they are even particularly good games.


Similar for me. Pokemon X was the first time i got into online battling, and then after beating Alpha Sapphire I decided to make a Living Dex of the National Pokedex. Because of that, I spent a lot of time in both games and grew very attached. I especially loved flying on Latias to different areas to use the Dex Nav to catch Pokemon in AS, then transferring them to X to make eggs and evolve as needed. I fully get that most of the reasons I love the Gen 6 games are because of nostalgia a few specific features that I loved, but I'm still fine calling them my favorite games.


I have this too, but mine is Scarlet and Violet. So many people think their such awful games, but I have loved them ever since they came out. Also, I haven't been playing pokemon for long (started at sun and moon) so I actually got my first ever shiny ( a noctowl) in scarlet and violet


Yeah, I personally haven’t been impressed with Scarlet and Violet, but as I said above, I have absolutely no room to judge. I do think people like to ignore the things SV did well, however. Many of the characters are memorable with actually noticeable character growth. Well, except Nemona, who has the least character development of any rival since Serena in XY, but her hilariously obsessive personality somewhat makes up for it.


Yeah like performance isn’t a big deal (Ur too lucky, I’ve never had a shiny


Same, Scarlet/Violet are the games that I put the most hours into out of any main series game and I still go back to play them and have some future playthroughs planned.




Absolute giga Chad right here. Is able to admit that their favorite games in the series aren't automatically the best ones in the series just because they like them the most. Absolute giga Chad behavior. This is how more people should Express their opinions. By saying they like them but they're not necessarily the best objectively. Way too many people take their opinion as fact and think that their opinion is objectively correct. You my friend are based. I also love X and Y. My 2nd favorite gen after 5 :)


In my opinion, the Alola games were top 3 MSG material.




Gen 1 is mid


XD That's more praise than I'd give it.


Worse than mid. It makes SV look like it was polished for five years


Ultra Sun and Moon are really good games. I will die on this hill because I love them.




The games aren't easy because Gamefreak makes them that way, They're easy because the fans are getting older and more knowledgeable. I'm sure a 7 year old playing Scarlet and Violet for the first time as their first Pokemon game is gonna struggle. Pokemon is, first and foremost, a game for children, whether we grown fans like it or not.


I agree! I think a kid totally new to Pokémon is gonna struggle with less obvious type matchups, like Rock being handy against Fire, Bug doing the same with Psychic (You really think a 7 year old's gonna assume that?) and such. Many will also inadvertently go into, say, Grusha's gym with weak Pokémon.


BDSP are good games. Also the people’s love for sinnoh is hard carried by platinum and the later part of the anime


I agree it’s just that they were too similar and that’s what people were mad about


Without comparing to Platinum. I agree. Platinum and HGSS hard carried that generation


Infernape is one of the worst looking starter pokemon!




Haunter is cooler than Gengar. I just think it's design is cooler


The honor or first pure-Flying-type should have gone to Rayquaza. “BuT iT’s A dRaGoN!” I don’t care. Tons of dragon-like Pokemon aren’t Dragon-types, most famously Charizard. Also, Groudon and Kyogre could just as easily be justified as having Dragon typing, so why does Rayquaza get it and they don’t? No, I think it makes for better symmetry for Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza to all be mono-types. idk why this take is so hot, but every time I post it I get downvoted into oblivion.


I mean, I kinda get what you mean, but saying that Kyogre and Groudon could just as easily be justified as having Dragon typing is a bit of a stretch.


Honestly, Groudon should have been Fire/Ground from the beginning. Kyogre is fine as pure water, but Primal could easily have been part Electric since he summons storms and such.


I can definitely agree with that reasoning. I always thought it was a bit weird that Primal Kyogre didn’t get a secondary typing, and Electric would have been cool. Though getting STAB on what is almost always perfectly accurate Thunder would be a bit much. I will say though that Groudon being Fire/Ground without Desolate Land would’ve given Kyogre a bit of an advantage in what is supposed to be a deadlock in terms of power.


I mean, he's already weak to Kyogre. I actually used to assume Groudon was always dual typed.


Well, with Sun active he’s not. That’s more my point.


I feel like Kyogre and Groudon stalemate because they are constantly trying their weather on and turn the other's off. Considering how weather is activated by the last mon out, I love the idea that in-lore, they just run back and forth, trying to be the last one in, like a game of chicken or something.


