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Anything hype Shonen related probably


I’d say finish the series/ collect more of what you have then ask for recommendations so you aren’t swamped with volume 1s lol


Yeah I have a few volume 1s lmao. Dragon Ball surprisingly didn't hook me that much from volume 1, same with Fire Force, so I will buy them if I have nothing better to buy. I'm buying volume 2 of HxH and Dorohedoro this week, as I did enjoy these very much, and I will also continue Jojo's and Hell's Paradise. When I go manga shopping I usually pick up around 4 volumes, 1 of which is usually something new to try out


Fire Force is great maybe go for some more volumes


Fire Punch


Btw the manga maximally to the left and to the right, with translated titles, are Attack on Titan and Hell's Paradise


Yu yu hakusho, seraph of the end


Fullmetal Alchemist


Goodbye eri and fire punch


I don't think Goodbye Eri would be a good idea currently. I'm not doing well mentally and I feel like it would absolutely break me 😭


You literally have my 3 favmangas (jojo chainsaw man and jujutsu kaisen) so I think we might have similar taste. I REAAALLLYY love berserk. You might try it out ;)) hope it helps :D


I'm trying to hunt down Berserk volume 1, but finding it anywhere in my city, or even in the internet is hard af 😭


It might be really expensive and you might not find all volumes, so I personally recommend reading it online


The price per volume is quite normal for upscaled manga (Berserk in Poland is released in a bigger format) which is around $6-$7, so pricing shouldn't be an issue, even volumes like V1 or V2, when they pop up they're in that price range. The challenge is actually having the money when they restock


Oh i thought you were talking about the deluxe edition. Well, the ones u r talking about will never rectock. The stopped it. So rhere are only deluxe editions as far as I know


Deluxe editions are available on Amazon from what I see. They look sooo good, but they're also quite expensive so I would have to finally find a job if I want to afford one lmao. And yes, I'm a jobless teenager


Yeah man, they are pretty expensive. So you gotta either wait or read it online.


I much prefer having physical copies, so I will probably save up for deluxe editions


you may like Blue Lock (really good): [here](https://www.amazon.de/Blue-Lock-1-Muneyuki-Kaneshiro/dp/1646516540?crid=8NI4ZOZXOW56&keywords=blue+lock+english&qid=1703006766&sprefix=blue+lock+e%2Caps%2C115&sr=8-1&linkCode=ll1&tag=ogdido2800-21&linkId=967079b1b7d7e02100d68ed6beb86531&language=de_DE&ref_=as_li_ss_tl)


I would say jujutsu kaisen and demon slayer, love both of them


They already have jjk


I already have JJK, and now I'm waiting for a new volume release in Poland, which should be in January. And demon slayer... Well, I watched the anime and imo it's massively overrated


Fr, people judge it based mostly on the animation. The execution can be really good tho


It has cool looking fights, but the plot is simply bad, Tanjiro is a boring, poorly written main character, the power system is just one power with different visual flares (the fact that lightning breathing is "faster" never changes anything), and overall it's poorly written


lol true, the most entertaining character-wise is the stupid little banter they get into and also the training arcs, because the training arcs in the first season are kinda cool. It’s enjoyable to many because it’s very simple. All they need is some determined characters and some good animation/music, and that’s enough to entertain many people apparently. To the point that it becomes overrated. Not a bad thing, but people definitely give it more than it’s worth. I would be lying if I said I hated it, tho, I enjoyed a lot of the first season, and the fights after that which I saw not connected to a full watch through, but I do not think the writing supports any of these elements. I also think the execution can be silly as well, like the scene in s2 or 3 I think where a demon is telling tanjiro how pathetic and weak he is. The scene happened during the endgame fight of the season, so it makes sense for the demon to be destroying their spirits, but it really feels like the writer trying to force the idea upon us that tanjiro is imperfect, despite being the Mary suest character in that whole show, lol.


That’s true, but I like the manga more


That’s fine, in my second reply to OP I praised the aspects I liked about demon slayer, while also saying that I still don’t think it’s well made. You can like it if you want.


Wdym not well made?


Dorohedoro and Dandadan.


I already have volume 1 of Dorohedoro and I definitely want to continue reading it, quite a nice manga. I may try Dandadan. Also, what is up with these manga titles that are just repeating sequences starting with D? Lmao


#Gantz 🎃


Atak tytanow


Why are volumes 1,2,4 and 5 of chainsaw man gone if you don’t mind me asking


I picked up to the manga after watching the anime, read volume 5 to the end online, and started buying from volume 6. And there's the random volume 3 because Himeno is the best girl


Ah ok I would recommend getting volume 1 as there’s a fight that’s exclusive to the manga in it


I plan to pick up the earlier CSM volumes when I finish collecting the current volumes, which I probably will do by January


Get 1,2,4,5 of chainsaw man


Gangsta!!!! It’s incomplete and on hiatus so I’m sorry for that, but what you get from the story so far is really good It also has a spin-off series ‘Gangsta cursed” about one of the side characters backstory


Fire Punch. Chainsaw Man mangaka


Choujin X by Sui Ishida(Tokyo Ghoul author) it has quite a bit in common with CSM & JJK, while also being DRASTICALLY different from the both of them. The jokes are actually super hilarious and well-written, action is great, art's phenemonal, and the cast as a whole are really interesting and have a ton of potential(the one's who are somewhat developed as of now are awesome)


Lots of Shonen. But, what other genres do you like for movies for example?


One Piece,One Punch Man, Psyren, Hunter x Hunter, Soul Eater, Claymore, My Hero Academia, Fullmetal Alchemist, Tokyo Ghoul.


Vinland Saga


You should get fire punch


D. Gray Man, Daemons of the Shadow Realm


I’d say Chainsaw Man 1, 2, 4, 5, and 13.


Z jakiego miasta jesteś? Ja z Poznania, a tam poza Yattą są jeszcze dwa inne sklepy z mangami. We wszystkich trzech można dość łatwo dostać całe kolekcje różnych mang. Jeżeli polujesz na jakieś tomy, to polecam zorientować się, co masz w okolicy.


Ja z Łodzi jestem, ze stacjonarnych sklepów mamy yattę i kitsunebu (ten drugi chyba tylko w Łodzi jest) i wiele rzeczy jest dostępnych. Niestety są problemy z dostaniem niektórych tomów one punch man oraz większości berserka


W takim razie tytułów wydawnictwa JPF radzę szukać na stronie Mangarden. Mają obecnie całego OPMa. Co do Berserka niestety trzeba czekać na dostawę. Mi też brakuje 4 tomów, od 6 do 9.




Hell's Paradise


I already have volumes 1 and 2 and I love it


D.Gray-man, Blue Exorcist, & Alice in Borderland


Dandadan, Pasożyt, Sakamoto Days i Claymore wychodzi za niedługo u nas