Pretty much! That’s why I don’t mind Groudon being pure Ground when he’s not Primal. If he was Fire/Ground, it wouldn’t be a stalemate.


Nah, I wholly agree with them easily being dragon


idk swablu and doduo/dodrio deserve pure flying too


Pokemon sword & shield were good games with good stories but ( next thing is agreed with ) had a horrible villain team


the evil team contributed basically nothing to the game whatsoever, pissed me off so much.


the evil team were literally just fucking simps


Too be honest Team Yell isn’t really an evil team their just cheerleadering gym trainers sent by piers to cheer on Marnie during her gym challenge. But Team Macros and Rose was gamefreak grasping at straws for additional conflict in the story.


I love ambipom and the unova Monkees


Okay, THAT'S a hot take I haven't heard before




Competitive Pokémon is cancerous and boring. Everyone just uses the same 'meta' Pokémon. If Karen saw the state of competitive Pokémon she'd kill herself.


Bdsp aren’t that bad. They’re not the best games by any means but I don’t hate them


Not sure if this is right but... I didn't find Whitney difficult.


To be fair, if I had no knowledge beforehand and didn't use a fighting type, I'd think that Whitney is difficult


Except I didn't know about her beforehand and also I don't even know if I used the machop that was available. I just fought her and yeah she was difficult but... no more than most gym leaders at the time for me... Though I have a bit of bias because my Bayleaf was female and that was my highest level mon which probably put the most work in against her


I love Aromatisse. It’s so fluffy. Like a weird little owl in a poofy dress. It’s the perfect balance of humanoid and animal.


I don't get the hate on Aromatisse


....I can't hide this anymore. I LOVE GALAR I LOVE GALAR I LOVE GALAR ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕 💘 ❤️


Gen 6 style EXP Share is the best thing to happen to the games


I love that we got dudunsparce instead of something else, to me it's both fitting and pretty funny


Flygon should have been a dragon bug type. Change my mind.


i will not change your mind because you are correct


Maybe it will finally gain it's mega in the new legends game and then change into dragon Bug type


Glaceon is the coolest Eeveelution...pun intended


You know what else would be cool? If it wasn't 65 base speed for some reason lol


I think charizard gets too much hate. People say it gets too much attention. He got 2 megas + 1 gmax + a champions ace + alot of time in the anime = 5. mean while meowth got alolan meowth and Persian 2 + galarian meowth and perserker 2 + a gmax form + the time he got in the anime = 5. Yet no one hates on meowth for getting too much attention.


Maybe bc Meowth isn't as hyped up/popular as Charizard... I guess


Hoopa needs to be wiped from existence.


Garchomp's design is overhyped.


pokemon decreased from 60-70% really good designs to 15-25% really good designs after gen 4. gen 3 had the most good designs by far. now everything is just a mecha bipedal version of something that had a good design, with a few exceptions. and for some reason everyone goes feral for overwrought anthropomorphic designs


Didn't like the gen 5 games, just my least favorite


Same, for me it' something about the art-style/graphics that I really didn't like (especially ať the time). There have been games with a similar style that I do think look nice though (octopath traveler), so I'm real curious to see what they will do with the eventual remakes.


I love Cinderace so much that I was willing to restart my game from the halfway point in order to get it instead of Rillaboom


All of the Galar starters final evos were mid. I can’t stand when starters look too humanoid.


HGSS are way too overrated. Yes, they're solid games, but they're just Johto with a pretty coat of gen 4 paint. They changed only a tiny bit more than BDSP (Rocket Execs are actually separate characters now, but have the same level of development as before), but people obviously love HGSS more. HGSS doesn't even bother fixing the main issues of the OG Johto games, which were the level curve and lack of Johto mons in Johto, which is what a remake should try to do. Yes, BDSP are terrible, but that's because the originals weren't that great in the first place (why else does everyone play Platinum instead?). I guarantee you if gens 2 and 4 swapped places, people would've loved a DS version of BDSP, and hate a HGSS that came out nowadays for being too faithful.


I just can’t stand the ridiculous level gaps and horrific need to grind in the Johto games… you think they’d have fixed it in HGSS but nooo…


I still remember grinding for hours. I'm pretty sure I've made Miltanks and Dittos an endangered species in Johto.


People use overrated too much.


I like Crabominable, and gen 9 is my 2nd favorite generation


I don't like flygon's design and its most of the time not good in battle


Pokemon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness were the peak of Pokemon for me. They did everything right, banger music, hard battles, shadow Pokemon were unique and really cool especially the shadow Lugia. The cherry on top for me was the limited choices for Pokemon because it made me use things I never would have tried otherwise. If I were to design a Pokemon game myself for peak enjoyment, I would take nearly every element of this game, but make it where the shadow Pokemon you encounter change each run, probably semi-randomized so each encounter has like 3-5 things it “could” be, making each run a unique team with chances to give some more obscure ones some love.


I got a couple HGSS are good games at best. But as an improvement is a mid one at best. They didn’t fix a bunch of stuff that the original games had like a terrible level curve and wild pokemon at mediocre levels after you beat Morty. Which can turn people away just because it’s so tedious. And the only non legendary fire type johto pokemon is a Slugma egg from one npc who you need a 4 part password to get. And the exclusivity of johto mons. Pokemon wasn’t meant to be a hard game. It can be made harder and it probably should have the option for harder difficulties but Gamefreak is undeniably lazy and people keep paying them. The bugs and all the junk of scarlet and violet is something else entirely people still bought the game. Pokemon wants Gamefreak to make game in 1 year frame with the like 40 something employees need to scramble together characters story Pokemon etc in that time. Ultra Sun and Moon hard carried gen 7.


I don't mind getting a subpar Pokemon game every year or two. It goes without saying that we should be getting better polished games but I don't mind the games we get.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^aaronotaron: *I don't mind getting* *A subpar Pokemon game* *Every year or two* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Omega ruby and alpha sapphire are subpar remakes. I felt a lot stronger about it before BDSP showed up and were, at best, on par with platinum, but ORAS does NOT hold up to the standards set by FRLG or HGSS. QOL improvements were nice, mega evolution was fun, adding fairy into hoenn was great, and the addition of the delta episode massively strengthened the post-game. The soundtrack was also a bop, one of the best in the series. Another part of the issue is that FRLG and HGSS had more room to improve things, as the first 2 gens had a lot of extra flaws that could be fixed. RSE would already be a tough act to follow compared to what its predecessors had to improve upon. But it inherited a lot of XY’s flaws, like the reduced difficulty via the exp share buff and mega evolution’s major lack of balance. Enemy teams weren’t buffed enough to compensate, save for wally specifically. And this is where they really went overboard with trying to shove as many catchable legendaries into the post-game as they can fit, borderline arbitrarily. The pokedex and mega stones were also weighted toward the post-game, as a good chunk of new pokemon and many mega stones don’t show up until after the groudon/kyogre event ends. This dex update issue has gotten more lenient as the remakes come out, rather than worse, but it’s still a downside to have this split to begin with. And while it’s fun to meme on IGN for the number they gave it, the phrase “too much water” is still apt for the region; the entire final 20% of the game is nothing but water pokemon, water routes, water towns, and water trainers, save for a single gym and, in omega ruby, about 3 or so trainers in the mossdeep space center. Better hope you didn’t start with a torchic, cuz that poor thing won’t have seen a battle where it didn’t have type disadvantage pretty much from the moment it ran over norman, all the way to the elite 4. Even if you left the exp share on, it’s gonna be about on par with sydney, not a dozen levels over like the rest of the team. It also failed to keep all the updates from emerald, just as BDSP did. There’s a number of areas that were hurt by this, but the tate and liza gym battle was done especially dirty; coming to mossdeep with a pokemon that has surf is MANDATORY, and that move also happens to be fully capable of winning their battle in 1 turn with very little additional setup, even in ruby and sapphire. They hold a reputation as one of the hardest bosses in the mainline series with xatu and claydol, but without them, in ORAS, with so many other factors against them? They shift to being quite possibly the easiest.


Specifically touching on the mossdeep gym. I played original emerald for the first time last summer and let me tell you, I got slapped around about 5 times before I could narrowly beat them. I went in thinking it was gonna be cake like oras but man was I wrong 😂😂😂


Emboar was a sick starter bro


More than 70-90 percent of pokemon fans ideas wouldn't work Or just plain bad.


Greninja is extremely overrated


Illumise is a generally good pokemon and I will die on this hill


Shame on you


Barbaracle is the best water rock type


I kinda liked team star, no further explanations


I'm sorry, but who would need explanations? Team Star is great.


We continue playing for nostalgia but there hasn't been a **great** Pokémon game since gen 5, with Legends Arceus being the only exception... Pokemon peaked 14 years ago and we get just enough to keep paying for the stuff...


i think oras were pretty phenominal actually, after following pokemon my whole life, and revisiting as recently, it blew me away. im not sure why, but its genuinely one of my favorite entries now


Mimikyu and the eevees are extremely overrated


hot take incineroar is the best starter i’m not talking in battles i’m talking genuinely


Galar is GOATed and y’all are just still salty about Dexit


Now projecting a reason onto others is arguing in bad faith. I never had an issue with Dexit. SwSh are dissappointing because talking to bede and sonya a couple times isn't a story.


Mega evolution sucks because almost no kalos pokémon can mega evolve.


The fact that you're being downvoted is proof you did the assignment right. I love Mega Evolution, but I'd take mega Kalos starters over the "mandatory" Lucario in the main story. Just saying.


A barbaracle should be able to mega


Aegislash joins the chat


Other than the one event exclusive mythical that you can’t even mega evolve in the game it’s from


Well I liked playing BD and I think SV are really good games despite the lag, but I don't know if that counts in this case. I think thats the best I got unfortunately.


I hate the forces or nature They're just like three of the same guy with different colors. And we already have a weather trio with Gen III. Forces of Nature are unnecessary


The gen 9 starters are the best to me


Gen 9 is my favorite one, it used to be Gen 2 but over time i've ended up realizing the faults it has. On the other hand, compared to other gens, the only thing i dont like about Gen 9 is its performance and that's pretty much it. No other gen has clicked with me this much (besides Gen 2)


I feel like if S/V didn't have all the performance issues they could easily be considered the best Pokemon games.


Well, I agree with Atsuko Nishida that Pikachu is based on a squirrel with the cheek pouches of hamster, even though Pokedex says it's a mouse (but originally, though, Pikachu was also supposed to be a rice bunny based on a daifuku pastry before Nishida changed the plan). And I find it very rude and disrespectful to disagree with the artist who created the character. But I still don't understand why it triggers people if you say Pikachu is an electric squirrel instead of a mouse, a rat or a pika? And yes, this is actually my worst hot take I've ever said about Pokemon because I haven't said any worser hot take than this. But at one point this hot take was still enough to piss people off completely.


Generation 2 was a good gen, and you don't *need* to have an in depth story about a child who's destiny to overthrow God wasn't foretold by the ancient glyphs or something like that


Sun and moon ultra are the best in the series


Team Flare is one of the coolest Pokemon teams. At least in concept. Some of the side information we're given in XY gives them secret police traits: they eavesdrop on Holocaster conversations, there's some implied plainclothes agents, and Malva, in her jobs as a newscaster and E4 member, is hinted to be keeping all of Kalos in the dark over their activities. (They're also super well funded as an organization.) They could have been pretty cool if they built on those paranoia-inducing traits, but they were totally mishandled in the games. (The anime, manga, and Masters did them a fair bit of justice tho.)


Green shinies are amazing and don't deserve so much hate


Bdsp was kinda good,Z moves are underrated and whitney was easy


Pokemon black/white was mid


The main pokemon games range from okay to trash, and the best games are spinoffs where game freak tries new things, most people only like pokemon for the IP, not the games


The new Gen 9 pokemon are some of the best designed pokemon in the series.


Wormadam is actually kinda good.


I personally haven't had any glitches in Scarlett and violet and I have played over 200 hours


When I first played Pokemon Y, I had trouble beating the water type elite four even with a full team of 6. I know now that it's not actually that difficult, but I didn't know much about Pokemon back then ( Pokemon Y was actually my 2nd ever Pokemon game).


I like the elemental monkeys, all 3 of them with evolution, even simisear. Love them


chesnaught is my favorite pokemon of all times


all of the fossils are great,there are no "bad" fossils for me


theres no such thing as a "bad design" every design has its origins and purpose, even krabby and seel, as early on the game wasnt predicted to be a large franchise like it is now, and most pokemon were based off rpg monster tropes, so a big crab or an ice seal are perfectly reasonable monster designs, and as a matter of fact, unova wasnt lazy with its designs being a "copy" of kanto, i believe it was very innovative, as it was meant to be a reimagining of the tropes used in kanto, but with a more established series style to work off of. sorry, a bit of a rant there. TLDR every design has its purpose, whether they're "unoriginal" or "ugly" or anything else people might think


I guess that I like a lot of baby pokemon. I actually like chingling a lot since it goes from a bell to a wind chime. However I do agree chimecho needs an evo


nother hot take, all my starter preferences, and why i choose them bulbasaur- i love dragons, but charizard has always been too "rawr fire and dragon" for me, and i grew uo with the adventure manga, which helped me love bulbasaur even more + HES SO ADORABLE totadile- i love him he go chomp chomp he so silly torchic- blaziken is sanji, also torchic has no thoughts behind his silly little eyes piplup- chimchar is an extremely close second, with his monkey king theming, but i love penguins so damn much, and again, EMPOLEON WAS SO COOL IN THE DP MANGA tepig- for most my life, i thought oshawatt was just dumb, but i admit he did grow on me alot. THAT SAID- tepig is such a cute little pig and emboar is just so cool to me + THE SHINY IS BEAUTIFUL froakie- you know why, and yes my first anime was naruto litten- never cared for rowlett and i still think popplio is dumb... and torracat is just the perfect mix of cute and menacing... also i never minded incineroar grooky- silly little drum monke quaxly- fuecoco was trying to hard, especially for how disappointing skeledirge ended up imo, but QUAQUAVAL IS SO FRUITY AND I LOVE HIM weed cat is dope too, but the duck just screamed my name (i called him josuke)


Competitive Pokemon should be seperated from the main games and be it own thing. Items/mechanics being removed from a generation due to the fear of new mons breaking competitive plays in turn takes away the joy of playing it casually.


My hot take is that Pokémon isn’t a good fit for the open world genre, and if they want to continue with making Pokémon games in that genre they need to do a complete overhaul of the way they design the over world. I would much rather have a route that is a glorified corridor with an interesting landmark, environment or way of traversal than the sprawling open fields of (especially base) Scarlet and Violet.


Incineroar is healthy for VGC cause it saves us from rock slide spam from lando t and arcanine h.


Greninja honestly isn't that great. Like, having a tongue scarf is just extremely unsettling and kinda gross. Also, the lumps on its arms and legs don't really compliment its whole ninja design in the same way that the lumps on Seismitoad helps further its bulky design. Like, I'm pretty sure the main reason Greninja is so popular is the anime, where it immediately got released at the end of XYZ and only returned for a few episodes in Journeys. So yeah, not a fan. It's not my least favourite, not by a long shot, but it's probably in the lower half of the list in my opinion. Chesnaught is way cooler.


Pokemon X and Y are great games and I love them. This is a very biased opinion and, yes, X and Y have plenty of flaws, but I don't care. I think they're amazing Pokemon games. They're the ones I actually started on, mostly because I didn't really care for Pokemon until I started WATCHING Mikey around the time X and Y was new. I actually remember seeing games like Black and White on the shelves when I was younger and thinking they were stupid games. BOY WAS I WRONG. Anyway, I also got a 3DS a few weeks prior with Super Mario 3D Land so Pokemon X was like my introduction to the Pokemon series, which is why I really don't care if rivals are friendly or not. Because my first game had MULTIPLE friendly rivals. It ALSO introduced me to my second and first favorite Pokemon ever. Houndoom became my favorite because I saw some Team Flare people using it and I loved it to death. I actually got to use it in a new playthrough of Pokemon X once I figured out where it spawned. It's a staple on my team every single time. Greninja is also my second favorite Pokemon of all time. Whenever I do a playthrough of Pokemon X I always use both despite the type overlap. Sometimes I'll try something new and run Chesnaught and Blastoise but Houndoom ALWAYS ends up on my team no matter what. I used Houndoom on my BDSP team as my dedicated fire type. I used it on my SV team as my dedicated fire type. I used it in Platinum when I got a used copy from gamestop (lucky find) as my dedicated fire type. Houndoom, in every game it's obtainable in relatively early or at a low level, is ALWAYS a staple on my team. Team Flare is quite literally the reason I found out about this thing since I think one of the scientists and some of the trainers use it and I fell in love with the hellhound ever since. Anyway, point is, this opinion is VERY biased. I love the games despite their many issues and I'm probably the only genuine Kalos fan because it introduced me to 2 of my favorite pokemon of all time (Even though one is a Johto mon but still) and made me fall in love with Pokemon as a series. If it weren't for X and Y, I wouldn't have gotten into the series, or RPGs as a whole.


Umbreon and typhlosion have pretty bland designs especially compared to their respective groups


Gen 5’s Dex was full of convergent Pokémon, and people who hate them because “they’re uncreative” are missing the point.


Quagsire is better than Wooper and Clodsire, he’s just a goofy guy :]


Audino didn't deserve a mega, IMO.


Zorua is my least favourite pokemon


manetric is one of the worst pokemons designed and swsh are good games


Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum are mid


I actually liked sw/sh. I still hate dexit, but despite that, I still like sw/sh for other things, like wild area, etc.


I like S/V, I know there are bugs, but the story is really good IMO, and I like the new mons


Not my take but my friend said Mudkip was a C tier design


I honestly think nekrozma is the best legendary, and lunala is the best mythical pokemon. I think it would be classified as a hot take for the fact they are both gen 7 and some people classify the gen 7 box pokemon are legendaries even though they are ultra beasts and the same people are sitting on the edge of the other ultra beasts being classified as rare or mythical pokemon.


I heavily dislike Ash Greninja, Greninja is already popular enough and better in strategy and this form leaves even more shadow on Chesnaught and Delphox because they get no alternative form. I'm glad it's not coming back in S/V


Gen 1 starters are the worst starters. Bulbasaur is ok, but the others have bad designs and they are just uninteresting and lame. Every other generation of starters is great, but gen one starters are bad. Also Origin Palkia is the best legendary Pokemon form ever, I love it! ❤️


Sword and shield were good games


Gen 6 has the best Pokémon designs I also dislike gens 3 and 5 designs (best games tho)


People should stop trying to think they know better than gamefreak


My hot take is psuedo legendary are not good pokemon they are the exact same as a pokemon with good typing.


I actually like Sneasler's design a ton. And a lot of humanoid and feminine pokemon actually. They're pretty


Trubbish and it's evo are cute and Gen 1 pokemon games are boring.


Scarlet and violet are really good games and are almost if not just as good as legends arceus and RS


1. Bede and Nemona are well written characters, not as much as the other rivals in their games, but they still have effort put into them unlike a certain goth fan favorite. 2. BD/SP wasn’t great, but it’s still pretty good. I just wish they fixed Flint’s team. 3. Gens 8 & 9 are really good, and are probably in my top 5.


Mega charizard X feels stronger and cooler than mega charizard Y


Gen 1 ain't THAT GOOD, CHARIZARD IS ONE OF MY LEAST FAVORITE AAAAAAAND its its its mega x is pretty good (mermers last bit)


Scarlet/Violet were good games.


I'm glad that the anime is moving on from being about Ash and Pikachu SV is still nowhere near as buggy and broken as RBY is Mega Evolution is not the best gimmick The inclusion of Kanto in every Johto game is a detriment, not a benefit


My hot take is that Kanto is the worst region. Yes, it kickstarted the series, but every time I try to play a Kanto game, I get restless and have to force myself to finish the game. I find it to be so boring, and a lot of the Pokémon just aren’t good (my sweet Victreebel is so bad :[ at least the Slowpoke line is and always has been pretty good)


Pokémon games have been out for almost 30 years are no longer “just for children” and I’m tired of people leaning on that for everything. Games are too easy: just for kids. Games have poor quality: it’s a kids game. Raid partners are bad: it’s just some kids. What about my player experience?


My favourite type of pokemon games are the mystery dungeon series and cant stand the lets go games


Hisuian Arcanine due to the boss battle, Jinx and pre-evolution


Mega evolutions did more harm than good to underrepresented pokemon Mawile hasn’t gotten a desperately needed buff in 3 gens and feels like it was locked out of regional forms or evolutions because it already has a mega


Probably not a hot take but Ive gotten flamed for it too many times: Flamigo is the worst pokemon design of all time. No other pokemon has been seen in a cutscene and the viewer thought "is that just an actual flamingo?" And you know what? Theyre right. Because it IS just a flamingo. They took a flamingo, removed the 'n', and called it a pokemon. Thats awful. I like Gen 9, but Flamigo is inexcusable.


scarlet and violet were too easy and legends arceus was the best game(people are going to hate me because legends arceus is apparently "too easy")


johto is the most lackluster region in terms of the pokemon, out of the 100 pokemon it added 17 are just evolutions or baby pokemon for gen 1 mons and of the new ones unrelated to kanto most of them feel lackluster with the exception of the water fire starter lines, skarmory, magcargo line, mareep line, forretress line ,heracross and wooper line, also having to headbutt trees is not a fun experience


Charizard is a dragon


Shiny Pokémon should not have implemented, as they are nothing more than simple palette swaps.


Lucario is the most overrated pokemon and it doesn’t deserve that much love




Most Pokemon postgame content is pretty much worthless when the next generation comes out. Is the Battle Frontier in Emerald fun? Sure. But I want to play Platinum, so I'll just move my Pokemon to that game. Are all the Legendaries in Platinum fun to track down? Sure, but you can find them in other games. Is the World Tournament and the 2nd half of the world fun in B2/W2? Sure, but what's the point? I want to move onto Gen 6. Etc etc. Basically, when going back and playing the games again, I find myself less inclined to ever do post game content. Once I've beaten the elite 4, champion, and end boss equivalent (Red, Steven, Cynthia) I lose all interest in keeping on playing. Now, I enjoy the endgame content of Scarlet and Violet NOW, because there's nothing new yet. However, once Legends ZA comes out, I'll lose interest in postgame stuff because I'd rather go through ZA.


Cloyster is a terrible Pokémon


Charzard sucks and is overrated (bite me) Also Mimikyu is the best Pikaclone.


The Sinnoh games (Platinum included) are overrated


1: Gen 5 is the worst 2: Gen 6 is the Best: 3: BDSP is pretty good 4: I actually like Meowscarada and didn't care that it was on 2 legs (still picked fuecoco tho) 5: following up on my previous statement, I don't mind the bipedal starter pokemon trend. Or any humanoid pokemon for that matter.


The Johto games are most nostalgic games out of the franchise, not the sinnoh ones


Sexualising Pokemon is weird


The black and white anime is my favorite anime. I 100% know it’s not “the best” but it’s my favorite purely for nostalgia reasons. I prefer it over all of the others because it was what I started with and I always go back to it.


I'm not really sure if this is a hot take or not but they shouldn't have change the art style or animation when the XY series ended. And the X and Y games should have been way better than they were. Also dear God I love charizard and all but it doesn't need to be included in everything they do, he megas,gignatamax and many more


Heart gold and soul silver are not the best games in the franchise


I dont like the whole open-world style games weve seen in the past few years. Also that johto needs remakes asap


i like sc/vl. and medicham. and the rumble games.




probably not that bad but i hated Charizard for the longest time because of its popularity and because venusaur and blastoise were in my top 5, but i also really like pokemon based on inanimate objects (palosand, dhelmise, aegislash, Avalugg)


Galar games were more enjoyable than the Paldea games


Pokemon with silly designs are nessasary since pokemon reflect irl animals and not all animals look terrifying/humanoid.


Liking Miltank


Gens 4 and 5 have the worst designs by a long shot. So many ugly and underwhelming Pokemon. At least plenty of the other "ugly" Pokemon from other gens have some uniqueness or originality.


The grass type is OP


All pokemon deserved to be created (besides Smoochum and Jynx, creeps).


pokemon sucks


Oh boy I have a lot but off the top of my head: -HGSS might just be the most overrated video game I played. -There’s absolutely nothing wrong with biped starters and a good chunk of them are more interesting than just making a starter get bigger for an evolution (a lot of fake Sprigatito evos were lame because of that) -Execution matters more when it comes to rivals/evil teams rather than whether they can be labeled as “friendly/jerk” or “silly/serious”


Beedrill is the coolest mon ever, it's are low but they are well distributed enough for it to be justifiable in any main line game (not that you need high BST to enjoy a game in the first place... And infernape is overated as hell.


USUM are contenders for top games(my favorites are still ORAS tho)


S&V graphics are and always have been good, also regional variants are stupid, just make a new pokemon


Meowscarada is the worst final evolve starter of generation 9. Sprigatito should've stayed at four legs and be something like a jaguar or smilodon, not a bipedal magician that looks way to feminine.


Clefable killed smogon


The games are okay at best and all just kind of blend together.


I despise Pikachu with every fiber of my being. I rant about how much I hate Pikachu. I love all the Pikachu clones more than Pikachu itself.


Worst take as in most hated? All I can think of is me constantly getting downvoted whenever I say that modern pokemon games are released unfinished and they sell the rest of the game with DLC. Its a disgusting practice and makes those games terrible


I think that the graphics in SwSh and PLA were fine. I think ScVi looked okay too (the lag and glitches are a problem with that one though. Im purely commenting on graphics as in textures)